

So in this thread we say what kind of power we want and another user will place a limitation or some sort of back draw on that power

I'll go first.

My power would be the ability to set anyone on fire by simply willing it with my mind.

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Everytime you use your power, it immediately starts raining harder than ever before

My power is that I never have to sleep and feel fully energized.

You’re also hyper paranoid schizophrenic and it wears off if you don’t smoke meth.

you have the attention span of a goldfish

You become addicted to sleeping.

Kars' body manipulation powers (the body contains the DNA of every organism to ever live on the Earth. Can manipulate the entire body on a cellular level to gain the traits of any life-form, such as bird-like wings that enable the ability to fly. Can even detach parts of the body and transform them into separate organisms that act independently of it, such as turning a hand into a flesh-eating squirrel or turning feathers into armadillo-scale projectiles that morph into piranhas and octopus tentacles) but without his vampire weakness.

The power to refill anything with its native substance or item.

you have to punch vegetative people to recharge


complete control of time (pause, fast forward, rewind, etc)

You must ingest a specific amount of that substance or item in order to refill it.

For example you must ingest a liter worth of gasoline in one sitting for you to recreate or refill that one specific thing, like a gas canister. You are also not immune to its side effects.

You can only do it if someone knows you are there or were there.

only works when wearing clothes

I can deal with this.
This one is hard mode... but viable. I’d be Jesus for sure, wine everywhere.

Your powers work, but you and everything you spawn is a flaming faggot addicted to cock and weaboo shit.

Can only be activated while whistling

Your perception of time is horrible, you want to go back one minute but instead go back a year.

I can brainwash people to do anything i tell them to do.

it only works while your dick is hard.

Everytime you brainwash someone you shit yourself

I can freeze time

I honestly see not much of a drawback here. I can edge for hours on and and I dont mand shitting my pants when I can make someone wipe it for me, better yet lick it off me.

You freeze yourself as well

Everytime you get dumber when you use that power

Fuck you

I can poop on command without needing to eat beforehand

Only diarrhea

Can only be activated after you kill yourself

joke's on you. it's intended to be an attack move.

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Ez counter

You can only do so when wearing skinny jeans

I can see smells, taste with touch, and hear whatever I see. Basically my senses are all fucked and swapped around with their sensory organs and interpretations.

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I want the power to see the history of an object

Those senses are passive, meaning you have no control over them. If you see a turd on the street you will taste it. This concept is applied to everything.

You can only see the history of objects that belong to amish people

I can breathe underwater and become transparent underwater

I kill myself w/o any aid or cost

Congratulations, you are now a barreleye fish. Enjoy the extreme and horrifying ocean deep.

You can't swim

Instant regeneration (only when you kill yourself)

My power is to trade other power users drawbacks.

thanks faggot, now when i suspect or I'm about to die I just kill my shelf, great immortallity

thanks faggot, now when i suspect or see I'm about to die I just kill my shelf, great immortallity

better then being a human imho

Not if someone is waiting to kill you while regenerating

Control over water (like extreme water bending)

STFU, fish can't type or use computers.

I wish for the power to make anything i want happen when i think about it.

All the controls are inverted and all the water has to pass through your digestive tract first.

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For each time you trade, you experience the sum of all previous drawbacks simultaneously.

Can make birds explode like a bomb

You suffer a concussion and are unable to maintain focus long enough to form a coherent thought.

I have the power to alter anything, physical or conceptual, at-will into whatever I desire; effectively being an individual who can shape the universe and any concept imaginable at my whim.

You have to be within 50 m of them, and maintain a line of sight.

The power to stop time.

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You don't know how to start time again, trapping you in an eternal timestop.

You can stop time, but you are now a gay vampire

Telekinesis and teleportation

The willpower required to use your power requires more willpower than you have to change your willpower.

He's a urine bender!

The delay of when it goes into effect varies from 1 minute to 1 day without any say.

The laws of physics still apply, and you die a violent death the moment you stop time.

You accidentally teleport your heart outside of your body, and toss it into orbit.

What if i want to not have a concussion

But only on the 2nd Wednesday of the month for 3 seconds between 3:59 & 4 AM
You don't know which 3 seconds

I can seduce any creature whenever I want to, even to the point where they willingly do as I desire even if it against their nature, wellbeing, or morals.

Shape-shifting...not into animals or inanimate objects, I'd still have to be human.

Nice and makes sense

Granted, but said creature will impregnate you

I wish i could mold anyone or anything into something i want.

