Tfw no namefig gf

tfw no namefig gf

Attached: catfish gf (with big benis).jpg (1158x1848, 1.73M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Ripa is my're gf


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She still looks like she has a couple hundred thousand miles of good sex in her.

I wouldn't throw her away just because of some scratches. Gotta buy smart nowadays when considering dealerships.

Your fortune: Average Luck

I can be your gf

Attached: Akarin.gif (340x340, 148K)

lole "repost"

cts is my gee eef

my arms don't look as bad as op's pic tho.
Still got that fat wrist cut if you're into that

pls be my0re gf!

Are you sure???

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Yes but i'm a boiii....
Are u ok with that?

how long is your benis?

not very long lole.
eurofag don't know how many inches

are you a homosexual? Don't lie to me.

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I like both but only if the man looks like a woman lole

Shiro looks nothing like a girl

dandy get in here shiros minecraft is desperate and will let you do anything to him

hmm maybe I do?
How does shiro look?

cuddling and hugse would be enough for me

anone meets user meeting anu

I look like this irl

Attached: literally me irl.jpg (640x960, 99K)

I didn't like the anime tbh
But you cute i'd cuddle and huge and more

joseph mengele is best ger(l)me(a)n, yo se!

ahh now I know who shiro is...

you don't need to lie Shiro

dubs confirm

If I use a CRISPR retrovirus to turn myself into a girl will you marry me?

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all I know is that shiro has pretty hairy legs and huge man feet

I'll mary you if you are looking like a girl already
I don't mind that, I just wanna feel loved

u got a citation for that mate? lole

after a dogs age youll look liek a goddamn brundle fly
"genes inside out"
doc brown

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pls dopn't leave us for Shiro

sure here ya go

Triples confirms! Nice!

I'd be still here just married to Shiro

I really want to punch you right now

But shiro is a possesive being, you won't be able to post again

was @ shiros house caught him trying on his moms wedding dress

Can I be your online schizo gf?

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I'm the depressed and depersonalized stoic pink tho so you have to make me really happy

dubs post

Your fortune: Average Luck

Hey seuss desu~

Match made in heaven. We're a couple now.

I'm into dark synthwave

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How should I call you?
and pic related

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I lob Pink Floyd bery much desu~

Attached: Pink Floyd albums.png (1920x1080, 334K)

And they all lived gay and together

just Shiro or a nice nickname?

Attached: Mio 3.jpg (300x168, 9K)

wooooh it's a marrigae guys
Whip out the mandrake and the coke and get fucked up.
You are all invited

lole pink is immediately ignored

He's just shy...

Attached: Pink 3.jpg (600x255, 9K)

Attached: Don't leave me now.gif (500x220, 955K)

Call me espy

Sorry I'm @ the doctors office.

where do you wanna add each other outside of Yea Forums
What nice meds are u getting scpy-chan?


Idk any other forms of contact except the cord

why though, u posted those pics not me

Also something for my insomnia and maybe my anxiety. Gotta choose my words carefully or else they'll take my guns

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I get the good klonopin and halcion for sleepu desu~ also concerta for the good concentration but I never take them

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But i'll be switched to Valium soon so happy desu~

Why do you need guns tho?
They're rude I'd just use them to blow my brains out

Just fug already -__-

No on the wedding night.
Have fun for now and don't let those mandrakes get to waste!!!

I can relate really sucks

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they're called mandraxes i'm a tard lole

I am armed guard

ohh okay
you got kik lole?

he don't want to give you any personal information

I ask about these thanks

This is the exact opposite of what Jesus would want

No. Only have a discord, had bad experience with Kik.

No don't ask about long acting ones.
Ask for Xanax for anxiety and zolpidem or zoplicone if it's very severe insomnia.
Also both very fucking addictive been addicted almost 2years make you fucking retarded and forgetfull

I don't have discord ):
but i can make acc
i'm getting cigs quick

Can't have opioid based drugs, I carry a gun everyday. Don't want to risk any mental distractions.

I love dillies.
Also they're benzodiazepines a small dose of xanax won't really impair you

Hmmm I'll see.

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0,25 is the lowest dose
also I have discord now

Shiro's trip to Germany where he eats wurst and germknƶdel all day.

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Hey Hebi how are u doing?

Attached: beary eating.png (177x244, 20K)

I'm actually eating right now.

Attached: EAaSx-6VAAEH9eT.jfif.jpg (1500x1191, 220K)

Nice! What are u eating?

Also Shiro, while you're in Germany don't forget to try out Almdudler, it's the best soft drink ever made imo.

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Green peas and chicken meat.

he's in germany.
I'm from austria and we also have Almdudler lole

Sounds yummie (:

Attached: Karen2.jpg (480x270, 18K)

you're Austrian?? I didn't even know. You guys have awesome food and drinks. I wish I would move there one day.

