Reminder: trans is a mental illness

Reminder: trans is a mental illness

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tell us something we don't know

Your last thread died pretty fast.

can we 4th Reich already

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Like most trannys?

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Now that's what I call bazinga!

Trans is beautiful. Fifteen years ago you would have been posting ‘reminder: homosexuality is a mental illness’. Fifty years ago ‘race-mixing is evil’.

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Some trans vaginas turn out beautifully

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good lord if I had to eat that shit out to spawn the fourth reich I would kill myself instead


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Reminder: having an obsession with an issue that has zero effect on your life is a mental disorder.

Hatchet wounds 101.

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That's so fucking disgusting. Hopefully he's part of the 40 percent

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Has every effect on my life when they're teaching this bullshit to my kid at school, when they're trying to ply children full of hormone drugs and cut their dicks off.

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F You transphobe. I’m a beautiful woman.

I literally, genuinely felt nauseous

Do all vaginas have this effect on you? Perhaps you’re gay?

where in there is my dick supposed to go??

you're not very good at this

>implying this is a vagina

tf that effects your daughter and therefore your bloodline, that's one of the most natural things to care about

that's not a vagina

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Can't we just have it as a 3rd gender essentially the same way it's generally looked at in Thailand and traditionally in some American Indian cultures?

It’s healing nicely.

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That's a dude taint. And Dudus Mon pubis

This is now a Trans Pride thread!

Come on down, sisters (but not ‘cis’ters lol!)

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How is this ‘more’ of a vagina? Because you find the cis girl pretty?

i guess i just don't understand. is their ultimate goal to attract men who like women who were born as women? or is it just for themselves?

i just vomited a little in my mouth. I'll spend all day rating dude's dicks, I just never want to see a fake vagoo every again in my life.

Because cis girls actually have vaginas.

Because it's a real, biological vagina and not a flesh wound that needs to be dilated in order not to close up.

>‘more’ of a vagina
.cos it's's as nature made it.

Even spidey hate you

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You haven’t killed it yet?

Varies from person to person, but I'd say that the vast majority of people who are willing to go to such great lengths and spend so much time and money getting a procedure like this are doing it for themselves, so that they can have the body the feel like they should have.

Being trans is totally a valid thing. Gender norms are completely arbitrary and you shouldn't be expected to behave or feel a certain way just bc you have a penis or a vagina, but I can't help but feel that if I was a trans woman, I would just elect to keep my penis and live my life as a woman.

I'll take "larping and other bullshit that never happened" for 500 alex

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Being gay or lesbian was also, but psychology changed it. Sad fact

lol, we’ve established that I have one of those too. What’s your point?

nope, that's just a gay man that likes to dress up as a woman.
Then he cuts off his dick...and the real regret starts. An hero time.

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ffs, don't tag that one. It' scares me, that's so nasty.

Stop leaching off the govt and pay for private school you pussy

Sounds like your kid is gay you have a hard time dealing with that.

Fight the power sistahs

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Being trans is the stupidest shit I ever heard. Who in their right mind thinks your genitals has anything to do with your mental health? It has nothing to do with your fucking axe wound "pussy" and everything to do with your own perception of how you fit in the world. When you grow up with participation trophies and told that you are a special snowflake, then grow the fuck up and your whole existance is in question because, SURPRISE!!! The world doesnt give a FUCK about you. You would rather mutilate your fucking bodies and poison society than admit that you are in no way special. What a bunch of weak minded little fuckwits. I wish I could purge your entire mentally deficient generation you selfish prick!

i remember back in the old internet days there'd be quite a few videos of people chopping off their own body parts, usually fingers and toes or whatever.

i guess it's kind of like that. "i need to cut this finger off because i need to" but just like the finger, seems like you should seek some help if you're going to cut off a piece of your body to help ease your mind.

a vagina leads to a cervix. this would just be a hole where your dick and balls used to be. but whatever.

because it functions

Transphobe spotted

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So does a hysterectomy turn a woman into a man?

if i ever dated a trans person accident id rather find a dick that a fake vagina tbh

that looks so fucking disgusting, i threw up a bit in my mouth

also im not gay

Good, run away. Run as far as you fucking can away from me you pathetic, weak minded, complete retarded worm.

Does a vasectomy turn a man into a woman?

Im transintellectual.
Meaning i have the brain of a smart person inside a dumb persons brain


Good lord have mercy...

Losing your child to demons fucks you up

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if you choose this type of ways to argue a point then you boil everything down to semantics. it's pretty uninteresting at that point.

>is a pencil holder still a pencil holder when you remove the pencils?

>>genitals dont define who or what you are
>>cut off dick to be a woman

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Dude wtf

Kek the testes still make testosterone

A histerectomy does actually make a woman hormonally a man but that's what happens after menopause anyway

Nigger, did you even ever SEE a vagina?

They should all die

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I'm genuinely wondering if that is seriously the best a glorified plastic surgeon can do.
I mean, we can to mad shit when it comes to medical treatment, prosthetics and plastic surgery. There has to be a way to make it at least look somewhat natural. Or at least less like an axe wound.

Now I see why you created a thread about rating your bodily wound OP's post must of triggered the shit out of you KEK

OP samefagging the absolute shit out of this thread and baiting everyone. Well played, OP, but you're still a faggot.

