
today a dog followed me to the store o.O
AND the way back!! whad da fugg! :DDDD

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can you be my're gf?

surely she will accept!:DD

;_; why you do this, I already was rejected by her years ago

i heard dogs will follow you if you smell bad

probably smelled your pussy and was hungry haha

I don't care if hecatia smell bad i will love her


im' really sorry fren uwu... maybe you should, maybe, try harder
i can tell i smelt (and still do) pwetty good. not that i am tasty or something plss

thank you but no lewd pls i am allergic to dat

But i'm trying right now!,

Hecatia pls marry me!

but o.o
i dond think we know each other pliss something is fishy between this!

i meant if you smelled like festering dog shit

and no it's not me that smells like fish, now shoosh off my thread

whats wrong?

Why can't you accept my're love?

no yuji i dond smeeled like festering dog shit.
i mean... do i haveeee to?...

I won't force you, but I would love to have you as my gf

i think i lack the basics here..
what does a gf do, anyway?,,, >

you don't need to do anything special, just be yourself

*comprehending message* okokokok!!! gotcha
and what will you do??

I don't believe you

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well, what do you want me to do?


are u sure you didnt stink? i think its entirely possible

it's true!! pls beliebe me you have to! plisssss. we can be maybe friends this way too
o.O i need to know that????? maybe we should stay friends...

uhm. i find myself unable to accept your statement, yuji. abandon further discussion regarding my smell. :((

;_; it's okay hecatia I know you don't love me as I do.

Adopt him

pleasu don't cry :(! i don't know what to do. we can get as close as you want as long as we're friends though, i promise!!
hm really??!?! but o.o i don't think i could take such responsibsabltity

It's okay hecatia, I haven't give up yet. you're right, we should start from the begining

sure. see you next time, user!

bye bye qt

i'm going to sleep but thank you for your presence friends!! except Yuji Sakais, ofcourse (who were really mean!!)

sleep tight

whoa is that u¿

pls don't lewd hecatia