Secrets Thread
Share your darkest secrets here, get it off your chest!
Secrets Thread
Share your darkest secrets here, get it off your chest!
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When I was 16 I caught my stepdad fucking my little sister.... I ended up starting to look out for more, and did a few times. They never knew I knew
i screen record my girlfriend doing hot shit for me and she doesn't know
I used to record my gf at the time in high school stripping for me.
Used to be a child prostitute when i was a small boy and i loved it.
Story? How did it start?
weed tree naked woman
Fucking hot man
sexy naked poop lady
girly moans hot packed sex
My wife carpools to work with her co-worker every morning. Some days I invite him in to join us for breakfast and to fuck my wife for a bit.
Pic related.
You ever fuck her? Did it mess her up or was she cool with it
Met a guy on yahoo custom chat, took my virginity, then he started introducing me to guys he knew.
i share my friends with guys online and we end up jerking to them
I wish I did....
She was pretty young, but tbh I don't think it fucked her up
Rookie tier. Come back when you share your gf or wife pics with guys and stroke in person.
"Pretty young" = ?
Hope he doesn't expect you to chip in for gas.
naked sex hot action love
ill get there eventually
If a guy would fuck my wife I would easily give him gas money. Or more.accurately if my wife would agree to get fucked if pay the guy who did it.
I am attracted to my 15yo step daughter. Would never act on it cause I ain't willing to throw my life away but she is all I think about her when I have sex with my wife.
It's awesome when you do. Sharing her pics got me into stroking with a bud (irl and online) and some mild m/m play including sucking off a guy while he owre her panties.
she was 11 the first time I walked in on him fucking her
That's hot. Do they ever arrive to work late?
i get hard thinkin about it i dont think id suck off a guy but the plan is to find someone who is down for it
He does not.
All the time.
I've stealthed every girl I've been with. Usually just rip a hole in the end and slide it down my cock while I'm fucking.
>waste 4 years of college on a shit degree, didn't make any connections or friends, didn't even start a conversation with a female
>end up making a step above minimum wage in tech support
>boss is a retard who constantly blames us for his fuck ups
Honestly the only reason I haven't offed myself is my mom and Marvel movies. I have no social life or girlfriend, I'll never be able to move out on my own, and I bust my ass daily for ungrateful shitheels.
I molested my teenage little sister when she was passed out drunk pic related
how old and what did u end up doin?
What all you do?
When I was 17, I dated a 13 year old girl that was obsessed with me. Fucked her plenty and she was freaky as fuck. We sent a lot of nudes to each other. I love talking about her so I'll answer any questions.
>be 16
>snoop around on mom's phone out of curiosity
>find out she's been fucking our neighbor and cheating on my dad
>get hard from knowing that and jerk off
I'll be your friend
I had gay sex on my really conservative parent's bed while they were home.
>invite boyfriend over, but parents think he's just a friend because closet
>parents are doing shit in the kitchen, idc
>my room is downstairs near the kitchen
>me and bf are horny af
>decide to go upstairs to parent's room
>start sucking each other off
>too anxious that parents will come in because door doesn't lock
>I gobble down boyfriend's cum, but it's his first time drinking mine
>ends up spilling a bunch on the bed coughing
>panic and throw some sheets over it
>put clothes on and leave
>parents never found out and still think I'm straight
I committed the Whitechapel murders back in '88.
I used to eat garbage as a kid, but i don't think i'm the only one.
that's called autocannibalism
She can’t handle her alc and had way too much to drink. She was 14 and I was 19. Wound up jerking off to her for a while before I decided to take her leggings off and fuck her in the ass then came on her face. She was somewhat coherent and every once in a while she would say “stop it matt” (her bf) then about halfway through she started saying “keep going Chris” (my name). Then I nutted like a water fountain on her, cleaned her up, and put her in her room. Didn’t remember a thing
I never got to enjoy mine, but I watched and heard my stepdad plenty
I'm a liberal that thinks crazy liberals exist and are a problem
was waiting for you
god damn, I bet that ass was amazing
i do missionary for the sole purpose of pro creation
How long did it go on for? Can you give us any greentexts?
her ass was so tight it’s not even funny. I’ve wanted to do it again but she’s never gotten that drunk again, probably learned her lesson. But I have cum in her underwear and sandals a few times since
sick fuck
I fucked my girlfriends mom
Sure just the first time i caught them?
because all republicans are cool
her pussy stink?
there are crazy republicans too, although im not sure if conservative is a more appropriate term
yeah or any other particular one of note, but for sure the first time.