You are always welcome and thanks!

Where are u from Hebi?

Shame on anyone into that
Come on user let's try to be better misery helps no one

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But i'm not user i'm Pink

I'd rather not say..

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Pink is German????

Sorry Pink point still stands be well fren :)

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Ohhh!!! Home of the Glock

Ja bin ich du auch oder wie?

Shiro can I shoot one of your guns?

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It was a year ago so chill

It's the standard weapon of our police forces

I like this gif

Don't hand hebi a gun that would be dangerous

Ty I stole it

me too

Yes I have 1, but don't use it cause it's gay lole

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Yes, but only if you kawaii my desu

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But it's not gay lole
Guns can't have sex
Am i not your gf? are u already cheating on me?

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I always wanted to own a gun. Do you name your guns? How many you've got?

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It'll be 22 on Tuesday of next week. BTW don't cringe when you see what I'm going to do with my new one.

Glocks are cool, but CZs are bester. Not cheating!!! I'm more faithful than anyone else. More than Sucy & Dandy

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That would definitely be considered cheating and I would smash your skull so fast it would make your head spin in a real battle

You think you're going to get a free pass just because I Know Who You Are?

Everything that happened here is your responsibility and if you don't speak up in your own defense you are going to get tossed in the shitcan so fast that they're going to syndikate you as the new military standard smartphone prototype

I missed you Shiro.

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I assume you get the reference

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so can I add you gaycord i downloaded it lole

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I thought they never miss huh

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ok retard

I don't even know you?


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Shut up newfag it's none of your business why don't you go ask one of the other posters what's going on here while you're at it ask them for the name of the celebrity that used to post here because I still don't know who the hell it is and I was in a serious relationship with her for an entire year

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I'm here...
Give me discord address or stuff


I'm *r*ls*n, remember?
We used to fight in Suebi's threads a year ago.

Attached: šŸ’™šŸ–¤.jpg (952x616, 132K)

Despite all your hard work and even though you've made some pretty good points I'm still going to indict you as part of this criminal conspiracy so sorry friend oh

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I bet you still don't have any artifacts because you just been sucking the life out of this place like the parasite you are and now you got nothing to show for it huh oh poor poor you


Ok gimme a minute...

okay espy-chan

God damnit... Pls don't ruin this for me it's all I got ;____;

Bye loser, it was a pleasure knowing you; All mine, of course

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I believe that I believe that you would not post a picture of your own desk because it's so squalid and you are legitimately embarrassed by the way you live your life so yeah I believe you I believe everything you say and I always have and that's why you get nothing

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Wha? What do you mean? I'm just coming by to say hello, I don't have any ill will towards you.

What are u guys talking about?
Leave my gf be!
what is happening someone explain?

I have enough ill-will for every single poster on this board and if you think that you can get away from me you are truly delusional and you are in for a rude awakening

what a bunch of flaming faggots
end your lives, you fucking trannies
no, you're not cute
no, you're not female

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Read the post directly below this one

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I did still confused

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they are old shiros fuccfriends

Maybe you should try a little bit harder

I think you're a coward

that's what I think

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dude -__-

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Ignore them, they are satanic

I'm allowed to change my mind you know I'm not a robot if I say you're indicted that's end of discussion

You be sure to say that when you give your testimony then

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I added you

Do I need to talk with headset i'm very shy...

disgusting mentally ill degenerate


You're also going to have to explain to a federal law enforcement agent why you decided of your own personal volition not to report the crimes that you saw taking place here including as you say satanic activity

The future is not looking very bright for you right now

accept desu~

Don't threaten me Arulson

That's not me.

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tfw no security guard gf

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u know, doremiposter is still single

Stop while you can, or it will get ugly I promise you.

Stop talking to yourself

Have you looked outside the window lately? Nothing in life can get any uglier than it is now.

Shiro owns the federal reserve

Shut up you fucking faggot. Stop posting random security guard images.

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Hahahah where do you find images like this


Leave him be you faggot

Shiros Whore


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Don't talk to my new ex wife like that bitch!!!

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I claim this thread in the name of JESUS

Pretty sure that's how it will always be unless he convinces a little girl to date him *doubt*

p sure he's dead though

Shiros couple

Get you a girl who looks at you the way shiro looks at Minecraft

ex wife?

Got em

It's a term of endearment


There is no shooting me Shiro. Iā€™m in a heavily armed complex at Antarctica.


honestly cali-shiro, I think you should tell that guy to start doing more cardio or else that guts gonna get bigger. Blogposting about city-wide political events can be a shitposters paradise when there are many news articles on them.

bumpoy dis gemn

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

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Which one of you retards has been stalking me all over this website and on 4plebs?

shiro IS so HOT