here's how i interpret the origin of this image: Bill Hitchert, Jon Callanan and Lori Petrosino were facebook friends (prolly IRL friends as well). One day Bill Hitchert posted the Banana image. Maybe he got some response, maybe not. Maybe people commented on the image and he was really proud of his finding. Maybe no one commented and he let it go. I think he got some feedback and he was proud of himself, in a pleb way. Then, one day, perhaps not too long after, Jon Callanan posts the same banana image. I don't know if it was intentional or not. Perhaps he had a beef with Bill Hitchert, perhaps he was just trolling Bill, perhaps he was just as a moron as Bill (they are friends, after all). Bill, upon seeing that, not sure what Jon was up to, tries to fake a laugh and asks where did Jon find it (hey Jon "ha-ha", where did you find this ?). Jon, who prolly knew what he was doing, says, oh, just somewhere. Then adds sarcastically. Nice of you to join us. It's possible that Bill was ignoring Jon, and that Jon did it to bait Bill. Bill, then, passively-agressively says the famous "i really (3x) like this image", as if saying (yeah, I, it was me, before, who posted that image, scumbag) Jon, then replies with his famous: save it, it's yours, which, of course, means "yes, I know you posted, i stoled, suck my dick". Then Lori, who was just passing by, says: "wow, this is funny" Bill, then being the one who posted first, of course, says "thank you, you should thank me, I was the one who introduce the image to this faggot" And that was the story
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