life lessons
things you have learned and can help other anons
life lessons
things you have learned and can help other anons
if ever you're in a relationship, be honest from the beginning. If the truth is so bad that you have to break up, just tell it. Living in a relationship and having to sustain a lie throughout it is so fucking stressful.
date but don't, fukkin' don't get serious until al your personal goals are well on track. women will always be around and just as available, at any age, as when you are in the thick of taking care of YOUR life. do you first, always. women will take your time, deliberately or not, from your dreams, then leave you when you get nowhere. this was passed down to me too & i wish i had listened.
Gym membership is the best money you can spend
You can treat/prevent/cure 90% of illnesses and disorders with really basic steps, all of which directly or indirectly affect hormone balance-
>Regular exercise
>Regular sunshine
>Regular social interaction
>Good sleep hygeine
>Good diet
>Good management of stress
If you get pissed off easily or over react to people in ways others don't you're probably partially depressed/anxious. All of the above will help but another important thing is having goals in your life- by having things you're working towards you focus your intent and your self image cares less about someone calling you an asshole in your social circle because it doesn't affect your goals
Save 10% of everything you earn, forever. After 10 years you'll be ahead of the majority of the population.
Relationship problems are almost exclusively best solved with honest open communication. I don't care how butthurt you are.
Meditate regularly. Just do it.
Rape while you're younger that way charges are less
Oldfag here. Let's roll
>You've never been in love. You think you have when you're young but you dont know what it means yet. Dont pine after people.
>Nothing you do in high school matters at all. You'll never see these people again for most of your life.
>Its easy to take ourselves too seriously when we're young. You're an idiot, we all are sometimes, make fun of yourself on occasion.
>Women are not a different species and you'll never build a proper relationship until you grok this.
>Yes incels, lots of what you is true about how the world works. I'm sorry you got the short end of the stick. I dont know what else to tell you apart from the fact that some people look retarded at 18 but perfectly normal at 50. But a lot also dont.
>You are not going to be rich
>You are not going to be famous
>You are not going to leave a mark on the world.
>You are not as smart as you have been led to believe and are almost certainly just average
>All of this is fine.
>Nothing is as important as you think it is
>Nothing is as bad as you think it is
>The world isn't going to end nor significantly change in your lifetime
>Take care of your back and teeth. You'll thanks yourself when you're older.
>Go and buy yourself a toolbox and a couple of wrenches. Toolboxes are built over a lifetime and no body ever needs a screwdriver right up until they do.
>Around blacks, never relax. Niggers will always find a way to nig.
>Take out life insurance. It cost a few dollars a month and leave behind a windfall
always drop a sheet of toilet paper in the toilet before taking a dump to avoid poop water from splashing up your murky starfish
When you're fapping stand up to cum and blast it on your desk.
perspective is everything and changing a small part of it can open a whole new world of possibilities.
based asf if i let a women into my life right now at this point i would have to sacrifice something i truly enjoy just to be with her. Not worth but am open to my perspective changing and try make it work but it's definitely not a goal for me atm.
If you ever have a dream chase it with everything you have and let it destroy you because it's worth a shot and nothing in this world is guaranteed so you might as well put your existence to the best use you possibly can. If you're chasing children for sex need another dream.
This is some advice right here
>always pull out and CUM on her tits or back
Don't waste your life chasing shiny materialistic shit. Don't mortgage your ass to 45 years of being a wage slave just so you can go on holiday twice a year and have a new car in the driveway every 5 years. Learn a trade and Go self employed. If you work for someone else you literally spend 50 hours a week making someone else wealthier. They decide where you can afford to live, what you drive, where and for long you can go away, what you wear, and how much beer you can afford to buy. Say yes to something you would normally say no to, just once. You never know, you might enjoy it. Don't give any fucks what anybody else thinks of your dress sense, sexuality, music tastes, film tastes, sneaker choice or any other fucking thing that you enjoy. Anyone with a problem with your preference s is not a friend worth knowing. Try masturbating less frequently. Improve your personal hygiene. Take an evening class in something that interests you. Be nice to people, it'll pay you back. Never borrow money from, or lend money to a friend. Brush your fucking teeth.
Precum can get a girl pregnant; pulling out does not work.
money makes you happy no money makes you sad
Learn to cook perfectly 1 three course meal.
Buy good shoes.
Put a finger in your ass.
Read real books.
Invest time in learning.
