Why does Yea Forums hate trans people?

Why does Yea Forums hate trans people?

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because of the pronouns soap opera

which doesn't happen outside tumblr and reactionary youtube

Some fetishize trannies. Some hate trannies. Some just pity them.

Yea Forums doesnt have a momolithic opinion on them.

Personally, i think they are a scourge on women's sports.

I don't hate them, it just sucks that what's clearly a mental illness is treated as something to be celebrated.

who cares about women's sports? do you, is it just a smoke screen for hating trannies?

I don't because I'm not a retard
DSM-V doesn't list transexuality as a mental illnes, so stfu your opinion doesn't matter in science

Because they're like blacks. They always want something from everyone else.


because white men never ever wanted any social programs

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Being bisexual is based

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based and bipilled

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I don’t “hate” anyone.
The problem is that they are clearly mentally ill freaks, yet claim not to be

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how come medical organizations don't recognize it as a mental illness then? who's wrong, random guy on Yea Forums or the entire medical community?

This was very recently reclassified by the WHO as not a mental illness, but it's been considered a mental illness for much longer than it hasn't. It's not that being transgender is better understood, it's that they were loud enough to have it reclassified and the current PC culture calls for it.

they do just not all cases

>it's been considered a mental illness for much longer than it hasn't
something being believed in the past doesn't make it true. otherwise you would have to accept flat earth, the 4 humors and creationism

>it's that they were loud enough to have it reclassified and the current PC culture calls for it
sauce that this is the reason? seems hard to belive thousands of scientists would bend over just because someone on tumblr feels bad

bc they gey

This is ignorant on many levels.

For starters, girls who play sports care about their sports. Girls depend on fairness to determine scholarships, sponsorships, or other opportunities.

Id go on, but this is all that needs saying.

they're abominations

We literally don’t need them and they only want to cause problems.

Trans: society has been wrong since forever

you are the abomination for being hateful for no reason

while i do not have any qualms against trannies themselves, the culture behind it is an absolute cancer the world needs to be rid of
indoctrinating children is absolutely where i draw the fucking line

Yes it does faggot try talking to one some time

>op defends people he doesn't hang around

Sage goes in the options field

I care a lot more about women’s sports than trannies that’s for sure

I can't find a scientific source for why it was reclassified as a mental illness, so I inserted my opinion. Feel free to find a me a source that shows WHY it was reclassified. I'm not saying that transsexual people are any less people, or that they deserve less rights, but I don't understand how a brain mismatch between your physical sex and your gender isn't a mental issue.

I don't hate them and I do not care about them.

They ALWAYS make EVERYTHING about them.

i know plenty of trans people and never ever have i heard the stereotypical xir/xurself hir shit people like to joke about, even they is rare as fuck
pronouns are an "issue" wildly blown out of proportion by people who never encountered any trans people irl

Found the tranny loving faggot

FAIL! Tried to make it a thing and FAILED

as opposed to white men as soon as a woman or darkie has a lead role in a movie?

found the tranny hating underage edgelord

trans just another stripe of the homosex

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The Yea Forums guide to attention
>post loaded question about politics
>watch virgins endlessly argue for hours

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nigga are you this stupid?

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Good thing that transitioning is the best way we know to treat gender dysphoria

Honestly what benefit is there to trannies? We literally don’t need them.

my sides

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they are human maybe?

If that's the best treatment, then are we doing more harm than good to reclassify gender dysphoria. No more progress to treat the issue because it's no longer an issue.

Two hands
Two eyes
Two ears
Two arms
Two breasts
Two balls
Two legs
Two feet

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No I don't like to baiting and trolling lol
I am specializing as an immunologist but I'm interested in psychiatry and neurology
It was classified as a disorder, not a disease. Also, not every transexual suffers from gender dysphoria, that's what many people don't know

The earth could certainly stand less of them. Still not seeing any upsides

so are nazis'

And Nazis did more than any nation/group to fight global warming.

If not gender dysphoria then was do the unaffected transsexuals suffer from?

every time anything gets a lead that is not a straight white male, huwhite virgins on the internet endlessly bitch about muh forced diversity

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Except Elon Musk

nazis actively harm people and call for genocide, what bad have trans people ever done?

Because no matter what the latest societal issue is, the vocal minority of the trans community always try and make it a trans issue.
I dont give a shit about trans people as a whole, they can do whatever they want, its the vocal minority that do things like said, children should not be exposed to sexual content of any kind, homo, hetero, bi or trans. bottom line.

what good are your lot who do nothing all day except pointlessly hate other humans for no reason?

who indoctrinates children into what, exactly?
pro-tip: telling them the gay exists is not indoctrination

He’s literally sent rockets to outer space, that jet fuel is terrible for the environment. Nazis got rid of 6 million Jews who have the highest carbon footprint of any group percapita.

but in pretty much any children's media there is a (straight) romance story, like in disney movies
also, children absolutely need to be exposed to sexuality, abstinence only sex-ed is harmful and leads to teen pregnancy and STDs

>suffer from
That's where you're wrong. They don't "suffer from something"

To compare it, it's like many years ago when people wouldn't want a left-handed child

>by burning them

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Advance the human race and fit within societal norms that existed for centuries and don’t ask for any new privileges. I’d say that’s a net positive objectively speaking .

how does hating on people for existing benefit anyone except the bigot?

I have literally never heard any of my white friends complain about this.

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and yet you have memes about this exact thing on your harddrive

they gey

good point

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how does that mean I give two shits about what color some character is?

Just replying with the same term that was used. There's no reason to attack the language I use anyway, that's not what we're discussing.

how can someone be trans and not suffer from gender dysphoria?

