Would you a robot?

Would you a robot?

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Why the fuck not? Robots won't bitch back at you.

I would a robot.

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I'd a robot.

You have been visited by the Laura of unloved threads.

Having garnered only 4 replies and currently teetering on the edge of the board, your struggle for survival appears to be a hopeless one. May this thread find its peace in death.

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if i dont get metal cuts on my dick and also if they are capable of creative thinking and speaking a language (human or higher tier), then why the fuck not?

nice robutt

Hell no. Sex robots are just another way in which our patriarchal society is trying to objectify women

and dildos objectify men

No they dont


Oh the double standards committee has arrived

Yeeaah they kinda do

yes, i'd probably own one

I was promised Sex Robots are to be a thing in 2020. Where are they?

I would most definitely fuck a robot

>would I

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it's not 2020 yet.

But there's barely any news about it. Damn.

bruh u guys are braindead as fuck its bait

> everything you disagree with is a bait

If it's my robowaifu Jenny then hell yeah

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