Christianity in all its form and glory should've been kept, now this shit happens.

Fucking degenerates - burn them all, and their supporters.

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They certainly fucking are. But the leftist liberal media keeps trying to normalize it through its propaganda.

Behold the two polar opposites of trans women

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Yeah....that abomination isn't a vagina.


In her/his/its ass.

What in tarnation


If you support trans people you support mental illnes.

If you oppose trans people and the sollution that is now here (chopping dicks off) you are actually helping trans people. People that are rooting for trans people are the once making sure 40% of them shoot themself.

>40% shoot themselves
That's a bad thing how?

trans is a mental illness but it also is more of a passive trait for self destruction, ignore it because both me and you know its gonna be funnier for these people to have flesh wounds rather than genitalia

>One put in some effort, the other is a troon.

All trans people could kill themself, i dont mind.

But if you are supporting trans rights and believe trans people exist. Than you are doing the wrong thing xd

>Anonymous 08/29/19(Thu)15:55:46 No.808296895▶

All trans people could kill themself, i dont mind.

But if you are supporting trans rights and believe trans people exist. Than you are doing the wrong thing xd

Fuck you transphobe

I support a cure for mental illness. You support suicide. 40% of all trans people hate you and kill themself for it.

Fuck you mutilated mentally ill person

>Because you find the biological female pretty?

But homosexuality is a mental illness, and race mixing is evil

"No one has ever known a tranny ever"
sorry to break your fragile narrative

You will never be a normal natural woman. Never.

If you come with thus kind of arguments you should gtfo

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The start of the slippy slope. Now look where we are... Next are the pedos.

I have seen other vaginas, both ‘natal’ and ‘surgical’. All were beautiful and all were female.

I have also sucked a girl’s cock. Bet that blows your transphobe mind!

the day you stop telling yourself these lies, you will kill yourself. hope this day comes early.

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Wrong side of history, white man.

"Just accept drag queen story time and trans kids, bigot!"

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No. Metal illness is sad.
I hope you get treatment.

What was wrong with your penis? Why give up a functioning piece of your being just to pretend to have another?

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It was a cause of dysphoria and mental anguish.


You don't. You never will.

>Real men accept trans women
It's like their entire life is just 1 logical fallacy

LOL actually thinking paedophillia will ever be normalized...

Why would you have such an issue with your penis and I'm totally proud of mine? Could it possibly be your past abuses by males that caused you to resent your penis?

Ahhh, in the old days.
Natural, beatiful and sexy.
Borned female who is not ashamed of it.

Ever since I was a little girl I recognized that there was something wrong with me. As I grew older I realized that I had been born into what society recognised as a ‘male’ body. My body - and my shenis in particular - became a source of horror to me.

In order to regain control over my mind I had to make a small alteration to my body.

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Look at Yaniv. They have a GROSSLY disproportionate sway in society. It may not be affecting me right now, but it could very well in the future if I say one wrong fucking thing to someone who has a very warped perception of what's "wrong". And it's only natural to be at least a little low-key, simmering angry about something like that.

Not eating that Thanksgiving turkey.

nnnnnnnnnnnnnggggg yummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrapeyummyrape

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See comment above.

FWIW I love my new vagina :) :) :)

me on the right :)

Well, it will probably heal fine. I got a mole removed and after the stitches were gone the wound opened. Didn't feel any pain and it just healed over fine. There is a scar though. It was only a tiny area on a calf for me, so you don't really notice. Imagine having a fake vagina with massive scarring.

A penis is a male feature. It is across the entire animal kingdom.... If a dog/horse/cow/etc has a penis, we call it a male. Why are you different?

Little girl, shenis... My god the mental illness really got to you hasn't it?

Lol... Think men can be women.

Just agrue you experience mental anguish and disphoria when not treated like a 13 year old. Then you can fuck all the kiddies legally.

Same argument that men can be women and the butchered individuals need special treatment.

Have you considered that ‘male’ dogs, horses etc might consider themselves female (and vice versa)?

Sex isn’t gender


Never seen an animal try to rip its penis off. Have you?

Dude, you're ugly.

Dats a troll pasta,son.

Stop pushing your agenda. Go to your mental ill playground on other site.

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If sex isn't gender, then why do you need to change you sex to match your gender.

You don't.

Well, no. And please don’t call me son.

OP, you are not baiting . This is actually the truth

This. Very much this

how much people think its not sarcasm


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>dysphoria and mental anguish

Those are just words to describe how a neurotic OCD type person fixates on what they can't have.

Here's what actually happened
You were a sad, depressed boy who didn't connect with the sterotypical boy things

Somehow, usually with porn, you associated being a woman with feeling good.

Since your personality type is more neurotic, you fixated and obsessed on the aspects that kept you from being defined as a "girl".

This is how "dysphoria" comes about.

It's no coincidence that Austistic men are way more likely to become transgender or that men who choose engineering or computer coding are more likely to become transgender.
It's because their personality types are at the top end for neurotism
Look up Big 5 personality traits to know what I'm talking about

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lol I wish. Pic related is me

Gender is a complex nexus of biology and psychology. I’m a woman on the inside and I’d like my body to be more stereotypically ‘female’. As I’ve explained in an earlier post, my shenis was a particular source of dysphoria to me.

Hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus. The ovaries are often left in place so that early menopause doesn't happen. Unfortunately sometimes the ovaries and fallopian tubes have to be removed as well though

Anyone who still pays for Netflix should be shot

As if you would ever be able to impregnate anyone

Looks like freshly plucked chicken

Dude, you're still fucking ugly.

Perhaps (except for the porn). I was unhappy as a child, but I’m certain that was due to the dysphoria.

wrong you're just a retard

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rude! >:^/

me like trannyvag :^0

proof that trannys are just pedos

Oh my god thats fucking awful

Ffs. So a beautiful trans vagina looks like one of the worst beat up, overused, normal vaginas. That's the absolute best you can hope for as a trans. Good luck.


And I genuinely feel like I'm 50, however the truth and reality is that I'm 29. This is backed up by the fact I'm 29 and not 50, therefore while I FEEL old, I'm biologically not.

Homosexuality truly isn't a "mental illness." These people are often sane in every way outside of the sexual preference, aside from the common shit everyone experiences.

Transexuality, though... I have to agree it's almost always a sign of other mental illnesses. I have a family member who I care about a lot who wants a sex change, but he has schizophrenia, depression, horrible anxiety, and exhibits a lot of aspie symptoms... These are things I see very often in others who are also trans.

This doesn't mean we need to punish these people, or lock them up, or force them into treatment facilities. And I'm not saying ALL trans have other illnesses, but from my little world of experience, it seems like it's often the case.

It's sad to see, and can be taxing on society for medical bills. I think therapy for them to try to be comfortable with their born gender should come first. If after a while they still can't stand to live with their born gender... then maybe help them out, and use some sort of yet to exist "trans fund" to ease the cost burden on them and insurance.

Jesus. It's like a stab wound that hasn't been stitched up and is now starting to turn necrotic.

You know that that's Odin right?

>Homosexuality truly isn't a "mental illness." These people are often sane in every way outside of the sexual preference

>wanting to cut your arm off isn't a "mental illness." These people are often sane in every way outside of the wanting to cut your arm off part

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You need Jesus. Just let the wound heal over and give your life to the Lord before you inevitably kill yourself. I want to meet you in heaven not watch you burn for eternity. Cmon man

what's to get? the surgery is a ripoff, we just don't have the technology to make this real, of course the results are retarded

if they really had the tech to make anyone a girl there would be a lot of people in wheelchairs ahead of you waiting to finally stand up because what it would take is neural regeneration

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I thought gender came according to biology and more so to your chromosomes make up not according to how you felt...Idk where all this mental illness acceptance came from tbh born male thinks hes women proceeds to have surgery and take chemical that physically change your body because of a born male thinks he is a dog proceeds to get surgery and take chemicals to morph body to what ge thinks he is. Is there a difference? No both are mental illness

Age is not gender. Try again.

Yo, did you read the rest of my post? :P

Are you dumb? It's 'more' of a vagina because it IS a fkin vagina. If she were ugly and put a bag over her head and showed me that vagina, I'd fk it.

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oh, look - he doesnt get it

So, you're saying while feeling you're one gender but biologically the other is perfectly valid, but I can't feel like I'm an old man? You are fucking retarded and hypocritical. I hope your mangina gets infected bad enough you finally succumb to it

>then maybe help them out, and use some sort of yet to exist "trans fund" to ease the cost burden on them and insurance.

Thoughtful reply, but dude you are incredibly wrong.
The AGP trannies and sad bois who want to transition just to be a cute girl will just hold out and say "nah I want to be a girl" for 3 months or 6 months just to access that funding

I almost transitioned.
Transgenderism is a warped mindset. It's caused by societal factors mostly.
It's people who are sad and depressed and who don't like typical boy stuff and sometimes imagine themselves as a girl and then are told by trannies "well if you have any trans thoughts whatsoever, that means you are trans!"

It's manipulation and wrong.

My vagina can do everything her vagina can do. It could take a penis and I can pee from it. It’s a bona fide vagina (you’re going to reply by giving me some shit about birth - so what? Millions of ‘women’ can’t give birth, are they men?)

Only difference is you know I’m trans and are freaked out by this fact.

One’s a natural production of nature. Ones an open wound.

B8 harder.

It says Lesbian on the creatures hand???

> Trying to argue that getting a fake vagina is more important than giving people the ability to walk

No. Just no bro.

You can be a man and femme. It's part of the whole gay thing. No need for all the horrible things you've let them do to you.

Hating yourself is nothing new. People have doing it since the dawn of time.

Yeah it's had to have that tattooed on its hand to try and confirm to itself and others that its a lesbian. Not a mutilated mentally ill hetero man

You can ‘feel’ like an old man (I hope you feel better soon), but age is a chronological fact.

Gender is partly psychological, internal. It’s governed by how I feel. And man I feel like a woman.

You're going to need to work for a living.

We need to hear more from detransitioners. Power to you user.

well there was a time when siome kings nedded them aka


I’m a lesbian. It’s an important part of my personality and I am extremely proud to be a lesbian.

your vagina is a gaping wound that wants to seal itself up

kill yourself tranny

See above.

