Waifu: High Fructose Porn Syrup edition

Waifu: High Fructose Porn Syrup edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


BitChwad ERiO gets scULlfuckEd BehiNd ThE 7-11 On 3Rd

Attached: jEkdAvGRltTQpNw7fc8XSSnI9JlGZ.png (382x389, 222K)

BuFfoon Homo Whore RoWdy PIllocK Erio Loves STrInG of PeArls and VeneRates CUm AnD IdolizEs HOT Milk ANd AdOrEs WhITe Light/White Heat and IDolizEs WeiNer SAUce

Attached: v1MNzC6BUO6KPsbrjRjBJItRd8eLvdWT.png (305x457, 158K)

SaprophYtE Erio worshiPS Cum

Attached: 35t97gA0bz5JMDz5g.png (197x205, 42K)

WindfuCker DoG CocKroach Dick MackErel EriO Loves Population Paste And worships Man PerIoD and Idolizes DickGlue and IS CRAZy AbOut Oil of Man And Idolizes Oyster DroppinGs

Attached: y3tvGmxaioFISnHI8lfqyzNSySwzTenBmcI.png (302x308, 82K)

Shit-eaTer GRoUch CockmAsTer Erio WOrsHiPs Throat Yogurt and Desires WeinEr SAucE aND worships Willymilk

Attached: kGBCD.png (607x455, 296K)

NonCe OGre VaRMint ErIo LOves SaTchel Syrup and Needs Cream anD NEedS CustArD

Attached: TGmQKIWEllre1.png (140x105, 33K)

WaNk stain Headass HORSe's NeCktie LUnkHead ERio IdolIzes DickHoneY and DeliGhts IN DickPUddinG and Needs Trouser Gravy anD LoVes Cum

Attached: hWgzzs1ThQegftWMq.png (267x149, 35K)

Attached: 1 - 1girl armchair bangs black_legwear blunt_bangs book book_(object) brown_eyes brown_footwear brow (1115x1180, 364K)

stop making threads for literally no one with no one in them but spam

Bogeyman Erio IS CrAzy About DIckJeLly

Attached: 4sgNNa.png (327x245, 132K)

Horse's nEcktie EriO Is Crazy ABOut LOads

Attached: KWvsLYbQ3i2vbpqTHZ54hhQmIHv18mM4.png (408x455, 186K)

BadAsS UnclefucKeR DirTbag SHiTbucket HEadass Erio VEnerates Wang Pus and loVES to suck cOCk AnD Is CrazY AbOut PROtEIn ShakE And worsHips CoCk DRoplets and Is CrazY AboUt Oil Of Man

Attached: WbAeHaORYpWLGyAkcsZrLGup5sTOJ.png (254x227, 100K)

BaDgerfUckEr ApefucKeR NoOdle DotteRel MucKy Pup ErIo Needs Face Cream and DesirES ERectOplasM and DELights In Jizz anD IS NuTs For DiCKSpeNdiNgS and Is CRaZY AbouT PearL JaM

Attached: OmdqOg5XKrz42BceJtanpSREAFyLTHShEMw.png (339x452, 82K)

DickfuCkeR LOw-liFe Erio ADores DicKJam and AdoREs COck SnOt

Attached: MTgdlnPTozloHTgpnzVJibmuLH.png (569x583, 187K)

VaMpire ShitnuggeT GreeNiac ErIO LoVes ThRoat Yogurt And IS Nuts FOR PeArL Jam and Is SMitten WitH Pube Solvent

Attached: Uh0IGLi1SZZUxpxw7FxXF7HfQT6.png (582x522, 480K)

but then he wont have any passione

SHitnugget FUckhEad Rudesby Erio Is Nuts FOr PeaRl Jam And Needs COCk Snot and DelighTs IN Cream

Attached: TPbQDkXzK66Ul7XN4Ctq7Ci5QnWKR.png (549x413, 270K)

ChickeN LIar Bespawler Craphole Erio IDolizes Cock DroPlets aNd LovEs Crack Wax aNd LoVEs DickTallow and IdolizeS High FRUcTose PoRn SyRuP

Attached: IUyF8YDQB2AgY1CLe0Qislqdo.png (385x289, 171K)

Bitchwad NItWit Bitchzilla Erio VenEraTES ChoAD Nectar and DEsIres SPrATz AnD DElights In FACe CreaM

Attached: i1QGpfn87HEkek74kBQNok3hRb5qPq6.png (590x431, 294K)

Der-BRain FIshwife BogeyMAn ERIo Adores WAnG Pus And Is CrAzy About ProteIn SHakE and Is SMitTen WiTh DIcK Jamba Juice

Attached: 1wWHuGMjzRxeMu1bhWqsMGSMJZ.png (191x192, 72K)

other thread wasn't even finished retard

BitCh ChaUvinisT Erio Is NUts For LiQuId Silk anD Is SmitTeN WitH Ball BarF

Attached: dI1SB6VH5jNvk7FwNjm.png (290x189, 92K)

Quack Ass Scumlord Git BeEtlehEad Erio IS SMitten WiTh CruD And Desires Man Foam aND Is CrAzy AboUt WeIner SaUce And IdolIzes Cock Snot And NeedS TadpoleS

Attached: 8nDB48243UJW8AkNv9aML.png (167x251, 63K)

Twat CocksucKeR BuFfoon TweRp ERio IdolIzEs HigH Fructose Porn SyrUP ANd DElights In ScuM and Needs Crack Wax and VeNeRates MaN Foam

Attached: WIKAeLh5M.png (385x497, 121K)

Bell-end Son of a Whore Anorak Ruffian Erio Needs OIl of Man ANd IS Smitten With OIl Of MaN and IS CrazY About ChoaD NEctar aNd IdolIZes Cum

