Daily reminder India will be a superpower no matter how much white cucks cry about it. Maybe not 2020, but one day it will be. Meanwhile whites are going extinct and getting bred out of existence, that's karma.
Daily reminder India will be a superpower no matter how much white cucks cry about it. Maybe not 2020...
You people bathe in your own shit and drink cow piss as a soda. Fuck off you shitskinned currynigger.
No one really cares. Maybe you can counterbalance China by shitting in their streets.
It'd be great if you and China would just genocide each other. Then the world could be rid of those fucking bug men and you disgusting street shitters.
no matter how much white cucks cry about it?
lol what? literally no one care pajeet. you arnt even on our radar. if you guys become a superpower than that term obviously has lost all of its original meaning. you street shitters are nothing. faggot.
I'll believe it when you stop lynching each other over cows.
i think Pakistan is more pissed at you then the'white cucks'
India and Pakistan both have nuclear weapons aimed at each other, and both are very excitable. You both will probably exterminate each other and take most of the world down with you just from the fallout and climate effects.
eh. I don't really care for streetshitters.
Don't you whip with your hand? And cry over dead cows keep typing towelhead
The Super Power of Super Designated Super Shitting Super Street
>the first indoor toilets are in India
>India currently has the highest rate of public defecation
Street shitting aside, India is imploding. Politically, economically (corruption, double spending of real word finances), increasing tensions with neighboring countries. Food, power and water shortages.
Good. About time you contributed something to the world other than call centers
Deal with it Ravi
White race will die out but dont worry Raj boy, israel and your Jewish overlords will stay in all white glory, dominating you through out the future, good night fuckboy guipsy indian Raj
We’re all going to die. Who cares?
It baffles me that a politically and economically unstable shithole (literally) of a nation where life is worth less than shit and people live in their own filth can still spawn people that are proud of it.
Narrow-minded retards like you are what's wrong with today's world. Go be happy inhaling your own shit vapors in your tent and don't bother us with it.
I'm a white American currently fucking an Indian girl. I just thought you should know.
Kek, pajeets are insecure as fuck when their women date other races. Maybe that's why they keep doing female infanticide and gangraping any women in 100 miles of them.
I’m guessing y’all stopped fucking goats then?
Shut up, poopfinger OP.
rapes per second
Try pooing in the loo first, fucking pajeets