Ylyl rekt edition

ylyl rekt edition

Attached: noooo.webm (360x360, 823K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: dumbass.webm (270x480, 601K)


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Attached: dickface.webm (400x400, 1.68M)

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Attached: escalator.webm (362x640, 1.4M)

Attached: bull2332.webm (640x360, 1.61M)

haven't got a laugh like this in a while. +1 bump

Attached: african_execution.webm (350x638, 1.34M)

yeah lost, thanks for that

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Attached: global_warming.webm (1280x720, 1.42M)


Attached: 1559519465726.webm (1080x1080, 446K)

Attached: uma_delicia.webm (264x480, 1.96M)

Fucking retard

Attached: 1563952454009.webm (360x360, 1.97M)

I'm Johnny Knoxville and welcome to jackass

Attached: 1566572115296.webm (640x640, 1.09M)

Attached: 1559753123862.webm (714x400, 1.94M)

I wonder where that squirrel get yeeted to?

Attached: Too Many Racooons.gif (480x360, 750K)


Attached: 1562958707371.webm (720x720, 1.88M)

Fucking lost

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Manlets rise up

Attached: niggasinmkybutt.png (745x559, 302K)

Attached: lift_bro.webm (720x1276, 1.95M)

beat that pussy up like HAIM/SABAN

He did


>ylyl rekt edition

I'm not quite sure I know what you mean, my friend and original poster. Please do not get me wrong, this is an interesting thread filled with interesting mini-movies about interesting women, but I am entirely unable to come to the conclusion that I am any of these women. I am a man. I have a penis. It's quite a nice penis, or, at least that is what my wife tells me.

Some days I am unsure as to whether she is lying to curry favor, but I do not spend much time dwelling on such insecurities. Sex with my wife is nice.

It is possible of course, original poster, that the technology might one day exist that will allow a person or persons to "merge" with a computer in such a manner that they do, for all intents and purposes, "become the girl below", but that in itself carries with it a myriad of issues. Can a being be, in a sense, two beings? If one makes a post, can one simultaneously be that post and the post below theirs? If so, the person below them who made that post, does one immediately share a consciousness with that person, being that both persons are simultaneously that post?

Sadly however, I have so very few answers for these questions, original poster. Perhaps some time when you're around, I would enjoy discussing these with you.

Attached: 16.jpg (1267x931, 102K)

Attached: birdy_squirty.webm (720x404, 820K)

poor thing, shouldn't have been brought to the top of a ski hill in the first place

Attached: Kitty Gore.gif (392x319, 985K)

Jajajjaaj no mamesjajaj

Attached: 1550640974924.webm (640x366, 1.7M)

The only wholesome ylyl rekt

Imagine some guy grabbing double unders.. or just a body lock suplexing the fuck out of you and dying...

Attached: let_loose_the_goose.webm (272x480, 292K)

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Attached: partial_arts.webm (460x258, 1.34M)

>top of a ski hill

Attached: 1561923645526.gif (192x192, 1.3M)

Attached: kek.webm (360x640, 678K)

as is the driver in the car that recorded the whole thing, was so into the lane with the stalled vehicle that he took away any chance that the bike had an escape

Attached: 1566839243957.gif (242x182, 1.35M)

I have that GIF as well. I honestly didn't see the scissors before. I thought there was a trigger mechanism in the box.

Attached: 1349989954955.gif (281x219, 1.5M)

kicking on the ground is nigger shit.

Attached: blackie_chans.webm (640x1136, 1.87M)

Attached: NerveGas.webm (712x402, 1.42M)

>black belt
Whys he have the belt? For his stumps to wear pants?

lmao lost

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absolutely japan

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Attached: wahh.gif (224x313, 1022K)

animal cruelty bringing him up there. Probably broke all his legs. Poor pupper

Attached: american_public_bus_service.webm (480x208, 1.62M)

Back story?

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Attached: ThiefGetsMaced.webm (640x360, 962K)

shut up faggot

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Attached: rage_quit.webm (272x480, 1.86M)

Kek. Skeletal couldn't even lift him... Y even fight

Goats: Nigger decapitations combatted by evolution of more resilient necks
Niggers: Don't evolve to compensate for resulting starvation.

Attached: kekkel.webm (920x480, 1.97M)


I like chocolate and peanut butter


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Attached: 1563953271887.webm (450x800, 1.64M)

>Professional athletes
>5’7”, 120 lbs

awesome slow mo

Worst thing ever. how dare you.

not sure if clever or cruel?

