How do you make friends Yea Forums?

How do you make friends Yea Forums?

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I wanna know too.

talk to people in a similar demographic, fuck up until you get it right. painful but ultimately rewarding

>Implying as if Yea Forums has any idea

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volunteer at homeless shelters, animal shelters, and soup kitchens

I'm sure not all of us are pathetic.

Friends are overrated

Are you pathetic?

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I have a couple of close friends, so I believe I'm doing alright for myself

The key is not to really have any.

My best friends are my cousin, so workers and my gf.

Kill somebody. Go jail, make friends there

>be me
>be lonely as fuck
>desperately crave a friend
>be me 2 minutes later
>get sick of the very idea of talking to a person
No wonder im a neet. Anyone else get this feel?

Ngl, that sounds like future school shooter material

Should probably get the checked boss man.

I'll B your friend user

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It's called being lazy

user, try making online friends first, like a discord server about things you enjoy.
Once you get the hang of it online, try it in real life.
I’ll even give you a boost, my discord
McDonal | Ham Mafia | #8650

Just be nice to people

Asks Yea Forums how to make friends.

Syntax error.

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why the change?

Online friends have never worked out for me

Good idea, or on forums maybe

Join my discord, let's b frins


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Because if anymore School Shootings happen Yea Forums related the media will once again report it and before you know it, we've got a bunch of SJW Snowflakes and Fortnite dancers raiding the platform of us redpillers.

How would I know? Its the same feeling you get when you fall in love with the idea of something but then when it comes to execution you run the fuck away

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This: However demographic means take into account how you are accademically, if your smart and thoughtful and even keel you'd have to seek out people like yourself.

Just be yourself, if someone does not like who your are then they are not worth being friends with.

Go out and say "Hello I'm (insert name here) what's this place like?