Porn is cringe, and if you watch porn you are cringe. Especially you fags into the weird shit.
Porn is cringe, and if you watch porn you are cringe. Especially you fags into the weird shit
hmmm today i shall be cringe
You're cringe everyday porn-fag
hmmmmmm i will continue to be cringe forever, however I am not a fag.
You are a faggot and a nigger
People who watch porn are fags. Stop watching porn fag. Wasting your seed doesn't do any good, porn-fag
You're cringe and a fag who watches porn. Now go watch Tyrone put his shit dick in more white women.
Society is cringe, so fuck society.
You're the reason society is cringe, porn-fag
my seed isnt potent though, it would be wasted and make a terrible child. Would it not be more wise to just not harm the world and just waste it with my own activities.
You should just end it then, porn-fag. If you think you're a blight on society then do everyone a favor and give up.
Good. I'll keep the cringe train going 'cause the cringe train only stops at extinction, humanity
Stop talking like a doomer cuck, porn-fag
I will live in spite of you. cringe forever.
You proabably are a closet-fag, and you make me wanna keep the cringe train going and to stock it up with cancer
I will cringe. Porn is cringe and you cucking yourself is cringe. Now go watch more shit dicks fuck white women, porn-fag
Is it past bedtime for my little special snowflake? Do you need your diaper changed?
Don't be mad because you're cucking yourself porn-fag. One day you'll realize all the time you've wasted to cringey porn when you're even more sad and even more alone.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say OP did Yellowposting back in Mid-June
You're cringe, porn-fag
i hate niggers and white women though, i hope you cringe forever for it is all you can do.
Nope, sorry to disappoint porn-fag
All you can do is waste your seed on virtual women who wouldn't even glance at you. Waste what God gave you porn-fag.
>Posting on Yea Forums
>Calling others cringe
You're cringe, porn-fag
And you suck big brother's tiny ass dick. Please do us all a favor and go fuck off back to dumblr and stay in that dumpster fire.
yes, for it is my purpose. I will continue to use my seed to fuel your desire to rant.
You're deflecting because you're a cringey, lonely, cucked, porn-fag.
Amen brother
Indeed, porn-fag
You porn-fags should be getting cucked together.
Impressive. You just described your pathetic dumb self through your insult.
if it is what will grow your cult then so be it
How do you cuck someone who doesn't even want to have sex?
Stop deflecting porn-fag, just admit that you enjoy watching women you wish you could have get railed by other men.
Indeed, porn-fag
And you're cucking yourself, porn-fag
I don't fap to videos, I fap to art and I am proud of it. You wish you could take pride in yourself for one picosecond.
You should think and pray about it lol.
That's even more cringe, 'art' porn-fag. Go cum on piece of paper with anime tits on it, porn-fag
m'lord may the cringe live forever
It will because of porn-fags
I will gladly fap to your words.
Look, we aren't joining your no-fap incel anti brown people cult. Go fuck yourself with a hot iron poker.
Okay, porn-fag
You'd probably enjoy that you degenerate, porn-fag
Probably, I'm into some wacky stuff these days
Even if I ain't into the BBC shit. I'd rather be forced to fap to guro than join a incel no fap cult
Most porn-fags are. Doesn't surprise, especially with what I've seen on this board lately.
Who said anything about incel, porn-fag? I'm not the one wasting my seed for e-girls and whores, am I?
the word cringe is retarded and if you use it, you are retarded
You're cringe, now go porn-fag
I thought only God judged, glad to see he's outsourcing to the leader of the no fap incel cult of pale basement dwellers
At least I'm not keeping jizz as a pet and wasting money
I knew OP was a retarded faggot
Who said I can't judge you for cucking yourself, porn-fag. Your thought process is cringe
Say that again, but better
Sorry you're so cringe, porn-fag
>Now go watch more shit dicks fuck white women, porn-fag
It's /pol/. Sage.
Thanks for inspiring not to give-in, user.
Who are you to fucking lecture me about how to live my life?
I'm too busy fapping to your words to say it again. How about you say it again? I know you're hovering around this thread, OP. Don't hide it.
Because you don't know how to live properly porn-fag
So if any of that is true, you should have cured cancer by now instead of just contracting the aids your dad gave you.
Indeed porn-fag, but what you said didn't make sense.
Stop deflecting, porn-fag. Besides, that wasn't even me, it was another user.
Nor does your logic
back to /pol/ pearl clutcher
How does your logic make sense, porn-fag? What about wasting your seed and indulging/cucking yourself is better?
me thinks the lady doth protest too much
How do we know you're not using your shitty windows vista pc and your iphone 4
So what, going by your logic and the logic of the other dip shit, Franciscan monks should have been able to advance the progress of the human species with their hyper focused minds.
Spoiler alert: they didn't.
You don't, porn-fag.
You never answered my question, porn-fag. Stop arguing like a female.
Could not have said better, brother.
I don't need to use logic when my enemy can't even use basic logic to decipher basic mathematics.
>itt: Samefagging /pol/ack
That still makes no sense, porn-fag.
No, he's using a text based browser and an old Nokia phone so he doesn't run the risk of accidentally seeing a vagina
I'm glad you're catching on, porn-fag
And thus my point is proven.
You haven't proven anything, porn-fag. I asked why wasting your seed and masculinity is better than preserving it for the reason God gave us. You have just been deflecting and it's cringe
I mean, it's kind of obvious. You're scared of women and ashamed of yourself. I assume your mother was / is probably either physically or mentally abusive toward you and any rejection by a woman sends you into a shame spiral.
Let me break down my point to your simple insignificant primate brain. You are a complete idiot and a waste of sperm cells.
This seems like some type projection, porn-fag. You should stop arguing like a female, maybe if you stopped cumming to internet women you'd be more levelheaded
>Says the porn-fag who wastes his seed by jerking off to women online
>says the village idiot
I'm betting I'm not far off from the truth.
This is what the white race is gonna end up like, because of cucked porn-fags, like you.
Deflecting once more, I'm starting to see a pattern, porn-fag. Now stop female signaling
Why'd you post pics of yourself?
Wait! I've got it. Earlier in your life you immersed yourself in porn and thought it was real and you were crushed to find out that it wasn't and that the only reason those girls do that shit is because they are getting paid to and not many real women would let you treat their faces like a fuck toy. That reality left you a bitter and sad little boy.
More female signaling from the porn-fags, not that much of a surprise that demasculated men argue like women.
Once again porn-fag, you're projecting and it's cringe.
This is gettiing boring. I'm going to leave you to rot in your dumpster while cats piss on your body
Deep down inside, you know I'm probably right. You should use your hyper focused mind for some self reflection.
I did, that's why I'm not a porn-fag, porn-fag
It probably does get boring not cumming to e-girls every 15 minutes, huh porn-fag?
Get some new material, it's getting stale. At least try to put some effort into it. You're just embarrassing yourself with your one note responses.
I was beginning to wonder when anybody else witb a brain these no-fapcels were uncreative fuckwads
I have no doubt these fuckwads came from /pol/