Whatcha been playin, Yea Forums?

Whatcha been playin, Yea Forums?

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Fallout 76

Gta5 lololol

Galactic Civ2 Ultimate. also emulated Fire Emblem: Sword of Seals.

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>playing in 2019


Great game

Sniper Elite 4, it’s free with playstation plus :)

Borderlands 2

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It's fun, get some friends

I have been playing many hours of Fallout 76! It’s a great game full of unique storytelling and multiplayer opportunities! How about you get a copy and get one for your friends too, just so you won’t be lonely!

Whaddaya Say?

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dear GTA 5 players - stop modding and plug in a mic

GTA 5, Terraria, Skyrim

Been hooked on Warframe for a little now.

Pic not related..?

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No kidding, it's fucking full of them

Were not playing were hanging out

Still playing hzd

Been ripping a PS1 emulator with a PS4 controller. Ape escape and mostly this.

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This new game I call Rape.

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Playing with my dick

Wow haha that was so fucking funny hahahahahahahaha goddamn someone let Dave Chapelle know he has competition

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Criyin like that...... ever work?

>imagine playing this piece of shit

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Wtf do you mean get some friends lol

Comedy genius! Bravo!

OH! sorry, I see your condition.

Get some pussy then talk to me faggot

I was playing some GTA SA the best game ever


I like the game and all, but i gave it up. As soon as I start a mission some troll comes along on a Oppressor and mission failed.


Street fighter 2 with friends on the weekend

Love it

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Borderlands 2, getting ready for the third one.

Thanks to that fantastic modding community.

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Page not found

Same. Getting reaquainted for 3.

Whiteboi Simulator 2019

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flying bikes ruined online
stopped playing after that
also cockstar refuses to do anything about modders. they just generate a new serial code

Todd jesus just stop and get back to work on TES VI for christ sake.

Dead by Daylight

Anyone else rolling gacha?

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Skyrim and GTA Online....

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my man


GTA Online was fun in 2012. Nowadays you can only hope to find a cancer free server on FiveM.

No Mans Sky

replaying red dead redemption most likely wont go past chapter six just cant stand to see Arthur go again

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Best CK2 mod

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After Chappelle Show Dave Chappelle was never funny, sorry for reality

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Idel Champions

All of it.
I have 300 games and nothing to fucking play.

Going back to the classics.
Good taste faggot.

I play that one every weekend.

Too real...
Get cucked blackie.
Normie tier. Unsure if bait.

TF2 (the good one)

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Unless you played gta samp back then I'm pretty sure it wasn't fun in 2012. Ive been finishing up Witcher 3 and man, what a fucking great story and game