Anyway we can mess with this

anyway we can mess with this

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-28 at 12.03.29 PM.png (1366x982, 1.56M)

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I was just about to post that shit

Fred Rover

yeah good luck getting past all the normie porn theres a reason Yea Forums hasn't done anything relevant since around 2012

Getting Trump elected isn't relevant?

any link you daft cunt?

Liberal’s mad

Attached: 865B21CD-1949-43E9-94DB-EFFBD10EA339.jpg (1192x671, 55K)

>Yea Forums
>electing trump
Lmao I like Trump but Yea Forums didn't get him elected
Blue collar workers and white America and conservative upstanding citizens elected him

dont worry 5018 delusional