Non-porn webms

non-porn webms

Attached: 1565526588419.webm (1920x1080, 1.75M)

Other urls found in this thread:

What a pro.

Attached: 1565526186937.webm (480x480, 1.39M)

Attached: 1560284520415.webm (640x428, 1.73M)

At least he didn't shit on the slope.

Attached: 1565525774611.webm (640x640, 847K)

kek, what a sneaky snake

Attached: 1559237833505.webm (360x360, 1.92M)

This is what the legalization of Marihuana in Alaska has let to.

Attached: 1526902384022.webm (406x720, 1.17M)

Is that a horse pissing?

Attached: 1544373076002.webm (1280x720, 1.74M)

Attached: 1414677433697.webm (240x320, 1008K)

You have to watch the full thing:

Couldn't find a news article unfortunately.

Attached: 1561209488375.webm (718x1280, 911K)

Why would you play it again in slowmo to show off the bad CGI even more

Attached: MASSIVE marijuna tripple hit 402 blow it.webm (430x500, 1.85M)

Attached: 1539354095359(4).webm (426x426, 2M)

Attached: 1512840895899.webm (480x480, 1.92M)

Attached: 1538846733930.webm (352x640, 1.9M)

Attached: 1561140956781.webm (640x358, 1.17M)

>this kills the crab

Yes, instantly

They were already dead, you retards.

>ITT: newfriends

No they werent, lol. They were frozen to a state of near death but not dead. Learning is fun, try it some time. Oh, and just look at the ones on the belt, they are moving slightly.

>being this retarded

Attached: 1560361074542.webm (800x438, 671K)

seafoods better when processed fresh, specially commercially, those crabs have probably been sitting in an ice bath,

They were obviously limp
>still moving
Dipshit, because something moves once it's picked up doesn't mean it's still living. Learning is fun. Try it some time.

I know, its a sad time when you dont even try to further your education and just spout off useless knowledge

If they are frozen, they wouldnt be limp. Where have you been living? Frozen is frozen. But thanks for playing.

You are aware that you just called yourself retarded, right?

I would fuck her

Attached: he good boi.webm (480x480, 1.49M)

Attached: 1541248066317.webm (960x540, 1.8M)

That's not Marihuana

What a fucking loser

I AM IN LOVE! More like this

Attached: 1565525883893.webm (400x500, 1.88M)

Attached: 1554207044844.webm (426x240, 471K)


Attached: 1566633851013.webm (480x592, 1.47M)

that crazy smile... I'd let her piss all over me then put a kid in her

Attached: 76778990263.webm (480x480, 1.16M)

Attached: 1561741912103.webm (848x480, 1.05M)

Attached: 1567180253590.png (1093x874, 865K)

probably chilled to slow their metabolic rate and kept alive until this point to maintain freshness

Best doggo is best.

Attached: 1550808517587.webm (320x240, 1.94M)

Ouch. Poor fatty

Attached: 1553758285052.webm (640x352, 1.6M)

Attached: 1154477888.webm (288x360, 319K)

Attached: 1544921146210.webm (220x400, 1.67M)

Fuckin lost

This girl was trippin hard

I like how the NPC just walks away after his attack.exe fails.

But.. black lives matter?

Attached: 1567241643961.gif (280x202, 1M)

no lives matter

Attached: 1566450637845.webm (480x600, 761K)

Not gonna lie, she's actually ridiculously cute to me.

Protip: Don't mess with niggas twice your size.

he threw that nigga like 8 feet jesus christ

imagine the smell

Attached: 114455455899b.webm (848x480, 1.09M)

Attached: c4706af28ec5cd8502bb99733ac62a1e8486a76ac69cc84265320ce04004968f.webm (360x360, 1.86M)


Attached: 1562545483876.gif (382x308, 1.47M)

Uncle Phil in his prime.

>inb4 neckbeards getting mad

I'm sure that will pass as self-defense in court. Especially that last kick when they were dragging him off of her.

Attached: Port Jefferson station, Long island, NY.webm (480x608, 1.8M)

bet that slut learned her place though

checked for kek gold

like seriously, if anyone is having a shit day, look up the full vid to this story
"grandmas helicopter rescue from hell"
i crylaugh evrytiem

that white knights will always come to defend her?
probably got a bunch of Chads to jump him the next day, while she spit on him

This particular clip is from a demo of a prototype machine, so they very well could have been dead for the sake of just showing the process, but the institute that created the automation process considers live processing a requirement for crabs and lobsters.
So, in regular operation there's no doubt these would be living crabs.

Indian technological revolution

the pussy was like
"ehh! ehhhhh! ... oh, actually yess

Sumimasen, nani the fuck

the customer is ALWAYS right

Attached: When Will They Ever Learn.webm (406x720, 1.82M)

why do those pussy wintesss just come by and put a hand on the dudes back at first? fucking choke hold immediately till nitenite. amateurs..


