Do you think she's fat? Where do you see most of her extra pounds?
Do you think she's fat? Where do you see most of her extra pounds?
why is there two threads of this going?
there are 3 actually.
kill yourself you absolute fucking autist
and now there's 3. are you retarded? take your meds faggot
My man is wyling the fuck out go take a cold shower bro
You've got some mental issues OP but to answer your question, no she's not fat she's just wearing a tight dress and curving her stomach so it looks like she's chubbier than she actually is
Man you got some serious issues
Why so?
She looks like your typical feminazi
She isn't fat at all.
there are at least 4.
the absolute state of it
You’re spamming some dumbass shit repeatedly. Only a spaz and someone with a clear mental illness would do something like this.
But do you think she's fat?
Her belly. Not much tho.
Yes. At her arms and gut.
Yeah she's a bit fat. Could just put down the sugar (red bull) and go for a jog.
in the cankles
Is it really that bad now?
And isn't fat.
Fat af.
yeah shes a faggit like op