Dear fourchan, (www.Yea

Dear fourchan, (www.Yea

It has come to my attention that this is the internet forum that is responsible for the spamming of my facebook and youtube channel with references to a banana image that I posted to my wall some time back.

I have come here today to demand that you cease this activity at once, and delete and remove any comments that you have already made. My youtube channel is very important to my business, where I give advice on internet marketing and purchasing gold as a long term investment strategy, and your behavior is interfering with these objectives.

If these demands are not met, I will contact the civil authorities, as well as commence legal action against the owners, moderators and users of this internet chat room.


John J. Callanan

Attached: John J. Callanan.jpg (1600x1200, 158K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I really really really like this post.

I really really really like this thread.

Attached: Urban Bananas in the Hood.png (516x526, 181K)

download 1755 banana memes at

Fuck off, mate. You can delete the comments yourself and block people from commenting on your stuff so this is just a bunch of hot air. Nobody gives a shit about you. Facebook and YouTube are public platforms and if we want to interfere with your ability to give people shit financial advice that's our right.

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HOW are you this new

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>not knowing John J Callanan, Bill Hitchert and Lori A. Pertrosino

fucking kill yourself faggot

gtfo cancer

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You must be new?

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Lost my shit

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All you'ares my friend

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wew lad

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me, too. save it. it's all yours, my friend.

poor guy lmao


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anyone got a link to his channel

here's how i interpret the origin of this image: Bill Hitchert, Jon Callanan and Lori Petrosino were facebook friends (prolly IRL friends as well). One day Bill Hitchert posted the Banana image. Maybe he got some response, maybe not. Maybe people commented on the image and he was really proud of his finding. Maybe no one commented and he let it go. I think he got some feedback and he was proud of himself, in a pleb way. Then, one day, perhaps not too long after, Jon Callanan posts the same banana image. I don't know if it was intentional or not. Perhaps he had a beef with Bill Hitchert, perhaps he was just trolling Bill, perhaps he was just as a moron as Bill (they are friends, after all). Bill, upon seeing that, not sure what Jon was up to, tries to fake a laugh and asks where did Jon find it (hey Jon "ha-ha", where did you find this ?). Jon, who prolly knew what he was doing, says, oh, just somewhere. Then adds sarcastically. Nice of you to join us. It's possible that Bill was ignoring Jon, and that Jon did it to bait Bill. Bill, then, passively-agressively says the famous "i really (3x) like this image", as if saying (yeah, I, it was me, before, who posted that image, scumbag) Jon, then replies with his famous: save it, it's yours, which, of course, means "yes, I know you posted, i stoled, suck my dick". Then Lori, who was just passing by, says: "wow, this is funny" Bill, then being the one who posted first, of course, says "thank you, you should thank me, I was the one who introduce the image to this faggot" And that was the story

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>I was only 9 years old
>I loved the cancer banana so much, I had all the .jpgs and .webms
>I eat so many bananas every night before bed, thanking them for the life I've been given
>"Cancer is love" I say; "Cancer is life"
>My dad hears me and calls me a faggot
>I know he was just jealous of my devotion for the banana
>I called him a cunt
>He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep
>I'm crying now, and my face hurts
>I lay in bed and it's really cold
>Suddenly, a warmth is moving towards me
>It's the cancer banana
>I am so happy
>He whispers into my ear "I really really like this image."
>He grabs me with his powerful banana hands and puts me down onto my hands and knees
>I'm ready
>I spread my ass-cheeks for the cancer banana
>He penetrates my butt-hole
>It hurts so much but I do it for the dank memes
>I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water
>I push against his force
>I want to please the banana
>He roars in a mighty roar as he fills my butt with his potassium
>The radiation gives me anus cancer
>My dad walks in
>The banana looks him straight in the eyes and says "It's all yours my friend."
>The banana leaves through my window
>Cancer is love. Cancer is life.

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moot is a confirmed cuck and faggot

Wait until I shift into Maximum Over Cancer

Attached: c6d.png (516x526, 229K)
