What happens after death? do you get reincarnated or is it eternal oblivion?

What happens after death? do you get reincarnated or is it eternal oblivion?

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Most likely, exactly the same thing as before you were born.

Idfk I'm not dead.

then why post in this thread retarded nigger

The only thing we know for sure is that earth was born from stardust nothings. That life exists here. That life here has consciousness. That you were born at least once. It most certainly happened once to all of us, 7 billion of us. Who's to say it won't or cannot happen again?

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Nothing. you just blink out of existence. Nice thing is you wont even exist to care about not existing. Just a nice slide back in non-existence where you dont exist anymore and you dont exist enough to care that your dead and will no longer exist.

I died before, what happens is your mind goes bubble Pop. You end up in heaven, you were asleep all along in your old soul. The memories of all of your old lives come flooding back in. Your body feels amazing like orgasmic all over but manageable, energy flowing from bottom to top, you don't even care about moving. Your mind is all knowing and expensive you don't even care about thinking. Your other is in front of you, the soul that has been the closest to you throughout your many lives. You guys communicate back and forth really quickly through understanding. And finally everyone is there all infinite personalities at their highest peak, even Hitler is there (he just felt like s*** when you woke up)

This guy

Is me :laughing:

That's why I say, logically speaking you where born once then after a forever amount of time u will be born again some way some how because ur stuck in forever


I would agree. We were born. We died. No consciousness means we have no sense of the passage of time. So after we die we "feel" that we are reborn again in an instant, even if it is a billion years later. That is the only thing that we know for sure can happen because it's already happened once to all of us.

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The only thing for certain is that the people who love you will most certainly miss you.

That's what happens after death.

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Yea definitely man... It's just like I said in the other post I died before so I'm pretty sure what I said happens happens lol. But from a science point of view that sounds sound

Why in the fuck should we be reborn other than humans seem to want this scenario? There is no reason to believe that consciousness continues anytime after death.

When you die your soul gets returned to the aether stream which resides invisible through out the universe in a meta physical state that consists of energy transmuted to a "soul" which is only capable of being hosted by a human vessel and operated by the human brain. Some people (me) will say this is what dark matter is interpreted as, but that is just speculation. When you die your mind is erased, but the energy of your soul still exists, energy can not be destroyed only converted. This energy is then held until there is another vessel it can bind to and begin the process again in another body. Humans must be taught everything from the beginning or they'll die as a child. The Aether stream doesn't produce "Human" souls though, its just the energy of "Consciousness" being bonded to a vessel capable of expressing such energy.

When you have kids, a part of your soul energy is transferred to your offspring. Depending on how many kids you have more of your soul will be held here on earth within your offspring, this is why people say they see their dead relatives when its really them conjuring your image in their mind with your residual energy withheld inside their DNA which stores "Data" as you may have heard.

>Yes Im stoned let me know if this is from anything because I came up with this shit by my self high as fuck and it would probably make a cool book

Actually it appears that your brain knows when you’re dead.

Here's my theory.

Time doesn't exist.

Let's say you are God. To you sitting on the outside we are all like characters in a book. You flip to any page and talk to that person and they would have seen their timeline as linear. But you can immediately flip the book to 100 pages later and speak to the character as an old man. No time passed for you but it did for the character in the book.The character an only perceive their story in a linear fashion because that's how they're written. They're a part of the book and that's how it all fits together. But you on the outside can easily see that they're not actually moving in time. It's just each page, each snapshot of that character that sees it this way because it's the only way it knows how.

But it's far more complicated. It's more like a choose your own adventure book with every possible choice the character could make. And still it's even more complicated than that because not only does the "choose your own adventure" take into account every single choice every single person that ever did and ever will exist, it also has all the adventure paths that diverge when every sub atomic particle decides to decay or not. It's the book that contains all the possible stories of the entire universe basically.

So the thing is, we are already dead. And we are already not existing in the time before our birth. And conversely we will always be alive within the pages that our story exists. As well as every possible outcome from the one where you killed yourself at 14 for whatever reason to the one where you become an internet billionaire to the countless ones where you don't even exist because your parents never hooked up.

Get out of your ass buddy
When you're dead, you're dead. Thankfully you won't know it.

>Why in the fuck should we be reborn other than humans seem to want this scenario?
Why wouldn't we? And consciousness isn't limited to humans.
>There is no reason to believe that consciousness continues anytime after death.
And there is no reason to believe it doesn't. You were born. You arose out of "death", nothingness or unconsciousness once, so it is obviously possible. As in a literal, undeniable objective fact. Why couldn't or shouldn't it happen to you again?

When we were born we didn't arise out of death. You don't have one shred of empirical evidence that we retain consciousness after death, you cling to the idea because it makes you feel better about dying. Humans create stories then force themselves to believe them.