Don't be a paedo
You've obviously never had money
Having money actively makes your life more stressful in some ways, less in others, and makes people less trustworthy
Don't believe anyone who tells you otherwise because they've always been poor and have become jaded because of it
You can do everything right and still fail.
Don't trust a woman under any circumstance
Just give up
Learn the gentle art of not giving a fuck about things.
5 trustworthy persons in your life are enough, and enough for you to tend to with loyalty, the rest of the people are sadly white noise.
Based user
Can agree
Been in there too, you're right
>You are not going to be rich
I already am, lol, thanks dad
NEVER NEVER NEVER work for friends and family
Shut the fuck up, you're just a subhuman unable to be nice, funny and charismatic
Don't ever call the police unless you are in immediate danger, or you might go to jail instead
This. I started earning a lot of cash last year (not insanely but still around $1k every day). I still feel the same except of the constant fear of being robbed or scammed and shit. The fear of losing your money is kinda new to me and somehow you always want more even if its more than enough. I can imagine why some people who win millions sometimes fuck up everything.
Oh I agree 100%
get a job in highschool
Keep niggers, arabs and jews at all costs out of your life.
people are horrible. subhumans (old versions of man such as haji and the nigger) have old computers (brains) and have no remorse and most would enjoy raping and killing and eating you and your mother. people are gross, women are whores that spread disease and want everything for free. life is about avoiding as much garbage as you can while being the smartest and fittest and healthiest person you can be without pouring gas on the fire. if youre white dont have kids, they will only grow up to be nigger fucktoys or to be influenced to cut their dicks off or change genders. the math is on the niggers side. they will burn our books and societies to ashes and it will keep happeneing until they are 100% exterminated.
what's your job?
Wow imagine having this outlook on life. Like living in a fever dream. I feel sorry for you I really do. Things aren’t as bad as all that user, take a step back sheesh
postin some classics
don't get married
invest in real estate, not a house
"fuck you money" is the amount of money you need to have to tell your boss to go fuck himself. know how much this is and get it as young as possible.
If you've masturbated before pissing or have just came inside a condom a few moments earlier and haven't washed your dick off and pissed again, then yes it has semen in it.
Otherwise it's just penile lubrication.
that's not where baby batter is supposed to go though
I do ads for a big news outlet in Germany. I started a small agency and it worked out.
this right here
dont download cheese pizza
good job user
I'm a university student so I don't earn by working yet, I take some moneys just because I invest in stock, but my parents earn well and I even tho I've never had direct pressure I used to be worried sometimes if my dad company failed
I honestly don't care if I am gonna be rich as fuck or just upper-middle class. I just want a peaceful life, with some vacation once in a while
surely, money doesn't make you, I can totally agree with that
instead, my brother is way more obsessed with money, he studies economy, talks a lot about money etc
money doesn't make you happy*
- Dont complain about shit not working, make it better.
- actually do the things you plan to do. One big problem I had was thinking about shit I wanted to accomplish without ever actually starting to work for it. "Just do it" might be a shitty nike slogan or a shia meme but it is true.
Been there, done that, never again
If it feels like a fart, don't just fire it off unless its laundry day and you're at home.
It can if you haven’t urinated since you last ejaculated.
ofc only a nigger would reply to his post with that kind of opinion
That is insanely honest and solid advice on not only dealing with women, but also dealing with jews and blacks since they all view the world in the same exact way.
MGTOW - thats all you need to know. Date women or see them as a casual way. But never marry them of live with them.
Cigarettes are super fucking addictive
smoke weed
you can stop smoking weed by regulating your biorhythm - sleeping schedule. Just do that and you will have less of a need. guaranteed
Don't care what anyone else might think/say behind your back.
Family are people you happen to be related to.
People die, make sure you close the chapter.
Make sure you have fun at any occasion.
If you have a good time in high/middle school good for you!
If not, nothing really matter in the grand scope of life.
Incels, oh incels. Will you please realise that women are not inherently evil beings who strive to make your life suck. Take your fucking head out of your fucking ass! They are not the enemy, the entire incel community is.
Young adult here. Does it mean that is wrong about women and how they lie?
Not saying women don't lie, they lie as much as anyone.
My point is that incels shouldn't feel like women are the enemy because some are bad apples.
Becoming incel is giving up on ever finding a girl who will love you as much as you love her.
Don't be a white knight.
