Be Hong Kong

>Be Hong Kong
>"Oy Vey! China is gonna destroy Hong Kong!"
>Proceeds to chimp out for half a year
>Destroy local businesses
>Injure local police officers
>Attack travelers coming into the city
>Companies and businesses begin to leave
>Tourists too afraid to visit city
>Economy crumbles
>Hong Kong is destroyed

Not even Americans are this retarded.

Attached: the state of hong kong.png (1319x2053, 2M)

No-one cares, you nosey fuck

Ok ill bite the bait.
They aren't chinping out like Amerifats when a chimp is killed by police.
They are standing for something. Burgerland has the "dont tred on me" and "give me freedom or give me death" shit. And these people in honkong are atanding for what they believe in.
Its pretty based.

Chinese netslave detected. Issuing Government assisted takedown.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎

>people actually revolting against corrupt government

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What you've described is every single time a
>white cop kills a black kid
>white person shoots up public locations
>there's a gathering of 3 or more white people in a public place
>a sports team in philadelphia wins a thing

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The stupid part about a riot isn't that you claim to stand for something. It's that you destroy the things that actually do stand for that thing to show your opposition. We want to stay independent! Better ruin all OUR shit! THAT will show China. At least attack shipping across the border instead of lighting your own house on fire.

ya heathen dummy

>people revolting against corrupt government
>corrupt govt comes to Yea Forums to try damage control

pay attention ignorant fuck. also pay attention to the foriegn scum who will try to turn this into an anti-america thread so they can protect their chinese handlers

>want to make country better
>drive away big buisiness and major tourism
All they need to do is just assassinate corrupt politicians and get a functional government up and running. Rallies and protests don't do shit. If you want change, you need to remove the problem.

You're a retard if you believe governments actually come here.

That's called fascism m8. Of course Yea Forumstard manboy faggots like you think the solution to every problem is to murder or rape your way out of it.

You're a retard if you think the governments aren't everywhere.

nice try shill

Only the glowniggers, but who gives a shit about them.

are you intentionally being this dense? Thats exactly what was implying

if china was a top dog economic juggernaut, what makes you think they give a fuck about hong kong?

>if china was a top dog economic juggernaut, what makes you think they give a fuck about Falun Gong?

USSR was a juggernaut in it's day, they still cared about stupid shit.

CIDF go.
No one sympathizes with commie trash

but the economy of hong kong isn't even gonna make a dent in the overall prosperity of china

>be Chinese
>get arrested on made up charges
>slowly have non-essential organs harvested as you are in forced labor
>eventually be executed and have the rest of your organs harvested.
>be in Hong Kong
>china wants to be able to arrest people in Hong Kong now

But what does that have to do with Hong Kong committing suicide?

bro bro whats your weibo profile we need to talk

Typical democratic shitpost.
>chimp out because orange man and and government won't gibe free stuff
>riot because a commie fascist dystopian police state with mobile execution Vans who execute citizens on mass as population control, and for political powers then harvest and sell all their organs

20 years from now, the protests will be called "The Collapse of Hong Kong" in the history textbooks.

dubs confirm

I'll trade California for hong kong.
Act now and I'll throw in Florida free of charge!

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Or perhaps
"The start of WWIII, where the chinese fascist regime fell and the country formerly known as china collapsed"

The Chinese have an army of trolls on the internet bashing the people of Hong Kong (please google this, it isn't exactly a secret). Don't respond to these threads.

No dubs, no confirm

>not calling it "the rape of don king"

dude we need florida because of cuba and the aligators. lets just give them chicago

I dont accept fascist dubs


Ok antifa faggot

Yes they totally want their subjects to talk to each other freely and uninterrupted.


wait doesn't obama li- PFFFTT HA HA HA HA god i'm sorry i couldn't finish typing that

in 20 years no one will give a shit.

In 20 years Half Life 3 and Star Citizen still won't be released

in 2000 years half life 3 won't be released.

Yeah I really doubt that. Xi plays eternity politics. He could absolutely crush this protest movement with the military, and I'm betting he probably will. China will do to Hong Kong something like what Russia did to Crimea, or what India did to Kashmir, and they'll get away with it too, because it's an "internal affair" and other countries will be hesitant to intervene because that intervention could spark a wider conflict.

