Whatcha been playin, Yea Forums?
Whatcha been playin, Yea Forums?
Fallout 76
Gta5 lololol
Galactic Civ2 Ultimate. also emulated Fire Emblem: Sword of Seals.
>playing in 2019
Great game
Sniper Elite 4, it’s free with playstation plus :)
Borderlands 2
It's fun, get some friends
I have been playing many hours of Fallout 76! It’s a great game full of unique storytelling and multiplayer opportunities! How about you get a copy and get one for your friends too, just so you won’t be lonely!
Whaddaya Say?
dear GTA 5 players - stop modding and plug in a mic
GTA 5, Terraria, Skyrim
Been hooked on Warframe for a little now.
Pic not related..?
No kidding, it's fucking full of them
Were not playing were hanging out
Still playing hzd
Been ripping a PS1 emulator with a PS4 controller. Ape escape and mostly this.
This new game I call Rape.
Playing with my dick
Wow haha that was so fucking funny hahahahahahahaha goddamn someone let Dave Chapelle know he has competition
Criyin like that...... ever work?
>imagine playing this piece of shit
Wtf do you mean get some friends lol
Comedy genius! Bravo!
OH! sorry, I see your condition.
Get some pussy then talk to me faggot
I was playing some GTA SA the best game ever
I like the game and all, but i gave it up. As soon as I start a mission some troll comes along on a Oppressor and mission failed.
Street fighter 2 with friends on the weekend
Love it
Borderlands 2, getting ready for the third one.
Thanks to that fantastic modding community.
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Same. Getting reaquainted for 3.
Whiteboi Simulator 2019
flying bikes ruined online
stopped playing after that
also cockstar refuses to do anything about modders. they just generate a new serial code
Todd jesus just stop and get back to work on TES VI for christ sake.
Dead by Daylight
Anyone else rolling gacha?
Skyrim and GTA Online....
my man
GTA Online was fun in 2012. Nowadays you can only hope to find a cancer free server on FiveM.
No Mans Sky
replaying red dead redemption most likely wont go past chapter six just cant stand to see Arthur go again
Best CK2 mod
After Chappelle Show Dave Chappelle was never funny, sorry for reality
Idel Champions
All of it.
I have 300 games and nothing to fucking play.
Going back to the classics.
Good taste faggot.
I play that one every weekend.
Too real...
Get cucked blackie.
Normie tier. Unsure if bait.
TF2 (the good one)
Unless you played gta samp back then I'm pretty sure it wasn't fun in 2012. Ive been finishing up Witcher 3 and man, what a fucking great story and game