I'm "straight" and 18 with a gf, but I like sexting like a cum slut to guys on wickr
Me and my mom have been in a active sexual relationship since I was 15 until I moved out for University.
I came home to visit for the summer and the first thing my mom wanted from me as I stepped through the arrival door at the airport was my cock inside her. We ended up fucking in the airport washroom while my dad obliviously waited for us in the parking lot. For the past four months I have done nothing but fuck my mom until my cock is drained every single day...
I'm about to head back next week and she has not given me a single break at all...
>come home from a friend's house a day earlier than expected.
>door to house is locked, didn't have key had to go around back.
>hear noise in the pool house.
>sounds like fucking, like legit porn, scream-moans
>go to window to check it out
>instantly hard af at what i see.
>see little sister on hands and knees on floor
>stepdad behind her
>idk if she is trying to get away or what, but he has a grip on her little hips
>he is slamming her into him
>i watch until i am about to cum in my pants, thankfully he cums first....
>I run through the back door, into my room, drop my pants and shoot the furthest i ever have in my life
At least try and make them believable.
Catfished my ex's new bf and got both his and her nudes from him
I love my wife, but when I was working overseas I had a mistress. Also, BBW threads on Yea Forums got me curious about fucking a fatty, so I did a Taiwanese landwhale. My wife pretty much knows, and sometimes tries to tease details out of me.
My secret is that i used too much LSD and fried my brain
care to share?
Which one?
your ex... or whatever nudes you got from him
thats fucking hot. Does your dad know or is this a secret kept from him?
I raped a half passed out girl but she never reported it to anyone because she thought I was some Chad she was crushing on.
show the dick. how does it compare to yours?
cool man. any more?
I like to jack it to Jock Sturges, Sally Mann, or David Hamilton. Not posting anything cuz don’t want b&.
count yourself lucky
I didn't think I'd be down for it either but it's a slippery slope. Where you from
Also however hit you think it is to share pics of your friends, exposing your wife/gf is 1000x hotter
Do you creampie them too? Do they not notice ?
Are you gay or straight?
I know. The best part was that I got to be around her after it happened. She had no idea and I was diamonds knowing what she looked and felt like under her clothes.
i did the same thing. started with sharing my girl's nudes then jerking off online and real life. then sucking each other off (user wanted to taste her pussy -- just fucked my girl that same morning).
sweet. did you take pics or trophies?
O never understood this - when you ass fuck her won't her ass hurt like hell in the morning? Girls I've fucked.who are not experienced anally sat it hurts the next day. Isn't that's a giveaway when you fuck a drugged/passed out girl? That's why I stick to the pussy
when you pounded the pussy so many times, some times another hole would keep it interesting.
Never took pics. I needed both hands to hold her down. She was resisting and pleading for me to stop but calling me by Chad's name. I took her panties but what good is a trophy I can't show anyone? I got rid of them after about a week.
This guy will be your friend:
yeah, once the smell fades, its useless and can get you caught. good job.
That's funny, I kind of do the reverse. I want her to fuck others and she won't. But I go to a glory hole or something and get sucked, or stroke a guy ad have his precum on my hands. Then I fuck her wirr his saliva on my cock in her pussy, or his precum on my hands whole I finger her. Or she licks my balls which I just had sucked by a guy
Canada, i wouldnt mind a guy suckin me off but i aint suckin him off and when i do get a gf i plan to share her ;)
I understand why you would want to fuck her ass, I'm asking doesn't it vastly increase risk of getting caught
Toobad I'm not in Canada, we'd make a good team. I have been sucked but ts not really my thing , I much prefer to suck.
There were so many friends I wanted to brag to but couldn't trust them 100%.
What does petting a pet have to do with any of this thread?
yeah that sucks
nice... while my cock didnt go diamonds as he sucked me off, his got really hard once he tasted her... which made it easy for me to work on his cock
oh yeah... don't all it takes is a white knight and you're fucked.
What body type did she hve? how far developped?
I'm debating having a guy cum into a condom and sneaking it into her pussy before I fuck her. I usually lube her up and this could be hot to do while she's blindfolded. Bad idea? Lol
She was developed as much as a typical 16/17 year old, which is why I mistook her for a girl my age at the time. She was thicc, with an amazing fat ass and D cup tits. Did not fit my image of a 13 year old being a stick.
I molested (didn't fully rape) a girl in college whole she was drunk. Stripped her, played Witt her ass and tits fingered her. She had no idea.
