It's better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.
It's better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.
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True true. Too bad lost love cause life to get shorter by 12 gauge
I literally have no fucking idea what that even means, sounds like some pussy shit
>I literally have no fucking idea what that even means, sounds like some pussy shit
> Better to have loved and lost
Give that a try and you'll know the answer mate. Its shitty the worst feeling ever. Ill probably never do that again. Its a cold way to live but itll protect your soul.
Fuck Germany. Its a shit tier country. Fuck anyone from there and anyone that says they like it.
Disagree, it's better to love no one than to either be constantly obsessed over someone that you know you have no chances with or move on in a painful process of acceptance of the reality.
seriously this
can you not read you retarded cunt
>I literally have no fucking idea what that even means,
Ha braindead retard
Said no divorced man ever
It depends whether or not the person is a retard who can't cope with letting go.
Yes, definitely better, if by 'loved' you mean actually got out there and got your dick into someone you love. It's not bad at all. Then it ends and it's all boo hoo weep weep but you get over it. And maybe even do it again.
depends on how bad the breakup was
it also depends on whether you are able to accept being alone or not if you have never loved. i've been so used to being alone that it's very obvious to me that i'd rather continue being alone than be in a miserable or boring relationship.
some guys have broken down, though. some of the incel community will explicitly say they would be willing to date a girl that's abusive to them. kind of a mindfuck that some people feel that way.
now i wanna listen to type o negative
loved and lost
eh sometimes
She looks like a child
shut the hell up nerd
i bet you would also say "its better to suck a cock with my asshole, than to stay virgin"