I wanna be Janeane Garofalo's girlfriend
If you know her, met her, worked with her, or performed with her, share your stories here.
I wanna be Janeane Garofalo's girlfriend
If you know her, met her, worked with her, or performed with her, share your stories here.
I still believe you can do it, user
Hot, hot, hot.
tits or gtfo
jesus god, i'm not telling this story again. get a fuckin grip
shes straight and has had a husband for almost 20 years.
idk why america thought she was resbiannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
ive got bad news...
She's hot in that photo, come on.
did you not zoom in?
look at it on a tv
Yes. Not as bad you think.
You're the grip guy.
Still hot for a smoker.
I once ate out Janeane Garofalo on the set of The Truth about cats and dogs. She gave me a diet coke and sent me on my way.
She used to fuck me in high school.
We sneaked out during lunch and fucked behind a bunch of containers. One time she convinced a bff to double head me, i was a glorious story i just made up. She looks like a potato and give up on being her bf.
Hahah, that's great. Potato.
Janeane hair/wig stories please?
Smal tits.
You post this fucking thread every day and I don’t understand why???? this bitch was never that hot. the fuck is your deal
Loved her in "The Matchmkaer".
It's been a very long time. I'm very impresse by your consistency
Thank you.
She's my sister's husband's co-worker's best friend since high school. If you want me to pass a message along to her, let me know.
I love you user. JG'S vagoo was very disappointing. She was bossy and thought she'd be in control forever. We are all made of stars. And I would not let J boss bbe around ever againm pussy tasted like copper metal.
Why are so many people shilling her
Yee Haw!
She's performing in NYC this week as always.
met her at a Starbucks in Boise Idaho 2004. all i remember was we talked about the dandy warhols and she autographed my friends shoe.
Tell me all you remember.
God, she's hot in that photo.
ill let u be my gf, if u r hot