You'll almost complete the thought, but end up with a couch and forget what you didn't want.

But I am male..

i would want something similar to kamui from naruto

Granted, but your eyes have to be shut to activate it.

You will have to have intercourse with the creature every time you want to command it.


I want the power to make people relax around blacks (and black objects)

You could teleport it back, but your telekinesis and teleportation will continue to interfere with one another until you accidentally do something worse.

Sounds like a bonus, as a deviant with low standards.

All blacks and black objects are now in cages with guns aimed at em.

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granted, but you absorb whatever fear they had

Using the power also makes the blacks extremely violent
>should've seen that coming

You don't have the power to perform intercourse repeatedly for hours at a time.

It’s very similar to being an user, desu

power to summon anybody, could even be from media, to do anything i want to no cost of my own

All fear of blacks and black objects is replaced with fear of yourself, and the effects are exponential for every black or black object in the area of effect.

It costs them greatly. As in, they die after being summoned.

I’m, are you black criminal, desu?

Ah I see. So 1 fuck = 1 command, so I need to have a lot of sex to issue a lot of commands.

So basically, I'm a nerfed hot lady with the amount of commands, but have more power behind my commands (low quantity, high quality). I can deal with that, it still seems like a sweet power I can abuse.

What if i summon Dr. Manhatten or Alucard?


Who you summon will always be an illusion of themselves, having no real power and basically being moving and living illusions.

The power of incredible regeneration such as wolverine but far better
I feel the pain to its full extent of course

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Then they're not allowed to do anything that would cause you to pay for their indirect actions. Meaning, someone like Doctor Manhatten or Alucard must pay for being summoned by being extremely ironic or ineffectual in their actions.

The pain gets worse as you regenerate due to the rapid nature of the healing factor, causing nerve endings to form faster than the tissues can properly bind themselves. There is nothing you can do to fix this.

Any spilled blood or part of you removed from your body also has regenerative powers, turning the part/fluid seperated from you to regenerate into a clone of you. The clone is convinced it should be the original and always tries to kill you + all other clones.

Power to rewrite the laws of physics at will

I want the power to make any kind of software with just the will of my mind, without any bugs or safety issues.

You become scientifically illiterate, permanently.

It can only run if you maintain constant focus on the hardware that it's supposed to run on.

But the hardware needed to run it won't be invented until after your death

It only works on a commodore 64.

The power to shit out of my mouth

It also makes them violent thieves

Wait a minute....

You have to eat out of your ass to recharge the power.

I'll take it

I can control reality down to the smallest detail and I am immortal

Your penis increases 1 inch in length everytime you do it.

Your detached parts turn into ass gaping twinks who harvest nigger semen for your consumption to live which you drink from their blown out rectums

The power to shit out of my mouth

Every second you will feel the weight of knowing that the people you love or care for will be gone

This becomes so strong that you lose all pleasure in life, but there's no easy way out anymore

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You live on immobile as dust in the wind

Fucking kek'd and czech'd

Kek'd and czech'd

Is exactly the same as change anything at will.

My power would be that I can make warm beer cold by touching it

>if you see a turd, you will taste it

Forgot to add that he lives in India

You are a gay boring cunt who might be new fag nut also senile old fag.

Now for the limitation. Only works with Stella.

The best superpowers always have a downside.

You have the power to do so, but the only thing you know how to mold is horse cocks

The best superpowers have a downside.

Down side.

Using this power makes you neck yourself before you start another blacked thread

My superpower is killing all niggers and kikes instantly

Only works when no one is looking

Only works when you punch them blindfolded.

but you're gay and can't get an erection

a japanese teenager is also able to do it and beats you to death

I can count the amount of leaves in any forest in a second.

The power to shit out of my mouth

Power pooo poos out dick bole

You have to piss from your eyes (tear glands) as well.

Super strength and enhanced durability related to passion (more passionate= get much stronger)

No, fuck’a you

It only works if your passionate about brass instruments.

The energy required starts a forest fire. Bonus, you get a mental live count as the number drops during the blaze.

Everytime I pick my nose, the harder boogers that come out are literally solid gold.

Power pooo poos out dick bole

It only works if you passionate about ‘prson’ in pic

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The liquid snot however, is molten steel.

Lasts 1 second and has a 10 second cooldown.

They stay the same size as normal turds, ripping your dick open.

I have the power to go into the future. I simply go to bed and... tadaa... it's the next day.

BUT: you are gay.