It’s healing nicely thank you.

lesbians are women who are attracted to women

Who cares how it geeks, it’s still just not pussy and just a surgerical hole that will need pumping constantly to stay open. It’s an abomination. Just pure disgust and how any line then the mental trans can even consider looking let alon touching such a horrifying body modification is beyond any reasonable human and must be mentaly ill to consider such a thing sexual in anyway. How could a trans partner put their mouth or finger such a thing... puke puke puke.

THESE are Yea Forums threads. I miss this old Yea Forums. Let's keep these threads going

*Respect, not accept

You're not quite getting it here, I feel like I'm an old man like you feel like a woman, however not only are you invalidating how I feel, ANY argument you use here I could literally just use back and would be (in)valid. I had a good chuckle at the last line however

I am a woman attracted to women.

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god i want to face fuck blaire white

lol or have sex and enjoy it, if you bend a bunch of nerves out of place all you'll have is a pain-hole even if the labiaplasty goes correctly

these lazy, awful labiaplasties are a symptom of the fact satisfaction with a flawed technique is impossible, the surgeon will always cut and run in the end because no credible surgeon would really have any part of this utter nonsense

i mean i am all for girl-tech being real but it's really only a little under cyborg body tier shit we just don't have/know yet, lol by the time you're able to really able to become a girl you'll be able to pop your brain-case out and become an attack helicopter for an hour or two as well

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>changing subject

False. A hole is not a vaginia.

Anyone fooled by this fake gash is an idiot

An ejaculating dildo can do all the things a penis can, doesnt make it a real penis, it is still fake and manufactured like you vagina. You will not be able to justify your mental illness here, there are no filters here we speak openly and there arent any faggots who will retweet this or show the media and bash you for their 10 seconds of fame

Gonna need pic and timestamp to confirm you're a woman

Very interesting. I kind of thought about this, too, but I had no experience talking with someone who went through the throes of it and came out the other end without any... procedure.

Wish I could talk with you more to help my family member. I need help to get through to him. He's a really, truly great guy. Amazingly beautiful soul in today's world, despite the mental illness that occasionally makes him do things he otherwise wouldn't. I've cried for him and his wellbeing for a few years now. Any advice you may have would be immensely appreciated!

I wrote
Most Transgenderism is just neurotism, depression, and a sexual fetish all combining.
That's why Austistic people are way more likely to be Transgender.
Austistic people also are way more likely to develop weird fetishes as well.

When you associate "being a girl" with "feeling good" you get transgender thoughts.
When you are depressed and sad that you have a penis that's called "dysphoria" when in actuality all it is is you obsessing over something that you can't have that you THINK will make you happy.
Trannies then come along and say "omg u r trans be one of us!"

That's how it almost always happens

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It's still a logical fallacy

Whatevs. I went to a medical professional and outlined my history of gender dysphoria. As a consequence I was given surgery.

If you were to approach a doctor with your ‘age dysphoria’ (which we both know is a mere rhetorical gambit) you would be thrown out of his office for wasting his time...

My dysphoria is an objective reality, rooted in gender identity. Your dysphora is a lie to advance an argument.

Imagine the smell

>blows a girls cock

Kek, it’s funny when words have no meaning any more.

Classic Feminist-men and women should be treated equal before the law, gender roles do not define us.
Trans feminist - I am a man/women because gender roles define us, I need to be treated differently

What a crazy time to be alive

I believe this. Easy weak minded individuals are influenced into this lifestyle while they are searching for somewhere they belong. The whole movement can make then feel empowered then they realize what life with a fake gaping wound of a vagina means and they regret it

It smells divine, thank you.


Except homosexuality legitimately occurs in nature and most rational people are fine with cultures mixing - its only when you get the 10% on either side who hate other races that it gets fucked up.

But this, just is just wrong. Like you wanna go around calling yourself a girl or guy and want to be called that by others? Fine, whatever floats your boat. I mean ideally you'd earn your special snowflake title through military rank or academic success, but whatever. You want to literally mutilate your genitals to the point of no sensitivity to pretend to be the other gender? What the actual fuck, go see a therapist because that's just not right in the head. No animal on Earth mutilates itself because it wants to be different/special.

Pretty sure most doctors, specially now in this era are scared to turn away patients with this type of illness. They are scared that they will be on display to the world and their career over.

Dang idk
I typed something up trying to explain this better a couple months ago and I could send it to you. It's an attempt at a more complete explanation
The only advice I have would be to tell the truth.
And telling the truth is the hardest thing you will ever do.

What is blood and sweat you lube when you find a guy desperate enough. Smells good I'm sure...

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actually the trans and drag movement are trying to normalise paedophilia

No, I'm being honest here, you're being a jerk by denying my point entirely as moot

post pics you're a woman you ugly abomination

And then on top of that, you have a segment of the transgenders who are just Autogynephiles (AGP) who transition for sexual pleasure and openly admit that.

Transgenderism is a symptom of a dying society and culture.
Never forget that.