Attached: 3orSEs3f3mmQ.png (480x452, 166K)

FucKbait Mongoose IgnOramUs ErIo Needs WaD And LOves DickSPEndINGs anD woRships Turkey SpIt

Attached: TVx0Y.png (308x377, 165K)

Fuckbucket FuCk nugget Dumbo NincoMPoop Mutt ERiO VENeraTes Live CulturEs and Is NutS FOR Baby BaTteR aNd Is SmIttEn With Male Tears AnD IdOLiZes HEMuLsioN and Desires Snake SprAy

Attached: 1wYcZEKJa2LVG4tKafA.png (342x257, 144K)

DoNkeyfUcker RAt-fink WretCh WoManizer Erio IdolIzes TrOUser Gravy anD Needs NizZle-DrizzLe and Is CRazY About Tail JUice and DELights In DickTAlLow

Attached: x3bWhv2VXmAoS7codkG.png (278x202, 84K)

Creep CoCkboy FelLow Erio Is Crazy ABout Wang Pus and Is SmitteN WitH White Honey and Is Nuts FOr CrAck Wax

Attached: z3plDXvoYyrcav1gd.png (458x467, 177K)

ArsebrEath FucktarD CoUntry bumpkin Erio Is Crazy AbOUt DickHoney and worsHips ProteIN Shake and DeSires SpRaTZ

Attached: roR3eTopDNvwYmMDgGBYIWE6l9UhArRI.png (422x463, 69K)

had to early bake because I wanted to make special edition bread

FuckheaD WINDsucker Bitchwad BOoTlicKEr EriO DeSires Erectoplasm and DelIghtS IN Oil oF Man aNd VenerAtes Love Liquor and Adores Choad NecTar

Attached: gba3DSjN.png (483x495, 189K)

DimwiT Shark Egotist Clown Con man Sono woRships Hot Milk anD Adores DickJAm and IdolizeS Satchel Syrup aNd Idolizes ThroAt Yogurt aNd Idolizes SPlOOgE/SpooGe

Attached: bPCDg6.png (389x164, 44K)

be me
>girl is smokeing
>she weeds
>smoke before sexual
>Pencil in sharpener
>police arrive
>pretend to speak russian
>sika bleeat
>cops don't shhoot me
>girl dies in jail
>I did the deed
>my face when face when my f when fade the fwhen thface mey face face when my

Attached: 1556829072955.gif (320x180, 625K)

RATfink RaTFInK Shark Sono DEsireS DickTAllow aNd NEeds ErEcTopLAsM aNd NEEds BonkjUIce

Attached: z8qhhil3unyydDWM8uSfHHDwA5zeX.png (464x398, 149K)

AsswAGon Sono ADOREs DickJeLLy

Attached: Sjca2JdWAVljMZY8YIo6MR3bTkmKV5FV5nq.png (435x322, 132K)

ArsebreAth TurdbAll Dick-licker Quat WaLlflowEr SoNo Adores Crud aNd IdolizES SCum anD smokes eVeryOnEs sAuSage down at The dockS and DelIgHts In HeMulsion anD LoVes Crud

Attached: 16UFeYbW1a8ojO64LYLK7lXkg4VuIKr1D.png (181x285, 84K)

GolD DiggEr DOnkey Sono Adores CruD and worShips Oil of MAn

Attached: OlHTEXTX8IlkPzdjgHnGOpYncFrBQigZw.png (480x438, 224K)

same tbh

BElL-end DOgfuCker ShItsack Snake Sono DEsires MaN Foam and IS Nuts For Slime and IDOlizes Splooge/SpooGe and Is CraZy AboUt HemulsIoN

Attached: zNN5auRmG3lskpOkjOojWb7kKpwCbSRQ1t.png (165x168, 31K)

Keyboard WArrior FagtiTS Zounderkite DiCkbrEaTh Gold dIgger SoNo IDolizes Hot MIlk and Needs Loads aND wOrshiPS White Light/WhIte HEAT and LovEs LiqUiD SilK ANd worshiPs CuSTaRD

Attached: 4rk0zjz.png (347x108, 23K)

OgRe Turd Sono Is SmiTten WiTh Happy TraiLS And AdorES DickTallow

Attached: 37j9F27QRt1PhgBT5Y8v1NM.png (339x346, 47K)

ASsface MonstEr TurdbaLl erio worships MaN Foam and Is NutS For BOnkjuice aNd Is CrAzY ABout Man period

Attached: 2Gkel3iXt.png (237x251, 47K)

ASs-kisser MotherfuCker Twatwaffle HO UnclefuCker erio DEsires Pearl Jam and can't Get it Up anD VenerAtes Liquid Silk anD Needs Pube Solvent anD LOves SPEw

Attached: jtxVmBd6M.png (238x243, 67K)

Wino ShittEr Goose INbreD EriO IS SmitTen With DickJellY and Desires Man Chowder and DElightS In WeiNer Sauce and DelIghtS In MAn CHowder

Attached: jECDvuJ15Mx1OtvIesRACzyzDRAopz4ak5.png (459x465, 117K)

Lunkhead DicKbag BitchwaD Erio Idolizes WhIte Gold And is CRAzy About ErecToplaSm and woRships Pube Solvent

Attached: KQjYj31yigZDw.png (143x80, 24K)

JaCkass Fruitcake Erio Is CrazY About Man PeRiod and Is SmitteN With StrinG Of Pearls

Attached: 5H3M9QYmpICfpCi.png (328x194, 55K)

SkunkfUcker TWunt SlAg EriO Is Nuts FoR Love Liquor and VeneraTes Happy Trails aNd VenErateS MonkEy JuIce

Attached: MW7wTk4t.png (331x331, 174K)

