So when did you realize you are a satanist? After I saw the seven tenets on netflix yesterday I realized I align with the satanic temple more than atheism. The members really make you cringe tho.
So when did you realize you are a satanist...
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Geraldo Rivera told me on his TV show
Before that I thought I was just a fan of loud rock music, but nope, I hail Satan
You should check out "hail satan?" On netflix. Completely changed the way I view satanism. I grew up catholic, or raised in a catholic house I should say, so i always thought they where "evil". Obviously the Catholics are evil and I know that now, but those views on satanism never left me until I saw that doc.
Watched some of those interviews he did. Thanks for the heads up about this guy. Hes interesting for sure.
>I saw the seven tenets on netflix
> I realized I align with
Your're a simple idiot that is is easily lead on by a TV show that's aimed at the edgy teen demographic. Well done you fucking retard.
"the bible says hurrrr durrrrr"
So why do you vote Democrat?
I was a theistic Satanist for a while, but I fell out of it, my ancestry shows me that Odin is my allfather.
good job on being converted from watching fucking netflix.
Satanism is for edgy fucktards.
>After I saw the seven tenets on netflix yesterday I realized I align with the satanic temple more than atheism.
I've only seen christfags being this retarded. You're not fooling anyone, fag.
What are the seven tenets?
Delet this degenerate shit
I would never call myself a satanist cause of a hour long doc on netflix butthurt fag. I said I align with the tenents more than the 10 commandments or other beliefs. Still atheist over here but go ahead and throw more words in my mouth. Fuckin pleb
kys christcuck
Also why the fuck would have I given you that information if I wanted to sound like a life long satanist? I specifically said that just yesterday I was made aware of this. Your reading comprehension level must be pretty low huh?
I didnt vote. Trump and Hillary are garbage still to this day and didnt earn a vote from me. I dont get it?
Mfw the satanic temple is a shitty pandering place getting points for saying satan, but the church of satan is the legit shit
The church of satan seems cool, I thought Yea Forums was edgy not a bunch of pussies
I just watched this cringy ass documentary. Holy fuck. Satanism is for 15 year olds who want to piss their parents off and be retarded and edgy, atheism is for when those kids grow up and don’t want to be as edgy and aren’t quite as retarded anymore. No sane adult calls themself a satanist. The same way no sane adult calls themself an atheist.
Retard alert.
U just want to feel like you belong to something. Which makes you beta.
>Giving this much of a fuck
Find something productive and less degenerate to do.
Grow up.
No not converted, still would call myself an atheist but in the rest of my comment you chose to ignore I explain I watched that netflix doc yesterday and wasnt even aware of it before that. I specifically said these things so i could get a legit convo started but you fucking retards seem to have missed that. I dont think I'll ever go back to any religion after growing up catholic. Religion is still cancer and this is a money grab. However their viewpoints and beliefs are solid.
Retard alert
Satanists are literal adult 12 year old edgelords who got raped by their dads
Have you read them?
Fuck Anton Lavey. Fuck the satanic bible and tenets. Fuck satanism.
Crowley gang nigga. Thelema will show y’all fuck niggas the way. With your faggot ass satanism. Read the fucking kybalion or liber legis or fucking anything that’s not written by some cringe inducing asshole.
I watched Netflix and realized my thought process lines up more with the marvel universe.
The satanic temples ten commandments basically. They are pretty solid.
Easily influenced retard alert
degenerate. only god can save you
Highly suggestible retard alert.
That's what I'm saying man. It's like everyone here fucking sucks or something... maybe reddit just moved in and never left
flip or neck faggot christcuck!
this nigga gets it
>be atheist
>think you're all cringy faggots
>have more respect for Christian's then you guys
You sound like a pretty devoted satanist, you watched a Netflix show I mean come on. Shut up bro
Satanists don't kill. The pose for cringy pics wearing black and red robes.
Asperger types
it's beautiful though. sorry that satan is pre-associated with metal culture. also, "edgy" isn't an insult, it's a label for people that appreciate things you're discomforted by
Last sentence of original comment.
Everyone in this thread is a cringy fag including me and I just sucked all of you down to my level.
I can make you comment however I want with the way I write. Who's the highly suggestible retard again? One sentence was enough to get exactly what I wanted out of almost all of you.
Good job Yea Forums you never disappoint
You fell for the well researched market demographic. Continue to snack on corn products and concentrates. Well done you did the thing, good job.
time to dilate your neo vagina
Says a satanist.. fucking hypocrite
nice satanic feet
Satan stands for Every thing evil.
Which means satanists would be like ISIS or the faggot cartel.
A true satanist would be killing raping stealing lying cheating and terrorizing constantly.
Satan actually doesnt stand for "evil"
>having an opinion this wrong
you make my guts hurt you cringe-ass douche. you think satanism is "childish" because of your childlike view on it. deep inside, your only argument is against the "edgy" aesthetics of it. get over that immature dichotomy or forever have your head stuck up your fat ass
But satan does. Why? Because humans made him up to be the protagonist to God which stands for good. All made up.
I bet you think life is a video game.
Maybe you should get diagnosed for autism. Pretty sure you got a little.
you make me fuckin cringe faggot
>my book of fairy tales that for some reason never happened again says satanists are this and satanists are that
>which means obviously what you guys are doing isn't satanism, otherwise that would mean satanism isn't bad
i bet you think life is god's videogame
Nah for real. this is the third thread I tried to start about satanism and all it took was the addition of "I learned something on netflix yesterday" and boom. Thread was born. Like instantly. If you make yourself an easy target people comment and thread gets bumped. Like you
Here's the thing, I'd say most Satanists don't actually believe in God or Satan, many are simply anti-religious and uses the symbolism of Satan to blaspheme against the church who for a thousand years murdered non-believers and "blasphemers".