3 yrs later married her
>My first kiss was when I was 21, on my birthday, in some shitty bar
>She was fucking hot, buying me shot after shot
>I was fucked up
>I leaned in and pressed my forehead against hers
>She kept telling me to do it over and over
>Finally go in
>Smack my teeth against hers and she just laughs it off
>She asks me how many girls I’ve kissed, I said 3, she called me on my bullshit
>We then make our for like 10 mins straight, our tongues wrestling each other like 2 bears
>During this time I was hard as fuck
>She kept grabbing/squeezing my dick through my pants
>She suddenly stops and asks me if I want a blowjob, she wanted to fuck but was on her period
>I said sure and we started to head towards the bathrooms
>For some reason I stopped and just walked out of the bar and walked home
>I’m a fucking retard and blew my one and only chance to get a blowjob and possibly sex
>Why did I do this?
>Now I’m 27 and a depressed fuckass
I saw a few other guys get into trouble for taking pics of a passed out girl they stripped. Someone recognized her and ratted. The only drama out of my girl was her stalking Chad and trying to get him to admit they shared something. He just thought she was crazy.
hmm.. not really a bad idea.. just hard to do.. by the time you got to fucking her.. his cum may have dried up.
ddamn son...
yeah... that's how high school chads get caught.
Yeah would require some careful planning lol
yeah... if at all, tie up the condom and just "facialize" her with his cum
The funny part is she hadf a steady bf but thought she cheated on him. She told some of her girlfriends and they said she should go after Chad and dump her bf. Shortly after I raped her she broke up with him and after Chad blew her off she developed a reputation as a huge slut.
Lol. She's sitting across the living room from me right now and has no idea.
We went to a college party. She was drunk. Came back to my place. Put on my pajamas and passed out. I out her in my bed, pulled up the shirt and played with her tits. Pulled down her (my) pants and grabbed her ass etc. She was wearing a thong. Slide my hand down the front of her thong and played with her pussy. Covered her back up and went to bed.
She had no memory of it and was in a great mood the next day. Lol.
Didn't really start dating for a few more months and married 3 yrs later
But I put lube innher pussy before we fuck. I can't just dump jizz on her face lol
Dude here. I used to suck and fuck my younger brother when we were teens, mostly as he slept. (He was a CRAZY deep sleeper.) I got to suck him off while he was awake perhaps a dozen times, but there were literally hundreds of suckings and fuckings he slept right through, blissfully unaware.
Take a picture of you sitting with her rn as proof
I fuck this white trash bitch in the next town over, the nastiness of her place and the way it looks is a weird turn on, plus she has the hook up on weed and shrooms. Best pussy i ever had, and its tight as hell which is a bonus.
These fake "I did x to a sleeping person" stories are the worst.
I posted about this before but - I regularly make my wife get raped by my dog.
Proof of what? That I'm sitting across from some random woman? It doesn't prove anything either way
Responded here by mistake:
go away evil dogger
im fucking someone on the side, and i’m currently in a relationship
Go away evil dogger.
Don't fuck with curses
Kek. Knew it was fake.
Except this one is 100% real.
Now, before you cry bullshit again, understand that this goofy bastard once rolled off the couch and somehow broke the glass-topped coffee table, then slept on the fucking broken glass, and never woke up until dad found him the next morning. That's the only reason I dared try anything with him as he slept.
Go away, Evil Dogger.
I once went to a party my freshman year of college, but I was too afraid to drink so I just faked it. I carried a cup of beer that I would drink and would just be really obnoxious and run into people. Also, I was worried that people would still doubt that I was drunk, so I pissed outside in front of people while they were watching me.
Later, everyone told me how drunk I got and I just pretended like I didn't remember what happened even though I didn't drink at all.
Honestly ill be your fren to user. I like Marvel movies to.
Sure bud. Cool story
What the fuck were you so scared about that this dumbass shit seemed like the better alternative?
every time my wife is out of town, my wedding ring comes off and I hit on women. I love my wife, but she doesn't sexually fulfill me. She actually hates having sex with me, mostly to do with the fact that I can be rough... I'm also not attracted to my wife anymore, so I've learned to cum super fast just to get it over with.
I'd never leave her, but I'll keep finding fuck toys.
I didn't want to look like a pussy and wanted to fit in. Also, I was both afraid of getting arrested for drinking and possibly getting brain damage or becoming really bad if I get drunk. I figured at least with this I could maintain control of my actions.
u got kik?
thats fucking hot, I'd love to see more. That dick seems like it fills her out pretty good, does she like to be manhandled?
