So some of my friends and i are working on a sexual typology test. it's kind of like 16 personalities, but for sex...

so some of my friends and i are working on a sexual typology test. it's kind of like 16 personalities, but for sex. if anyone could take it and, you know, tell me what you think, then that would help me out a lot.

inb4 surveyfag

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Not bad, surveyfag.

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Dominant • Romantic • Primal • Concentrated (Very Rare)

DRPNs are actually a pretty awkward type. In the DRPN's own mind, they want to swallow you whole but execute that through a mushy side. It also works the same way around... if a DRPN wants to express love for their partner, they'll probably do that through treating you with prospect and reason. On the awkward side, they could do some weird fetishist crap like offering you a dead squirrel. They also have a hard time understanding what's "normal" and the vanilla world of sex for them is very confusing.
DRPNs are commonly misunderstood in that they are very capable of romance but also have a sadistic side. Like any other concentrate, whatever turns them on is the goal for their partner... forget about what "sex" means.

If you hook up with a DRPN, don't be afraid to be put on a leash.

Strength: Sincere
Weakness: Shameful

what psychological theory are you basing this on? and i'd recommend using the likert scale for the survey, or else it'll be bound to be kinda shit.

all in all, it was pretty dumb.

This is the best post i have ever seen on Yea Forums

>mfw i also got the same result
>mfw everyone is getting the same result
wow, great survey, op. put a lot of work into that? i hope not.

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Holy shit, good survey user
Being a submissive primal comes with some difficult prospects of the world and society. SRPUs tend to wonder why everyone just can't get along, but they need to learn that not everyone can be as accepting as them. They'll probably even make some effort to express this, like advertising the furry club in the school newspaper or reading stuff on BuzzFeed. As far as sex goes, they're relatively tolerant of what their partner may want to experiment with, be it aphrodisiacs or doing it on the roof. SPRUs really respect people who genuinely care about them, and that's where a lot of their affection will come from to reciprocate that.

inb4 "beta"
I'm gonna have to say a little inaccurate, im a fucking toxic person (thanks Yea Forums), im only accepting of people I care about I guess

op here, my issue is that no one seems to be getting the X types
like, out of everyone that has taken has never gotten at least half of them

i mean, you know, maybe i just need a bigger sample size or something like that

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It's okay, I got SRPU too :D

Me too buddy. I'm willing to bet the only 2 types on here are that and the dominant one. Also probably willing to bet that the other ones are the ones that make all the Chad memes and YLYL breads.

MFW all the SRPU are spending their time getting into kinky threesomes meanwhile DPRN are bringing their mates dead animals...

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Your test gave me SRPU, for whatever that's worth.


I am the fourth drpn.
My advice? Yea Forums is not a good test group if you want varying, or not "rare" results.

That's not true. I haven't gotten laid in months. My SO lives in another country.

DRPN here as well
Yea Forums is a bad sample

No fucking way, I’m a DRPN too. Good meme.

Easy quiz.

That website is garbage. Other than the fact that it has these weird unskippable fade animations and doesn't let you go back and amend your answer, any test worth it's salt uses a full 5-point Likert scale (Strong Agree/Agree/Neither/Disagree/Strong Disagree). 48 questions is also a very small number, and some of them are ambiguous or confusing ("I'm more emotionally attached to sex.", more than what?)

"I prefer my partner to handle all the technical aspects of a relationship." What is this even supposed to mean? Unless answering yes is meant to indicate that you view relationships as technical things (which I'd guess is the opposite) this is a bad question.

"Relationships are methodical" Only an autist or someone who's never been in a relationship (or has only been in relationships with autists) would agree with this. Better would be "I find relationships easier to deal with if I treat them methodically". Or use both questions and increase the question count.

Oh yeah, and the website times out and refreshes itself, which is infuriating if you're answering questions in between videogame matches or trying to write a review.

Retook, got SRPU. I think the aphrodisiacs question fucked me up:
> As far as sex goes, they're relatively tolerant of what their partner may want to experiment with, be it aphrodisiacs or doing it on the roof.
I'm interested in aphrodisiacs because I want to drug my partner and have sex with them when they're too horny to say no, not because I'm submissive, kek. You need more questions, because I'm a *tiny bit* submissive, but I am definitely not anywhere close to being a switch. I actively find Dommes unattractive.
Are you still in this thread, OP?

Also, kind of ironic that I got "pure", since I regularly go to sex dungeons to socialize.

Interesting test OP
I don't think I'm as extroverted as this result seems to suggest. I score INFP on the 16 type test, but I'm not sure if I'm really that nice of a person, I an get pretty moody sometimes.

Attached: result.png (631x891, 200K)

>bring partner a dead squirrel

Thats spot on for Yea Forums.

>Very Rare
how do you know it's rare if you've never given the test, dumbass?
what a crock of autistic shit.

Sounds about right, though I doubt I'd go as extreme as a dead squirrel....

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I got DRPN, motherfucker. As everybody else.

OP is kill