If my bitch loved me as much as I loved her she wouldn’t love me at all, faggot
I really don't want to be a mgtow. But the more shit I read about women the closer I'm getting to this. I just want a happy fucking family that's all, do women really posses no reasoning and they'll cheat on you or abandon you when you will appear less attractive to them or whatever bullshit? Is something wrong with modern women? Is the way they act the product of our shitty society?
If she's close to her mom and the mom doesn't like you, give it up. You'll never win.
Any woman of value is already married to their high-school sweetheart and has kids. The rest are damaged goods. Yes it's society's fault. The goal of the elites is to destabilize every natural foundation in order to keep us disorganized and chaotic.
Like quoting one philosopher from a different period (who was probably as much of an asshole as the women he got fucked by) makes any difference.
Just giving people some advice, I'm not trying to change your particularly dilusional view of people.
Birds of a feather flock together.
If you are dating a girl or like a girl, and you dislike all of her friends, or her friends are annoying, sluts, etc, she is just like them. She is not a diamond in the rough. Don't learn this the hard way.
Fucking kikes. So, there's only one thing left to do?
Cool story bro
kill her mom and then she'll form an overly dependent bond with you. Then you can control her with guilt and fear until you're tired of her.
Was actually pointing out that this random user on an internet forum in the current year said the same shit as a philosopher that long ago. You right though, human nature has totally changed completely over hundreds of years. Women are the future. Yas Queen!
Shoppenhauer was the ultimate pessimist
It's like asking your mom if she likes ur choice of porn
>ITT people posting basic knowledge
if youre homeless dont couch surf with a friend you'll hate each other in a week.
Don't set yourself on fire to keep others warm.
No matter how bad things get, don't lose hope.
Should add that this is true for all females. It doesn’t matter if they’re 9 or 90.
>ITT people posting basic knowledge
You'll find absolutely amazing how people fail to apply this basic knowledge over and over, literally making huge mistakes just because they think they know better.
Never give 100% of yourself to anyone besides yourself.
People can change almost instantly. Your friend you've known for years can suddenly become an asshole for no reason at all. Your girlfriend you've loved for years can suddenly tell you she wants a breakup.
Trust your gut feeling. It's right 99% of the time. Brain telling you one thing but heart telling you another? Listen to your brain. Sounds easy, it isn't when you are in that position.
When you are young you wish you are older, when you are older you wish you were younger. Enjoy your younger days. If you are below the age of 30 you are still a kid in the eyes of the rest of the world.
You do not need friends to have fun. You do not need a girlfriend to have fun. Spend time with your family, do what makes you happy, put yourself before all others. Your happiness comes before anyone elses.
If you would do something nice for your friend but they wouldn't do it for you, they are not your friend.
Relationships are 50/50. You don't need to buy your girlfriend tons of gifts or do all these amazing things for her all the time. Make her fall in love with you, not the things you do for her, that's how you get cucked.
Don't drink soda. Tinder is only for quick fucks not loving relationships. If you are nervous about asking out girls, work your way up. Talk to an ugly girl. Flirt with someone less uglier. In a couple months you'll feel comfortable around the opposite sex in any situation.
Don't watch porn unless you are doing to masturbate. Do not grip your dick too hard. Don't jerkoff in one position only (laying down, sitting in a chair), because then you won't be able to do it in others.
Don't compare yourself to others. Yes your friend just graduated from an amazing college and instantly got an amazing career, but one of your friends dropped out, has kids, and is addicted to drugs. Go at your own pace, everyones paths are different. You'll get to where you're going if you keep at it.
Don't let women determine your worth
You've gotta get the juice
dont ever put yourself in financial debt, always pay your bills even the unreasonable ones, always stay earning, dont smoke, do regular exercises, eat green, wear a condome, stay away from religion, keep up good hygene, go see a dentist every 6 months, be polite and dont take shit from anyone.
>incels mad at all women because he has spoke with 5
lmao pathetic
You can't tell anybody everything. Some things you'll just have to take to the grave and live with on your conscious
appreciate your parents before you outlive them you reclusive niggers
Read more
Compounding works with habbits
Small changes over long time will add up
People are irrational, know when they don't think straight and apply a windage factor
checked. don't agree
People can't be trusted to do the right thing.
Spend less than you earn
Be a bit wiser going to bed than the time you woke up. You will rule the world
Being honest doesn't get you anywhere in life though. "White" lies rack up quick.
Thank you
you know what you're supposed to do if a dog bites you and won't let go, pops told me to put a finger up he's ass
If you assume you have all the answers you'll never learn a damn thing.
Everything worth having requires patience and pain.