Believe it or not. Idgaf
Ain't no skin off of my nose.
My gf is on antidepressants so masturbating is really hard so she can only do it if I'm doing it with her and pinning her down and such. I always say that I only masturbate with her, but sometimes I'll do it alone for a couple weeks and just say that I'm not in the mood and it'll drive her insane until I can tie her up and watch how hard she can cum. She doesn't know that I get aroused just as much, if not more than she.
Give me your kik
How about your ass?
What do you have to share - just pics of your friends?
ye pretty mcuh if u dont want chat its all good
ITT: people reveal that they are pedophiles
Go away evil dogger
I'll chose not to believe kek. 1/10 for effort though.
you almost got rolled user, she wasn't going to suck your dick, her bf was waiting downstairs to beat and rob you. this is a common mugging trap.
I'm not posting any pics, and don't give a shit what you think, but why would posting a pic of her sitting on a couch prove I molested her years ago? Even on your own terms the proof doesn't make any sense.
Or rapists
Go away evil dogger.
I aint fucken with no curse
I've lost interest in sex, actually better description. I struggle to get it up with a chick.
I think it's from too much porn/jacking off, I'm having more and more degenerate faps. I'm not even 30 and I'm popping blues to get started.
Its not that I don't find them hot, it's just my dick.
And its hard af to stop porn, hell ill probably jack off before I go to sleep again.
My fear is to being addicted to weird stuff online, because it starts with 2 girls 1 cup and pics of dude putting his dick in a dead animal but soon enough you want more (it's an addiction), and you spend your weeks looking for the worst on russians or japanese website. Piss, shit and blood; everything that an human body can produce but one day... Nothing can satisfied your filthy curiosity and you want to see it IRL, closer and closer until you become the dude who puts his dick in that dead animal
It's okay to LARP dude kek. No one is judging you. Just don't say it's the truth.
Same. It has been years since my wife had made me cum. She sucks me, we.fuck, and I her off on to or in to her to finish.
Didn't answer my question
Bruh I'm starting to think that nofap bullshit might be a good idea, but damn is it hard to go without.
There's this girl who's about to turn 18 in a few days and we talked most of yesterday. Eventually she told me she likes talking to me then she asked the dreaded question how old are you? I felt like such a creeper and told her the truth. I'm in my late 20s. Her response was she's almost an adult now so that doesn't matter. Made me feel a lot better. You anons think there's any chance i could be her boyfriend someday? At least she didn't run scared when i told her the truth.
The fact that you can't even post a picture of someone sitting next to you regardless of whether you actually "molested them" or not is already a clear sign that you're bull shitting.
Look man, I enjoy LARPing as much as the next Yea Forumstard. Nothing to be ashamed of dude kek.
Yeah because there are literally no other reasons not to post a picture of my house and wife on Yea Forums
That's hot.
Excuses kek. Keep on LARPing, Larper.
Jesus the end of that post looks like I had a stroke. I meant to say: I jerk off onto or into her to finish.
Well it's between you and your moral, so let me ask you a question, do you think you take profit from her possible naivety due to her young age?
I've been asked similar questions like this one in past threads. I'm a virgin and have no desire to lose my virginity anytime soon. I really like the girl and believe it or not we have a lot in common with anxiety and other things. I'm not just trying to "hit it and quit it."
Did it happen multiple times? How was your sister expression during sex? How did you feel watching them? How was their relationship in their everyday life?
I masturbate to my best friends sister
ive posted my friends on porn sites as well
What's wrong with that?
literally nothing, but it does qualify as a secret if no one knows
Sigh go away evil dogger. I can ignore the your mom will die posts because shes dead but fuck curses i dont like that shit
It's just a dog in a picture. Chill out people.
How does it feel never achieving anything? it just stays at the fake simulations in your head, you just think of it and you tell yourself because you have fantasies about it that's proof you know what the real thing is like. Keep wasting your time here, we only need to hit and run once.
My condoleances on the remainder of the "life" you've got left.
I raped a 13 year old girl, when she was skipping school, and now she's my girlfriend. I'm 25 now, and she's 19
You sound like youd be the girls dad chill dude
How was it rape then?
Savageeeeeeee. Dang man.
When she was younger she didn't want it. I think she developed some sort of Stockholm syndrome
I'm helping a teenager I somehow ended up being friends with. She's almost 15 and you will not believe how developed her body is. Her tits and ass are what many women would dream of having. I'm sure that if I wanted to she would end up falling in love with me. But I won't do that for obvious reasons. I just fap to her after helping her with school.