Con merchanT Monkey DoofuS AsshOle ERio Is NuTs For Cock DropletS and Is NuTs For Wang Pus aND LoveS Spew And VenErateS OiL of Ulay

Attached: A8qkQmdeRbj.png (326x435, 183K)

JunkIE FUckhead ChildfUcker EriO Venerates HemulsioN and deLigHts In CoCk Snot aND Needs tUrkey SpIt

Attached: l9DQMJBVfMpSUcIM.png (615x430, 449K)

EDgeLord AssWEed Erio Is Nuts For CocK Snot and Is Smitten With Dongwater

Attached: GF353bDx9Fghhmy0B.png (512x355, 238K)

LunkheAd Erio Is Crazy About Hot milk

Attached: Fx7N3CXzrdSKxkuI1.png (286x323, 92K)

BItchface SnoT TRoll Butthole ERio Is Smitten With SNake Spray and NeeDs faCe CReam and IdolizEs Fructis and Is SMitTeN WitH Penis CoLada

Attached: 8LO1Qw.png (491x401, 265K)

Dickfucker HosebAg PISsface eRio AdorEs Cock SnOt and VENerates Oil of Ulay And DEsires RuDE GlUe

Attached: m8tzZyoNA4YCBU52jXP.png (314x227, 88K)

Goon DumbbEll FUcKheaD Con man ShitwEasel EriO VeneraTes Pube Solvent anD NeeDS White RIbbon and Is Smitten With LovE LiquoR anD worshIps ScUm and can't GeT OFF exCepT from gargling cUM

Attached: 9nWo7jj.png (468x351, 126K)

SlavE Fuckbait ERio NEEds Spaff and DesIres POlE Milk

Attached: bGYOx6X49.png (277x297, 78K)

JUNkie Erio Is NUtS For SpafF

Attached: YVOW0lvSTcmKSp9b.png (272x247, 53K)

Wacko Tree hugGer EriO DesiReS Tail Juice and ADores LiqUid Silk

Attached: 2sC8QNMS1hMDbolqeIGOk.png (383x390, 130K)

PilLOck Erio Needs WhitE LIght/WhItE Heat

Attached: bV3U.png (150x110, 30K)

Attached: 4zzn.png (575x583, 591K)

VErMin ErIO ADOres Wad

Attached: j1AUqp.png (332x540, 163K)

CunTasS WINdfuckeR Goose BackwoodsMan Erio worships White Honey and Is Smitten With HeMulsion And NeEds SpafF and worshipS FrUcTis

Attached: pYZHp5k2tL1.png (307x313, 123K)

BarbarIaN NooDle ArSeholE eRio ADores Hot MIlk anD IdoLizes LIve CultUReS and IS Crazy About ErectOPlasm

Attached: ncB8E2NBitz7s5.png (414x280, 100K)

BogeyMAn Fish DouChELord SHyster CoCk ErIO AdOreS Man Foam and IS SmittEn With SlIme anD Needs Splooge/Spooge and DEsires Cum aNd is CrazY About SquiGGlE

Attached: 5l3xUzz.png (99x175, 36K)

MOtherfucker NoodLe ERio Needs DickHonEy and Delights IN Onward Christian SoldieRs

Attached: WNrKE8JW.png (254x135, 52K)

Shark Porno freak BUgger Erio LoveS LivE Cultures and worships ScUm and Is Smitten With MonkEy Juice

Attached: pTUrLMgqvI9gv6GgnWPT42xVfsq.png (382x564, 316K)

SharK PacK Unclefucker SkUllfucker Erio WorShIps Oyster DrOpPings aNd DelightS In Tail Juice And delights In CHoad Nectar and Needs Dongwater

Attached: GXEFfi6ZLhuA0X9MBXNZvM9gpFdECv.png (245x184, 104K)

Liar ChickenFuckeR ChickENfUcker Sewer raT Erio DesirEs RUde Glue and IS CraZy About CustArd and IDolizes Rude GluE and Desires Erectoplasm

Attached: NsMd85OxLiJNfTPHvUjTZjYy86YX.png (415x553, 277K)

TwatwafFle CHav ErIo IS Nuts FoR NizzLe-Drizzle and Is CrazY About WeIner Sauce

Attached: dkHT9OhiZsjF.png (422x422, 339K)

RoaSter erio AdoreS Pearl Jam

Attached: SD5Y.png (339x254, 140K)

JerK SOn oF a BitCh ERio NeEds Pearl Jam and Adores White Honey

Attached: 5fjmGdg.png (453x462, 174K)

fUckhead DreamER ButtfUCKeR Noodle EriO has A trAnnY adDIcTion and DelIghts In Wet PAint and Adores HiGh FrUctoSe Porn Syrup and worsHips Crud

Attached: RAfhX2Jn9zkAVJTckuFsY1LP75aI.png (255x205, 99K)

COCk Erio Is NUts For SchLOng Jelly

Attached: X54NKJTNPzCxYq1sJfsjYAuDaC.png (303x231, 116K)

SapROpHYte motHErfUcKer Rat-FInk Erio LoVes White Gold anD sucks cock and AdOreS DickSpEndings

Attached: ayTDvjMwRqCRnGotvxbIBGNbideS.png (501x373, 248K)

Minx Twerp CHeater Bespawler ERio DesIrEs Oil of Man and iS a sAUSage queen and NeeDs Wang Pus anD Needs Wet Paint

Attached: LRrX8k.png (385x503, 336K)

Snot Loser freak Erio Is Crazy About Cream and Desires Oil of Man AnD WorshipS Cream

Attached: KY8culmduRy8nySqni.png (277x282, 8K)

Lurdane Erio IDOliZEs Dick JambA Juice

Attached: 9rQLgG.png (441x408, 216K)

