My sister is so funny
My sister is so funny
You and your "sister" are so cringey it's physically painful.
do you two fuck?
you should both take more of the medicine the nice psychiatrist prescribed for you
When your relation with your sister is so good, you two start to show your full retardness to each other.
I kinda understand all the incest jokes my friends do now
that's true user, some people hit the breaks and say no, others keep on rolling
And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.
dumb ass it wasn't for no reason, Hitler was making Germany Great again after WW1 restrictions. People liked it, voted him in.
You guys are more retarded than me and my girlfriend, and we're full-on autists.
well. in the last free election hitler's party only got 33 %. so 77 % didn'tvote for him. still came into power
110 lol
>fails basic math
a negro is among us
>77 %
nice math
That's a joke retard.
arent jokes supposed to be funny
It's called sarcasm, you retard. I'm sure user just forgot that the autists on here can't pick up on that.
but he said its a joke. why are you lying?
>sarcasm isn't a form of humor
no its just the lowest form of wit which is obviously why you're such a fan
What is this autistic shit?
your sister was blacked
dont you love penis in your arse? what is wrong with you you fucking faggot
>He doesn't love cock
Holy shit we've found one
post a pic of your sister
Are you...'Straight'? That's fucking disgusting
the absolute state of user
hate to tell you this, pretty sure your sister wants to fuck you
I'm glad jokes are objective
Imagine being so booty bothered you have to post the same joke 3 times.
>being this upset that multiple people think you're a degenerate
how can you tell?
>Imagine using ms paint to edit out the replies
What in the actual fuck? This is the worst thing I've seen on this website
what the fuck is this autism shit?
relatives or not (irrelevant) you both seem like fucking retards. literally.
>lay on belly and listen to it digest
>>lay on belly and listen to it digest
>status: checked
Alright now have her send nudes.