>make Ariel black
But niggers can't swim

i mean, posting racist memes about them is a good indicator


Why is she a black tranny? I bet she loved bwc

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The rest of society that doesn’t need to suddenly change or waste resources on a minority that doesn’t even need to exists, who can fit inside society perfectly fine from birth but choose not to because they “feel” something.

It’s basically allowing alcoholics to just be drunk constantly and expecting society to cater to them.

What do you mean I can’t drink and drive? Design a car that’s safe for me and stay off the road. That’s trannies in a nut shell.

When's the last time you saw a nigger on the swim team?

I think we're debatig different things, what sort of age are you arguing for? In my case it would be literal children, not pre teens or teenagers, the type of children targeted by platforms like "queer kid stuff" that aim to give young children a bias against straight cis gender males. And I also agree young children shouldn't be exposed to straight love stories either, the question of sex, gender and romance should not be mentioned until atleast the pre teen stage of development.

Niggers are worse and cause more problems than both nazis and trannies

This entire trans movement is the dumbest fucking thing. It's actually anti-feminist. Think about it for a second: feminism used to be all about social acceptance of women doing things traditionally not meant for women. It was against having a "fate" for both sexes. Women shouldn't only have to be only a soft spoken ornament that loves dolls and the color pink. Men don't have to just be tough emotionless killing machines.

But now you have feminism that is going against what it stood for. Your toddler son likes the color pink? Give him HRT that's a girl! Your daughter doesn't want to wear a dress? Definitely a trans boy. Instead of breaking down socially constructed notions of masculinity and femininity they are instead re-enforcing them.

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its just a funny meme bruv

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They're hogging all the cute clothes. :(

>shouldn't be exposed to straight love stories either
that's virtually impossible since tons of media has it and that won't go away
also, parents are usually straight and usually in love

>what bad have trans people ever done?
Molest children

There's a well known and incredibly universal psychological and legal description of a phenomenon I forget the name of but the jist of it is that in any capitalist/western society where community and family principles are secondary over time you get separation and hatred for anyone who is perceived as lesser than yourself and it gets worse the lower you get

In the FBI and legal circles they look out for this because it's common for truckers to kill prostitutes because they're the one thing lower than truckers.
Similarly on Yea Forums the one thing worse (in their eyes) than being a basement dwelling NEET with no value is being a tranny

Fairly common

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Shit house all around it seems in this thread

TERFs have no rights
TERFs have no worthwhile opinions

racists memes don't indicate I care what color a character is

you can often guess a person's politics based on the humor they enjoy

That's why their suicide rates are 40% and don't drop at all regardless of whether they transition or not, correct?

That's like saying that telling a schizophrenic that the voices in their head are real, and holding parades and festivals every year to honor schizophrenics and their "little talking buddies"

It's mental delusion, plain and simple.

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meh, these memes are really fucking lazy and predictable actually
haha i said nword xd haha black people bad xd

I wasn't claiming it was realistic, I was stating that is the way I personally believe things should be run. My question is are you part of this vocal minority of people i pointed out initially?

One thing I love about the left, is that we don’t ever need to worry about them winning anything as they are all self-cannibalizing

I'm not attacking you dude lol
I'm just saying that I can see why you see it as a mental illness, your pov is distorted and it's shown by the word you use

Dysphoria is literally the opposite of euphoria. You don't consider euphoria as an illness or am I wrong? You get where I'm going with this?

not really

i have never heard of this queer kids stuff thing. i do want to educate children, yes, also pre-teens and younger children, on lgbt shit since it typically manifests in children really early (i'm bi, i've had feelings for boys and girls since kindergarten) and contact with love etc can't be avoided
at some point, your child is going to see two men kissing, or a """man"""/masculine looking whatever in a dress, and is going to ask questions. so it can't hurt to educate children about what that is and how it is not bad etc.

if someone makes endless "jokes" about jewish elites, "ironically" sieg heils and so on, it's fair to assume that person is a nazi

who the fuck said anything about the gays
only literal retards think jokes indicate someones behavior and rational, please develop critical thinking

What kind of politics do Kimmel and Silverman have then?

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racist totally not racist libshits who jump on any social current as long as it benefits them financially

>endless jokes

i posted one meme

try again

literal retard doesnt understand satire

im sorry i am confused i dont know what u are tryin to say
i just dont understand how someone could be trans and not have gender dysphoria

there is a difference between satire and just screeching sieg heil "ironically". satire typically critiques something and doesn't just do what it critiques but it's totally just a joke guys it satire!!1!
at some point you gotta drop the cloak and just be honest about your beliefs
not saying anyone who makes nazi jokes is one, but some are and hide it behind a thin layer of irony

Queer Kid Stuff is one of the larger lgbt channels on YouTube, and I agree that education is important, however, things like queer kid stuff do not educate and instead pressure children to either come out "because my favourite youtuber says so" or it causes unneccesary torment for the child in question as he or she begins to worry about things that they never would've worried about were it that they were "educated" like we both want, instead of pressured to be part of the lgbt community in some capacity while they are still too young to make such a life changing decision. I can't find it right now, but a fringe example of the degeneracy and illness of a very small minority of trans individuals, there was man who transitioned to a woman, and proceeded to try and throw a pool party where only teenage girls and below were allowed in and parents were not, now obviously, he was not allowed to do this. But is does show how delusional some of the more exteme members of the trans community are.