It's time to stop posting user
"helping" her how?
If that's what she said she basicly said she wants it. next
Helping with her homework*
When the LARPER can't handle the truth...
I'm not him brah
Go away evil dogger.
Unfortunately, I was the one to put my dick in a dead animal, and 10/10 would not recommend
Or it's between me and society. I could either care what a bunch of people who don't matter think of me for dating a girl younger than me that's of the legal age and blow a chance at happiness to make society happy or I could date a beautiful girl, eventually get engaged, fall deeper in love, get married, have a few kids and a lifetime of happiness because i didn't let some tool who has no idea about the situation tell me what to do.
Then why ask for opinions?
LARP on Larper!
Not sure. Was mostly just saying a secret and decided to ask but won't ask anymore.
I've been murdering young girls since 1981. I set others up to take the fall for me. I've seen many "innocent" men go to prison for my victims. Several have been executed. I usually attend the Anti-death penalty events outside of the prisons that the executions take place at.
I get satisfaction when I get two for the price of one.
Have a wonderful evening.
Where are you, exactly, on the autism spectrum?
are you whitechapel user?
>Get into younger sister growing up
>soft teen feet
>growing up becomes sluttier
>walks around the house with a lot of skin on show
>starts going out in tight dresses and heels
>creep in her room while she's out
>shoot loads in her heels
>onto her underwear in the washbin
>gets older, still a teen, still slutty, but doesn't go out as much
>start using her clean linergie
>soak them in multiple loads while she's out
>put them back after drying
>protip, lace thongs dry out quicker than cotton
>she has no idea she's wearing cum soaked thongs
>start creeping laptop
>now 18
>find porn in web history
>one day, hotmail is logged in
>*heart racing*
>browsing through inbox, nothing
>click on sent folder
>find email sent to herself
>no subject,
>attachment "82743.mp4
>double click, video showing MFF threesome starts playing out of her Bluetooth speaker
>instantly close video, rush to bedroom to get a usb
>plug in, save, and quadruple check I've deleted the download and cleared the web searches
>sister doesn't want to be recorded
>bent over bed, sucking cock, while a girl uses a strap on my not so innocent sister
Ya, like any user on 4chin has the cardio to pull that off, nice try FBI.
can you green text the first time? did she actually resist at all?
Probably high up there just like how you're high up there on the LARPING spectrum. Get rekt.
if it weren't for legal trouble, you should do it
she's in prime time for baby making, obviously that is why her body is the way it is
My parents pay for my Ritalin because they think I need it for college. I actually deal it to other students.
I’ve been having an affair with a girl at work. She wants me to leave my wife but I don’t know how to explain this to my family.
What a turd.
I love speeding hard as fuck sniffing my thicc cousin's dirty thongs and edging for hours until I cum buckets from smelling her dirty asshole.
A friend and I got drunk at a party and fooled around, in the morning she didn't remember except for waking up with me in bed. I was arrested and now I am on trial for sexual assault. I have $1000 in lawyer fees every month that I cant pay as well as my dream of being a paramedic is ruined. Everyday I feel like suicide is the only means to end this suffering.
Lol, grass is greener, eh, user? Hope so for you b/ro.
Doesn't sound like a very good friend, user.
Why do you need your parents money if you're making profit off of it you sack of shit
Momma said alcohol was the devil.
holy shit seriously?? what happened? how did they get enough evidence to arrest you?
so sorry to hear that bro....have you been offered a plea deal at all?
Huuuumm paramedic... So you might be attracted by the pills
When the ritalin is paid for by someone else there's a bigger profit margin, you fucking idiot
I hope your nuts get melted off in a fortunate smelting accident.
user, that's something you can't explain, especially if your kids find out it was an affair. You're going to lose contact with them if a divorce happens, and almost certainly make sure your kids hate you even after they turn 18 and have a choice to voluntarily see you. Only way it might turn out alright is if you happen to lay low for 6-12 months and then find a "new partner" i.e. Said woman you're cheating on your wife with, however, do you honestly trust the woman you're having an affair with not to put you between a rock and a hard place when push comes to shove? Would you bet your life on her keeping quite when you just want to wait a few more months before making it public? If you wouldn't bet your life on it, why bet your relationship between your kids on it.
Soon before my friend started college I went by her house and recorded her through the window while she was naked in the bathroom. Sent her followers on social media the captures of her
No offense but that's rather interesting on a psychological level; How long untill she became your girlfriend? How'd you know she didn't want it the first time? What does she say about it now when asked?
