I hate niggers

I hate niggers.

Attached: 1557908516731.gif (300x225, 1.4M)

she lovin' dat!

I hate crackers.

>Shows ivory cock plowing ebony pussy

Nah. OP just wants to breed black women and hasn't come to terms with his urges yet.

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did a black girl leave you?
you are posting this shit every day

Attached: fuckniggers.gif (360x202, 828K)

why is it always the racist ones that are attracted to black women


I don't hate them, I just understand that whites are further evolved, see how far Hitler got with regard to technology? Thats because it was a white ethnostate. The only blacks I do hate are the really retarded ones, the racist ones, I'd fuck one though I wouldn't give her my seed.

Well, inevitably, as we get more /pol/-types into black chicks they go through a transition phase.

fuck off bitch im a pollack and done more to shill WMBF than your cuck Jew ass ever did

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Attached: white cock black girl.jpg (960x640, 50K)

Attached: nig shotgun.png (480x640, 405K)

Attached: BWC White Privilege.gif (500x378, 930K)

So I.

Therefore, confining them to sports and porn industries is a must to keep them eternally down.

you are a cuck
niggers suck at sports
UFC Champion is white
Tom Brady is white
NHL is white
Lineal Boxing Champion is white
nigger should be confined to chains

Attached: NIGGERchoke.webm (1870x1044, 1.39M)

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Attached: dark nig BWC bed.webm (1024x576, 1.96M)

shit the fuck down you bitch ass nobody. If you want to talk about "white power" go back to fucking /pol/

Lol but doesn't mention all of the blacks who have made history in sports

no one cares about niggers

Attached: DCEiExiXcAEtqL2.jpg (693x558, 55K)

shut up nigger and kill yourself slave bitch

Attached: 06.30 victim of Congo atrocities 1890 to 1910.jpg (1993x2000, 394K)



the picture that you posted is of a white protester going against the kid’s tribe for cutting off his hand, just leave you're obviously a trol.l


Who honestly doesn't? Only good thing they're for.

i remember my first and only bwc... omfg im a great sub for it


Coups you stop posting these same pictures?

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Subtle presentation of racemixing thread. Brought to you by the jews. Expose them and they abandon thread and will make a new one