About to cheat on my longterm GF tomorrow. AMA

About to cheat on my longterm GF tomorrow. AMA

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Checked. Why you gonna cheat?

Nudes of your gf or the girl you’re cheating with?

Coming from someone’s who’s cheated plenty you’re just wasting your own energy
Leave your girl and follow your dreams / cock

Big communication issues probably. We started the relationship at a pretty bad time and it was never addressed.

nah bro, even though the chances of getting caught are probably zero, still never want to risk it.

This sounds like a pretty good time to just end it. Why continue the toxicity?

You're a cocksucker. Go join an mra club and leave society alone. If you can't even be loyal to the person you love you are a disloyal pleb that is useless to this planet. If you don't love her leave.

I've never had a relationship outside of this especially one so long term. So I can't tell if these problems we have are something every couple goes through or something fundamentally wrong with our relationship.

Yes. Next question.

If your cheating, something is fundamentally wrong.

How's that for fortune cookie wisdom?

Very true but after arranging a time and place with this tinder slut, I haven't been able to sleep. Been up for nearly over 24 hours. I know it's wrong but I still can't bring myself to cancel it.

I'm not saying cancer it. By all means fuck her good. I'm just saying get the other shit off your mind and end the relationship.

Stupid enough I still love her. From another standpoint I can see why this is a very easy clear cut decision but I guess I'm too much of a pussy to actually act and end it.

This is one of those moments in life that forces a man to act and gain some confidence from. I would break up and fuck all within a 12hr window if I were you.

Besides if she finds out, your only going to hurt your gf even more and believe me you dont want to mop that mess up

are you me? I wont cheat because i respect her. 5 Years together now and the communication issues get harder from time to time, the worst part is its allways about some trivial shit.

Seems like you are afraid of being alone. Not unusual. The drama of cheating isn’t worth it, imho. Do what makes you happy, without hurting others if you can.

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cont: should i leave? or is it the same with the next girl?

lol exactly

Just wanted to say that these white knights are fags. Cheat on her, OP. She's cheating on you.

I guess the biggest thing is that I don't know if I'll ever forgive myself. I know that these issues will either ultimately be resolved or we break up. If we break up then no harm no foul. If these issues get resolved, I'm going to have something on my chest for the rest of my life.

thinking about moving out, but still being together, and see how it evolves. But i lend her my spare money, so i cant move out (arround 2k)

id say try to solve the problem beforehead, on the other hand, maybe that tinder chick gives a new clue how to resolve it all ^^

Im gonna do you a favor

Read Rollo Tomassi

Women shit test you all the time comunication is actually bad for a relationship women love to argue bc they want to know if you are alpha for her if you fail the shit test they are going to cheat on you or just leave you.

Also NoFap

I have no questions for you. Just come to say I support your decision. All the best OP. Enjoy it.

what is it about?
Had an incident with her yesterday, didnt give up my position and tried to explain it to her through logic, didnt address.

I'm proud of you op, if she doesn't know, it doesn't hurt her, do what makes you happy, it's your own life.