>you are what you post
i am not the user posting nazi shit
i have never posted nazi shit
but i will absolutely defend anyones right to post whatever it is that they want

>how delusional some of the more exteme members of the trans community are
i'd say that's more of a "people are shit and some of them are trans" thing
queer kids stuff seems a little irresponsible, i'll look into it at some point. sure, educating can be done in a bad way, pressuring is never good. i would still say that children can be aware of an lgbt identity at a very young age, sure they would probably not call it that (partly due to just ignorance or also insecurity), but as i said, i had bi feelings since early kindergarten (maybe even earlier but long term memory only forms around that time so who the fuck knows). it is important that children learn about the world, just as you would teach em about planets and animals n shiet, you should also tell them about human relationships and what forms they can take

Trans people aren't hated, their attitude is hated. They clearly have a mental illness, no question and demand special treatment and special rights for it (as opposed to help for the problem). Many are pushing the mental illness onto children, which is fucking child abuse. Pushing a 40% suicide rate on people is fucking evil.

i never argued against having the right to post shit, but you should always question the motivations of such "jokes", as it isn't always just to be funny

>Many are pushing the mental illness onto children, which is fucking child abuse.
>this narrative again
Telling people that trans, gay and all the rest exists is not indoctrination, no child has ever turned lesbian because the teacher said lesbians exist.

not when you're on Yea Forums. it's all one big shitpost here

Perhaps you should stop conflating trans with being gay, ones simply an difference of attraction for reproduction the other is, well it’s never really been explained or defined other than “feels”.

"it's just Yea Forums guise" is just the same excuse of "I'm just jerking off to gay porn ironically, it's all for teh lulz, fuck faggots"

95% sure this thread is just two people taking each side in turn

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no boy has ever turned into a trans woman because the teacher said they exist, then.
also, there are very solid definitons for trans out there, for example "someone rejecting the gender corresponding to the sex assigned at birth". of course it has a feels dimension, that's the way it is with subjective human experience, but there is hard evidence that trans-women's brains operate more similar to cis women's than cis men's (before transitioning even)

>ones simply an difference of attraction for reproduction
and that is not feels?

We also dont need Yea Forums incels, so your point is?

nail on the head buddy

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No and you shouldn't either.

based and estrogenpilled

Attraction is not a feel, has you can readily observe and measure it.

It’s impossible for a sentient being to know what another being feels like, let alone doesn’t even know what the category their “corresponding gender” “feels like”.

what about the mentioned brain scans making trans brains more similar to the desired sex than the biological one?

I’m not asking for special privileges from society, and I fit within the norm. Net positive to society/ the norm, even if it’s marginal.

I’ll admit haven’t seen the studies, I’ll have to research it.

But I’m fairly certain you can’t tell sex of a person from merely looking at brain activities, but I could be wrong, I’ll try to find the study

What do you mean man Yea Forums loves traps

yeah they jerk off to it in secret but most Yea Forumstards are transphobic reactionairies irl

do you have a study on this?

they have to push anarchy or libertarianism into the mix, id except one or the other thank you, but to be honest they aren't gonna live long enough to make a difference lmao

Well, kinda...


Don't hate anyone. People should be against normalizing and promoting mental illness, though. They should also be against telling people what to do (i.e. "you must call me by this pronoun"). I'd say seeking therapy is better than flaying your pecker, but I'm not going to tell people what to do. There's a reason trans-people have a high suicide rate and many have regrets later.

I'd also argue that being trans is a rather selfish move (and a coping mechanism). Girlfriend's father recently came out as trans and it's made things awkward for the whole family. The man I met, drank beer and shot guns with, is now wearing skirts and makeup. His children, while supportive, don't know how to handle the whole thing. I still respect him, but I'd never promote his decision, and caution others not to either.

just acecdotes i'm afraid, you get the rationality coin this round


Nice quads, that’s two sets of dubs. One for each gender

Solid quads bro

>They should also be against telling people what to do
"Hi, I'm Peter" "NO, YOU'RE STEVE" "My legal name is Peter" "You can't tell me what to do it's a free country"
>I'd say seeking therapy is better than flaying your pecker,
Transitioning, including sex reassignment surgery, is the best way we have of treating gender dysphoria and reduces suicide rates etc
>I'd also argue that being trans is a rather selfish move (and a coping mechanism). Girlfriend's father recently came out as trans and it's made things awkward for the whole family. The man I met, drank beer and shot guns with, is now wearing skirts and makeup. His children, while supportive, don't know how to handle the whole thing. I still respect him, but I'd never promote his decision, and caution others not to either.
Respect him for being honest with the world, it's gotta be real fucking hard to to this especially at an age where you already have a family. This is good for his mental health, facts don't care about your feelings

I’m honestly beginning to think something is actively causing this, some sort of vault tech experiments on human control.

I hate trans people because I hate myself

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yeah i wonder if (((((((((SOMEONE))9)) is causing it, would be weird if this ((happens))) on it's
>haha get it guise it's de joos
chemicals in the water xDD

Which one of you is this?

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there have been trans people for literal millenia, numbskull

nobody cares about your gay discord drama autist

Guy posts on a /pol/ server go ask there

So I’ve been told, but have very little evidence provided other than eunuchs in Rome and the lady boys in the South Pacific.

The rate seems to be increasing may not be government intervention, could be a natural phenomenon.

Because the government had never tested on the populace before, never intentionally injected stds, transplanted cancer, exposed populace to radiation to see effects. Oh wait that’s what the u.s. government and its agents did in one year in the 50’s

>"Hi, I'm Peter" "NO, YOU'RE STEVE" "My legal name is Peter" "You can't tell me what to do it's a free country"
Calling someone a name they object to isn't okay. Interrupting everyone's day to give a lecture on pronouns isn't okay, either. There is a middle ground.

>Transitioning, including sex reassignment surgery, is the best way we have of treating gender dysphoria and reduces suicide rates etc
Flaying your dick to treat dysphoria is worse than amputating body parts to avoid cancer. Rather than treating the actual cause of the illness, you're just lopping things off.