Attached: 1561736458418.webm (1280x720, 892K)

How hard did he hit her? She's fucking bleeding

Attached: 1566181061898.webm (330x500, 1.88M)


The most Alpha beta

master of stump fu. much respect


Why indians are so mutated?

Attached: 1547914947151.webm (1920x1080, 1.56M)

Because a McDojo will literally give a belt to anyone that will pay for it.


Smart kid

Because they think these mutated little shits are gods or something.

Checked and keked!

was he gay before the crab?

attacking someone half his size from behind, more nigger shit

Honk honk

The end

>Boston Dynamics

shitty pasta in wrong thread

Asians are funny

Quints checked

I mean...if you're sharing...how germaphobe could she be?


Attached: EC_YnaoU0AAe9fm.jpg (825x660, 128K)

>retarded or blind
the icing was

This boy tried to suplex but broke his neck, kek

you dont get tired from being a faggot, i see


That's not blood.

no, he merely adopted the crab, to be a faggot you need to be born with it

Holy shit lost so hard

Attached: a20neCz.gif (350x300, 1.99M)

Can I spit my chewed up filet mignon down your gullet, degen? It would please me.


yea not sure how to feel about this

Like the animal in the window watching

Two Ohio citizens probably

all that ass

1000 years of death!!

lost hard af on this one, both on video and file name

I am fucking rolling

But you see the dog walking at the end

And I'm over here bitching about a mortgage.

When you're dumb enough to think pro wrestling works in real life


>Getting her to exercise

>Didn't sharpen that enough did you

Historical origins of Thai Ladyboys.

I liked the MGS version

It's called evolution. They are superior.

>Beating up a big nosed Jew
>Hits his homie in the ball sac

Can't really complain. The nigger's doing everyone a favor by beating a Jew & he knocked another nigger's balls. It's a win-win scenario.

Its the perfect crime
you steal the police

Attached: 1560708381688.jpg (317x291, 8K)

wow that works wonders

Where's that from?

This is my new favorite thing ever

Attached: 1562770428706.gif (177x150, 1.74M)

dark spirit hobo invaded.

Many sides were kicked friendo


Why are americans soo fat

I dont know whats better, the faggot who flew 20 feet and never tied his helmet, or the faggot who bent the boot hood in half.

First swing is self defense.

second swing is murder.

Because we have food here, unlike India. We got toilets too.

it is fucked with babies, but doggo meh


Does my heart good to see this happen to a bike fag

She will suck yo dick but wont drink yo spit.

It's that story where a guy gets into a fight and throws an unlucky punch. That's a long stay behind bars.

Missed her calling as a juggler

She's leaking crisco

hey op here appreciate the laughs!

Attached: eCwcEOiF.png (204x214, 74K)

how do i turn on the sound?

Wellll that is a nigger on the ground . . .

Attached: 1346827039751.png (298x409, 105K)

There's a speaker in the bottom right, just by fullscreen


Fuxking lost

Attached: fried chicken.webm (330x600, 1.03M)

Attached: citybus vs fatgirl.webm (800x450, 949K)

spotted the pajeet

Attached: Annotation 2019-08-18 145338.png (512x400, 216K)

Lost at slow mo, nigger act from beta looking fag tho.

Not an animal

Attached: mobile.gif (500x500, 1.99M)

you taken your street shit, now get back to your call center

Fuck, Americans are so gross, fat, and dumb.

Alright I legit lost hard

What they boogin down to? Looks like it sounds lit

A dead nigger is the best nigger. Kill that feral sub-species!!!

Huge difference. One White doing the deed. Niggers usually require a minimum of three niggers present to at a minimum provide moral support and usually all niggers present assist with the beating. Dead niggers are the best.


This needs the Benny Hill somg


Fucking cavemen shit kek!

Filthy disgusting tattooed trollop.

Fuck that's funny. Also reminds me that the Negro sub-species is closer to that monkey genetically than any other human sub-species.

>Tries to lift dude with zero upper body strength
>is kill lul

God bless you user, I've been searching for this gif for a while...

You must be really new here, that shit is old

Agreed, that white guy is a white nigger.

