Get the fuck in here and share your opinion on economic systems you fucking faggots. why should you do this? well mainly because you could learn something, but also because this is fun and its original content. Show the 3 commies niggers on this website just how retarded they are. bump to keep the thread and poll alive. Have fun faggots

Attached: capitalist-socialist.png (528x339, 141K)

Other urls found in this thread:



>socialists/commies BTFO

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Op is a faggot

>posting a fascist as a rebuttle

kek ass mad commie detected.

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Thanks for to oc op

blaze it faggot

Every dem makes up bullshit.
Then they 100% of the time do the exact same thing, tax increase of the lowest 3 tax brackets.

Isn’t bernie the same faggot that wants a literal NINTY PERCENT income tax rate on the rich? Does this man understand that medicare, social security, state taxes and fucking sales tax exist? You would be left with negative money for making money under that idea. Look up a Laffer curve and bernies entire ideology falls to shit.
Gg Bernie faggot

opinion discarded

commie retards literally foaming at the mouth in this thread TOP KEK
nice OP

See, socialists/communist, under the guise of the greater good, ain't to increase taxes, because more capi tree apps running through the government, the more power that government has, so you increase taxes, reduce personal freedoms, and then it becomes a domino effect of power consolidation until you get hitler/stalin/mao/ect 2.0

I have a theory that 30-60% of pro commie posts on here are false, to make normal people angrier at commies.

It's the pro-trump russians, attempting to preemptively knock down bernie.

very possible

Russians aren't pro trump, they are anti american.
They are storing up internet shit about guns from both sides, because they need the american people disarmed if they have any chance of a successful invasion.

>when total anarchy beats socialism by miles

Attached: 1566856165144.png (2000x2000, 578K)

>what is a laffer curve

Well literally anything is better than socialism.
Socialism 100% of the time leads to totalitarianism, at least in an anarchist hellscape you dont have an opressor

fair enough

An oversimplified view of taxation, which is good enough for your narrow mind.

I have masters in tax research and i'm a CPA. Cry more

Bernie Sanders

I didn't know 15 year olds had masters degrees

i'm 28 I work as a tax consultant and i make well over 100,000 a year doing this work. You couldn't have picked somebody who knows their shit better to have this discussion with.
By all means please explain whats wrong with the laffer curve. i'm excited to hear you try to explain it honestly

Why should Anarchy be a Hell ?
Why not a Haven?, without any Unnatural Authority

without anybody standing above you by law's that you didnt signed

who's gonna protect you when a gang of punks smashes your windows in and takes everything you own, and likely killing you in the process?
>inb4 muh guns

>An oversimplified view of taxation
Far from it. The simple view is that more taxation = more revenue. The Laffer curve is factually observable and relies on many other factors about human behavior. If you tax labor/wages too hard, people will work less. If you tax houses too hard, people will buy less houses. If you tax savings too hard, people will open up foreign accounts (or simply move abroad). Et cetera et cetera.

The facts simply show that there is such a thing as an "optimal" tax rate. The debate is what that optimal tax rate is.

Explain how the above is more "oversimplified" than the belief that higher taxes mean higher revenues.

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Capitalism/Socialism hybrid is by far the best we have now. With those countries having the highest standards of living and the more freedom.places like Norway, New Zealand, Australia, Sweeden etc.


Shut up.
Bernie gonna tax bad man and gibe me free sheet


>more freedom
>lists countries with less freedom than the United states
If you have generations living in a police state that indoctrinates them from birth to believe they should be happy as serfs, they will claim to be happy as serfs.

>Capitalism/Socialism hybrid is by far the best we have now
Not really. The free market is objectively the best system for the production of wealth, innovation and improving living standards. The problem is that this system has winners and losers. A limited welfare state was invented by Bismarck for the purpose of bribing the losers into not supporting socialism, overthrowing the whole system and making everybody just as poor as they are. In other words, the welfare state is literally paying commies to fuck off. The only problem with this system is that net welfare recipients are allowed to vote, which means they can vote for more and more handouts and thereby more and more government intervention/taxation.

>With those countries having the highest standards of living and the more freedom.places like Norway, New Zealand, Australia, Sweeden etc.
Those countries also score the highest on the economic freedom index, with many of those countries scoring significantly higher than America. This makes them among the most capitalist countries in the world.

Pic related, notice that America isn't even in the top 10.

Attached: thf_cs_index-top-10_0217_v1_1024[1].png (1024x1024, 170K)

yeah because huong kong seems real happy right now. Are you trying to defeat your own point with that fucking chart?

