>be me >wake up to my dad shouting about something downstairs >saying something that I can't hear then shouting "At all" >don't hear anybody else so he's shouting at nobody in particular or himself (we're the only ones who live in the house) >check time >6:23 AM >mfw
Seriously though I fucking hate him so much he's such a fucking retard. He constantly pushes everyone away then complains when they all leave him alone. He constantly asks me to trust in him and always back him up but gives me reasons not to trust him like blaming me for stealing shit that he's just misplaced. He's most likely an undiagnosed schizophrenic because he's got delusions that someone's ruining his life, but the people doing it is constantly changing. I hope he gets fucking cancer and dies because he's a useless sack of shite holy shit.
If you hate your dad so much move out of his house and stop pawning your insecurities off on him. Also for how much you hate the man logic implies you’re just seeing your own flaws and instead of accepting it you’re just narcissistically seeing him as less than you... Grow up faggot because you probably need him more than you and you get on his nerves just much...
Noah Carter
Nice bate
Carson Hernandez
You should hide walkie talkies throughout the house and whisper into them to fuck his shit up. Make him think God or some other sky wizard is talking to him
Jacob Thomas
So many assumptions you've made that aren't even correct lmao. >I have an Apprenticeship. He's not even employed >My flaws are nothing like his. I'm not a fucking retard who blames everyone but myself for my shortcomings. >I don't need him at all. I'm saving up money until I can afford to move out and then I will, and we barely interact so I doubt I get on his nerves
Juan Brooks
OP is most likely bait. I’m just pointing out the obvious either way. This kinda shit is just annoying and doesn’t belong on Yea Forums and OP is either trolling or just a retarded faggot with no self awareness.
Owen Scott
What the actual fuck could I even bait with this?
Levi Gonzalez
did you try calling him a nigger?
Leo Adams
>This kinda shit is just annoying and doesn’t belong on Yea Forums
how the fuck do you figure that? I guess you would rather have BBC and trap threads?
Ryder Martin
user would probably prefer traps and BBC like the faggot he is
Jacob Lee
>Good for you. How old is your dad and has he never worked? >Judging from everything you’ve said this far it can be assumed you’re a bratty piece of shit and generically you are extremely likely to have a lot of your fathers traits. If he’s a piece of shit you *most likely* are just as shitty a person if not more so. Read a book on generics kiddo. >You are saving up... Do you even pay rent? Either way if you don’t end up an heroing when you find out life is actually hard when you don’t have mummy or daddy you will look back on this post and realize what a retard you were...
>41 and he got sacked 2 years ago >I make sure to appreciate everything I get and I don't think I'm superior to anybody like some people do for some fucking reason >last I checked, schizophrenia doesn't run in our family. And i'm definitely not like him and never fucking will be because the main difference is that I'm not diving into alcohol and feeling sorry for myself instead of fixing my life like he should >I offered to pay rent. He refused. Like I said, he refuses to accept help >I've been looking after myself since I was 7 years old because my mum passed and my dad has always been a useless sack of shite. I learn from his mistakes.
Matthew Evans
user probably has some gay sob story about both his parents abandoning him kek
Wyatt Phillips
You sure he doesn't suffer from dementia and you're in denial?
Ayden Fisher
I think it's more likely schizophrenia. What makes you think it's dementia?
Jaxon Harris
>Wife breaks up with you >Your family just abandons you >Left with the goofy son who just jerks off all day and runs up a huge tab >Start day drinking >Goofy son continues to run up a tab, isn't helping at all >Crack under pressure and one day burn the house down
You could help OP. I know it's not really something your generation does, but try helping dad before he kills you in your sleep.
David Stewart
I've offered to help, as have my aunt and grandparents. He just refuses. And my mum died, she didn't leave him
Brandon Martinez
>I've been looking after myself since I was 7 years old because my mum passed and my dad has always been a useless sack of shite.
Ah here we go. My initial assessment was wrong, but the outcome the same. Your dads about to blow his stack. He has processed the grief properly and he's trying to get by with you around.
I look forward to watching the aftermath of this on calender news. I hope it's quick.
Luke Foster
>hasn't processed
Caleb Howard
My friend's dad was like this (except instead of schizophrenia it was alcoholism). His dad passed away recently, kinda makes you think. Appreciate your dad, user.
John Miller
>I've offered to help, as have my aunt and grandparents. >He refuses
Because he is a proud man that doesn't need help. user you can help him before he kills himself, tell someone. Like family. Do something that isn't complaining loudly on Yea Forums. Your dad needs you.
Jaxon Morales
Honestly I fucking hope he ropes himself. I don't know what he said specifically but he texted my gran a month ago and my grandparents, aunt and uncle turned up thinking he was gonna commit so they came to stop him. He was just passive aggressive to them the entire fucking time.