I stole a pair of my gf's roommate's gym shoes because they smelled so strong I needed to jerk off smelling them and figured that was the easiest way to make it happen
My friends and I wanted to jump this kid who knocks over our trash cans and breaks the car window's at night. We manage to get him to follow us to smoke weed down by the creek. We start beating the shit out of him but the dipshit of our "gang" Juan hits him over the head with a huge ass rock. His fucking scull caved in. We are all panicking and thinking what the hell we are gonna do with the body. We all decide that we should just bury the body. We all manage to keep our mouths closed. the end
Where did you bury him? A trained dog could find the body
>putting music on my friends phone
>when hes not really paying attention i ctrl a ctrl c ctrl v onto a seperate window from the music
>get all of his gfs nudes and pornos they made
Thanks for pointing out the obvious you bloodsucking cunt, but perhaps you should take a look at yourself and realise how fucking worthless you are. If you were making any money off of it you wouldn't need to have your own mother and father, the people who bought you up and loved you, subsidise your embarrassing habit. Okay selling drugs, but nickel and dimming your own family, you're on the level of a cock roach, and anybody who you told this to would think the same behind closed doors, regardless of what they might say to your face
why did you do this??
Everyone I know is a drug addict. They don't give two fucks.
I live in Canada, so once she called the police they came looking for me, I am currently awaiting DNA test from a rape kit and wont know more until December, but I am still forced to pay for my lawyer to process my whole trial, and if the rape kit comes back with my DNA i am forced into supreme court and have to plead with a "missunderstood concent" which is basically she was giving me the yes all night but she didnt really want it despite literally grabbing my dick and kissing me while Im fingering her
She shaven?
Yeah, you hang out with garbage.
You're a bum
that sucks man, I am so sorry to hear that
did you talk to the cops without a lawyer?
damn user that's really shitty. Hopefully it works out in the end for you..
also....why the hell would she do that?
more please
how old?
Any feet? What's her face like?
The money shot
Well, she resisted. I saw her next to the school and I talked to her for a minute, and we walked for a bit (she wanted to get off school as quickly as possible) and we went somewhere in the back of an apartment building nearby, I smoked a cigarette, she tried a drag, she coughed.
After a while of talking, I took her hands and I put one hand over her mouth. She seemed terrified, but she didn't say a word. She tried to get her hands out of my grasp, but I didn't let her. I moved her hands to her back and pulled her pants down with her panties as well, and I liked her for a bit to make it wet, and then I stuck my dick in. She tried to push me away, and bite me. I fucked her for about 10 to 15 minutes, until I came. I came on the ground, not inside of her. I didn't see her for a few weeks after that, but at one point I was outside, smoking, and she came to me, we talked for a bit, and then she was off again. We talked on and off for the next 2 years, and she made excuses for me raping her. After about 2 years and a half we were together and I didn't rape her since
Not showing her face sorry
I'm so tempted to go online and buy a dildo and try it, but I'm scared to get one since I don't live alone.
I found a few of an old coworkers nudes that her husband posted. Never told her and bump into her from time to time and she has no idea I’ve cum to her.
There are services that deliver in private. And you can hide it in a shoe box or something
I didn't talk to the cops without my lawyer she is a white girl and I unfortunately am a black man. I was however polite at my hearings and while detained.
In my honest opinion, I believe its because she was in a relationship and didn't want to seem like a cheater, so this was a way for her to save face.
Stop feeding him.
Dude....That's fucked. How did you let it get to the point where she called the police?! This exact thing happened to me. Fucked my best female friend. Barely remember doing it. She initiated it, wanted it, woke up with us both half naked, cuddling her with my hand firmly grasping her bare titty....She woke up confused and alarmed that she was naked, and I managed to downplay it, instantly realizing she didn't remember, and wasn't okay with the idea of us fucking, by saying "you got naked and just went to my bed and fell asleep...You were confused, didn't realize where you even were, so we both just went to sleep."
She commented that I was a good cuddler, thanked me for being a trustworthy friend, and to this day we laugh about our "weirdly intimate platonic friendship."
Of course when she's drunk she hints that she does remember, and that she thinks "something happened" that *I* don't remember. So who knows.
Still though, user. Fuck. Sucks to be you.
What country you from user? Not bought a dildo, but other toys I've ordered have came in discreet packaging that look no different from your typical Amazon delivery.