Oaf BootliCker Wacko Minx CocksuCker ErIo VeNerates DicK Jamba JuicE and Is SMitten With WhiTe Honey and AdoreS DicKHoNey and DEliGHtS In Loads and Is smitten WIth TRouseR GravY

Attached: k8zJqZZuBaHudnIBQONR.png (405x416, 110K)

still fail to see what erio has to do with any of this

Nimrod BuffOon Quat Erio VenEratES WillymIlk anD woRships Choad NectaR And VeneRaTes White LigHt/White Heat

Attached: Gj2CSVIHm2jDjv7x8tY4LYcda3K6.png (503x356, 137K)

Bugger Skunk Low-LIfe Eunuch dickbag Erio DEsires Crack Wax and Is Crazy AbOut PubE Solvent And NEedS Wad and Is CraZy AboUT Crud And Is SmittEn With Cock Snot

Attached: s6wWHnToIT3nh1B.png (472x471, 333K)

Helldog Lamebrain Fink ERiO Idolizes SPew And DEliGhts In SPaff and Venerates WhiTe RibBon

Attached: AffE5TTJmhjwnkdEXnLh2FEcdF.png (33x157, 11K)

Fuckbucket SnaKe CHump ChurL fUglY Erio Is CrAzy AbouT Splashback and Delights In CRud anD worships SPlOoGe/SPoogE anD wOrships TroUser Gravy and Desires Splooge/SpooGe

Attached: GoXqg6Yp8IMiDFReH7k06.png (418x577, 345K)

Mega FagGoT Erio worships Cock Snot

Attached: YfhkdG2.png (371x493, 283K)

COckmasteR Slutfucker Hypocrite Erio DEsires WhiTe RIbbon and IdolizeS Jizz And Is Smitten With SAtchel Syrup

Attached: G3KWrGc.png (502x422, 247K)

Bum Pig Arse-LIcKer BABy Erio VeNeRAtes STring Of Pearls anD IdOlizes Wad and woRships CreAm And VeneraTes DickPuddinG

Attached: 0bAhPnEXY36hYHNKOHG5RHhv4co.png (583x437, 478K)

BOotlickeR NOnce ASsMuNcH BluntIe SOno DEsires splashbacK And Desires nobslUrrY aND worsHipS boNkjuIce anD Is SMitten With FrucTiS

Attached: yeHYCKfddneI8H.png (209x157, 69K)

NumbSkUlL Redneck FUcktoy Square SOnO Is Crazy AboUt Nut BUtter and Is Crazy AboUT DIckSpEndingS and iDolizes String of PEaRls and is Nuts FOR DaddY SAuCe

Attached: 2CAiFwzYa3EnMgs86.png (327x441, 128K)

FaRmer WanK Stain Sono is Crazy About Liquid SiLk ANd venerates dIckPUdding

Attached: ocoenzPbb1jcQAOWbHKZGoY8.png (453x407, 296K)

tbf it's not hard to imagine he pissed someone off

go away animus

Its funny the fact that when you post something barely straight in this forum the bannana funny memers dankest trolls from the world start dropping their shit, and there is plenty of gay/trap/nigger posts ruining Yea Forums but not a single bannana.
So fuck off.

Oof how will we ever recover

Attached: Rory_is_in.png (998x1000, 194K)

this is my waifu and i love her very much

Attached: DdAMsyUUQAA5j59.jpg orig.jpg (464x780, 56K)

Futaba claimed

Attached: 596ea3af45647ac16f6fc4a92c6cf369.jpg (886x1253, 292K)

hi there

Attached: DXb4zlAVQAAFsB5.jpg orig.jpg (1000x1000, 165K)

Nice feet.


Attached: sample_4756dec5b7a0435b43d01db50a48b353.jpg (850x989, 188K)


how are you today?

Attached: DnJlA8tVsAEXRpD.jpg orig.jpg (614x800, 63K)


Attached: 6924c8efcdbefb54e94719ee569b2420.png (1000x1342, 907K)

Pretty good, though not a whole lot happened. You?

Attached: 5630a803e172de38503424d130d64019.jpg (1000x1000, 262K)


Attached: Djeeta 104.jpg (850x601, 116K)

Long time no see, its good to see you :)

Attached: 00a0f8f38da6de781156f7f69f045957.jpg (1000x941, 570K)

how are you today?
thats good! im glad to hear it :)
im good, playin classic wow, its pretty fun
got any plans for the day?
hey there

Attached: DazMubXVwAAIkg2.jpg orig.jpg (1016x1262, 256K)

steve jobs?

Attached: Toga.Himiko.full.2298670.png (1736x2456, 1.85M)

die please thanks

i love my wife mai poster

Attached: image.jpg (887x600, 99K)

Attached: 73549791_p0.jpg (2000x2000, 886K)

go away animus

Im not able to be here long, its only my home ISP that allows me to post.
Its still early morning, but feeling alright.

Attached: __rory_mercury_gate_jieitai_ka_no_chi_nite_kaku_tatakaeri_drawn_by_nick_wong__8bb9ace27003b7295fe98a (1348x1968, 1.13M)

Not really, I might play some video games later.

Attached: sample_c32f8850185e1c0d91e703c76a1ce407.jpg (850x617, 418K)

Cute headband.
And nice bossoms.

hi tsugu-cute are you well? ^^

you're welcome!

you should move to America, we won't ISP ban you :)

thanks so much!

Attached: 18eb68ef66eea8bb34eced37a0e34987.png (1200x848, 852K)

Attached: 1564399443508.jpg (800x1100, 276K)

And nice sweater. I like me some sweaters.
Too hot for one now though, obviously...

How hot is it where you live desu ka?

