Alright fellas listen up! If I drink 2 beers (each 5% alcohol) how much alcohol percentage have I drank?

Alright fellas listen up! If I drink 2 beers (each 5% alcohol) how much alcohol percentage have I drank?

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percentage of what? You've had 2 standard drinks assuming they are both 12oz.

The same as drinking one beer with 10% alcohol are you fucking retarded

Because you get 5% from the first one, and then 5% of 5% for the second one.
This applies if you drank orally, the math is different for the other end.

Well 5% of the volume of two beers worth of alcohol.

if you drink 2 beers 5% you've still drank 5% alcohol, it's 5% by volume, and you've doubled the volume, but the percentage of that volume still remains 5%. You've taken in MORE alcohol, but the alcohol to other shit ratio is still 5%

Everyone in this thread except is retarded, it's 5% because the proportion of alcohol is the same regardless of how much you drink. I bet most of y'all failed math.

Attached: bruhmoment.jpg (1280x720, 34K)

This reasoning is FLAWED.
Because your blood considers percent mass and not percent volume. The only correct answer is 5.20%

are you inbred? do you have brain damage?

One 5% beer = 1 BAC
Therefore you are at 2% BAC and your body can handle 98 more before its illegal to drive.

and thank you very much

E.) Problem does not contain enough information to solve.

i thought that was ur dick holdin up a bucket

Question is how much the fucker drank, not how his body metabolizes it. If you drink a 20oz of a liquid and 1 oz of that is alcohol then you drank 5% alcohol, you have another and that's 40oz liquid total, of which 2oz (5%) is alcohol.

sounds legit to me

are you really this stupid? they are both 5 percent. say they are 12 oz. put them together, now you have one 24oz beer 5percent. is this really so difficult?

if you drink 12 of them, you've still had 5 percent ABV.

I wish I was, I can never explain to my parents why is my proficient knowledge of beerithmetic.

He didn't say what the volume was, he just said "two beers". That could be 2 12 oz cans or two 24oz tallboys.

Your reasoning is the amount based after drinking it, not the amount being drunk, which is what the thread is about. Your reasoning is retarded, stay on point or start riding the short bus to school.

depends on the information it's lacking. If OP only meant the percentage of what has been ingested, then there's enough information, the answer is still 5%. However, if OP was asking the BAC percent, then yes, not enough information, as we don't know OP's height and weight to calculate BAC. However, based on the fact that OP is always a faggot, and speaking about 2 beers specifically, I would assume that this means OP is indeed a "2 beer queer" and is 100% shitfaced by now.

This guy is nearly a genius, he only forgot to show his work. (But the answer is right so yea.)

I was making the math easier to understand. user doesn't seem to be able to read above a 5th grade level, so I wanted to make sure the math was easy too.

and that's exactly what i fucking said, or are you too retarded to actually read the whole goddamn post?

I had sex with your mom on my short bus. She had two beers and blowed a 5.20% blood number on my weenie

“How much alcohol percentage have I drank”
What kind of nonsensical and ambiguous question is that? How do you drink “alcohol percentage” like what does that even mean?

Lack of definitions / 10

it's still 5% either way

you could have a 5% 40oz with 2oz of alcohol like you said, plus you could drink a 20oz with 1oz of alcohol, you get a total of 60oz, and 3oz of alcohol, and guess what, 3oz is STILL 5% of 60. So it doesn't matter what volume has been drunk, if they're the same ABV, the end result is the same.

Yeah, user, that's what I was saying.

EVIDENCE doesnt lie folks! We have our answer.

Question is, why were you on the short bus in the first place? Got a confession for the class?

Cus your mom was driving it.

You were on the bus because his mom was driving it? Flawless logic

better to be the driver of the short bus than a passenger, you still have something to account for

was meant for

Short bus people are people too. Stop hurting my feelings okay? Im a special snowflake and you shall treat me accordingly
No aCcEpTiOnS!!!!!!!

>No aCcEpTiOnS
What about exceptions, though?

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Not enough.

Deep down, we are all special snowflakes. But at the end of the day all that matters is that your wrong, you mother got fukt, and the answer is 5.20%. Dont be so offended and check your privlegdes

Both options are goood because they add up to 5.20% like most things in life.

Still more white people get welfare money then black people, fuck the percentage

Dont you all know that albert einstein rode the short bus too? Brilliant people are born from short vehicles

is your dick size 5.20% lmao haha GOTTEM


and even braver people stood up in this vehicles... ROSA PARKS is BOSS

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You didnt gottem cus im on the short bus and didnt understand the joke sorry u lose'd

Am i the only one who thought that bucket was resting on his boner?

Thank you! Finally someone I agree with. Thanks user this OP is out. Pce bitches

Still 5%, unless you're looking for your BAC (it'd be around 0.16% if you drank the second immediately after the first).

the only way you could have a BAC of 5.2% from two 12oz beers with 5% ABV is if you weighed roughly 1.65 lbs with a slightly below average metabolism rate.


Surprisingly not lmaooo. I didn’t even notice til people started saying so

depends on weight and metabolism

again, depends on weight and metabolism

try this calculator if you're curious what your own BAC would be with your weight and such.

if you're a 12 year old girl maybe

why you gotta go and fuck up having a few drinks by including maths?

It's been several years since I had to learn about it, forgot the weight thing.