I'm curious, how has that changed how you approach, and interact with girls in the bedroom? Are you a lot more careful, less pushy when it comes to the act?
NY Slut where you at
Pick a site that offers discreet shipping. Not sure if Love Honey ships I ternatipnally, but all the product I've ordered off there have arrived in brown boxes with paper packing inside which conceals the shape of anything you're ordering. Other option is to get a PO box.
I love fapping with my daughter's socks and smelling them
that fucking sucks dude...I am so sorry.
Good for you for not talking to the cops. It doesn't seem like they should be able to put together enough evidence to actually charge you, even with DNA. How can they possibly prove she didn't consent??
go away evil dogger
That's pretty much exactly how it changed my approach. It's still hard to control when I've been drinking but, overall, yeah. Honestly it's changed my approach to sex in relationships, also. Not rushing to fuck a girl the second we start dating. It just ruins shit.
nice! where at?
do you think it would be possible to rape a romanian girl and get away with it?
>Be me. I'm 27.
>Meet boy on Oldfag Instant Messenger
>a/s/l? Trade pix, looks young, swears he's 18. Chat for a couple days. Sexy chat and boy stuff chat. Getting along pretty good. Arrange to meet and do gay sex stuff.
>Doesn't live too far from me. We can have car fun, so I pick him up. It's late, says he has to sneak out of his parents house.
>We meet in a park. When I pick him up, he is obviously not 18. So we drive and I'm thinking, Whoop Whoop dats da sound 'o police. He says he has a hidey hole. Still no Whoop Whoop.
>His hidey hole is a parking lot behind a church. We're in small town TX, we're the only ones awake for miles.
>We're getting along really good, he's funny and sweet and we're both super flirty. So I finally ask him, how old is he really.
>He says, 13. And I've already decided, fuck it, ain't no sting and this boy wants my cock and I want his.
>We climb into the back seat and tilt the front seats forward. Taking each other's clothes off. Rub and tug and kissing necks and start sucking each other off. He wants me to fuck him, so I do, raw, cuz he says he's allergic to latex.
>It's 2am and I drive him home.
>Get pulled over by the cops for speeding 5 over on my way home. I just get a $120 ticket.
>Boy and I continue our relationship for a couple years
What are the services that do that? I don't want my roommates to know at all. Actually the first user about buying the dildo. :P
I got an app on my iPhone that I use to record all my hookups.
None of the girls know about it. But I be sure to get them to say "yes" and say what they like. So if they ever pull any shit like this, I will be just fine.
If you're careful enough, I think you can, but I guess that's true to most crimes, but the thing here is that people don't usually talk about abuse and shit like that
Moar nudes plz
I found out about some fuck who raped my girlfriend when she was 14, found him in town. Me, him, 2 of his cronies. Said are u Mo?(his name) he said yes (with smug face), smashed him in the face, floored him kicked the shit out of him, bloody faced fucked up. His buddies just let him get fucked up, got on my bike rode off.
This thread is full of rapists.
You should consider killing yourself you evil cunt
She talks to me about it freely, that she didn't enjoy it at first but she didn't say a word because she wanted more
I visited, and got the feeling that if a woman in Romania tried to make a "#MeToo" bullshit type complaint, no one would fucking care or listen
great country though, many hot girls. they are nice and dignified so they don't deserve poor treatment imho.
me and my best friends girlfriend got drunk at a concert. i was supposed to be taking care of her because he couldn’t be there. i ended up getting out of control and having sex with her. she was so drunk i’m not even sure she knows it happened
shut up faggot
Me and my mom have been in a active sexual relationship since I was 15 until I moved out for University.
I came home to visit for the summer and the first thing my mom wanted from me as I stepped through the arrival door at the airport was my cock inside her. We ended up fucking in the airport washroom while my dad obliviously waited for us in the parking lot. For the past four months I have done nothing but fuck my mom until my cock is drained every single day...
I'm about to head back next week and she has not given me a single break at all...
I agree, our women are quite good looking, and I don't really think that anyone deserves to be raped, because also in here, women are quite easy, so you don't have to force yourself on them
Swear you post this erry time
Not even a secret, my gf was 16 and I was 24, lived with her Dad.
Caught a friend's gf cheating on him at a bar. She noticed me and said she'd suck my cock if I didn't tell him. Took the offer and kept the secret.
yeah, my gf said they start young too, which is awesome
How was the second time?
One day she will tell a guy who will find and kick the shit out of you
The second time she wanted to try it again, but it was when we started dating
Green text? Play raped her again?