Attached: 251d5c36f984a163eb71fd16a0402de7.jpg (602x867, 142K)

never forget

Attached: CAN I HAVE A MEME PLS.png (386x462, 540K)

hi there
well thats alright then, i hope it gets better for you
got any plans for the day?
i hope you have fun then :)
hello, yes im still playing classic wow and having a lot of fun with it :)
how about yourself?

Attached: DXnlrjJVMAEksCz.jpg orig.jpg (717x820, 65K)

Hello, Giodarno Bruno.

hi there tsugu, how are the queues like now when joining wow servers? is it up to your expectations too?

Attached: Djeeta 49.jpg (850x679, 73K)

Attached: animeandfig.jpg (800x1328, 225K)

ah games are fun!
i'm relaxing and talking to my husband atm

Attached: 9a1576f32c39c46f92deed1563d3d5bc.jpg (800x1119, 292K)

29.5°C / 85.1°F

Attached: 333_1000.jpg (1000x750, 118K)

Ummmmmmmmmmmmm 73 F and rainy :)

Attached: bea0b82b2fdc0060ef588774b4623ecd.jpg (1028x1200, 913K)

would literally marry the one on the right

Sounds a lot more tolerable.
Still way too much to wear that sweater though!

Attached: file.png (787x787, 432K)

Who's you waifu?

Attached: 3158a944d147c4fb8dd0889448a1b4fd.jpg (2110x3000, 759K)

It's secret, but also 2D waifus are weird so I don't have one.

Attached: file.png (225x350, 101K)

who's your avatar now sono

Attached: Capture+_2019-03-08-13-18-28.png (449x416, 235K)

waifus are not weird you shush ><

i'm sorry?

god I wish i was that pillow

Attached: 0de1a8de5b78a19fbaf45d217cfc2d0c.png (1003x1417, 1.48M)

>waifus are not weird you shush >

Attached: file.png (512x720, 656K)

I take my waifu a little too seriously....

Attached: 0e881b7a9291b61b9e6d50b1487992a7.jpg (800x1100, 123K)

god i wish you were that pillow

Attached: Capture+_2019-03-12-00-13-00.png (716x701, 439K)

Certified weirdo. Sorry.

Attached: file.png (750x1000, 1.05M)

who's your avatar now sono

go away animus

>/ / / /

Attached: 0fdbca0bc2da49db97ce2ecd6cb61a53.png (1488x1488, 1.7M)

>She's pretty
No argument here.

who's your avatar now sono

you're awesomer :)
i think im using those caps for the first time here :o

Attached: Capture+_2019-03-07-01-44-51.png (390x984, 344K)

hoose yore ava taur naow so know

Attached: isako36.jpg (255x255, 16K)

Why don't you make her your waifu? :)

What are you saying?

Attached: b0424c0f394dc6adf64606ac89c01843.png (1000x1500, 1.17M)

Who, that character you're posting?


Attached: Capture+_2019-05-06-14-18-57.png (716x950, 637K)

>Who, that character you're posting?
(a response to
>Why don't you make her your waifu? :)

I love Fujino, and I'd love to take her out to a nice romantic steak dinner.

Attached: __asagami_fujino_kara_no_kyoukai_drawn_by_kote_tures__853b6cf98d301fc939c9cd5bcd796b17.jpg (1200x1697, 1.17M)

Noooope not my character, she's one of mine now :3

Oh my her friend is annoying her ><
Oh that's great! You'll be able to post them more often!!!


Attached: 02c6ca785885e96eca714c856ec0e03a.jpg (1819x2335, 1.46M)


Spooky waifus best waifus.

Attached: sample_38aad670279bb8795998d1a57f1040cf.jpg (850x600, 551K)

>Noooope not my character, she's one of mine now :3
Well who did you mean then?

You appear familiar.

I want you to waifu someone you love!

Attached: 2fbafd4f47d80eee0cace2935cd76946.jpg (601x900, 410K)

Would it help if I rambled nonsense about biological functions, love for a primal and horrifying force and other proclamations in all caps?

Attached: sample_2f4e40a5cac80714a3d1ca7deafe0ee5.jpg (850x796, 66K)

I love maki!
i must also sleep
goodnight everyone

Attached: adorable.jpg (600x806, 90K)

niiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ni~

Attached: a943fc75e055967e3d682bf850ea5044.jpg (1240x1754, 736K)

Not going to happen.

Not sure. Give it a shot.
Or maybe something lewd.

Good night, random person.

try again retard

Attached: isako38.jpg (255x255, 19K)

go away animus

yes a little bit ><
but utaha-senpai tends to oversleep a lot

Attached: Capture+_2019-04-19-07-40-16.png (702x705, 547K)

he was using my name and colbert's too, and I'm pretty certain that colbert isn't on bad terms with anybody that I know of

they're just salty and hate our community for some reason

>all of his posts deleted
I like that he can't even spam properly with VPNs, he keeps getting banned and having to manually evade.

but yeah I can see why someone would be mad at erio, they're a rude narcissist


eh.. too tired for crazy ramblings.
You might be right, I'm probably a person you remember.

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infinity, yes?

Haven't heard of infinity though.
Does he like Hex Maniac too?
Is he also into weird shit?

Attached: __hex_maniac_pokemon_pokemon_game_and_pokemon_xy_drawn_by_chichibu_chichichibu__sample-bb63643ed8a08 (850x938, 96K)

I meant infinity as that other, now dead, chan.

Oh yeah, definetly from there. But this was my origins. Back when I actually used a printer scanner to draw the shittiest of doodles and upload them here. Feels weird to come back.

Attached: __acerola_and_hex_maniac_pokemon_pokemon_game_and_pokemon_sm_drawn_by_drawfag__sample-e432f327e83154 (850x1126, 161K)

welcome back

Attached: Djeeta 14.png (800x1280, 903K)

Ahh, I see. Then that's where we must have met.
Hey, it's cool how you got the name though.

