Yea Forums saved my life

Yea Forums saved my life
>rekt vids made me a safer driver
>drug threads made me spot bad weed
>cuck threads made me proud of my fetish

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rekt thread?
who starts?

got rekt vids with electric scooters? canĀ“t wait to see them faggots get crushed

There's no such thing as bad weed only bad smokers

>being proud of a fetish
Fucking degenerates.

>spotted the priviledged retard

>Being a proud cuck
This guy is lost Yea Forumsros

you have to be extremly selve confident to be cucked on a regular basis. only betas are afraid of letting their wifes get fucked by other men.

No matter the outlook, having your wife fucked by anyone but you is still for faggots

Its a form of dominating your wife you will never reach. I watch her get gangbanged every other month. its glorious. I suck the cum right out to make her mine again.

>cuck threads made me proud of my fetish

wtf? this is mental illness, not fetish. How can u get horny that some other guy is fucking ur wife? why would you even marry her?

>Yea Forums saved my life
Well, that's just unfortunate

its putting her in her place. she would never even raise her voice at me while your monofucked wife will cheat and nag you all day.


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This, should've never been shown a rekt thread.

having your wife fucked by a horde of bums is top tear alpha

>top tear alpha

Good for you. I'm glad some good came out of this shit hole.


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