What causes white women to behave in this way around black men?

What causes white women to behave in this way around black men?

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raised by trashy and inattentive families, black men have higher sex drives so 'take them in' with the guise of it being friendly

Lack of a strong male figure in their life

Dumb Whorism is the medical term

Notice all the other monkeys stopped and are now waiting to join in.

Women are smart, they always stick to the winning side. Lets admit it: white men have lost race war. They are dying out like Neanderthals did. Obviously nobody wants a losers cock in her mouth

I wanna see her suck it

poor parenting
low self esteem
low IQ thottery

for starters

The same reason non-lesbians kiss each other in front of men. It's something that gets attention and people love getting attention. Jesus, it's not difficult of figure out.

Black men want to date white women because it's a status symbol. White women like to date black men because it's adventurous. Women act like sluts to get attention.

Jesus dude, do I gotta spell it out.

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Finally a right answer

I heard there was a genetic mutation that get activated whenever a man with 2x the testosterone of a white man comes within 10 feet of her vagina.

Jewish media, entertainment, and pornography monopolizing the narrative that niggers are cool

The guy standing a few feet behind him with his jaw dropped cracks me up!

Drugs and Alcohol.

>women are smart
Fucking KEK!

Most people are attracted to shape and genetics even if a woman perfers a white man over a black man she will still choose a tall and muscular black over a short and fat white

that's more true of men, women are are mostly attracted to anything that'll get them attention



Education, media, and government promote anti-white agenda.

Women have genetic tendancy to "Tame the barbarian, sexually" (because if they didn't they'd get murdered).

And they ignore readily available interracial rape statistics.

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Why do white women become aroused and excited around men with big cocks?

Sorry dude. Maybe if you were attracted to cock you'd understand. Why do men like to go to strip clubs? Use some basic empathy.

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Black man here and i think those women are racist. They reduce us to our genital. Its shocking. I could become a scientist or a philosopher yet whenever i meet white women and we drink and have fun in a bar or club at one point they just grab my dick. Please white women, we are more than just sextoys!

thickm88 on kik

i have a big cock group

I don't really care about cock all that much, personally.

But thanks.

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