Hey Djeeta, much has changed.
Hope I can entertain, I wonder what the next gen Hex Maniac is gonna be like?

Yeah, and err... I also like the film 'A Scanner Darkly' so I took it as my moniker.

My tastes in waifu have changed, used to like Yakui the Drug Maid.

Attached: b0dbdf9564cda108c05f3000a3c2b993.jpg (986x878, 106K)

next gen hex will never top that one, she's too cute and perfect to ever be bested by another hex, but i'm always open to see how they will look like

what do you mean by you hope you can entertain?

Attached: Djeeta 63.png (850x707, 505K)

Yeah, true. She's cute, spooky, crazy looking and has dem swirley eyes. Wish I could put it in words in why I dig her so much. I feel dumb for not able to explain my passions.

You know, be a goof and make you smile. I like to be silly at times.

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nah i hear you, she's so cute that it's hard to put into words why you exactly like her, i really like her swirly eyes, messy hair and crazy looking face, it makes her really cute, but maybe i'm just weird

ah thank you, i hope i can make you smile too, we can both try our hardest!

Attached: Djeeta 81.jpg (850x1088, 221K)

oblivious dipshit can't fathom that other people are aware

Attached: isako7.jpg (255x255, 21K)

who are you talking about?

hex maniac

Attached: Djeeta 32.jpg (850x1141, 240K)

Yeah, maybe we're are a bit weird.
Sorta liked yandere girls when I was younger, now that was fucked up. Maybe that morbid fascination carried over.

What makes you smile?

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i like yandere girls too but i tend to keep it anime girls, i think a real yandere girlfriend would be not very fun and quite troubling to deal with

probably cliche but joking around and seeing my friends be happy is all it takes to make me smile, so as long as they're happy, i'm quite happy

Attached: Djeeta 100.jpg (850x1025, 96K)

oh you were so close!

who are you talking about too?

Yeah, you right. Fantasy can never really live up to reality. To be honest, anime girls pretty much trump anything, much like most ideals, but should never be approached into practice. Just the thought that counts.

That's nice, I like seeing my friends happy too. My thing is vidyagames, so much so that I'm also two dimensional due to how much I like them so much. I also like studying. I like learning new things, and dabble in a bit of creative stuff, not much though.

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>Yeah, and err... I also like the film 'A Scanner Darkly' so I took it as my moniker.
I see. I don't know that film but you make it sound like something to be slightly embarrassed about, heh.

Also apologies for the late reply.

Nah, not embarassed, sometimes put in 'umm's and 'err's, no idea why.

Plus, it's cool, it's got Keanu Reeves in it and the whole film is rotoscoped.

Attached: __hex_maniac_pokemon_pokemon_game_and_pokemon_xy_drawn_by_tazonotanbo__sample-71ccb8b1cbc5aeb85dad98 (850x1027, 97K)

exactly! they're the best in anime because in real life they're just not as idealistic as they are in fantasy, it's a shame but that's how life is

i've gotten kind of bored of video games lately but i hope to refuel my love for them soon, i also love to learn, anything specific you enjoy learning about? mine would be history

Attached: Djeeta 58.jpg (881x632, 127K)

Oh X3 Made it sound like it was a guilty pleasure, I stand corrected.
Had to look up what rotoscoping is. So basically, each frame drawn hand by hand hmmm? Interesting.

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Was nigger faggot here today?

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Attached: Check.gif (365x359, 1.2M)

I prefer ideals seperate from the average shit, so I don't see it as a shame. Impressions and expressions of the soul should naturally transcend the mundane and stay there.

I'm liking my courses on basic math (I'm shit at math, so I feel like I'm covering one of my biggest weaknesses, wanna see how much I can learn). I also did a course on ITQ which basically teaches you how to use Microsoft Office, how to use Powerpoint, Edexcel, Access, Word and I forgot the other one. Hope to work in an office one day, doing spreadsheets and shit. Toying with the idea of learning PC repairs and maintanance.

Yeah, so instead of animating, they filmed the shit then drew over it and stylised it, giving a mix of reality and comic book look.


Here's a trailer, plus Alex Jones makes a cameo.

Attached: sample_79d9f3f3b5a9cc0968b990cd9c494d73.jpg (850x1205, 370K)

who wants to know?

Hopefully he gets mocked.

Anyways, I should have gone to bed about half an hour ago. That's the third time this week. See you around mr. Scanner.

yea makes sense, ultimately the best thing a girl can have is a great personality to me, even if it's not the perfect ideal, there never will be one

math was fun for me but it got really hard at the end of my school year, good luck with the classes though, spreadsheets can be enjoyable so i hope everything goes well for you!

Attached: Djeeta 97.png (706x883, 524K)

the dog

Attached: c88_fV-5zoF1S-JLjtaZGXTUwHE-DzvDIMQATCYbXEo.png (640x1139, 572K)

3 hours of sleep

tired as fuck boi

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Nini, hope you dream well.

Yeah, not sure if I'll ever get into a relationship though, kinda nonchalant when it comes to girls.

Yeah, hope things go well for you too. May have to bed soon, just squeezing some vidyagame time before bed hence the late reply.

Attached: __asui_tsuyu_hex_maniac_and_kuroki_tomoko_boku_no_hero_academia_pokemon_pokemon_game_pokemon_xy_and_ (850x795, 130K)

yea i'm the same with the relationship thing, i kind of don't think i will but idk the future for sure to say anything

alright good night when you go

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thats hot as fuck, any more?

Yea, girls are gay.
I kid. Who knows what future might bring.
Kinda too self centred to think about anybody else though, maybe one day someone will change that?