Gender is a spectrum guys you need to look past the physical and social constructs and accept that me identifying as X makes me X

Now I’m going to chop my dick off and make a artificial vagina and take hormone replacement treatment

It’s like they don’t themselves believe what they preach

Well they don’t, because they don’t have concept of male/female for themselves. It takes consciousness and the ability to reason abstractly in order to believe reality isn’t real because I don’t feel it as such.

Getting diagnose with a mental illness, proceeds to mutilate his penis to fulfill a fantasy completely based on his delusions.

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According to you. Whoever you are.

Not according to the medical profession.

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And transgenderism doesn’t validly occur in nature?

Of course they are... They need early access to the kids for recruitment. Either through sexual trauma or metally warping thier view of sexually.

If I wanted to drag any more of my personal life in to this, and I do not, I have messages back and fourth I could show you from a psychologist discussing this. Basically it boils down to the same thing as gender dysphoria. It's all in our fucking heads, however I know this and accept it because it's the truth, backed by hundreds of years of medical research

In the real world debating a point requires passion from both sides and the ability to stand up for what you believe in. Not get sad because he has a different opinion. You sound the a little bitch I guess cutting you nutz off worked

I’ve already posted pictures.

smithanon923 at the ol' g

Feel free to make an email to communicate. Thanks!

No, you have a fkin diseased hole where your penis should be. It's literally a hole to nowhere. A hole of lies. No cervix to poke when you stick a dick inside. Deep down you know it's fake, it's pretending to be something it's not. Maybe you can fool a few people and even fool yourself. The truth is, IT IS FAKE and will never be as good as the real thing. I'd rather fk an ugly girl with a normal vagina than a man with a fake vagina.

spot on man I used to lurk and contribute to trap threads. I admit I'm a pervert and was a decent crossdresser but I always knew it was a fetish. Then cause I was good at it traps would invite me to servers, kik and skype groups and it was all socially awkward perverts. We'd have our fun but there was amassive push to go full trans HRT like this However as soon as I said stright up that I'm not doing it I was dropped from all the groups and servers and exiled. Ghosted by everyone. It's a crazy cult. Also recruitment goes on in trap threads to go full trans


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where lets see. Link and timestamp

are we actually debating whether there may be trans cats and dogs?

and people say old b is dead

I'm the one who feels old. I like my dick I've had since birth plenty and I would really hate to part with it.

a real vagina doesnt smell like a flesh wound.


If the animal is designed to do it, yeah it does. Like if its biologically capable of transforming itself into the other gender it will.

What I'm saying is you don't just walk into the woods and see a stag frantically cutting its own dick off to go get fucked by other stags in its dick hole. If you did, you'd be like "Man that stag is fucked up".

I've never read something so retarded is all my fucking life XD

Well tbh with that gaping wound the only things going in there are swabs to test for gangrene.

Also doesn't surprise me
>socially awkward
>virgin at 40
?decides to go trans cause thinks its a magic cure

Like most of the trannies on here tbh.

>Not according to the medical profession.
Yeah the "medical profession" that has been politically manipulated to allow transgenderism to not be classified as a mental illness.

>raptor meme
Right in the nostalgia feel, bro

Homosexuality occurs in the animal kingdom. Transgenderism is almost a certainly a reality among our animal brethren.

I’m in my early thirties. I didn’t ‘go’ trans, I have always been trans.

They're probably covered in hair. He's a man.

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I know your a man and you’ve made an open wound that you’ve made to let me put my dick inside?

Yeah I’m freaked out by that. Honestly why would I have choose a trans over an actual women?

>It's people who are sad and depressed and who don't like typical boy stuff and sometimes imagine themselves as a girl and then are told by trannies "well if you have any trans thoughts whatsoever, that means you are trans!"
>It's manipulation and wrong.

Mate I had the exact same issue. I never almost transitioned. Got into sissy stuff but never had the privacy to dress up nor did I have the motivation to shave my body and do the exercises (thank you body hair) and I remember one tranny from canada was like "You HAVE to go on hormones. Right away" and went on and on and on about me going full HRT


Yeah, the big scary trans lobby

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Pick one

no you went trans

Millions of women cant give birth but a majority can. If a women can't then there is usually something wrong w her physically. No hate, it happens. However, a trans will NEVER be able to give birth. You are not a women. You are a damaged man in womans clothing. Why else do you need hormones and surgery. Because you are trying to be something you are not. You are not a woman. You can pretend all you want but that is the truth.

Yeah but animals doesn't make shit up, they just bang each other and don't make anything else out of it, you are the one that want to feel special pretending something you are not mixing misinformation, feelings and pseudoscience.

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My vagina feels just as good as a natal vagina. As I said earlier, I’ve played with natal and surgical vaginas and you can barely tell the difference.

Reminder: OP is obsessed with trannies

>doesn't know about the coercion and lies spread to traps by crazy trannies
you dumb fat gay bastard. Lurk more newfag

this shit is scary. we’re producing a generation of victims.

then he needs to gtfo

>Yeah, the big scary trans lobby
They literally got psychology clinics shut down in Canada, influenced the DSM 5 on the definition of dysphoria, and are continually pushing political bills like C 16.

*sighs* no. I am trans. I have always been trans. I underwent surgery to correct the dysphoria I felt.

He certainly lost his manhood, but didn't even become a woman.

