Which states are next fags?

Which states are next fags?

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minnesota better be next or im gonna lose my shit

New York my state sadly. I weep for the future

it's coming to Illinois in like a year


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My state was first so I don't care
Too high

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i hate you

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Rhode Island is likely gonna soon. Them Massholes exert a metric fuckton of influence over them

Are you gay or something?

Hopefully Kentucky if we get rid of our stupid fucking Governor.

If alcohol hasn't destroyed your precious state, weed isn't going to.

Fuck you.

And your dumbass half-turtle senator

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Dear lord Bevin is one of the few white people that can be described with the word "nigger" our state is probably gonna be on the later side of legalization

Recreational broccoli is already legal in all 50 states.

I just bought edibles on a work trip in Mass last month. It was fucking awesome. Pleasantly surprised to find out Mass is full legal. Fun as a mother fucker getting stoned to the bone legally and watch family guy in the hotel pounding mcchimken sammiches

I'm sorry, bro.
I remember when it came in corner-shaped chunks in sandwich baggies (the kind workout thw zipper seal) with enough seeds to make maracas.
That old dry weed taste mixed with those annoying seed hulls that you cant pick completely out....or when one of the many seeds you missed explodes in your bowl spraying ash everywhere....
Fuck it's nice waking down the street to thw pot shop so I can just straight up buy pretty much anything weed related.
>bonus is the liquor store next to the pot shop with a good selection of beer
>double bonus the pizza place on the other side of the pot shop.
>mfw I can get fresh pizza, beer, and weed just a block away

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January 1st 2020

Colorado fag here. Literally saw a beggar begging outside a dispensary. I'd tell you not to legalize but take these parasites back.

Haha good one, I regret that I have but one upvote to give, kind stranger! This comment belongs at the top! :^D

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been to denver once. it was nice buying legal weed and possessing it publicly without always being on the lookout for cops.
There were hella hobos smoking and just loitering around the capital. A lot of bums bugging people on 16th street mall too.

OP here, lived in COfor 2 years, best place ever.Now I live in a shitty southern state feelsbad

Trump is going to legalize it as a grab for chores around November next year.

most people in our state are for it but government seems wishy washy

Votes not chores

It's illegal federally and there's a push not to lest they lose funding.

yeah, that makes sense. going to co next week for vacation. cant wait to hike and partake!

I'm praying to the lords that he's gone come 2020. The stupidity of the majority of KY residence may confound me though.

He didn't even register to me until he called out weed as being a cause of overdoses. What a fucking idiot.

My take is that a lot of people of that caliber are going to be used to crediting or gifting their dealers out of free product. As someone that has taken advantage of the credit system, I'll just be glad to be guaranteed to get what I paid for.

he'd sooner socialize healthcare

>implying you're not a fucking transplant yourself.
I seriously run into more people begging for cigarettes outside the smoker friendly than begging for weed outside dispensaries.
Or even alcoholics begging in front of liquor stores

Downtown was like that before it was legalized too. It comes and goes in waves here in denver