Love is choice first and foremost.
The moments behind us are gone, the moments ahead are yet to be. Live in this moment. Spend your time here, in the now, with the people you love. Yesterday and tomorrow don't exist. Now exists. Enjoy it before it's yesterday.
Don't be so mad all the time. Nothing really matters.
dont expect anyone to treat you as well as well as you might treat them
pops was a wiz?
pics and story please?
Fucking this. Jesus Christ
Why arabs?
Do not take life lessons from Yea Forums.
up the dogs ass kek
Kick ass, make cash, crush puss.
Get fit and stay fit. Learn to fight. Always have a physical activity you do well in.
Be effing great at your job no matter how humble it is. The guy mastering the fryer at McDonald's today may well own a franchise tomorrow. The guy just "working" the fryer will not. Kick ass at whatever you do. No job is too small. Do the things no one else wants to do.
Don't let looking down the road distract you from kicking ass at whatever you are doing today.
Only monkeys work for peanuts. Don't hang around bad money. When you take on a job for yourself, charge what you need to charge to cover your ass and the job's expenses. If people don't want to pay, move on. Guys who kick ass don't ever sell themselves short.
You'll make money if you're kick ass. Always be looking for a better job AND a profitable sideline. My network security business started as a sideline repairing desktops.
Crush puss. Don't center your life around women. Make them center their life around you. Ignore the women who aren't attracted to you. You can't buy a woman's love.
Just look around to see which women are looking at you. If you are kicking ass and making cash, there will always be some.
Don't wait around to fuck. Once a woman shows any interest, tease them with conversation, go for the kiss, and get them alone. Women *want* this. If you take your time they feel they aren't appealing enough.
Don't be a beta-cuck. No marriage, cohabitation, and no children. Quit white knighting. No dates, no gifts, no free drinks. These are reserved for the women you fuck and even then only occasionally.
Kick ass, make cash, crush puss.
My dad told me the same thing, only it wasn't my finger.
Trips of truth
Sound like a teen on facebook
Women absolutely hate "nice" men. They get immediately "friendzoned" while ol' Chad gets all the pussy. Quit being nice to women. Quit doing favors and all that. Ignore the women who aren't fucking you.
If a woman appears interested, chat them up and fuck them fast. Women want masculine, decisive men. Not unsure little cucks.
once their pants are off and their cock is in your throat guys dont care how old you are
Morality is a facade for anyone but the extremely stupid
You gotta know when its ok to break morals and the gain is significant
Excellence is not an art, it's an habit.
We are what we repeatedly do
What if the womans ugly?
You can get your cock in any girls mouth if you have sleeping pills.
Fantastic advice, but I have found some good times for going into debt.
My formula is roughly that it's okay to borrow money that will be invested rather than just spent. Say, getting tools for a sideline business as opposed to financing a vacation.
An education in the US is simply not worth it. Way overpriced with mediocre quality. Even the Yea Forums coveted engineering jobs are drying up. Replaced by proven techs like myself who can afford to work for less and don't have an obsolete education.
Good advice, though I hope you aren't talking about "romantic" love.
Best advice on this thread.
Do not dive into bodies of water you don't know the depth of.
I am an overweight, poor, unemployed, depressed and suicidal 21 year old drug addict. I Will probably end myself in a year or so when i cant stand my family seeing me as the failed black sheep. Is it too late Yea Forumsros? Should i just accept it?
The worst pussy I've ever had was guud. I also recommend building a stable of interested women. They'll come and go. Always have a few women in stock that are always glad to see you.
Never, for a moment, think that girls are attracted to you based on your "personality" or "aura". Girls want a tall, strong jaw line, thick hair, muscular dude. The same way guys want a skinny blonde haired, blue eyed, big boobed gal. Generalizing of course but you get my point.
You will cause yourself so much pain and suffering trying to study pick up artistry, what to wear, what to say, how to close, etc...I hurt myself for years to the point of suicidal thoughts thinking if only I did something different girls would have liked me.
You are either handsome (in which case you aren't reading this and don't need any advice from me) or you're not. The sooner you accept that you're ugly and that nothing you could ever do will get girls to like you, the happier you will be. I didn't read or hear this anywhere, it just slowly dawned on me over time until I realized that girls like hot guys, plain and simple. If you're not hot, you've got no chance. The sooner you can accept this, and smile and ignore the good intentioned people that try to "encourage" you and tell you you're being too negative, the happier you will be.