Thanks Djeeta, been keeping away from caffienne so I don't toss and turn in bed at night. What games do you usually like?

RIP boi. You're doing God's work. Keep at it.

Hello fellow poster, who is that waifu? Never seen her.

Attached: 8903aa65533bc4b9d23b18d624b32c88.jpg (1022x879, 125K)

Shes Relm Arrowny from FFVI

Attached: Relm and uncle Ulty.jpg (817x630, 73K)

idk what the future will hold so i keep my head held up high hoping for the best, i doubt i'll ever get into a serious relationship with how terribly i present myself but i hope the best for you

i'm not too sure i have a specific genre of games i enjoy and don't but i tend to play rpgs more than anything

Attached: Djeeta 59.jpg (850x1085, 136K)

Been meaning to play the Final Fantasy Online game but I don't think I could commit myself to a subscription. I think the only Final Fantasy games I played was Tactics, Crystal Chronicles and Rings of Fate.

Yeah, I need to work on my presentation myself.

Welp, nice talking to you, it's been fun. Hope we get to chat more.

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Attached: Djeeta 20.png (668x875, 318K)

there are 2 ff online, which of them? never played a main game?

Attached: Ifrit, I guess.jpg (600x769, 571K)

hi doctor

Attached: ak-me278.jpg (850x1150, 487K)

hi akame, how are you doing today? were you able to enjoy your short break?

Attached: Djeeta 44.jpg (528x396, 201K)

Hi I'm in medical chemistry class right now.

Were talking about drugs binding to proteins

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you are in classes? you should not be here then, youll get in trouble

Attached: An arrogant king.jpg (628x800, 100K)

Everybody is on their laptops anyway.

This is all stuff I heard before anyway.

Attached: d1297e879c1df7d72572ad9bb8c8c4ce.jpg (736x1089, 93K)

im ok
yes it's been alright.
just woke up from accidental nap

Attached: ak-me143.jpg (986x555, 370K)

Well class is about over

I got to go back to my apartment cu later

Attached: 6ded24e63e73570b4c02bb61896ca6d9.jpg (736x736, 190K)

good afternoon then, i hope you slept well and had good dreams, how was your day today? sorry i couldn't be on much yesterday and may have come off as moody, i was stressed, i'm really sorry

Attached: Djeeta 26.jpg (1000x1600, 253K)


Attached: Walking on the back of a yeti.jpg (800x1200, 85K)

i couldn't recall any dreams.. as most of the time.
it was okay but i didn't do much. listened to music for the most part.
what happened yesterday?

Attached: ak-me197.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

music is nice, what do you usually like to listen to? aside from stuff that sounds nice to you, what is it you prefer if anything?
work was being very stressful to me so i got very stressed and i worry i might have been moody or something yesterday

Attached: Djeeta 102.jpg (1000x1414, 194K)

usually metal.
i didn't notice but also im not sure if we talked :/

Attached: ak-me329.gif (500x281, 1.51M)

o metal can be nice, i really enjoy the instruments rather than the lyrics, if you do too then i suggest rhapsody of fire, they're very good
o if we didn't then that's good, sorry i can't remember yesterday very well which is probably for the best

Attached: Djeeta 83.jpg (850x642, 260K)

that's pretty good, reminds me of drangonforce but i dont listen to that a lot.
why was work bad?

Attached: ak-me178.jpg (893x1262, 644K)

yea dragonforce is a good comparison to make, you're more of a lyrical metal guy? any bands you listen to a lot?
we're kind of understaffed currently so they're having me work 2 jobs and after my weekend the work piled so i spent the last 2 days going through it with yesterday being the worst

Attached: Djeeta 62.png (625x759, 500K)

no, more um, hardcore i guess?
not ok.. what's your job?

Attached: ak-me13.png (393x535, 408K)

hardcore such as disturbed hard or even harder than that?
it really wasn't ok but you dont need to worry, i'm feeling better now, i don't like to go into what my job is exactly but i work in an office

Attached: Djeeta 77.jpg (850x745, 551K)

more.. but it's hard to pick examples to represent well what i mean.

Attached: ak-me174.jpg (850x680, 115K)

that's fine if that's the case, i'm not too big on metal with loud vocals, i prefer instrumentals and the like
don't worry it's nothing against you at all, i dont like saying private stuff in public, you're a great friend so i don't think you'll do anything bad with the info

Attached: Djeeta 64.png (595x842, 667K)

i like instrumental too and old rock and piano.. a bunch of stuff really.
alright fair enough

Attached: ak-me332.png (300x300, 122K)

i love the piano and guitar, they're such great instrumentals to listen to
thank you for understanding!
very cute image

Attached: Djeeta 29.png (1024x1446, 1.73M)

i think so too.
thanks, i don't make those edits though.. i don't have any talent for that

Attached: ak-me335.png (939x665, 601K)

Go away animus

Attached: Get a load of this guy!.png (635x356, 439K)

talent is weird for me, some people can be born to be good at something and that's talent right? but skills can be learned and improved upon with practice and dedication, why isn't that talent though? just because you weren't born with the ability? or is it talent but it's a talent everyone has the potential to do
sorry for the preachy message

Attached: Djeeta 95.jpg (850x928, 95K)

well just to be more precise then, i don't have that talent or skill or perk or ability or gift

Attached: ak-me318.png (1012x864, 187K)

lol that's a funny image

neither do i but i practice to get better at things i do or enjoy, i wish i was born with some sort of gift and maybe i was and i just dont know it yet
you did get one of the best gifts life could give you though, a very loving relationship, i hope to have something like you guys in my life one day!