Attached: wheres_this_bus_at.webm (480x360, 451K)

Water aerobics with no water

Attached: doggopepe.png (764x645, 33K)

Attached: drownd.gif (375x250, 1.11M)

80 IQ at best. Obsolete farm equipment. Send back to sub-Saharan Africa ASAP

Attached: Screenshot_20181026-171426_Chrome.jpg (985x763, 239K)


Attached: future scholar on behaving.webm (640x480, 669K)

Attached: 1485567419954.gif (500x342, 1.72M)

That dumb dame's vote cancels yours. Save the USA. Repeal the 19th amendment

Attached: narutard.webm (268x480, 1.27M)

Now THIS is podracing

first of all, we don't see little shitty "compact" vans like this too often here. we like everything big and have tons of space. that's the first indication that this isn't the US. second, that big yellow region on the van resembles an EU or HK plate.

fuck, people that aren't in the nation that creates all technology and pioneered the information age are so fucking dumb they can't look anything up or even comprehend what we're like.

Slav country, maybe Ukraine. The metros go deep into the ground there on those long ass escalators.

Attached: slav_random_old.jpg (800x760, 352K)

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Attached: 6124692765.webm (480x360, 1.81M)



Latest leftist cause... free the balloons!!!

Went from 1 to 100 in a second

just stands there and takes it

i would punch that nigger in his dick

All he wanted was a couple slices of bread to feed his hungry sick mother on her death bed.

You're gross, fat, and dumb. Not much else to comprehend about your shithole country.

>retard thinks you can belly to belly suplexes in real

If it was a nigger choking a White after the victim passed out the nigger would have kicked him in the face and throat twenty times.

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more like chimera

Works even better with human kids. Old man taught me early and quick.

>going near a guy with a long piece of wood

Kid's gonna' grow up with the needed Western warrior spirit that will be required to drive those filthy barbarian scum goat-fucking Moslem filth out of our sacred Western lands.

Like father...

You got me

Partial Arts

Limb fu

Attached: e9bddf37ca5e06f396f9e76b122230a6ca11412e82a1bebba8b979d90bd0cc13.webm (352x640, 1.8M)

nah that nigga schleep

the butthurt is strong in this one

how in the world did he get up there???

The fuck is wrong with you?

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Drunken frat boys put him there

Don't react, it's what he'll "lose" to.

people would probably whine about this but it's better than actually hitting the dog

i wish this had audio

Attached: 3a34ae8ec8be348a0af7e06361867c3d.jpg (235x305, 16K)

Holy shit that dog knows how to party hard.


When you stumble into a high lvl zone.

>me on tinder


He's a regular Andrew W.K.

Impressed by quints and quick skill


her ass meat cushioned her fall

lmfao she has to be dead, right?

>This dude skipping about like some fairy faggot to literally go get some big wood


That's not America...

then be humble and ask motherfucker

because all that public defecation and metal in their water system fucks up some serious biological shit. There's no other country with more deformities and fucked up people than India.


Fuck lost again

Attached: 1534201809553.webm (500x500, 1.32M)

cool opinion bro, shame nobody asked...

what was she going to do if she caught him?

>two types of fighters
>those looking up and those looking down
"Ha you look gay and you walk gay and you got a 'big piece of wood' what a fa"SMASH

Attached: 1563162480108.webm (480x433, 1.51M)

They're always after me lucky charms

Might want to check the plate in that van you obsessed euro trash

special fake taxi?

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That one is a nice story.


Attached: Midget_Schlomo_I_choose_you.webm (202x360, 489K)

Dog should have crushed that nigger's skull

hurt him

Attached: shovel-dog.gif (242x201, 1.96M)

Attached: 1557728986149.webm (375x375, 1.84M)

ngl this made my fucking day

He got a couple pretty good shots in

People bitching about guns in the US and these niggers are over here using assault trees

Can someone torch Africa please

such a classic, why isnt there more stuff like this on here?

funniest fucking shit, my parenting life just got a whole lot easier.

The 5'11" Chad vs the 6'0" virgin

So long, gay bowser.


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Attached: 1566753818491.webm (640x360, 1.79M)

dark souls new dlc boss

I cant fucking breath

super bowl ring puttin in some DAMAGE

Fuckin' balls probably already busted. No wonder they don't hurt anymore.

I don't know why, but I was happy to see the man pull away the woman. Also that they were not hit.

That's Europe you fucking retard. Look at the tag on the car. KYS

sports fans are pure fucking cancer and need to be purged off the earth. wearing another man's last name on your back, how fucking gay can one person be?

noe this kid will develop a rare condition called....respect for adults

They basically do kegel exercises non-stop.

