
"Knight of Skeleton" edition

Attached: vincenzo-riccardi-cavaliere-del-teschio.jpg (934x1294, 587K)

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I miss when OP's used art from the actual drawfags... Almost defeats the purpose if it's not a drawing from someone here.

This guy needs to buttfuck Guts Donovan style.

Attached: 66DF1E56-3989-4E6F-9F91-EA96F2579741.png (691x722, 325K)

So you saying I need to start going out of my way to OP again?

Attached: shani'sIceCreamNinja.jpg (1000x540, 457K)


I miss when drawfags cared

Yes... Shani is a treasure.... Hero too. But Hero's too cool for us these days....

Attached: Hero'sAverageDay.png (481x494, 102K)

Requesting Sea from Monster Musume Online being impregnated by a crocodile monster guy lover.

Optionally, have a second image/panel showing the result of her impregnation a few months later.

Note: It does not have to be the guy on the right, he's there as an example for what a crocodile monster guy would look like, and he can be either an adult or a shota (preferred).

Attached: image.jpg (1580x971, 313K)

i miss when anons cared