>Respect him for being honest with the world, it's gotta be real fucking hard to to this especially at an age where you already have a family. This is good for his mental health, facts don't care about your feelings
I've gotta be honest, but at that age most people will inevitably call you a "him" initially". If someone wants to play dress up it doesn't bother me and I'll even indulge them when it comes to pronouns if they're friendly. Unfortunately, there's other signs of mental illness, and that's life.

Wouldn't be surprised.

or just more people being open about it since acceptance of it is higher than ever

because they are gay

>Interrupting everyone's day to give a lecture on pronouns isn't okay, either.
i know plenty of trans people and never did this happen ever
>Flaying your dick
it's way more complicated and way less barbaric than you describe it
>inevitably call you a "him" initially
then calmly tell them you're a trans-woman, if they're decent people they'll just go "ok, it's she then". that's how every pronoun talk i ever had went, the screeching blue haired bearded guy in a dress demanding ximself is a bad caricature at best

Could make sense and western society is at a pinnacle materialism and individualistic point.

Can’t wait for it to collapse, at least I won’t be around for the brave new world portion where rejecting anyone’s sexual advances will be seen as bigotry.

Poor women

I dont hate trans people. I hate the people that grow up with too much privilege, then decide to enter into a movement on the ground floor, then go on Twitter and talk about how they have been oppressed for too long, all to build a brand and achieve likes. It's a fucking scheme to promote the "rights" of a certain group on the internet. Real injustice is uncovered by REAL civil disobedience. Step 1: read a book. Step 2: go outside.


Social media protest is a scam and it's disgusting that those people make money from it.

>Can’t wait for it to collapse, at least I won’t be around for the brave new world portion where rejecting anyone’s sexual advances will be seen as bigotry
Why does everything always have to be so apocalyptic for you people? Never can anything be just bad, it's always THE COLLAPSE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION or some shit
overdramatic faggots

>Social media protest is a scam and it's disgusting that those people make money from it
agreed absolutely, molotovs speak louder than tweets

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Wudya mean "you people"?

Well societies since the dawn of time collapse, don’t see how society built on endless consumerism, individual priority with the rapid growth of technology making individuals redundant won’t fall.

the sort of reactionary for which [insert social issue] is a mortal threat to civilization, you see it a lot with either LGBT acceptance or postmodernism for whatever reason

it probably will but i guarantee you trannies won't be the reason. there are bigger threats
>economic inequality
>war in general
>natural disasters
etc etc

>Calling someone a name they object to isn't okay. Interrupting everyone's day to give a lecture on pronouns isn't okay, either. There is a middle ground.

They are social conventions not wishes you have for people, you either got the option to choose your name by legal means or use the one your parents gave you.

You can't choose biologically your XX/XY chromosomes or sex organs hence we call man/women depending to the pair they have and address them accordingly because that's the convention if you were to address someone by what your culture told you it's a woman you'd be right most if not all the time.

Plus the differentiation is put in place to further help humanity because in a biological sense women and men are not equal, if you were to take the dosage of a medicine given the preconception that you're a man but in reality and biologically speaking you're a woman you can die, because women on average have less tolerance

You don't choose the titles that are given to you, or earned. People have the right to not call you a PHD or Doctor if you're an 15 year old because no one has to entertain your delusion that title is earned.

>Transitioning, including sex reassignment surgery, is the best way we have of treating gender dysphoria and reduces suicide rates etc.
If it was a possibility for someone to feel good and healthy about themselves without changing their organs or mutilation wouldn't you opt for that route?

Respect him for being honest with the world, it's gotta be real fucking hard to to this especially at an age where you already have a family. This is good for his mental health, facts don't care about your feelings
>I mean whatever floats his boat he is free now however i think it's due to have a chat with their family because the change has legal/social remifications and is due to have a chat with the family so the kids know how to handle that his daddy is now a mommy and all that jazz

Oh certainly trannies are a symptom not the cause.

Also side point, unrelated, nukes have actually led to the longest lasting peace we’ve seen in the history of the world, which is both ironic and exciting how we’ve just come to accept the world could end at any second but don’t worry about it as it hasn’t.

>You can't choose biologically your XX/XY chromosomes or sex organs hence we call man/women depending to the pair they have and address them accordingly because that's the convention if you were to address someone by what your culture told you it's a woman you'd be right most if not all the time.
do you test everybodie's genes under the microscope or rip off their pants before you talk to them? If you see someone with a smooth face, long hair and a dress, you call them she, no matter the chromosomes. If someone has a big ass beard and wears metal band shirts, you call them a he without checking for a penis.
>Plus the differentiation is put in place to further help humanity because in a biological sense women and men are not equal, if you were to take the dosage of a medicine given the preconception that you're a man but in reality and biologically speaking you're a woman you can die, because women on average have less tolerance
This has no relevance whatsoever concerning pronouns, this is someone only doctors should and will care about
>You don't choose the titles that are given to you, or earned. People have the right to not call you a PHD or Doctor if you're an 15 year old because no one has to entertain your delusion that title is earned.
Sure, you can't demand it. If someone was a PHD and you refused to call them that it would be rude, similar to a false name or false pronoun. Just don't be intentionally rude it's really not that hard

All those words when you could've just said the blacks.

It's not technically a mental illness either. That's just your feelings talking.

>Oh certainly trannies are a symptom not the cause.
then what is the cause? hardmode: no jews
And nukes have only really led to peace between the superpowers directly, i don't think the Vietnamese, Koreans or South Americans would call the cold war peace

Tranny fag reporting. This is false. We just want to mind our own business and say fuck it. I do me you do you, whatever.