So theres no such thing as age dysphoria? Are you sure it's not a thing? I mean if it can happen with gender then why not other aspects of life? Why not let doctors clinically diagnose someone with age dysphoria so they can go around fkin teens without consequence? Or are you the bigot you claim others to be because they don't accept your dysphoria?

I have always been a woman. The surgery did not make me a woman, but it served to correct the dysphoria I felt regarding my shenis.

Gender is not arbitrary. It's fundamental biology

They have their set goal, and come with whatever they can to defend it, they realize it doesn’t make any logical sense, but they can’t admit to it or else they wouldn’t be able to achieve there cold.

This is why they resort to just personal attacks devoid of any reason, “transphobe” used in an argument is merely deflection

Hey just stop feeding the trolls
I was going to post but I rather just not even with these jerks
I think I'm just going to turn on my favorite Bambi file instead ^ ^
Which hypnosis files are your favorite?

So much this. Being transgender is nothing more than begging for attention. We should treat it the same way as automutilation or anorexia.


Both look like shit but I guess Blair gets points for actually trying

I agree. Let's just jump the gun here and say pedophilia is beautiful too. Don't you agree?

No, those are illnesses, not states of being.

People with opposing opinions make me sad just like my dick did. Not point in arguing when I'm this far in my delusion

>my dysphoria
>an objective reality
cunt shut up and get off Yea Forums you've been trying to make a point for over 2-3 hours now just fuck off and live your life or pick one of the above greentexts.

Yeah exactly
We learn through associations.
Associations can be through porn and other things but it's mostly porn.

Sissy porn is literally causing the uptick we see in transgender phenomena along with the general Nihilism caused by Boomers in our society

Tranny btfo

Want to listen to hypno together?

I see no correlation between the two.

I am a woman born into a body with stereotypically ‘male’ features. I find paedophilia as repellent as you do, why wouldn’t I?

Yup it is real scary. Gonna tell you something thats even scarier though.

So I got into traps back in about 2011 when it was mainly and I admit I was one of those idiots who was making 5-6 trap threads a day back around 2012. I kept noticing the push for traps to go onto HRT and trannies trying to recruit people all the time. Last year I was talking to a guy in a trap thread and discussing that with him. I was like "Yeah it sounds tinfoil but I think trap threads are used to convert and recruit socially awkward teens into becoming traps cause shemale/tranny porns went mainstream they want young, fresh models" and the user said it makes sense to a degree. Someone didn't like that so was replying to our posts with abuse but we ignored it and kept talking so they started spamming the thread with scat to kill it. BUT cause we STILL kept talking they switched from spamming scat to spamming dead babies


now that calls for a yikes. Now post pics

People with opposing views don’t make me sad, necessarily. But I would appreciate if others looked honestly at their outdated value systems...

Being transgender is an objective reality you dickless manchild.

Yep true. Also Yea Forums has become a sissy/BBC board. Not to mention your peripheral vision picks up a LOT of imagery so even when you past that shit your peripheral vision still takes it in. Almost subliminal but in sight.

Also read this

Glad you're able to admit its a delusion though. Thats the first step

Diffrence is Blair looks like shit for over doing it, should not have gone under the knife so many times

> /r/Transgender_Surgeries/
Oh no non no no

agreed. Blair looked better with less surgery. The nose is a mess imo

Objectively speaking you are pretending to be something you are not.

Doing as much as you can to mimic a real vagina. All i hear is "I have fake goods I'm trying to pass on as real". Just because it has an Apple logo on the back does not mean it's a real Apple product.

*mainly bailey jay

please just KYS. It's clear you're not wanted

Why do you call it a shenis? Shemale penis? Shill penis? Shameful penis?

> femmepocalypse
There is a parallel universe where this happened.

I fucking dare you to post a picture of yourself, lets see how "beutiful" you really are

Someone is mad.

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Because society thinks ‘penis=male’. I am a she, and my penis was female. I felt more comfortable calling it by another name.

>watches extremely perverted shit, engages in bizarre behavior.
It’s not a mental illness!

wow, in that universe we're trying to convince them we're trannies!

Lol says the guy trying to convince strangers hes a woman

Nothing bothers trans freak worse than when people don't play pretend with them

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Trans is the bizarre form of circumcision made up for the new liberal religion. They already have abortion for child sacrifice, and privilege/racism as the original sin

Hey thats me

quick question: how do/can these Frankenstein's monsters achieve orgasm with their edited biology? seems like it'd be a big dealbreaker but idk

Oh? You don't think a kid 'thinks' they are older than they are? You don't think a grown man 'thinks' he is still a teen because he missed out on his childhood? But a man can 'think' he was supposed to be a woman and that's ok? Feels trump reals? Where exactly do you draw the line where just because someone 'thinks' something it is real despite the opposing evidence? A man is not a woman but if I point it out I'm somehow wrong?

Value systems exists for centuries:
Trans people: you need to change because It doesn’t suit what I want and if anyone disagrees they’re a bigot.

Nice non-arguments you utter faggots. How about you stop defending the mentally ill and admit that there is something wrong with this?