"The curse of man, and cause of nearly all of his woes, is his stupendous capacity for believing the incredible. The most common of all follies is to believe passionately in the palpably not true. It's the chief occupation of humankind." -- H. L. Mencken

>all knowing and expensive

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Based Keanu

Wouldn't this make more sense if instead of a book it was like a map of every person and from that bubble its branches out in all possible time lines and some branch out much further than others

Kind of like the sphere grid in FFX

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>When we were born we didn't arise out of death.
You don't have one shred of empirical evidence for this.
>you cling to the idea because it makes you feel better about dying.
Your conjecture that there is "nothing" gives you comfort as well, you have created, believe or subscribe to a story that there is nothing.
H.L. Mencken...I'll raise you one Rumi "“Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form." As is true with all nature is it not? Decomposition, entropy, energy?
In general, I do not need comfort from the idea of death. As an long time agnostic I don't fear the aftereffects of death at all. Admittedly the short act of dying gives me some discomfort, but that's about it.

Rumi? A Sufi mystic? Better read the Mencken quote again. We're done here...

Maybe you are done, but I don't believe so. And you really should read for yourself what you have quoted here.
>The most common of all follies is to believe passionately in the palpably not true.

Eternal progress open to every Human Soul.

I fuck your mom, sister, and girlfriend. Adios.

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When you die, your body slowly shuts down. This process takes a while, so when you hear about "near death experiences", what those people recall is nothing more than their oxygen deprived brains trying to make sense of the sensory overload that occurs when they're revived. If the person was not revived, their dying brain would still go through the shutdown phase, but when that runs its course, that's it.

There is no god. There is no soul. Once all corporeal functions cease, that's it. "You" are gone. Forever. The atoms and subparticles that make up your body will be recycled and reused by the earth, and some of those will go on to be used by other living organisms, but "you" will play no part in any of this, much like how the shit that you flush down the toilet, although it once contained parts of your body, those parts are no longer "you".

Don't despair though. Don't fret. Don't even bother wasting time thinking about it, because there is absolutely nothing that you or anyone or anything else can do about it. Live your life. Do all those things that you want to do. Have fun, enjoy yourself, and when your time winds down, hopefully you'll be able to look back and say that you did everything that you wanted to do, and that you had a good time. Then as you fall asleep for the last time, remember this message, and remember that you are still just a faggot.

Obviously its reincarnation

You just happened to be created by your parents fucking. So why can't it just happen again?

But the question is will you get reincarnated as a human or can it just be anything. Like can you be born a dolphin. And why stop there? Could you be born some alien 50 billion lightyears away from here?

Maybe I should kms to find out

Theres only one soul refracted trillions of times over. We are all just electrical energy inhabiting different organic machines that decay into our base elements and return to being parts of new machines through assimilation/consumption. The "soul" is just what our shells innate circuitry being powered by electricity and is determined by our Gene's, its like we are born with slight fundamental programming and the electricity moves like water to fill and power what the genes have built but ultimately the energy that fundamentally powers all life and the smartphone that I'm typing this on is the same thing

Remember what it was like before you were born? It will probably be something like that.

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Obviously it's exactly what the nations of people over 6000 years of jews experienced. Then punctuated in the culmination of the Messiah and his testimony. However, most of you guys along with Satans world will buy into the idea that everything is equal. It's not. Only known history and the reality going on around you can be true.

But if God doesn’t exist then why is it that no other living thing on this planet are anywhere near as intelligent as humans?

Limited intelligence. We're so smart we're slowly destroying the entire planet. Yeah, we're some kind of special all right.

Except carbon dioxide is completely natural.

And the oceans are littered with shards of plastic everywhere. Nothing very natural about that, is there?

Yes that’s true. But why does no one talk about it?

Many scientific journals have been written on the subject. The average person may not want to discuss it because unlike global warming, there is no doubt factor as to how the plastic got there. There is no maybe it's true, maybe it isn't, we created the problem.

Please don't troll or larp with this shit..

I want to grow my soul.

But again only humans can fuck up that bad. Other organisms can’t make plastic or other materials that pollute the planet.

I hope it's eternal oblivion.
To be reincarnated sounds like a horrible version of hell. Life is crappy enough having to go through it once, going through it over and over again? Maybe if you remembered your previous lives so that you can learn from mistakes and thus be able to grow as a person, then it wouldn't be so bad. at least that way the world would gradually get better because people would have hope that things can and will get better for them.
However, if reincarnation is what happens, it doesn't come with a continuation of previous experiences. it's a reset, a blank slate. all the mistakes you've made before? You'll make them again because you don't remember the consequences. and you'll keep making them in each life... For all eternity you are stuck in this horrible cycle that you have no way out of.
