After cumming, I want to cum again 10 minutes later

After cumming, I want to cum again 10 minutes later.
How can I make it stop? Want to straight up not habe sexual urges anymore. Shit is driving me nuts. I'm like a nympho (but a guy).

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keep nutting ull run out eventually

Chop your pp off

how retarded do you have to be to think that the term nympho only applies to women


keep nutting until you nut ur life

It was the definition I saw, faggot.
Anyways, digging more, I see oxford was full of shit.

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lol you had to look it up
might have had more luck actually searching for the full word (nymphomaniac, because I'm sure you weren't aware)

take a break from the internet
get a nonsexual hobby that engages you

>might have had more luck actually searching for the full word
noun: nymphomaniac; plural noun: nymphomaniacs

a woman with uncontrollable or excessive sexual desire.

adjective: nymphomaniac

denoting or characteristic of a woman with uncontrollable or excessive sexual desire.
"his nymphomaniac lover"

Translate nymphomaniac to
Use over time for: nymphomaniac

Who's that?

Bro, admit you're wrong and quit shitting up the whole board.

you need to meet a real man that beats your ass and fucks you while you are beat up. it will drain your manhood and you wont cum no more.

ah I see, so a man is just called a pervert?
>the whole board

satyriasis is the male word for nympho

I stand corrected. thanks for teaching me something new

sure bro, just dont jump to conclusions so far.
also no ones (besides porn) uses those terms anymore. the real medical term is hypersexual.

fuck alot of typos. sorry im drunk.

Keep going until you are no longer interested, it'll happen.

Take antidepressants. Many of them kill your sex drive. Yaayyyyyy.

not OP
but im on max dose of lexapro and still cum 3 to 5 times a day
antidepressants affect everyone differently

good point. a lot easier to jump to conclusions when anonymous lol. enjoy your drunkenness though, currently weaning myself off so I'm just a bit buzzed

Maybe grow above the age of 25. It slows down.

Sauce tho.

Lexapro never killed my sex drive either. But it did make me feel like I could actually do shit in my life, so I got distracted and filled my time. Was always ready to have sex though

I use to be the same way, just obsessed with naked women. Honestly what really helped was exercise, now don't think it's some magic and after 10 push ups you won't have urges, a lot of it is psychological, but give it a month and you will see definite improvement. Good diet is also important.

Any faggots that are gonna' say it doesn't work, are faggots who never stuck to a plan in their entire life.

>I'm like a nympho (but a guy).
no bulli me

>trying to save face this hard

Also obviously avoid places like b where porn is in your face, at least for a while, until you get your shit under control.

I dont think its the exercise as much as its the distraction. If you spend all your time on Yea Forums peaking at porn posts you are going to masturbate more than if you go to the gym and actually do things in your free time.

That's definitely part of it but it's also chemical, exercise releases some of that tension.

>I already said I stand corrected

This is where i have to disagree, exercise increases testosterone in men which makes them more sexual.
Maybe you'll be too tired to jack off, but I think the main factor is limiting how much sexual stimulus you experience, and learning how to avoid your triggers.

I'm 41 and my wife and I bang 3 to 4 times a week.

Dr. McDonald here. Yes, it is called satyriasis. The term is mainly used for males who have Klüver–Bucy syndrome. Hypersexuality is the female/male condition for someone who craves sex all the time, at the exclusion of everything else in life. A percentage of these people commit suicide.

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Are you on Lexapro or just sharing?


>A nymph in Greek mythology is a supernatural being associated with many other minor female deities that are often associated with the air, seas, woods, ...

>exercise increases testosterone in men which makes them more sexual.
being sexual and masturbating are not the same

I know what a nymph is retard and if you actually read the thread you would see that I was provided with the correct term and admitted that I was mistaken

hypersexuality includes sex and masturbation

This was literally me when I was younger. I used to bait all day sometimes. You out grow it with age. Your libido just lowers later on in life