WTF that bitch is on running around on fire like its no big deal


that's you get for riding a scooter. probably has a dildo plugged up his ass too.

checked, but i think the filename would be better titled as dickhead as opposed to dickface

The nig was being a bully
But hey good job jumping to conclusions

It looks like he was in free tumble there for a while, but he started spinning on his back and slid to a soft landing and walked away. I'm going to believe he was okay even though he looks positively destroyed mentally.

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Well that escalated quickly

too many newfags

Attached: HIPZTQt.gif (234x154, 1.17M)

This is fucked up man

hang yourself, nerd

Wow. I actually pity him. What a pathetic death.
Someone should make a comic of that in this format.

Attached: 1554419232727m.jpg (205x1024, 37K)

Can someone explain the physics for me?

>being this mad

Always fucking summer here, always some edgy fag with the animal abuse.

go shit in a joub eurocuck

Attached: iFmzZFt.gif (318x235, 1.83M)

I guess he used his little worm is bait

took everything in me not to lose

Lmao no, guy could have walked away after the first swing. Second swing was an intential execution when the dude was down. This was a classic case of a too-often filmed self-defense becomes murder when the defendee chimps out on adrenaline. But he's probably in a third world country anyway and will never be caught.


Eat him

Lost as well


Attached: 1538236718312.webm (1280x720, 1.43M)

By the way eurotrash don't lump up all Americans, it's a fucking continent not a fucking country. Even though they like to think it's a country.

are you upset that you go back to school soon? aww.

>her nigger, WHAT THE FUCK!

All the times I've seen this and I've never noticed many of the things on the screen at the bottom are already dead.

must have had prior experience to be confident enough to take the doggo up that high, unfortunate situation, heres to a quick recovery doggo

Attached: Screenshot (260).png (724x740, 436K)

I'm not fat. And you're dumb as fuck. Go slit your throat with a butter knife eurotrash fag.



Attached: 2gohan.gif (220x236, 103K)

keked for some reason

There was some eagle webm that reminds me of this. It was hilarious as shit. I think the eagle just straight up dropped a goat from a cliff

How was he bullying someone twice his size who was behind him? Dumbass.

Attached: 1525653228055.webm (720x1280, 892K)


I love how he brings out the jazz hands and starts running like he boot too big for he gotdamn feet. i lost hard

Attached: cf8.png (598x639, 433K)

He was probably just dizzy

Attached: 1476915545523.gif (353x347, 1.98M)


Attached: 1460950083730.jpg (600x721, 90K)

Hope you get run over, bike fag

slapped the nigger back in the water

yes, they DO just call the "united states of america" "americans". the US is the only thing that's ever gotten their attention and keeps their attention. canada IS differentiated but anything south of the US is just useless foreign savage brush they don't want to think about. they might know about "south america" but i'm sure they'd go out of their way to mention it if the did, and it would only be to discuss cocaine. they don't need heroin from south america, just cocaine.

they barely care about this side of the world, and if they do, it's 99% "americans", which to rest of the world, means "people in the 48 contiguous states of the USA".

It wasn't always like this. Rule 0 was a thing


Attached: FAT AMERICANS.jpg (600x424, 59K)

give it to em good megaman

LOOOOOL fucking loser

Clam down there internet tough guy

No, she lived and with minor injuries. She spoke about it on the news if I'm not mistaken.
These gays are supposed to have these tethered to different angles of the heli so it won't spin like this at all. Obviously something went very wrong and it failed to keep it straight. Once it starts twisting, the gusting force of the helicopter's propeller just continues to push it into a free spin like this.

I'm willing to bet it also has to do with the fact the helicopter appears to be hella low with the ground. The wind has nowhere else to go but just continuously spin this poor old lady.

Attached: 1548647876095.png (589x752, 530K)

Boomers need to die already

yes, thats why the crab decided to cut off his balls, to be a true woman

Only republicans are this crazy

LOL, I can see you are not well educated trailertrash.go back to school and learn why it's called America fool. Go spread your MAGA BS on Pol. This fag is so stupid I actually woke my dog up laughing at him.


im surprised that shit didn't flip earlier

Lmao no. I would straight up grow hate and would become violent as shit

>She was transported to a trauma center and was listed in stable condition.

Damn this shit is old

THIS. Beta as fuck to idolize another man.

She was probably just dizzy is all.
This happened in my state. Retard hikers and old frail mother fuckers hike mountains here and get hurt or dehydrated and have to be airlifted. Any unbalanced object supported on one plane is going to spin. There is support lines for this which broke, resulting in the spin.

they took him downtown

Because having your dog think you're a vicious monster that will violently beat it is a great training mechanism for dogs.