Shota thread?
Shota thread plz
Shota thread?
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>Starting a thread with no other images
I haven't been in a shota thread in so long.
I've had such a craving...
Such a lust for shota!
>When it's penis inspection day and this happens
Imagine how firm yet soft Dragon Ball shota butts must be. So muscular and tone but still with the softness and smoothless of a shota.
God what a sweaty butthole, i need to have that on my face.
I don't understand how Inklings and Octolings are so cute and so sexy all at the same time.
Adorable! But he needs to relax, it's for his own good!
I theorize that homosexual pedophilia is motivated by an autopredatory impulse, that is, that the homosexual pedophile sees themselves in the child, and consequently the child becomes desirable. Your thoughts?
niggers gtfo shota threads nobody likes your HIV zoo porn
>Naruto will never use his shadow clones to gang rape you for hours on end
I hate this!
There's actually more, it's page 3 of a short comic.
I'll post the rest, this is page 1.
This is 2
My first post was 3, this is 4.
And done
discord gg pJ6Ar2
anyone have stores? or links to store sites
Me 9yo and my best friend 11yo in public park he licking my asshole behind trees. A random teen girl catch us and tell people around. I swear is true idk why we did into park
hope you two didn't get in to much trouble
Yuma's one of my favourite shotas. It's not fair that he's so underrated!
What made him want to lick your asshole? Did he just ask you if he could or did he kind of trick you into letting him?
Horny Glasses-kun was so cute getting his examination was so cute, thank you so much for dumping!
Good taste.
He's my favorite of the Yugioh shotas.
Glad you enjoyed it.
I can't believe I only now found that artist's work, his boys are super cute.
me and my best friend played truth or dear a few times...and one time i deared him to kiss me and so he did and then we kissed a few more times that was that... a few weeks later i went to his place and we wrestled (we both liked wwe) and we started to get hot and we down to are undies and touched eacher and started to jerk eacher off... later in the night we went to his room and touched some more and i sleped my undies down and bent over a let him do me... it being my first time it hurt some and atfr letting him do me for a bit and after he pulled out i felt like i need to go 2 but i guess it was just haveing the filling of something in my butt making me fill like that...hope not to be banned for posting this
i dont remember actually. He went fuck me i guees
who used to do this with their cousin?
That looks kinda sad.
wish i could .have
Tell me a bed time story, big bro
Trunks is such a slut
Naruto please make me choke on your long, thick, uncut, flaccid ninja cock!!!
Yuma is ridiculously cute, and definitely my favourite as well. Thanks fellow Yumafriend. That said, I really need to give all the Yu-Gi-Oh series a proper watching with their original Japanese dubs. It got harder and harder for me to keep up with the anime over the years as it shifted to different channels and swapped time slots constantly. That, and I don't appreciate the censorship, either.
Of course! And you're right, this artist does seem to have a knack for illustrating some real swell boys. They're quite lovely.
Is penis inspection that uncommon at school that it's become a meme? It was a real thing at my school to check for early signs of issues with boys that had foreskins. There was also a butt inspection day if you want to phrase it that way, but that was a school trip to a pool when we were still young enough to not care about being seen naked, and it only happened because one of the boys pooped in the pool so they were looking for poop butt to punish whichever boy did it.
Once upon a time there was a 10 year old boy. One night a very bad man broke in to his home and murdered his parents right in front of him, then butt raped him with a broom handle. The end.
I wish I could be a professional shota butt inspector.
That picture always brings back childhood memories of me and my uncle Fred.
Don't believe this for a second.
Once upon a time, on a lovely, peaceful night, as the moon shone brightly through the window, there was a young man. He was very pleasant, quite thoughtful, wondrously kind, and plenty understanding. On this fine night, the exemplary young man was actually very snug under his blanket, and on the verge of falling into some sweet dreams. Alas, before he could do that, he requested something from his dear older brother, who was also in his room at the moment, putting away various items from over the course of the day. The young man wished to hear one of his brother's fantastical, phantasmagorical, and utterly wonderful tales before he finally drifted into his slumber. Begging, pleading, bargaining. He did all that he could to convince his brother to tell him a story before bed.
And then his brother told him the story and the good boy went to sleep. Good Night!
Nudity around young boys isn't that uncommon, at least not where I live. Even up to an age that I'd already discovered masturbating, grown men would still get naked in locker rooms in front of me. That's actually how I saw an adult fully grown penis for the first time. To this day it still makes me feel inadequate when I remember it because I'm a grower, mine is really small if I'm I don't have a hard on, but his was like at least 4.5 inches while soft. Yeah I know it's possible that he actually had a small one that just didn't grow when he got hard, but seeing it that big soft was the turning point for me being comfortable being naked in front of others.
>Shota thread?
NO! femboy thread
did you and him ever fuck each other's butts once you both could start cumming?
I wish that was my face he was sitting on
I've seen the Matt Estes videos. Shits wild and I'm surprised he hasn't died in prison yet.
He's a bratty boy that only eats candy. That can't possibly smell good on the other end.
who is Matt Estes?
Teen with a big dick that plowed a young male family member. Some of his stuff was posted on Tumblr before the porn ban. A pic of him in his high school football uniform was reblogged around Tumblr as a pedo calling card.
I just looked him up, why on earth would anyone admit to watching his videos? Shit's fucked up
Why would you look him up, from what said his videos sound illegal.
How young?
give us more details dude.
how old was he and the family member?
you done goofed
Idk the ages. People posted a screenshot of his arrest/sentencing records whenever his football pic went around with some kind of "Hero" caption as if he was a pedo god. I never looked deep into it cause I don't want anything associated with that in my search history. Young enough though he'll be in federal ass raping prison for a long time. That is if the guards don't look the other way and some one Epsteins him.
think he'll get cupped while he's in there?
i looked up news of his arrest dumbass
DBZ was made for shota action.
Trunks was gay (except for his mom), Goten bi (female preference), and Gohan bi (male preference).
Mowgli was such a slut, being a feral shota.
Raised by animals, he had zero inhibitions.
Feral shota is best shota.
Artist is Saigado, it's the extra pages from one of the Athena and Friends doujins.
gtfo with your niggers
put those fucking phones away
Loose the rubber, kid.
Can we get some straight and/or bi shota?
Is there any where you can just see pictures of cute or effiminate anime males without having to read all this crap about people wanting to touch kids it makes me sick.
Wish I knew. I thought I was following him on Pixiv, but I can't find him anymore. Don't know his name.
This situation is hot asf
>See this New Chan. What whould be changed here ? Your opinion needed.
Don't look for cute pictures of femboys in a shota thread on b then retard
That's like trying to find a bag of chips in the fruits isle
Go whine about it some place where you're actually gonna find wank material of such manwhores; no one wants to have to deal with kinkshaming summerfags, especially when b is undergoing a pandemic of shitty straight porn
On a side note, does hooni count as shota? I might post some cute stuff of him in the next few threads that come along
Not Hiro but looks a bit like him tbh.
Just blonde
It must be nice having brothers.
I can safely say that being an only child is a very good thing, if a little lonely. Having a brother and sister is not good company
>tfw lose my virginity to 2 shotas
Raised up with a little sister.
When i was already grownup, i became a new little brother too.
Being a brother isn't bad at all dude.