The majority of comments on these threads are smoke screens to self justify hate.

of course, it's always the same "I don't HATE them, BUUUUUUT" shit you see whenever anyone is asked about their bigotry

Unironically using "freaks" radiates normie energy.

you see, i don't "hate" jews, i just strongly dislike how the ideology of judeo-bolshevism is corrupting the white race and destroying our culture, and *something* needs to be *done* about it

"I don't hate them but let me pretend to sound logical and more mature than I actually am to say they do ahit that they don't, twist something out of portion, or bring up something that originated from propaganda or trolls and present them as facts".

>hardmode: no Jews
Kek, def gave me a chuckle user.

Nope not a secret group, it’s the logical end result of what our founders put in place, unchecked capitalism and rapid individualism defined by materialism. Which redundant technology production, marx wasn’t wrong in his Diagnosis of the west, just of the cure.

I’ll be perfectly fine calling no world wars as lasting peace.

do you have a cure, and why is it Posadism?

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>wanting to become the inferior gender, abandoning the rights as a superior Male
Is there anything more pitiable?

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"I don't hate them but let me pretend to sound logical and more mature than I actually am to say they do ahit that they don't, twist something out of portion, or bring up something that originated from propaganda or trolls and present them as facts".

There are "people" here actually defending trannies
fucking hell what happened..

Lol u guys relly think these crazy SJW transtrender manhating 'trannies' represents the average trans person? The trans 'movement' is a bunch of SJW and crazy people trying to controll people. If you really think i transitioned to join some cult and flaunt the fact i was born the oppesite sex then you are fucking stupid. Were just regular people who transition and then move the fuck on with our life. I have no interest in ever exposing the fact that i am trans to anyone i am not in an intimate relationship with. And you would never be able to tell. So you will use my pronouns. You will treat me as the sex I belive in my head I am. I might be delusional but my delusions are reality now cuz i live my life and am treated as the other sex.

Nothing that would actually be implemented, only a bloody revolutionary would actually do anything and I think we all would rather avoid that. Or at least people making over 34,000 a year, we’re in the 1% of the world baby.

I wouldn’t say I worship nuclear bombs, I just can appreciate the MAD has lead to the best peace man has ever know ironically.

This place has been going downhill for awhile.


yeah it seems MAD is the best strategy we have right now, and that alone shows just how fucked we all are

Well we’ve been posting them as memes and shock humor since 08, it was bound to turn out this way.

except the actually braindead ones, they secretly know that
they just live pathetic lonely lives and trannies are easy targets to jerk their hateboners to, that's why they have all the trap threads

I’ve never actually heard a white guy outside of Yea Forums care about that though. Why are you changing the subject anyways? It’s pretty well known that trannies are attention whores.

Nazis don’t exist anymore user. LARPing alt right nationalists aren’t Nazis. Calling them Nazis is a fear tactic used to make them seem more threatening and scary.

Its just so stupid. They hate me so much but would have no clue if they met me. They wouldnt know if we worked together, if they are my friend or if I was dating their sisters lol. They really should try to take all that energy and try to turn it into something productive instead.

I don’t hate trannies. I wish everyone the best. That being said anyone who would undergo surgery to change their gender is clearly off their rocker and I don’t really wish to be friends with them.

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are you doing the ol' "Hurr durr NSDAP is gone so no more nazis"? Of course neo-nazis exist, and they are dangerous. A month or two ago a mayor of a big german city was stabbed to death by one, unite the right also happened and people like orban or bolsonaro are fascists that actively govern countries.

What is there to hate about something that doesn't exist ?
Either you are a man or a woman, based on chromosomes. Thinking otherwise is called being confused.

Let be honest outside of this anonymous website the people that “hate” you don’t spend there time even thinking about it. But come on there’s some joy and fulfillment raging in a safe space.

Besides the tiny fraction that become shooters and lets be honest, they hate everyone and everything because they can’t stand their own lives.

refer to

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post moar mineralyeet edits

You’re a faggot. If someone says “I don’t hate x” and you say “yes you do” then you’re clearly not interested in having an actual conversation in good faith. Make people dislike you because of your victim complex.

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Yea Forums doesn't give a shit about anyone unless they start demanding to be treated differently without having a reason. I feel like I deserve special treatment is not a reason. I'll be depressed and hurt myself if you don't say how brave I am.... Fuck off. Generally speaking of course

read up on the definition of gender, then come back
it's got nothing to do with chromosomes or whatever arbitrary characteristic you use to justify bigotry

i don't *hate* trans people, i am just dirturbed by a beneficial medical procedure they undergo and would never befriend one. also i think they're crazy
sure thing buddy

Incorrect. Even many ancient people understood the earth was a globe. I am not trolling although I have no sources. Today I found out has a good video on it.

because they are faggots

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yeah the greeks already had it found out i think. just referencing general old knowledge and how it's not an argument
before the ancient greeks i don't think anyone had it figured out though

>let me just rewrite your statements to make you seem like a bigot
Victim Complex
You probably scream transphobia when they forget your food at McDonald’s

Are you calling vertically the entire left including nearly everyone associated with Hollywood "someone on Twitter"

troops are faggier

Attached: troops are fags.jpg (395x500, 59K)

you said everyone undergoing sex reassignment surgery is "clearly off their rocker" and you would never wish to be friends with them. how is that any different from what i said?

That is why trans people have a hard time. Every self agrandising cock sucker screaches about how special they are when many of them are quietly trying to live... These wanna be do gooders are fucking them over at every turn.