This, the Laffer Curve has never been seen in practice. Every time there has been a cut in taxes, revenue collection for the government went down. This is why after the Reagan tax cut he had to increase taxes three times and we still saw recession in the 80s. And what happened after Bush tax cuts and the deregulation from the 90s and 00s? Recession. And what are we now seeing after the Trump tax cut? Recession fears are exploding on Wall Street.

Political and economic freedom are not the same thing.

>source: 2017
u dum

What does the enroachment of China in Hong Kong's politics have to do with either Hong Kong's economic policies or its standards of living? Are you fucking stupid?

This would be like having a hypothetical Russian invasion of Finland and saying the Nordic Model has failed because Helsinki has been carpet bombed to the ground.

The left:
>we need to increase taxes, wallstreet bad, capitalism baf
Also the left:
>d-dont cut taxes on the poor, s-see it will hurt wall street and capitalism
In the end, leftist just want an authoritarian police state dystopia

Wall Street doesn't speak for America. Recession Fear 2019 is just a fever dream pushed by Dem-controlled Main Stream Media who'd love to see him usurped by one of the incredibly weak Dems currently in line.

There ain't going to be a recession, or at the very least if there is, it'll be short lived. Imagine the damage it'll do to China, however. It'll be beautiful.

Frederic Heyek's "A Road To Serfdom" exposes why throughout history you can't have any form of Socialism without it inevitably leading to totalitarian force of violence, and mass genocide.

i don;t think a single thing you said here is correct. I'm trying to sift through your bullshit to even begin to explain to you how ridiculously wrong you are.

First of all... the recession in the 80's was due to the Fed contractionary policy in that they increased the fucking interest rates way to much because the economy was DOING FUCKING AMAZING. The fed had to increase the interest rates to slow it down and they overestimated. Jesus the level of propaganda in just that is astounding. Second of all the government very regularly sees increases in revenue after tax cuts. tax cuts means things are cheaper. cheaper stuff means people buy more. When people buy more there is more stuff to be taxed and more money that is made to be taxed in income tax and sales taxes. The idea is that its a balanced. We can;t cut it to much or raise it to much.

If the objective of that post was to spread misinformation and make people who know their shit angry you succeeded wildly user. Please fuck off back to faggot town

voted, uwu

That faggot bot will meekly post something, but would rather spam a BBC cuck thread instead.

>NINTY PERCENT income tax rate on the rich?
I think that's AOC. But the tax isnt on the rich. it's on the dirty stinking filthy rich. over $500,000,000 annual net profit. I think they want that because when corporations have too much money they tend to buy politicians. youtube link related.

I feel there might be a slight bias in the way the poll is presented

sometimes your own bias makes you see reality as the biased choice user

>When companies are rich they bribe politicians
>Clearly the problem is corporations
>Not politicians
Pray tell: what about this system prevents less restricted foreign corporations from bribing US politicians? One could instead argue that if politicians can be bribed, then the size and scope of the government should be limited so these politicians can do less harm once bribed. Doubly so because in the past corporations have bribed politicians into creating loopholes that these corporations can use to avoid these taxes. In other words you're not limiting the dirty stinking filthy rich, you're limiting any competitors the dirty stinking filthy rich may have.

i've been following this thread since it started and the data analytics are incredibly interesting. The percentage for each choice has stayed almost exactly the same as the votes how quadripled. Pretty awesome if you've taken a statistics course and are trying to figure out minimum sample sizes to find good data

Names of books/websites you'd read to better arm you in blasting Libtards and Marxist faggots?

>Why should anarchy be a hell
Leave your basement and spend some time around real people and you will understand why.

Almost like it represents most people's political opinion on a site like Yea Forums, or in general. Can't extrapolate too much.

I recall something like only 8% of people in the USA are Marxist/Progressive SJWs with their Far Left political viewpoints, and everyone else is either Classical Liberal, Moderate, or Conservative (with some Far Right faggots that hardly make up a percentage). Don't remember where the stat originated.

>Pray tell:
I'm not reading or answering any faggot shit that is typed out after "pray tell". If you want a response you'll have to resubmit your (you) faggot.

>When you lost the argument
Just call him racist and get it over with.

Not the user you are talking to but you clearly lost that one user. Kek

Takes an economics course user. It’s the only real way you are going to learn and retain any information. And it allows you to academically and theoretically understand concepts in a way where you can predict results of recommended policy rather than just recite some strange fact. Economics made me a fucking monster when arguing with left wingers. I draw them graphs and everything. I’ve made multiple lefty harpies cry at university talking politics simply by how frustrated they got at being unfathomably wrong. Those were good days

I'll take the loss then because i'm not a fag that's going to read anything on Yea Forums that begins with "pray tell". I'm fairly certain that in 99.99999999% of cases it will be the dumbest fuckign shit i've ever read or bait. You guys can go for it though.

