How do I get a girlfriend if girls don't like me because I'm black?
How do I get a girlfriend if girls don't like me because I'm black?
stop acting like a nigger
(or if you just want to fuck, start acting like a nigger)
I don't act like one. I treat girls like queens. Open the doors for them, let them go first, tell them how pretty they are, etc.
It’s easy just stop being a nigger
I just hate myself.
Oh, you're an incel basically.
Stop treating them like queens, treat them like you would a random dude (civilized, but reserved).
Your overcompensation is creepy; they'll assume you're being disingenous.
Work out, have a job, find something you love doing, sort out your mental health. The women will come eventually.
Not really. I don't hate women, lol. Also, I should clarify I don't talk to girls irl. Too shy.
Also, what do I do? If you don't tell a girl she is cute she thinks you like her only as a friend, if you do you are creepy.
Nigs can be hott I think the problem is your ugly and or autistic so try and fix those first
You don't. You're a faggot. Scientific fact.
I am, lol. Spot on! PDD-NOS.
What I see as the worst mistake I see shy men do is shower women with compliments, even worse when the compliments are unspecific.
Again, this'll feel disingenuous because in day-to-day conversation, nobody's great enough to deserve compliments all the time.
When you're being unspecific ("you're cute", "you're great") it cheapens the sentiment.
Do what I wrote here
>Work out, have a job, find something you love doing, sort out your mental health
You'll be fine.
This is how I look. How fucked am I?
Thats just aspergers lite, couldn't even do retardation properly
If you cant fix it get more fit get more money also do something with your life so you either stop caring or stop waiting
How ugly am I?
get a cool 2019 haircut and drive your smile to only one side of your face to look like a badass
you ll be fine
Your on the decent side of completely average and at least symmetrical. You have a bit of a plump face but you can thin that with work. Your looks are not your limiting factor in your success with women because plenty of people just like you do just fine.
Well, tnx. I hate myself even more. How old do you think I am from the pic?
get a black girlfriend and dont miscegenate
yung >20 but also the (immature) posting doesn't help
You're OK friend. I think you're the type that will find a quiet educated woman to suit your need. Keep being who you are. It'll happen.
just a small town boy
livin' without any joy
everyday he’ll post this thread not goin' anywhere...
he'd rather be a city boy,
born and raised but now unemployed
on probation for being black not goin' anywhere...
a nigger in a chilly room
smell of mold and harmful fumes
god is cruel and we're not alright
it goes on and on and on and on…
ur fine, lose weight and ur basically a 5-7
Nah mate, ur fucked you look like an average boring
nice gif
maybe that's why
basically, as long as you reject ghetto culture and have a decent sense of humor and aren't too fugly, you should be good
lose a bit of weight and try to grow your hair a little and you should look fine.
Stop being a nigger