Can someone just JFK this retard already...

Can someone just JFK this retard already. I'm sick of seeing him make dumb decisions and the news has been pretty boring as of lately.

I'm not a lib by the way I'm far right I just fucking hate Donald Trump.

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He had mo brains to keyhole with a 30 30.

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Naw it would be catalytic to extreme violence. We haven't reached the point where the differences in America are totally irreconcilable. Assassination would do it.

If by JFK your referring to the 1962 election ,then yes I would like to see someone Obama this Turkey

Epstein him

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reported to the FBI

Stop watching that shit-media and actually do your research and find out the BIG FUCKIng mess he has to clean up, and is still cleaning up after those other twits. If you still are on the media side, then you are Doomed as the rest of your fellow country-fucks. Use your fucking head, you brainless fucking 4tard. "CNN says he's baaaaand", fuck them and fuck you. Idiot.

But user! don't you want to find out what happens when the fucking retard nukes an off-shore category 5 hurricane?

I hate Trump because he shills for Israel and actively takes guns away while having a stance on abortion that's weak at best. I don't watch or read any mainstream media. You have the IQ of an emaciated faggot chimpanzee with low-functioning autism.

Uhh, pretty sure Trump is just a figurehead.

You're the biggest fucking idiot I've ever seen "muh muh cnn" it's the whole fucking world you moron, multiple reliable new sources, why do you think every other country hates him? Qhy did everyone at the g7 summit have to shut his stupid ass up. Kill yourself when he loses the election you dumb cousin fuckibg hillbilly

Trump is literally an imbecile. Not an idiot or a moron, those are both higher and more capable than him. His IQ is clearly between 60 and 70. The things he says and tweets are inane lies at best and the ramblings of a syphillitic, uneducated, unthinking, braindead delusional senile old man. He's an imbecile and he's sick in the head. He belongs in a padded cell and FUCK everyone who pretends he's brilliant so they can be more carefree being a retarded racist shitstain in public.

Love how easy you guys get her panties in bunch over this lol go back to /pol/

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Please direct me to this research user

Yeah, this is Yea Forums, yo. Shit/Pol/ is a couple clicks back...


I know he's basically digging us out of the worst recession since the great depression....oh wait that was the last guy.

yeah bro got you. hold up

Eloquent & succinctly stated truth user

um? you mean the black one?

I mean the smart one

you probably thought you sounded smart saying this when in reality you sound like an NFL player after he's had one too many concussions

QQ more do it yourself

but it sounds like you're talking about the black one..

HEY!!!Every time I shit I imagine Emma Stone experiencing the sensation and relief of taking a dump. I think of her pushing out her sweet filth. When I wipe my fucking ass I sniff the paper and pretend I'm huffing her fecal shame. Anyone else do this??

how’s the weather in st petersberg

defiantly not thinking of the one that wants to nuke hurricanes. He wants to be the chosen one, lets nail him to a tree like the last one.

Dude's been making the news for dumb shit like every single day, this man is a 24 karat mad lad

when nobody responds to your shitty thread so you need to raid one that's doing way better. topkek.

you lost me

the black one?

If we didn't have Donald Trump we wouldn't have such goldmines as the 25 year WaPo troll and give Meghyn Kelly the biggest orgasm in any interview.

No, he's too entertaining to let go

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He's just a confused boomer. But, one thing he does well is represent the average american.
dropping nukes is bad ok

Reported to the Fucktard Reporting Bureau.

Donald Trump is a liar and a sociopath. It does not matter what your political preference is; you should be doing everything you can to get him out of office.

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He was handed the keys to a lamborghini. He is currently puttering around in a 1978 Pinto that he traded in out of sheer spite at being inferior to a black guy.

thats how my dad talks to me

The Dems have nothing. President Ching Chong? President Faggot? I don't think so...

Not that I disagree, but /qresearch must be leaking.

Either you are the feds, or you will have them kicking your door down soon.
Hope you dont have a dog.

:in a manner that shows open resistance or bold disobedience.

Fucking retard.

>Trump had a mess to clean up

Attached: 1535434488992.jpg (236x337, 18K)

>best president in the last 27 years
>OP wants him dead
This is why it's ok to liquidate communists.