>I'm betting he probably will
I bet he wont. They would have done that already if that was the plan. They're waiting it out, just like what they're doing with Trump.

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they'll get awy with it because hong kong isn't selling cheap oil/resources the west needs to operate day to day. there a reason why the west concentrates on fighting sand niggers while letting atrocities around the rest of the world go .

I'm down with that.

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The word is "won't" and there is no tit-for-tat between China and the protesters like there is in their trade war with the USA. China is absolutely, asymmetrically deciding where this goes. They have refused every demand the protesters made, they are amassing troops and military equipment at the HK border, and Carrie Lam is just a talking head for China who is incapable of affecting any real institutional change. If China doesn't use this as a pretext for a military invasion of HK then at the very least you'll see pro-democracy activists getting jailed for life for participating in an unsanctioned public event and HK will be just another part of China, no more "one country two systems."

I thought China was only doing that to their ethnic minorities... And last I checked Yea Forums has a strong distaste for those.

Except for some had hoc "my freedoms" issues that were added later, the only reason for the initial protests was that they didn't want an extradition treaty made with China to return suspects that escaped into Hong Kong. This seems like an instigation because I can't see why this would be such an issue to create the level of counter response.

>I thought China was only doing that to their ethnic minorities
Yes, mostly minorities. This is one of the only times /pol/ sides with China.

examples of non-essential organs?
also, any chance of a source?

Antifa is a fascist organization

But tibetan monks are dope, and "minorities" includes christians.

You can literally just do a Google search of the terms China, harvest, prisoner, organs, and get a ton of news articles.

China does it to all their prisoners.
And in China you can be arrested for just about anything.

Christians are fine

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yep. china has been wanting to make Asia a single country since it's inception. i don't think america will win the trade war since the the u.s needs cheap junk way more than they need to sell it, plus 1.3 trillion dollar debt the u.s. owes to china

Corneas, a kidney, lobe of liver, skin graphs.
Then it being china, will take wierd shit for to use in "medicine" teeth, appendix ect.
Then they kill them and harvest the rest.

Have you ever been to hong kong? Have you ever been to mainland china? If you had you realise they are completely different places. And the protesters in hong kong are protesting against (basically) being absorbed by china and turned into just another part of China.

This has literally been posted on multiple boards word for word
This is a shill
You are a retard

Conviction rate is 99%, you can probably end up in jail for something that isn't a crime. When someone is dying on the sidewalk, no one helps, because they're afraid of the consequences

They are a part of China. They're just self-hating because of colonial mentality.

>Christians being prosecuted in China
so, what, it suddenly matters more since the persecuted people are aligned with your own religious beliefs? pretty sure injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere, and first they came for the so-and-so's but no one said anything and then when they finally came for me there was no one left to say anything.

lick more boots you quisling

While they may be a part if china, hong kong is super westernized and wealthy while the rest of china really isnt.

fuck off kike

China legitimately needs to be annihilated

not anymore

jesus was a jew. and black.

literally ukraine of asia

which is why i don't trust jesus.
that bike stealing niggger kike.

They're also degenerate.

Shenzhen is by far the better sister city.

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Old Chinese proverb on Hong Kong goes as follows (this is in Chinese translation will follow: “Ching Chong bong bind ging gang Wong chi chi hi” or translating “finghongbibgfdgjivvjjj”

Fuck off you Chinese fag

I was In hong kong 12 months ago (almost to the day, weirdly) after working in xiamen in mainland china for a few weeks before that. I think I know the differences between hong kong and mainland China.

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Freedom isnt free fag

Fuck off commie shill

I never said it was ok, it isn't, regardless of the target. I was just responding to . Would you consider christians a "minority"? Probably, but it's not the first minority that comes to mind now, is it?

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Good man

The truth hurts.

Fuck the government. Disarmed citizens are slaves. These conflicts would have been much different, and much more in favor of the people if they were properly armed, as is their natural right to be if they so choose.

Government thinks it can just kidnap people and get away with it. A population of slaves aren't allowed to speak up. The people of Hong Kong have been speaking up. It's another Tienanmen event all over again, with a hallowed government excused for all of its wrongdoings.

Fuck authoritarianism.

>Fuck authoritarianism

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