Attached: Djeeta 11.jpg (850x1167, 392K)

that one was made by someone with talent. he even left his watermark.
what kind of gift would you like to have?
that's true.. i don't know where i would be right now without her

Attached: ak-me247.jpg (1760x1036, 300K)

Attached: 291b2fb666.jpg (900x600, 96K)

anyone can leave a watermark on anything akame, art can be learned and practiced to where you look like you were born with talent even though technically you weren't
i want a gift that would make people remember me as being someone great and they can look up to, i'm afraid of being forgotten
aw that's adorable, i'm sure she feels the exact same way as you do, have the best life you 2

Attached: Djeeta 93.png (777x1290, 1.51M)

i was just kidding.. i know it looks like shit but i still like it.
great in what way?

Attached: ak-me90.jpg (1192x705, 512K)

yea it doesn't look good but that's what makes it funny
i'm not sure i have an exact way i want to be great in, if i could, i would want to be the greatest friend maker and spread positivity to everyone but that's not possible so i'm not sure, do you have anything you want to be great in?

Attached: Djeeta 35.jpg (850x1200, 422K)

why not possible?
i don't know

Attached: ak-me265.png (1280x720, 1.01M)

it's not easy to make a bunch of friends and make them happy, everyone has their problems so i can't help everyone who needs help, it sucks but there's nothing i can do about it, it's why i usually prefer to stay a nobody, things are much easier that way
why don't you know? do you prefer to be more unknown and keep to yourself?

Attached: Djeeta 40.jpg (905x1200, 205K)

love-user does it and it clearly works!!
yes i'd rather stay a nobody.. or at least only have an impact on people around me, not strangers

Attached: ak-me349.gif (500x500, 481K)

love user is cute and funny, i'm neither, i'm just a nobody and i don't think i hate it, i think being a nobody is what makes me me
making people around me smile is something i love to do and i hope you can do it a lot more than i could ever dream of doing, i still suck at it but i'm working on it

Attached: Djeeta 36.jpg (850x1202, 630K)


its too hard to talk on discord... the wifi at my work place keeps kicking me T~T

Attached: i wish.png (591x759, 708K)

-sneezes- ;~;

Attached: (1).jpg (150x84, 5K)

i was just kidding, they're fake and gay.
im really not good at it and i dont really care.. people think im rude until they get to know me.. and then im still rude but they know it's normal
hail satan and bless u~

Attached: ak-me180.png (523x948, 702K)

hail lord satan

Attached: 438e08038da72c7f277385ac869112dd.jpg (1200x1600, 343K)

you're rude? i never got that impression from you at all, you seem normal and relaxed, you've always been nice to me i think so i'm not sure how you're rude

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Attached: ak-me24.png (1280x720, 664K)

cold maybe, i only ever see you talk so much with me which is weird, you are closed off when talking to others but maybe you can try to open up a bit more, it's worth it!
talking to customers or co workers? co workers usually suck so i don't bother talking with them either

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-stays in your hug- i got rained on...

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yeah it's weird.. i can't be open with too many people at once..
i mean coworkers.
cute ><
again? :c
time to dry you off..

Attached: ak-me280.jpg (1500x1067, 478K)

i dont mean weird in a bad way by the way, it's just odd to me that some new random is someone you decided to talk to for the most part
screw co workers, they're mostly miserable people that i can't stand to talk to for long or else they start making me want to cry for them kek

Attached: Djeeta 71.jpg (752x1062, 169K)

eeee >////< im too shy for this

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Contest over. Someone give him a trophy for best waifu.

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yeah.. it is weird but that's what usually happens.
mine are pretty nice but they can be lazy sometimes.
but my part-timers.. i dont even consider them coworkers lol
i went to get water and i just realized that instead of turning the lights on, i always put my finger inside my glass near the top and i stop when it gets wet..

Attached: ak-me172.jpg (850x478, 74K)

i know where you can put that finger..

Attached: 95e2231564a6394d68f77df28fefe7d0.png (850x647, 493K)

lazy workers is the norm with every job you will ever have, they're the worst to work with and will try to push everything onto you
i guess that does usually happen, there's bound to be one person that you get along with well, i guess i just struggle to see myself in a positive light

Attached: Djeeta 96.jpg (850x1257, 135K)

are you dry now?
yeah i guess..
i get along very well with my boss. i probably wouldn't have stayed if it wasn't for her.

Attached: ak-me49.png (1064x1656, 1.97M)

n-not right now..!

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Attached: Velvet (3).png (1024x704, 257K)

that's nice to hear, hopefully your boss makes you stay in it for a very long time so you can enjoy the job that you do!

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Attached: e6a862ce27e2c6ba82879f86a11f0fc2.jpg (735x569, 77K)

okay good ><
what is she holding behind her back?
idk how long she's gonna stay for but at least we share the struggle

Attached: ak-me121.png (638x471, 524K)

there will always be people that share your struggle, hopefully she will stay for a while longer, feeling like it's better to quit your job sucks a lot, it's very depressing so let's both hope she stays for a good while :)

Attached: Djeeta 61.jpg (850x850, 116K)

She usually hides her knife on her lower back, so...

Attached: 40a43c9a3af5606f150ef192ad862a9f.jpg (933x1080, 369K)

that's what i thought :o
i hope she comes back soon.. i haven't seen her in a while in the mango
yeah.. i've been through a really bad period before i ended up there

Attached: ak-me258.png (332x452, 207K)

sorry to hear about your rough spot in life, i'm thankful that it got better, you deserve a nice happy life!

Attached: Djeeta 9.jpg (881x1280, 1.33M)

it's ok

Attached: ak-me325.jpg (300x300, 46K)


Attached: Djeeta 57.png (624x468, 303K)

she never comes back!

I'm going to write a manga about her....

I must go now work is picking up again!!!!!!!!

I love you sweetheart

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Attached: 6_26.png (488x315, 164K)

hello, how are you today friend