Pray tell this fellow seems quite ass mad

>see VooDoo economics
>see Kansas
>see how Republican majority state legislature eventually raised taxes because your Reagonomics destroyed their state in every way
cry more bitch

>VooDoo economics
This mother here isn’t even giving arguments anymore her is just insulting economics and taking instances out of context to try and prove a point.

You do know that Reagan changed the federal income tax rates right? Not the state level tax rates. States tax revenue is incredibly complicated and relies on many factors other than state income taxes to raise revenue. Please see property taxes. Sales taxes. Unemployment taxes. Estate taxes. Car tag taxes. Jesus user, please put down the keyboard. You are hurting your cause more than helping it

>Picks one state out of 50
See i was right!

Yes, your tears nourish me. Just accept that a 100% tax rate on income over 5 million is the only way forward and I'll take my dick out.

You guys remember the time that guy prefaced their wall text with "Pray Tell"? and then you guys rushed to defend him? HAH! good times, the things you see on Yea Forums.

"Benefits from what President Trump called “the biggest reform of all time” to the tax code have dwindled to a faint breeze just 20 months after its enactment.
Half of corporate chief financial officers surveyed by Duke University expect the economy to shrink by the second quarter of 2020. Two-thirds expect a recession by the end of next year.
Economists who have examined the impact of the law say it isn’t helping much with overall growth, business investment or worker pay. The strongest case for its economic benefits is that it remains too early to see the..."

"It’s Official: The Trump Tax Cuts Didn’t Pay for Themselves in Year One
Federal tax revenues declined in 2018 while economic growth accelerated, undercutting the Trump administration’s insistence that the $1.5 trillion tax package would pay for itself.

"It’s time to put to rest any notion that President Trump’s signature tax cuts are paying for themselves. Anyone who says otherwise is lying with numbers."

You know you faggots are so fucking dumb. You could easily win an election if you understood how taxes and economics work. If you want to take money away from the hyper rich then you need to raise estate taxes and lower the minimum amount to be taxed. THATS WHERE THE MONEY IS. Increasing the income tax is only preventing new people who actually work hard from being rich. People who are already rich already made their money and are mega chilling on some fucking island somewhere you dumb nigger. All you know is you hate rich people because you arn’t one of them. You’ll fucking rip your nose off to spite your face you fucking retard. Bernie doesn’t understand taxes or simple economics. If you want money taken from the rich and stupid tax estates don’t raise income taxes you fucking ass clown. Jesus christ it’s so fuckin frustrating explaining your own shit to you.

>You could easily win an election if you understood how taxes and economics work. If you want to take money away from the hyper rich then you need to raise estate taxes and lower the minimum amount to be taxed. THATS WHERE THE MONEY IS.
That's right, ignore the wealth tax proposals, It makes you look very clever.
>Increasing the income tax is only preventing new people who actually work hard from being rich.
>my sides
>millionaires will stop working if they cant continue to clutch to every penny

You clearly misunderstand user.
Most millionaires make their money through capital gains or inheritance. The data is undeniably clear in that. Which means raising the fucking INCOME TAX won’t do anything for your little goal there. Take away inheritances (or most of the big ones anyways) and suddenly shit will change big time for you. You are hurting people who actually work who make their money through income tax user. Most of the big wig CEO’s you are thinking of or other (EviAaalllllll) rich dudes make their money by being paid in stock not a salary you dumb fuck. Those things are taxed differently and you don’t want to raise capital gains tax unless you like eating sand. Take it from somebody who actually knows what the fuck they are talking about. Pick up a book kid.

All those anti-trump posts on Yea Forums are almost exclusively made by one moron. He comes here every day making troll posts just to see some people cry about it.

THIS hahahahahahaha

Based on the graphic alone, I pick fascism. I also preemptively call blue guy.

This. Politics are shit and so are you if you partake in them.