To blasphemy is an exercise in freedom, a freedom we haven't had until recent history.
I identify myself as a Satanist, but I am also an Atheist, so for me Satanism is more of a personal life philosophy and also a middle-finger to organized religion as a whole.
I'd say the amount of actual devil worshippers in Satanism is a small percentage of the whole, even though many will claim it just as a fuck you to those who are offended by it.
>even though many will claim it just as a fuck you to those who are offended by it
oh yeah that's real mature
>YWN hang out in Tokyo with a 4 foot tall witch from strawberry switchblade.
>Why even live?
Although if I had to put up with Rose all the time, I'd probably try to escape in a big red balloon.
David Tibet is sorry short, too.
You're retarded.
>So when did you realize you are a satanist?
It was after I voted for Hillary in 2016.
>oh real mature
the christcucks are adept at pulling anything out of their ass to make us "wrong"
You're also retarded
post your hand with today's date. wanna see me some conical fingers
>haha I have an IQ OF 300000, that’s why I’m capable of easily socially engineering you all.
>I say social engineering because I’m not a pleb like you that say manipulating, they’re actually very different.
>I can see into your mind and read your thoughts you fucking loser
>I am 300000 IQ man.
When I was 12... then by 16 I had grown out of it and decided I didn't need to be edgy.
>>YWN hang out in Tokyo with a 4 foot tall witch from strawberry switchblade.
>>Why even live?
>Although if I had to put up with Rose all the time, I'd probably try to escape in a big red balloon.
>David Tibet is sorry short, too.
top keks!
1 of her best guest
I don’t have any respect for you, satanist. Shut the fuck up, your opinion and beliefs are shit and everyone knows because you say you’re a satanist. Fucking retard. Fuck off.
>god is fake
>nothing is real
>but I still need someone else to dictate my code of ethics to me because I’m incapable of independent though
>haha Christfag is mad
>what a loser for needing someone else to tell them what to think, right my satanist buddies?
I’m not even Christian and I can’t fucking stand you. You’re a fucking mongoloid.
a long time ago... just the atheist variety, but TST is rad..
fuck all these faggots. they can suck a jesus cock all day while their religious friends disown them when they find all their trap porn.
And why do we care what you think either?
Because you’re entire “religion” is full of people who obsess over what others think of them. You’re a bunch of rag tag misfits who think you’re morally superior to Christians or people who believe in a deity because you have a need to feel that way and found a way to justify that feeling. You are essentially goth atheist and atheist are already retarded.
Why call it satanism? That's counter productive.
Call it freedomism.
No, but it does mention satan stand for all things evil. IE: Demonic possession causing murderous rage.
Because it's latin. The word Satan wasn't created by christianity.
>Implying im a satanist
>Implying christians are morally superior
Try to be less retarded and come up with some kind of argument that justifies your cringy nigger spat
Almost as immature as spending a thousand years murdering people for not believing in the same sky-daddy as you, and then pretending you can only be moral if you believe in God.
Yeah, we're the immature ones....
You seem to not have understood like half my post, I already said why.
St. Michael the Archangel. Defend us in battle. Be our protection against the snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray and do thou Prince of the heavenly host through the power of God cast into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander this Earth seeking the ruin of souls.
>>YWN hang out in Tokyo with a 4 foot tall witch from strawberry switchblade.
>>Why even live?
The Satanic Temple is atheistic, just as LaVey's Church of Satan is. "Satanism" is just the term and imagery they use to show opposition to judeo-christian religion. You aren't a true spiritual Satanist, and neither are they. Just call yourself an atheist who is morally unopposed to sin and be done with it you fuckin cringelord faggot.
>Believes that the devil exists
>Doesn't believe God exists
>Also atheist so no deities exist
All satanists are edgy retards
Okay so satanist are using colloquialism?
Pretty lame
You understand nothing.
Explain to me then
1. Most Satanists are Atheists, believe in neither God or the devil.
2. Most Satanists are most likely anti-organized religion, and sees it as a historic tool for oppression and control.
Demanding to not only get money from you but also have a complete control over every persons morals and thoughts.
3. The Satanic symbolism is used as a celebration of freedom since for a thousand years you'd be executed or imprisoned if you didn't believe in God.
I could spend an hour writing an essay on how Satanism mostly serves as a counterpoint to organized religion, but posting on Yea Forums isn't the most efficient way to disperse information, also, there's already plenty of literature on the subject.
Satan is called Luz y Fuerza del Centro
Santa Luz
proven god is real
atheists : 0
zaroastrians: a billion (zimbabwe dollars)
Lord Jesus. I come before you. Just as I am. I am sorry for my sins. I repent of my sins. Please forgive me. In your name I forgive all others who have sinned against me. I ronounce Satan the evil spirits and all their works. I give you my entire self Lord Jesus. I accept you as my Lord my God and my savior. Heal me, change me strengthen me in body soul and spirit. Come Lord Jesus cover me in your precious blood and fill me with your Holy Spirit. I love you Lord Jesus, I praise you Lord Jesus, I thank you Lord Jesus. I shall follow you all the days of my life. Amen amen and amen.
Jay Dyer
op is always correct
bow to the lord of darkness 4 ever
bibles r 4 tards
The OG edgelord.