You can be interested in a discussion while still cautious of prejudice and opinionated things. You have to be sure it's not covert manipulation or the discussion isn't worth it.

even if it was the entire left arguing for it, these are scientists and wouldn't give a shit until evidence arrived to support the left's demands
scientists are one of the worst kinds of people to try and convince by force

I don't hate trans people but degenerates like Jonathan Yaniv make it really hard to take the movement serious, even if he's just a ripple in the ocean. He's blatantly appropriating the movement for nefarious reasons but I can't help but wonder if there aren't people like him out there who are way more discrete with their degeneracy. Then there's also the whole /forcing kids to take hormones or start transitioning at an age where they have no idea what the fuck's happening/ thing which I also find fucking ridiculous. Aside from this, I couldn't give a shit. If anything, I have less of a problem with trans people than they have with themselves considering they're the ones struggling with gender dysphoria. I can't imagine what it's like and frankly, not only do I not want to know what it feels like but I'm also grateful I'm not going through it.

It's not hate, I just dont suffer fools gladly.

>Then there's also the whole /forcing kids to take hormones or start transitioning at an age where they have no idea what the fuck's happening/ thing
There are so many hoops you have to get through to make your child transition that it's virtually impossible to force a healthy child into it. Judging that is what doctors are for

Can't tell if you're serious or being facetious but for the record, it absolutely is not. Starting a process that leads to suicide over 40% of the time is not a solution worth even humoring. Medication has helped more people than you'll ever hear about because the kyke media wants us to think medical creations walking among us is a good way to fuck us.

Body dysmorphia/dysphoria is a mental illness, being "trans" is a symptom of the illness, along with many other behaviors, no other symptom of the condition is looked on positively as a society.

>that leads to suicide over 40% of the time
wrong, trans suicide rate before transition is about 40% and it lowers it
i'd love to see a sauce on the medication, but it's hard to take you seriously once you brought da joos into it
>medical creations walking among us
what the actual fuck

Choosing not to interact with someone isn’t discrimination or hate no matter how you paint it. If I went out of my way to call trannies faggots then it would be different, but I don’t do that. My choice doesn’t affect you at all. Also I do have a trans friend but I’ve known him since I was 13 so I’m not about to cut off the friendship because of that. Doesn’t seem that hateful to me. Once again I think you have a victim complex.

Agreed as fuck. Yaniv is a poser giving prejudice people fuel to smoke screen with. "She" is pretty much what people make up in their heads and circle jerk about to be "afraid" of trans people. And self victimize. Usual trans people are even creeped out by yaniv.

You understand that the free market of ideas known as free speech kills all bad ideas and promotes all good ones. When you force a narrative to try and socially engineer any situation people can tell. It's like all the niggers I work with.... They don't know what the fuck their doing, they can't understand why they never get promoted either. But everyone else does.

claiming people are crazy for a medical procedure is absolutely discriminatory. choosing not to interact with someone based on unchangable characteristics also is. the trans friend seems like the stereotypical "i can't be racist i have black friends" excuse
>If I went out of my way to call trannies faggots then it would be different
that's a really high bar. do people have to yell nigger all the time to be racist?

Nazis tried to save our generation and we fought them on it. Speaking krout would be much better than working in a factory surrounded by niggers and women with dicks

>Nazis tried to save our generation
>these people call trannies delusional

Well then I guess I’m transphobic and I don’t plan on changing my ways. I know I haven’t done anything wrong. My thoughts and actions don’t affect trans people. Have fun going through life as a victim.

Whether it happens or not is mostly irrelevant, the point is all the willingness people seem to have it done. That alone is aggravating enough. The way I see it, I couldn't give a shit if you want to get on HRT or modify your body as long as you're an adult and can give informed consent. The moment children start getting fucked with is the moment I draw the line.
>"She" is pretty much what people make up in their heads and circle jerk about to be "afraid" of trans people
Exactly, this retard is single-handedly undermining any progress and goodwill that may have been accomplished for the trans movement over the years by giving people the ammunition they always wanted. It literally doesn't get any more convenient than this, he alone is vindicating all the things that radfems have been saying about transwomen over the years. It's a total shit show, albeit a very entertaining one.

yeah nazis conquering the world would lead to nothing bad except we'd speak german
never mind the dictatorship, genocide, secret police, purity testing...
mutts like you would be the next ones in the oven after the jews were done for

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Their not out sexualizing children and getting little boys and girls to mutilate themselves or want to. They are contributing to a positive social discord on mental health and not providing excuses and hurling insults. These people are sick and they need help not encouragement to fuck their lives up even worse.

you keep trying to shoehorn in this muh victim culture narrative when i'm only stating facts

Left handed children weren't held up as brave though and they didn't expect every person to view them as a fucking role model you twat

>Their not out sexualizing children and getting little boys and girls to mutilate themselves or want to
neither are trans people. you know what hurts children? not teaching them about human relationships, there is a reason abstinence only sex-ed leads to waaaaay more teen pregnancy and STDs

Because I refuse to call somebody a gender that they are not. If they are born male then I will call them him, and vice versa. I will NOT call a man a woman or a woman a man because that's what they want to be. Gender isnt a choice no matter how much you want it to be. They need help, End of story.

We don't. Why should we? They hate themselves just enough.

I have suspicion that janiv might be a part of a psychological operation.

That's a straw man. They have listed the reasons for hating, or more accurately, disliking the actions of. It benefited me to be called a fag and a sissy when I was a child, I became motivated to out perform other and was successful. If nobody was allowed to call me gay, do you think I'd have taken any initiative to change? I'm much better for it. These little fuckers are all fucked because nobody kicked there asses for talking like a fag

there are plenty of medical procedures we do to children that they couldn't possibly consent to because they know nothing about livers or blood vessels, but getting a child to transition takes a long as fuck period of medical and psychological examinations to protect against the exact thing you're worried about: parents forcing them into it.

Speaking absolutely truth

Because it’s hard to take claims of discrimination seriously from a community that is known for overreacting and painting themselves as victims.