I'm ready for that day, but she forgave me so, I wouldn't mind it, I didn't forgive myself
Moarr. Got any pics of her spreading her ass user?
Now she's into rough stuff, and tied up and choked, but the first time we did it as a couple, was slow and passionate. But to answer your question we roleplay rape a lot
more please
I spent 2 years becoming an info broker and ruined my mentality and outlook on life just because i was bored of my everyday life; i ruined a lot of peoples lives and in turn my own. money was nice though.
Yeah but, how wás it?
It's not a secret if you tell it, retard.
It was like two virgins had sex for the first time, mostly missionary, with a lot of slow kisses
go away evil dogger
wanted to see her naked and the setup was too perfect
Yeah I watched it multiple times... Her expression was prob more painful with some pleasure in it for sure... Lol I felt wrong af watching it but jesus it turned me on.... They acted mostly normal, but he was more strict with her than me
go away evil dogger
Similar experience, although came a lot closer than yours. A lot more careful now about generally going slower and not rushing things unless things are almost completely obvious, definitely no overly intoxicated girls.
Nothing too major, but I've been obsessed with my best friend's girlfriend for a few years now. Would sniff her bra when she would leave her things in his bedroom, etc. But last weekend was when I finally had the chance to steal her underwear and oh sweet jesus, they smell incredible, best part being they're a g-string. I love jacking off while i hold them to my face. Literally cum fucking buckets.They're the first of many, that I can assure you.
Best part is, since we've all known each other for so long, we're basically like siblings so she's a lot more lax around me; sophie shorts with thongs, no bra, etc. Fucking incredible, mate.
Dodged a bullet user, i got my shit stolen and ass beat hard. Got pics and shit and tried to blackmail me further. Told them to go fuck themselves and that was that but it sucked duded. I think you made the right call you got a make out out of it, sucks youve held onto it for 5 years?
My step daughter has been my favorite fantasy since she was 17. I think about her a lot when I fuck my wife. I even fucked my wife on my step daughter's bed once. Just pulled her down and ravaged her. She probably new what I was thinking, but I didn't care. She didn't seem to, either. She got up and straightened out the bed when we were done, as if nothing had happened.
A few years ago I molested, cane on, and fingered my aunt-in-law. She’s was super attractive and is only like 4 years older than me. She had been drinking and I caught her taking her bra off before she went to sleep. When she saw me walking through the room as she was putting it in her bag she gave me a little wink and that made me diamonds and i instantly decided I was going to feel her up after she fell asleep. Played with her ass, pussy, tits, rubbed my cock all over her and on her lips, etc. I got ballsy and started fingering her. She was tight and wet and she didn’t wake up while I was doing it so I picked up speed and stuck a second finger in. Me increasing the intensity woke her up. She sat up, my fingers still inside of her, and just made awkward eye contact with me with no emotion on her face. I thought I was finished and my life was ruined before it had even started so I said fuck it. Since I’m my opinion I was completely fucked and probably going to jail anyway I debated raping her, but decided I wasn’t that brave. Instead I slowly pulled my fingers out and popped them in my mouth before sitting back and jerking off. She watched (still no emotion on her face) and I came on her a second time. She then got up and walked to the bathroom and I went and watched YouTube on the couch. She never told anyone and we’ve never mentioned it to each other. There’s no way she doesn’t remember it because while she was drinking she wasn’t nearly that drunk. I’ve always wondered why she never said anything.
new fantasy for me that came from a comment from my gf.
Gf and i were watching an alien movie. she said that if they ever invaded, she would be a breeder over been killed if they put her in a blissful ministate of pure ecstasy and there was no death or gore etc
ever since then been having thoughts of her been locked in a room with an alien and it pumping eggs up into her bum, womb and down her throat and into her stomach. in my mind her toes are curling as eggs after egg is pumped into her, shes twitching and making slur and gaging sounds. the alien on top of her hissing as it knows it has conquered her
I killed a chicken
We all eat kfc
31 yo user here. I think my 60 yo multiple times divorced aunt wants to fuck me. every time she's alone with me she seems to find a way to talk about sex, about how she wished she had been more sexually active back when she was 20-40, and intimate that a good way for me to get over any anxiety I have about interacting with the opposite sex is to spend more time with women I'm not necessarily attracted to. back when I was thinner she used to joke I should strip for her and her fellow spinster friends
part of me thinks I should challenge her to put her money where her mouth is, but she's got a reputation in the family for not being able to keep a secret