The unwritten rules of Yea Forums: What are they? Mods delete threads for ponderous reasons. I got a ban for god knows what a while ago. I don't shitpost, or even fuck with anyone. Where are the sensitive lines we can end up crossing to upset the mods? I'd like to avoid them.
The unwritten rules of Yea Forums: What are they? Mods delete threads for ponderous reasons...
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Fucking deal with it faggot
If you don't shitpost or fuck with anyone, then you don't belong here. Go back to Retarddit with all the other nigger loving faggots that want to have a pussy ass discussion.
Boo. Boring.
Unhelpful. But thanks for the advice.
Wait, maybe your advice was helpful. More shitposting!
>god knows what
The mod knows what. The mod also would tell you what post got you banned and what rule you violated. Enjoy your fucking ban, faggot.
>If you don't shitpost or fuck with anyone, then you don't belong here. Go back to Retarddit with all the other nigger loving faggots that want to have a pussy ass discussion.
Dude, you sound hard as nails. Are you an MMA fighter or a Navy Seal?
If we tell you the unwritten rules, they'll cease to be unwritten. faget
Ban's over, buy thanks.