>capital gains or inheritance
Yes, ignore the capital gains tax and inheritance tax proposals.
>aising the fucking INCOME TAX won’t do anything for your little goal there
lol, takng x amount of dollars will raise 0 dollars in tax revenue. You really ARE good with numbers, aren't you?
"You are hurting people who actually work who make their money through income tax"
bitch please, I want a negative income tax on poverty level wages.
>Most of the big wig CEO’s you are thinking of or other (EviAaalllllll) rich dudes make their money by being paid in stock not a salary you dumb fuck.
Which is why.. what? What's your point? We're talking about raising taxes for 1%rs accross the board, you don't think that involves how they're actually paid?
>Those things are taxed differently and you don’t want to raise capital gains tax unless you like eating sand
No really, do the vampire capitalists pay you in gold or what?
>Take it from somebody who actually knows what the fuck they are talking about. Pick up a book kid.
>my sides

CCCCCCheck em

By early 2017, Kansas had "nine rounds of budget cuts over four years, three credit downgrades, missed state payments", and what the Atlantic called "an ongoing atmosphere of fiscal crisis" To make up the budget shortfall, lawmakers tapped into state reserves set aside for future spending, postponed construction projects and pension contributions, and cut Medicaid benefits. Since approximately half of the state's budget went to school funding, education was particularly hard hit.

In addition to budget problems, Kansas was lagging behind neighboring states with similar economies in "nearly every major category: job creation, unemployment, gross domestic product, taxes collected".

Budget and Revenue
By 2017, National Public Radio reported state lawmakers were seeking to close a $900 million budget gap, following nine previous budget cuts. Earlier efforts to close budget gaps had left Kansas "well below national averages" in a wide range of public services from K-12 education to housing to police and fire protection.

In education, school districts dealt with cuts by shutting down the school year early, eliminating school programs, cutting maintenance, phasing out teaching positions, enlarging class sizes, increasing fees for kindergarten, and cutting janitorial personnel and librarians. School districts were consolidated and some schools were closed

By early 2017, the Wichita Eagle reported that the governor proposed taking nearly $600 million from the highway fund over the next two and a half years to balance the state general budget, after having used US$1.3 billion from the fund since 2011 for the same purpose.This first transfer of funds had already caused the Kansas Department of Transportation to "indefinitely delay" two dozen road expansion projects in April 2016. According to Kansas State Sen. Carolyn McGinn, “.... we’ve had pretty good roads, but now we’re starting to see the deterioration.”

Burning inheritance solves nothing. How many magnates continued pushing well after the comfort of immeasurable wealth so that they could provide for future generations of their lineage? Sure, the wealth is beyond calculation and more then anyone would need in a lifetime, and the kids turn out to be fucking assholes, but how else are we gonna motivate the progresers to progress beyond their needs so that we all benefit as a society?

The tax cuts contributed to credit rating downgrades, which raised borrowing costs and led to more budget cuts in education and infrastructure. Moody's downgraded the state's bond rating in 2014. S&P downgraded its credit rating first from AA+ to AA in August 2014, due to a budget that analysts described as structurally unbalanced, and again in February 2017 from AA to AA−.

Jobs and Growth
>By 2018 overall growth and job creation in Kansas had underperformed the national economy, neighboring states, and "even Kansas’ own growth in previous years."

>Kansas's job growth lagged behind neighboring Missouri, Colorado, and Nebraska. In January 2014, following the passing of both tax cuts, to April 2017 the Nebraska labor force grew by a net 35,000 non-farm jobs, compared to only 28,000 for Kansas, which has a larger labor force.

user. You still don’t understand what I said. At all.
Go back and reread my post.
I’m literally telling you to tax peoples inheritances. Thats where you will make big money in tax revenue and you won’t have to shoot people who work hard in the foot to do it. Also their dumbass kids (who likely don’t work hard) won’t get the inheritance money. This isn’t even my idea user. This is straight out if the communist manifesto. So if you think i’m a dumbass you think marx is too. Good game you dumb nigger

>I’m literally telling you to tax peoples inheritances.
And I'm literally telling you to vote for Sanders or Warren. Maybe even read their policy proposals.

Didn’t this post blow your entire idea out of existance user?


Yes but i’m saying just inheritances. Don’t raise the income tax. You are so fucking confused user. Are you even trying? If you are this is pitiful

I laughed so hard user. You got him good

>Are you even trying?
kek, no. Why you been putting in 101% so far?
>Don’t raise the income tax
hahahhahahahhah, k

Alright you are gonna lose the election then user. Laugh now cry later faggot kek

I think we already brought up the laffer curve and how raising tax rates can drop government tax revenue. Convenient that you are ignoring that

Look, I get that you can't really understand what;s going on around you because daddy Kock just kicked it, just know that when the DemSocs are in power you'll have education, housing, and healthcare. peace losers

Kek insults you because he lost the arguments and leaves. Typical lefty

>ignoring the inane drivelings on Reagonomics that are misapplied to give the affluent a few more billion dollars.
Yeah, I guess I did ignore that kek

>Kek insults you because he lost the arguments and leaves.
are you having a stroke

user whats it feel like to know the vast majority of people hate your ideology with a passion and you’ll never come into power in a fair election?