Niggers belong in zoos

Not worse than before the fire

that'd be cruel to the poor animals

Attached: ape rap.webm (480x480, 1.6M)

Attached: wait for it.webm (1280x720, 1.97M)

Attached: 1515445041756.webm (406x718, 1.99M)

Attached: 0211445565.webm (576x720, 196K)

This one killed me

That's not the US cuck nigger it looks like russia.
Where women don't rule their men.

Attached: No means No.webm (470x320, 1.54M)

>Where women don't rule their men

Attached: 1494059743563.webm (626x352, 1.96M)

I would have given it beer and when it passed out drunk I would have fucked it.

Attached: brit family btfo thailand.webm (1280x720, 1.55M)

oh hey look you found an american getting beaten by russian women

Attached: 14543533.webm (1280x720, 1.99M)

he clearly has the face of a slav,

>massive cumshot
>whitebois stay mad

Attached: 1566753704461.gif (302x216, 1.44M)

Their beef over Luis just escalated to attempted murder.


Attached: Clint-disgusted.gif (240x228, 1.87M)

>white bois

Attached: 1489631378861.jpg (1200x675, 172K)

>not having him tag you in


Someone invented the perfect crab-murdering machine...

Love these kinds of webms. More?

Nice body. Batshit crazy, though.

>Nice body
She looks anorexic and homeless...

Nigga stole my bike AND my Jesus.

Thought I was the only one to call them bugs. Huh.

t. Nate Diaz

Crack is a hell of a drug.

Thats my fetish

Anti-thot rocket engaged.

Did that man just eat a road apple?

Poor Bieber...

Alaska's problem is it's full of Native Alaskans who are too lazy to work, want to fish 6 months out of a year, and are drunk 24 hours a day everyday.



Insta-boner, thanks bro

so fake its fake

Is there something I'm missing here?

Attached: D-OBcG0XUAA9rup.jpg (1024x546, 75K)

literally alpha

There's nothing wrong with a woman pissing in public.

Attached: image.jpg (533x800, 131K)

Attached: 1544258633890.png (268x573, 256K)

seems legit

Attached: _101036874_elliot_rodger_shutterstock.jpg (624x351, 28K)

This was staged. Guy had a website to hire him. That's why a camera was conveniently already recording. He shut it down after he was found out.

She has pretty face. That's about it.

That is practically porn though

Attached: 1557194435769.webm (1002x568, 1.94M)

Into animals are you?

Its a kids concert

Fucking love that face.

the way that fucking grandma fell

His baby penis wasn't even visible you cocksucking faggot niggerlover.

Not fake. She accused him of rape and this video exonerated him

The kick always gets me


Should've just let him finish.

That flooring had held up well for 50 years.

Why did he shut the cash drawer?

Say bye bye to your credit score

Attached: 1292348454230.jpg (300x300, 69K)

pretty sure it said nonporn

She was aware of precisely what was about to happen and understood that he would have to keep her alive in order to show him how to open the drawer. Clever girl.

Attached: 1567194364419.png (933x1093, 656K)

This is what we want little girls to aspire to.

She didn't. She pushed the keyboard tray forward. The cash drawer was already closed.

Why did HE shut the cash drawer, you morons

He was asking why the dude closed it when he was done, Maybe they're learning basic human standards and have learnt to close doors?

Attached: th.jpg (251x219, 12K)

>I need your clothes, your boots, and your fried chicken

You honestly cant give us any more than that? Not easy to find the story

Attached: QaYqtd7.png (645x729, 90K)

fake and b8. no way there would be a cam in a washroom


Attached: 1560521067967.jpg (439x329, 64K)

Attached: Retarded-nigger.png (1920x2208, 606K)

I call them horse apples, but yes... he did lol

you must be fapping to auschwitz jews.

Boland stronk!

Is this how aids gets spread?

In California, yes.


This is america

I thought this was a non porn webm thread?

Love when these threads become mostly comments.

Attached: 1562937625960.webm (400x220, 266K)


Hahaha holy shit

was that slurp juice


Meth: It's What's For Dinner

oh hey look I found a triggered ruski

why don't you go back to squatting on a vodka you ruski fuck

What a little creepy fuck

Attached: 1549909569260.webm (680x510, 1.87M)

Apple fanboy stays of course

Dude probably creep filming

Attached: 1558215187697.webm (272x480, 293K)

>the shirt
>the pose
>the perfect timing
either it is staged or it is gold

Attached: 1561898663108.webm (320x240, 1.78M)

is this normal elephant tendency?

Honestly it's what women prefer that matter in the end. Women like scrawny feminine looking men these days. That's why there are more and more now a days, its not a new trend.
Masculinity is being bred out by women not men.

Imagine that this is your son. Your legacy. You spend your life working and better yourself to give your family what they need and to raise your boy up and this is what he becomes. What a fucking disgrace.

Nobody cared who he was, until he put on the mask.

Damn i wish i was that dude

What a faggot. The guy paints the whole thing red and he just fucks it up.

They found these guys, presented them on national TV and sent them to prison for a long time to send a message. If you fuck with foreign tourists, YOU will be fucked so don't do it.

Fucking brits in barcelona