They stimulate the prostate thats in their ass. That's how men can achieve an orgasm without touching their penis

No, I’m Spartacus

Here's the whole delusional part:
1. You have no idea how a real pussy feels to a normal natural woman.
2. The mechanical rearrangement of a penis will never ever be a vaginia.
3. You don't have the ability to compare your fake gash to a real pussy.

The dellusional state is believing you can compare. It's not possible. You're a man that has zero reference to feeling like a natural woman.


It's part of the fetish for AGP trannies
It's a thrill to recruit another person into transitioning
Some are so delusional they think they are doing the right thing by telling someone to get on hrt because they themselves regret not starting it a few years earlier so they could have bigger breast development


Ahh that makes sense, I’ve nicked named mine as well.

I call him Richard nixon, because he’s a tricky dick

You confuse me with the trans fag on the thread my guy, I ain't got no mutilated penis.

Hey faggots, you will never be a WOMAN, literally never.

Idc how "good" you think you look physically (and trust me I've seen the "pretty" trans people), still doesnt matter. You are a man and all of the shit you do to "transform" yourself, doesn't matter.

Born with a dick = MAN forever
Born with a vagina = FEMALE forever

That will literally never change, ever. Like literally never

This is what ever normal human being thinks like, even if they dont tell you or speak it publicly.


oh yeah also when I first got into the sissy crossdresser stuff I made friends with another trap on skype. We were friends for months and they told me they cant use thier genitals any more cause they met a dom on fetlife and they agreed the trap would be demasculated in a bondage session. Then the dom castrated them and ruined their penis in the process and he had to go to hospital and the doms in prison.

Well join in you gay retard. lets push the tranny to kill themself

This would actually make a good movie, set it 50 years in the future. Basically escape from New York style

Ahuviya Harel/Phil something

Notorious lolcow

So true.

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I mean, it ain't that bad

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>google Harel
>first two results in hebrew

Color me surprised

Yeah fetishes can be so powerful people fantasize about being castrated or emasculated
It all fits into the sissy/transformation fetish


I know right? I keep telling people that I’m a god trapped in a mortals body, but no one accepts it. Fucking bullshit

I just want to be called the almighty and get some sacrifices every once in a while.

So why are you okay with denying trans people their human rights to free speech, due to your own insecurity on the issue?


Sorry my guy, you fucked up the first time, you owe me an apology.

You can behave and act how you want. But you need to understand that sticking feathers in your but doesn’t make you a chicken.
Want to wear a dress and make up, sure
Want to suck serious amounts of cock, no problem bub
Want the rest of society to call you female because it makes you feel better, I kill you with fire.

Oh yeah I was talking to a trap who was taller and older than me and they just kept "daddy, daddy, daddy" it annoyed me so I thought I'd fuck with them and told them I'd put them in diapers and feed them laxatives and they were okay with it. Also spoke to one who was going for the castration when they moved to USA to live in their doms house

Holy crap that's sad and ugly.

Whose denying your right to speak?

Because you don’t tell a crazy person the voices in their head are real.
We have a serious issue encouraging and glorifying a mental illness.

okay kys

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You clearly said that you don't believe trans people are their actual gender. You want to silence their voices.

Firslty he's not mentioned free speech at all. He's simply pointing out biological facts. Also this

What you mad now tranni boi? can't accept you fucked up? what a shame.

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if it's an objective reality why do people decide and agree with other humans to go get the surgery and take hormones? as opposed to if it really was objective why wasn't there trans people in the world to begin with and just males and females?
You have 0 fucking idea what you're talking about an objective reality is something exists WITH or WITHOUT humans and being a fucking transgender means this is not objective because without humans TRANSGENDERS cease to be therefore it is not objective reality.

read above you shill the only person not wanting me is people who don't think and have a hive mentality and that hive is the personal agenda and feelings. Someone has to live on with a brain to comprehend that which is logical and illogical because you're not you just want everyone to agree with you and the fact is a concept does not truly work if it only agrees with itself which you are doing. Reeducate yourself because you have done nothing but just abuse me and not show me why you should be here and i shouldnt when im trying to use my brain and you're clearly not cunt.

no he's just stating his belief. Which is a biological fact. He doesn't "want to" anything he's stating fact

I wish I was a tranny. KYS

didn't read. KYS you fucking disgrace. We as well as your family want you dead

Lmao not agreeing with you doesn’t mean I’m taking away your right to speak.

You’re right of free speech doesn’t mean I have to listen or agree.

But we know how a lot of the trans community feels about my ability of free speech, they want me to go to jail for calling a man a man.

Do you honestly think anyone in the history of the human species has ever spoken the way that character has spoken?

Wow you really are a retarded bastard aren't you

i'll be honest.. the tranner in here is p delusional. lots of mental gymnastics going on. i'll tell yall how i feel about it. i will never be a woman? correct. being a man kinda sucks though. so i can try to get as close as possible to being a woman. it won't make me a woman, but having estrogen and playing a female role in society at the very least makes me a trans woman. that's good enough for me. call it what you want, there's a distinctive difference between that and men. secondly, i'm not here to fight for a cause. i'd rather nobody know i'm trans, but that's kinda difficult for some people, so we need trans acceptance to offset that. i'm sure we'd have no problem running around with a sign that says "i'm trans" if it didn't mean facing discrimination as a result. i find that wanting a neovagina is the minority. most of the trans women i talk to aren't interested in that. orchi maybe, but not srs.