Gender is based on what chromosomes you have and nothing more.

you're thinking of sex, gender is by definition socially constructed and performative. even then, pronouns are based on appearance, not strictly gender and definitely not sex. if you want to refer to someone with a smooth face, long hair and a dress, you say "that woman over there", when it could be a trans woman you are referring to. if you check for genitals and chromosomes before every social interaction (which you don't), you could say you are only concerned with sex, you aren't. you make guesses what the sex of the person may be and go from there, so you probably referred to trans people by their preferred pronouns before without even knowing it, and it makes sense and is more practical. you wouldn't refer to the woman with "that dude over there", nobody would understand what the fuck you're saying

Sorry but this is childish. You can change for the better with self awareness. Letting others infl6you with social pressure is a weak minded way to go. Why not be your own person and think for yourself?
"Some guy beat the shit out of me so I have to conform to his ignorant opinions now".

Look at the figures and explain how you want your little girl to be in a lez relationship which have 5x more violence as reported. These things are shown to kids because it's what works. You wanna be a happy boy or girl get married and have a family. If they end up being gay it's whatever but don't let them be trans

gender is by definition a social contruction with no relation to the material world. you are thinking of sex

Umm no, gender and sex are not different. Please try again.

arguing against dictionairies, good job
you may feel that way, the facts point another direction

silly user, trannies aren't people

People is a strong word

>there are plenty of medical procedures we do to children that they couldn't possibly consent to because they know nothing about livers or blood vessels
I wager that's because it's in their best interest to override their consent even if they don't understand what's going on. Would it in their best interest to force them to transition? If it was something they wanted to, I'd be more ok with it. If it's something they decided they wanted to because their parents influenced them, then fuck no to that.
>but getting a child to transition takes a long as fuck period of medical and psychological examinations to protect against the exact thing you're worried about: parents forcing them into it.
And thank fuck for that. I can only hope every doctor involved is good enough to be able to differentiate between a child truly in need of transitioning and a child being coaxed into it because of their parent's Munchausen's. Though I can only hope that having children transition doesn't bite them in the ass later on, and I'm eagerly waiting for this next decade to pass by to see what's gonna happen in this regard.
This was my first thought too when I found out about him but the more things unfold, the more I believe he's an actual deranged lunatic and not someone apart of a psyop.

Sorry, but neither your gender or sex is a choice. Sexual orientation, absolutely.

then stop only thinking of stereotypes and stay with the discussion we're having. what you said is discriminatory, no matter if trans people overreact sometimes or not

You would tho. You cant tell what gender I was born as, so you are gonna use the pronouns of the gender you think I LOOK like I was born as.

none of these are choices, and they are all different things. how is this hard to understand, it's been known for ages

Yes I can. Do you have XY chromosomes or XX? That is what determines it. Unless you have XXY then that's another story.

If you wanna see Nazis, you'll see them no matter what you're looking at. It's a joke. If you can't listen to people they make jokes.

ok so when we meet in the street you're gonna get my spit into a microscope and look for chromosomes? it doesn't work that way in any social interaction

Except nobody asks about that in normal conversation. They just take a guess based on how the person looks, and some people get very upset when you tell them they guessed wrong.

I would use a tranny's preferred pronouns at work due to discrimination rules.

However this does not mean I think a transwoman is a woman and vice versa for transmen. Trannies want to change language like now it's "trans exclusionary" to say "only women get pregnant" or "only men get prostate cancer". According to leftists, being a woman is now "anyone who identifies as one" , what a load of shit i say. Now I'm supposed to believe the Gamestop "It is MAAM" tranny is a woman.

I vastly prefer the LGB over the T. The T want us to accept ludricous shit like "some men get periods" and redefine language etc. Gay acceptance doesnt require the public to accept bullshit like the trannys do.

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Because society treats them as normal when they should be treated for a mental illness.

there are even (rarely) men with XX and women with XY, making this point even dumber

My point is that I refuse to pretend that a man is a woman or that a woman is a man because it makes them feel good. End of story.

Same, except I probably have posted something along those lines because I find it funny. But same except that

Why are people still falling for this shitty bait

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you "pretended" that 100s of times in your life already, unknowingly

i dont but promoting trans culture and making your whole personality revolve around it is pretty disgusting

"my point is that i ignore your points and repeat mr. shapiro's slogan again"

Sorry but this isn't Canada. I'm not going to play by your made up Canadian terms.

what the hell is trans culture

If you honestly believe that is the extent of the education children receive on the topic you are woefully misinformed, I think you know it and are intentionally changing the meaning of another anons post so you can be in opposition

Because they're not people

you're trolling, there is no way in hell anyone is this stupid
so calling this person a she if you haven't done a chromosome analysis yet is made up canadatalk?

Attached: trans woman.jpg (800x800, 73K)

You can.


And my point is trans people dont need you to make them feel good. You refer to them as the sex they look like, and you will get their pronouns right after their transition. You will be a dickwad in the meantime, but atleast you get it right in the end buddy. Doesent matter what your personal belifes are mr.Ben Shapiro. You cant tell chromosones from looking at someone so you always loose.

I genuinely do not think this is a bait thread. I think OP is legitimately this retarded.

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how about her?

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Top jej

Don't use biology as an argument when you clearly dont understand it

Yea Forums hates everyone but would fuck anything. Next.

then what do they learn nowadays?
i turned 19 last year and my education was just the basic "it exists, that's what it means, don't hate them for it". i can't imagine it changed much in this time span

Making yourself look like the opposite sex by taking estrogen or testosterone doesn't change what you are. Your drivers license should still say whatever you were born as. That can't be changed and is an absolute fact.

