What do you think happens when we die Yea Forums?

What do you think happens when we die Yea Forums?

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You're instantly put inside another meat suit to begin this hell again.

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Clearly not, or wed remember last time

Something I've learned from my outer trips,is that this has all happened before, and it will all happen again. It goes over and over, on and on and eternity passes in an instant when you're dead. The universe remakes itself each time it collapses, and we all have yet another chance.

We've done this before and we'll do it again, but each and every time, we get a little better at it. Sometimes we take steps back, sometimes we fail completely, but we always move forward.

It's an endless spiral, my dude. And endless spiral of infinite learning. In and out. Like breath.

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heaven or hell retard

We merge back with the imagination and become nothing but an abstract idea that consciousness either experiences again as a different solidified reality, or releases to move to another abstract idea to observe its unfolding.

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maybe this is the first time around for all of us.

Your soul gets trapped in a trap or shota thread here

The ones that loved us will miss us.

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b-but i thought hell wasn't real

When you die, your body slowly shuts down. This process takes a while, so when you hear about "near death experiences", what those people recall is nothing more than their oxygen deprived brains trying to make sense of the sensory overload that occurs when they're revived. If the person was not revived, their dying brain would still go through the shutdown phase, but when that runs its course, that's it.

There is no god. There is no soul. Once all corporeal functions cease, that's it. "You" are gone. Forever. The atoms and subparticles that make up your body will be recycled and reused by the earth, and some of those will go on to be used by other living organisms, but "you" will play no part in any of this, much like how the shit that you flush down the toilet, although it once contained parts of your body, those parts are no longer "you".

Don't despair though. Don't fret. Don't even bother wasting time thinking about it, because there is absolutely nothing that you or anyone or anything else can do about it. Live your life. Do all those things that you want to do. Have fun, enjoy yourself, and when your time winds down, hopefully you'll be able to look back and say that you did everything that you wanted to do, and that you had a good time. Then as you fall asleep for the last time, remember this message, and remember that you are still just a faggot

slow 80's clap

Nothing happens, you're dead. Unless you are retarded, then you might think you are going to heaven but you're brain will use the last of its O2 and you'll go lights out for good.

I thought I'm crazy for feeling that this is the answer... But now i see that i am not alone.

The 4.5 billion years after you die will be exactly like the 4.5 billion years before you were born.

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>this happens

ping drops to "Connection Timed Out"

Just how based can you get?

We walk the dinosaur

You reincarnate as the next step of human evolution.

You go back to experiencing what you did before you were born. Not even black or stillness. You need a brain to process that, you won’t have one.

But what if i don't want to?

Person 1: Do you remember what you had for breakfast yesterday?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Do you remember where you were on 9/11?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Do you remember how you were feeling on the day Abraham Lincoln was assassinated?
Person 2: No.
Person 1: Why not?
Person 2: Because I wasn't alive back then.

Yeah, that's pretty much how it is when you die. It's exactly the same as before you were born; the universe continues after your existence in the same way as it did before your existence. You won't be able to experience life anymore.

Life, itself, is like stumbling into a surprise cocktail party. But the party never ends when you die, it just carries on without you.

But the universe is expanding at an ever increasing speed, not collapsing, dumbass. There won't be another big bang or whatever.


who knows, thats why we must press A to grab our destiny as soon as possible

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>"The vast majority of evidence indicates that this theory is not correct."

Try reading it yourself, genius.

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It's okay, I think the inevitable heat death of the universe sounds pretty comfy too.

>thinking you know things inherently outside our understanding

It's not going to heat up, it's going to keep expanding until everything dies a freezing cold death. The light from other galaxies won't be visible due to their light being too far away, so no living thing during that deep future time will be able to prove if any other galaxies ever existed at all.

either hell or literally just nothing

Look it up, dumbass. The heat death of the universe, in layman's terms, is what you just described.

I nearly died once. I can tell you what's in the afterword.
You sit in a cinema and you can't move your body. You can't close your eyes or move your head.
In front of you plays diaper furry gay porn 24/7 24 hours a day.

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You're both retarded. Space will continue to expand to a point where not even gravity will be able to hold things together. Everything will disintegrate thanos style. First galaxies will fly off uncontrollably. Than the stars. Than planetary systems followed by lunar systems. The. The planets themselves until everything at the molecular level is ripped to basic elements, then particles, subpartucles until we have the basic elementary particles.