How do you control your urges to break shit and not hurt yourself?

How do you control your urges to break shit and not hurt yourself?

Sometimes I go into a fit of rage punching myself in the face.

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Maybe have better control over your emotions than a shit chucking ape

Try to catch yourself right before you do it, eventually you'll catch yourself enough to break the habit. This process can take a very long time so don't give up. This or try a punching bag.

oh this is a downie

this must be a sign they are adapting

Escalate it
Let it go
Go full Hulk
Don't hold back

That's why I'm asking here. I have pretty good control, but it gets overwhelming. You don't know me. It's honestly more like cutting (it's self harm).

Thanks for some actual advice.

They mostly fade after puberty.

Exercise helps. Particularly martial arts training. Doesn't really matter which style.

Yeah I noticed it got much easier to deal with after puberty. When I was a kid I had bad rage issues. Lots of fights and lots of broken windows. I even tore a small tree out of the ground and was mocked endlessly for that. I learned to control it by listening to rage filled music.

I'm in my late 20s now and just started with the self harm a few years ago. I haven't raised a hand to anyone except myself and my own belongings since puberty.

Maybe I'll try martial arts. I haven't done combative sports since I was a kid.

bruised hands suck when you have to move boxes

You sound like a total faggot. Dont worry, you'll grow up eventually


surely you are already lifting, right?

No I'm already naturally very big and intimidating and I hate looking like that so I do mostly cardio for exercise to try to be thinner and less intimidating.

Wow OP you're really pathetic. How about you control your emotions? How often are drugs involved? Prescribed or otherwise.

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Fucking weed bro

Masturbating to violent porn seems to work for me, it's pretty rare for me to go hulk-angry though. Old, satisfyingly violent games are also good for calming down.

Fully sober now. Can't smoke weed cause I get addicted and smoke all the time.

Yeah games can definitely be good for calming down.

Why don't you talk to a Dr. then and see maybe if you're bipolar or some other disorder. It's not healthy what your doing.

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Punch myself in the forehead all the time
What keeps the beast at bay is not wanting to break my family’s heart & fear of prison

You all have (C-)PTSD and/or unresolved self-directed shame

Gotta plus one this. Therapy is likely your best bet. Don't worry bro, you'll make it.

It's PTSD, probably with a healthy dose of autism

Dr.s tell me I have ADHD and depression. Depression meds don't work and they make my dick soft. ADHD meds work better, but they make me feel really fucking weird and I feel less creative.

I don't take any meds anymore.

>(C-)PTSD and/or unresolved self-directed shame
Looked into this on Wikipedia. Seems like it could be.
>narcissistic child abuse
I also did a lot of fucked up things as a kid that I still feel ashamed of. Have flashbacks to specific things that happened when I was like 12.

i find outlets in metal. give this a shot, and remember:
>there is only one rule of metal

we all stay up at night letting our stupid fucking brains make us feel guilty for shit that happened so long ago you're probably the only person still dwelling on it. that dumb shit that makes you wanna smack yourself, we get it man, and you're not alone. i should have been asleep 4 hours ago here i am.

Easy don't have autism. If you seriously can't control yourself to wear you punch yourself than you're retarded. Get some medicine like the rest of the autistic kids.

Thanks, it's pretty good. I'll add it to the rest of my rage music.

Yeah I know. But there's different levels of fucked up. I'm still afraid people would find out things I did today and I'd lose all my friends.

Your cutting in the wrong direction sideways for attention long way for results. Hope this helps

Pretty sure that's just called autism

Hard to cut in a specific direction with fists. I'm clearly not trying to die.

I used to try and hide the harm by biting myself places people couldn't see and now I cover the bruises with makeup. So I'm not doing it for attention either. It can feel really good to let the rage out and just hurt. I'm the one I'm upset with anyways.


anaal nathrakh, "Forward!"
Gojira "Mouth of Kala"
Lamb of God "Contractor"
hardest hitting songs in my arsenal, and note that Gojira is also a fantastic way to unwind, not just vent. Try their track "Born in Winter" and especially their Flying Whales. no I'm not a shill just a fan. really big fan. big time.

another outlet is endurance training, bike riding, rowing, swimming, all can generate a therapeutic pain

i mean just in case. i just do it to wake myself up. you know like a slap to the face