Jesus fuck, look at that hideous man

A pronoun is not a name you simp, you can be mad if you're a metal head with long hair and an old man calls you little lady... You look like a girl to him. You can be mad if you are a man but are feeling like you aren't and people know you are and call you by make pronouns. Go home and cry about it, the truth is shitty for delusional peopl

" talking about sex and gender says not to use biology". Are you even listening to yourself?

whoopsie then, that second pic was a cisgender female athlete jessica ennis, proving you DO only guess and go from there, no matter the chromosomes
legal gender can also be changed numbskull

probably shitty wording, but the whole, glorifying dysphoria and making jokes about it is probably bad and pushing your own beliefs onto people that feel perfectly fine as a cis person and fine with being labeled as a boy/girl and the gender norms that come with them, advocating for hormones and transitioning for kids when theyre clearly developing their own sense of self and have no idea what they even are when theyre

>doesn't understand how chromosomes work

Stop being this retarded

That wasn't my point faggot. You shouldn't use biology as one of your argument's when you clearly have a flawed use and view of it.

hehe user made a typo funny funny xDD
please tell me again how you can tell chromosomes from looking at people, are your eyes equipped with 1500x magnification lenses?

There's likely a lot you don't see.

Again you don't understand chromosomes or biology so stop using them as an argument because your getting it all wrong

Shut up, abomination.

>glorifying dysphoria
every trans person i know fucking hates it, that's why they transition
>making jokes about it
people make jokes about their afflictions all the time
>pushing your own beliefs onto people that feel perfectly fine as a cis person
never ever encountered this
>muh trans kids
as stated above, there are loads of checks and balances in place to prevent kids from inaccurately being treated with transitioning, you needn't worry

No shit

i repeet what other grug said, i smart now!
except it makes no sense in this context, good job retard

Lol my point in real life biology got shit all to do with pronouns. I wont tell you im trans and you will call me by the pronoun I look like.

you're never gonna get through to this braindead shapirolover, tranon
do continue though, his stupidity is kinda funny

I'll be able to tell you're trans when I look at the slash scars across your wrists when you failed to join the 40%

I don't care about what is legal. It's about what your biology says. End of story, you can't change my mind. Have fun trying to destroy our definitions of words.

Not a donkey kong quote you mentally ill fuck

Mate its more like
> call me your majesty
No fuck off
> naaaah i am noble and you need to accept that and call me properly
I said fuck off you sick fagot
> meeeh you will go to jail once for not wanting to fuck my boy pussy

except it literally is lmao

They get their genitals chopped up to be something they are not, and then try to get with straight people of the same sex. Not only is it dishonest, but that's gross.

That being said, I dont hate them, it's just a lifestyle I dont approve of. Like being a stoner. If you want to be a weirdo, it's none of my business, just dont be a weirdo at me.

nobody is actually doing this 9.8 * 10^100 gender thing irl, go outside and you would notice

biology got fuckall to do with pronouns though. you never ask what chromosomes someone has before referring to them as she or he, you just do based on guesses on the basis of appearance

Fuck you and your pronouns

facts don't care about your angry feelings
i'm sorry that triggers you

That's the way many children would react. I'm not sure it wouldn't be most. Probably why social norms exist at all.

Lol that's funny, I was gonna say the same thing to you broski

Whatever helps you sleep at night. Hope you get better soon

>every trans person i know fucking hates it, that's why they transition
ya, for the large trans population they hate it and transitioning helps it
>making jokes about it
just because people make jokes about something doesnt mean its fine, take anxiety and depression, it can lessen how other people see it and enforces that its just a small thing to get over
>never ever encountered this
if we want to throw around anecdotals iv met tons of trans people irl and online who try their hardest to make everything about themselves trans related and have this ideology that everyone has internalized transphobia
>as stated above, there are loads of checks and balances in place to prevent kids from inaccurately being treated with transitioning, you needn't worry
ya, idk you have this image that i hate trans people? i dont mean every trans person acts like this but from personal experience there are tons of trans people that do think this way, more than youd think

You aren't basing any of this off of facts, you're purely basing it off of your feelings. And guess what? Nobody cares about your feelings. So get over it.This is Yea Forums not therapy.

The only reason that matters

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Like the majority of people here have stated. They hate the movement not the people.

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jokes get old, saying fuck niggers kill trannies just isnt funny anymore

then tell me the facts, please. how do people choose which pronouns to use on strangers except looks, how do you?

Don't get me wrong, I hate forced diversity, but this is just par for the course in current year. I'm more offended that they didn't even try to make any of the costumes look like anything seen in the comics or cartoon. They look like they came from a low budget fan film.

that wasn't a joke

Some of them are cool. Some of them are chill af. Most of them are hysterical lunatics and obnoxious overgrown children.

I sleep fine at night because I don't suffer the crippling depression and body dysmorphia trans people do.

you posted a picture of a person dressing in a silly costume to read stories to children. oh no! that has never happened before them trannies!
stop referring to potential others and answer my question

I thought I just told you, nobody cares about your feelings here.

if you give me a timestamp of any id that says youre above 18 ill paypal you $100

except you clearly do, otherwise you wouldn't still be replying. provide facts NOW, or your cringe is going in the feels folder

Ever think I might just be entertaining myself at your expense?

not the one who posted the original comment. i was simply pointing out I don't think user was joking

>bitching out this hard

I don't hate anyone. The people who make the most noise about it are very troubled individuals.

but you said that wasnt a joke so you clearly share the same opinion no? how else am i meant to take that as

Nice, same. Since I transitioned I sleep like a baby and am no longer suffering from those things and I am very happy. I hope you one day can put your rageboner to rest and love yourself and your fellow man. Goodnight Shapiroman.

uh, no? pointing out a joke from a non joke doesn't mean youre taking a side. to be clear, no i don't feel the same as the other user.

Everyone hates trans people.