If he says it enough times, it will be true. That's what they all believe these days.

> Laffer curve
the Laffer curve isn't static, it isn't even a simple curve, and it's highly dependent on what the tax is used for. It's a simplification of a feedback mechanism. If literally everything else in an economic and political system was perfectly static you'd have an "optimal" tax rate but in practice it's a constantly and rapidly moving point (or points, there are potentially multiple)

Most people are supportive af my policy proposals actually.
>you’ll never come into power in a fair election
>Trump lost the popular vote by 3mil
>my fucking sides dude

get em

>united emirates
yeah ok

Thats correct but the user he replied that too said that a situation where increasing taxes and getting zero increase in government revenue is dumb. It is not only incredibly observant but the revenue could even go down instead of up by raising tax rates.
Good game user

Exactly. You are so shitty even Trump beat you. Now that is something to ponder on.

ITT we take the bait and argue for no reason

>Supply side arguments
You sure showed us.

I've seen a lot of folks take a simple laffer curve with a "known" shape/optimum as a given and was just throwing in a comment about it to dispell that in anyone out there going that direction. Carry on :)

No worries, I think thats a given by looking at the graph though.

Who is so shitty that Trump won? A Clinton. You think the second biggest purveyor of Third-way Democratic strategy is someone who represents me, kek

No i don’t actually I think far less people would support what aligns with your political stance. Which makes me laugh. Alot.

I haven’t seen a thread that makes shills on this website this suicidal in a long time. Shit it really is just a few loud fags that never shutup on this website. We really should be more mean to then.

Attached: Screen-Shot-2018-03-27-at-12.09.03-PM.png (1372x1024, 320K)

Also a majority of whom? Baby boomers or millennial voters who are sick of this system, because one of those groups is a lot closer to extinction than the other and your days are numbered.

Funny how the source is cut off

Gen Z is unapologetically conservative. millenials are closer to extinction than them ;)

Attached: PSDT_1.17.19_generations-00.png (640x336, 56K)

get rekt fuccboi

Kek, seems like anecdotal data. You don’t have to like Trump to be a conservative. This proves nothing. Gen Zers hate SJW’s with a passion. The ability to spot the bullshit comes with growing up. You are going to get murdered at the polls

Your poll is gay and you are a faggot.

Stay mad little nigger :)

Daily reminder that capitalism has never worked in the history of the world without utterly destroying the cultures it spreads in. It has never succeeded in doing anything but impoverishing the human population and draining the land of its wealth. NOT EVEN ONCE.

>look! never seen before original political content! Brought to you by the same ideas that have been around for minimum 80 years!
>Now argue for my entertainment!

>most deterministic criteria in any poll is the specific wording of each question.
>taking this poll at all seriously in an academic sense.

Consider putting your head in the oven.

Name one system that "worked". Oh wait, every civilization fails eventually. Wow.

Learn a valuable skill, work hard, and live an honorable life.

Pic related is a $1000 watch I bought with bonus money 5 years after graduating with a BA in English, so don't gimme any of that shit about your degree. Smart people with valuable skills will always get paid.

Attached: u2xizaelfuiz.jpg (3024x3024, 866K)

Yeah, healthcare for all is horrible. Worse yet is the end of homelessness and universal education. But, the rock bottom horror of it all is clean water and air. How will we survive?

What's your plan? I noticed you didn't mention it. Does it involve buying Greenland, building a wall and making the Danish pay for it?

Attached: socialist tabby small.jpg (168x94, 5K)

Imagine being either a capitalist jew or a marxist jew.

Attached: HitlerGathering.jpg (1920x1080, 412K)

Oh, I see. Who is the totalitarian leader of Denmark? Norway? Vietnam?

What are the better alternatives to Socialism? How do they work. Capitalism has ruined everything it touches. America has been beaten into a nation of prisoners and wage slaves. That's not something to be proud of.

Attached: bread & roses.jpg (184x358, 19K)

What do you expect from a board post and single image? Also, we have no way to no how much of what was presented was just not understood by you.


Attached: bernie insulin.jpg (290x174, 8K)

I would like to hear your take on the laffer curve (after a full five minutes of googling).

Good income. Puts you in the top quarter of American workers and probably the top 1% of accountants.

Attached: impressive.jpg (225x225, 7K)

You don't pay Social Security taxes on money over 132,900 dollars.

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You think educating the sick homeless in a free home is gonna be affordable?? We could buy the homeless green land and build a wall around them to keep them there for less