You will kys sooner before I do

only if I was a tranny tbh

Someone saying you're wrong doesn't mean they're silencing you, i.e. everyone keeps telling you your vagina just doesn't look good while you disagree. Are you silencing their right to free speech in this case?

If you have a Y chromosome you are a male
If you don't, you are a female
This applies for all intersex conditions
XXY Klinfelters? You are male
X0 Turners? You are female

Outdated, outmoded, outrageous

Evidence to the contrary?

Why should I (and society in general) have to accept you, to make you feel better?

I’m all for tolerance, no one should harm you (physically) or commit crimes against you.

But I reject that we must accept your kind to make you feel better or that I have to use words I disagree with.

That's a man.

It’s 2019, FFS

I am a beautiful woman

>didn't read
this is the reason the world has gone to shit no one wants top confront their own reality and be challenged you sad weak minded human.
I had the respect to read what you said yet you won't do it for me? that means you don't want to understand where im coming from and therefore being a fucking hypocrite not wanting my voice to be heard. You're literally being teh exact problem you fucking bitch about but you ignore and neglect everything else unless you agree or like it. That is truly pathetic and childish are you sure im the one to go?

they're only their own gender when they're transitioning do you not even know your own communities fucking definitions?
you're male/female then you're transitioning which is trans and after that you're technically a female/male depending on what you transitioned to. Trans male/female GUESS what there's no fucking Trans gender it's just TRANSITIONED male or female meaning you're still trying to be one of the two. Fuck me dead can aliens just fucking shoot the planet and destroy it already jesus nazarene metaphoric fucking christ

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Facts are painful.

I would happily kill myself to ensure transtenders cease to be

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Don’t see why the year means we need to disregard all truth acquired over history.

ideally, you'd use the correct words of your own volition. trust me, it's just as uncomfortable for me when they just clearly aren't passing. i don't even give them the pity of it if they aren't applying the effort like some try to do.
Acceptance is a vague term. I'm not asking you to like and treat me like other women, but at the very least respect me as another individual. I know lots of trans people are delusional, but there's more to me than just being trans. As for the "words you don't agree with part", i'm sure you call plenty of people things you don't agree with, just to be nice. Maybe an ugly person pretty, or an incompetent person good enough - it's somewhat along the same level. If someone is obviously trans but trying their hardest to be a girl, can't you spare the courtesy?

> no one wants top confront their own reality

It's not needed, it's forced in our faces daily. It's not our reality at all if we can't like it. Shits nazi Germany 'yo

The thing I find funny is how creepy these sick fuck are with straight women. Like no, they don't want to be "lesbian"(if you can even call it that since ya know, you're a man)

Cut that shit out, you make them feel hella uncomfortable and a lot of women are afraid to be honest with you because you faggots "transphobe" label anyone who wants no dealings with you,

Leave women alone, they are straight and they like MEN and DICK (the thing that you are, oddly enough)


A man with caked on makeup.Trying so hard... Ugly.

Aye fairs points. I can do that, no I’ve never gone out of my way to offend a trans person or intentionally hurt their feelings in real life.

There’s no point in being a douche in a polite society.

Nah, no sugar coating here. I don't accept you as a person, a soul or even something as simple as an animal. You people disgust me. Sorry, not sorry

Go die in a hole you worthless waste of flesh. Babies die everyday and I honestly wish we could trade your existence for theirs.

well thank you. please try to remember that there's always a loud minority. i just want to get through life unnoticed.

it's okay, you won't even know when we pass by in the streets :) you'll go about your days never knowing

every time a trans person tries to be scientific, objective and willing to confront their own personal agenda and reality they end up being aggressive and childish so until one of you can be completely objective and scientific without losing your shit this is not outdated because if it was outdated your community would have some empirical evidence to counteract how outdated it is. The year means nothing either facts do thats why everyone keeps calling people like you delusional we're not being transphobic or bigotted you've simply given us no counter evidence or proof besides your personal agendas and feelings to suggest its not mental illness taking drugs and getting surgery to mutilate your natural genitalia to become the opposite sex.
If you can't come to terms with facts and accept them you all need to remove yourself from the gene pool as you're merely being part of the stasis that's stopping humanity as a collective progressing to understand ourselves more as individuals. Accept the facts and find a way to counter it with empirical evidence and proof and then EVERYONE will start respecting you so fucking much like you have no fucking idea. Be logical about this help humanity don't go against it.

simply saying "no i don't agree" is confronting their reality with yours you don't have to believe in anything or you can believe in everything. For instance i respect trans people because they're human however their ideologies and their outlook on themselves confuse the fuck out of me therefore it's impossible for me to agree until they give me something that isn't subjective i can go off and then you have fucking dickheads like saying being transgender is objective and i try educate them but then i end up with this fucking ignorant shit and you wonder why everyones fucking sick of their shit, losing their patience and telling them to kill themselves.

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>won’t even know

It’s funny because you believe that

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>Already proved I'm a women
>Only shows pic of fake vagina
I thought genitals didn't define gender though. So now you are saying it does. Hm...seems hypocritical.