It literally changed my life and made me infinitely happier. I don't stress or sweat over girls now. I walk with 100% confidence knowing they won't like me, and they don't. That whole don't give a fuck attitude changes nothing, they still don't like me, I'm just a lot happier now.
Wow..Lots of advice, lots of jaded advice.
1) be honest to yourself.
2) always keep your word
3) don't trust anything at face value
4) there will always be another woman
5) The most important relationship in your life is your credit rating.
6) Love your children
7) there will always be people who screw you, let it be water off a ducks back.
8) friends are who's left around you when you turn 50. Not the people who claim they are your friends.
9) Buy a hand gun, a shot gun and a long gun, learn how to use them.
10) don't put off living till later, you'll miss it.
Your 21 and think it's over?! Your biggest problem is that you *have* already accepted it. It's sad because you are already stronger than 99% of people I know because you see and admit your shortcomings. You are definitely salvageable and worthwhile if just for that. Most 21 year olds are doomed know-it-alls. I was.
Look in this thread for my kick ass, make money, and crush puss post. People lose weight every day. Fat guys get chicks and jobs. Quit using drugs as an excuse. You might need to take a break from the drugs.
You need to start kicking ass by quitting the drugs and losing the fat. I'm not sure what you are taking, but don't *ever* be afraid to ask for help.
It takes time to lose fat, but you can still make cash and crush puss. Take any job you can get. Suck out porta-potties, work fast food. Be a master at whatever you do no matter how humble. You need the confidence and cash. Don't let your fat hold you back.
Once you get in shape and have some self-respect and confidence, you'll notice women noticing you. Fuck the living hell out of 'em.
You may not have it going on, but that can change right now by giving yourself a chance.
I'm assuming the rest of your family is doing better. At least one of them will help you if you need it.
Ooooooo. That can be taken on so many levels.
>5) The most important relationship in your life is your credit rating.
This is quite possibly the dumbest thing I have ever heard.
Learn about finances, study them, know them, educate yourself. Rich people don't give two shits about their credit rating. God we have such terrible financial education in the world.
Mine would have to be follow your heart. You will enjoy life more that way following your mind is best used in none social activites. When using your mind disconnect from the heart completely embrace your dark side and do what needs to be done in the situation you are in at that time. It is balance and a strategic approach applies best to life. As you can tell this is written by allowing the mind to lead. There is a time and place for everything.
Best piece of advice I can give anyone is to educate yourself financially.
the USA has zero financial education
for very good reason
the jews who control the government also control the banking, and don't want a population of intelligent, informed people capable of critical thinking
>the USA has zero financial education
preach it user.
you're a little conspiratorial, but you're not too far off.
Politicians don't want sound money in our country cause then they can't over promise a bunch of free stuff and keep getting re elected.. It's why we were founded as a republic, not a democracy. Democracy always votes in Socialism .
>wait until 50 to see if you have friends
Interesting thesis
Speaking from personal experience, I cannot agree though
Woman always seemed to like me and I wasn't bad looking, I think
However I was very passive when it came to actually doing shit
Today, I've quit sports and got quite fat over time (not obese but overweight)
However, I learned how to improve my flirtation using pick up artists guides and other sources and I'm actually quite successful now.
I agree, I think woman prefer hotter males, however if there is one right there, flirting with them and being charming and shit, even the hottest girls will most likely settle for him
It all just feels like a vicious circle of not being able to build myself up physically and mentally... I cant even hold a fucking simple job cuz of daily panic, anxiety and ptsd attacks. I smoke weed to calm myself from not losing it completely. When try to get psycological help they dont take me serious and send me home with benzo
Very good advice. When I was young I had a knack for making money, but have probably wasted a full half of my life's earnings by not investing well and in taxes I could have avoided. I didn't develop enough true passive income.
PIC RELATED - Looking for guys who would be genuinely interested... I am a 24 yo, 6’2, 170lbs, white, red headed gay male. My thing is, I like to be humiliated by STRAIGHT, sadistic, HETEROsexual men who would get a kick out of this and no sexual gratification. By that I mean, I’ll go on cam butt ass naked, write whatever you tell me to write on myself with sharpie. Stick random things up my ass (flashlight, end of a light bulb, sharpie... whatever I can find near) give over personal information about myself, passwords to personal accounts and you can expose me. Feel free to screenshot me, laugh at me, grab a buddy to join you in laughing at me. I’m not trolling, just looking for any straight men who would at least want a conversation about this.... please be of age (18+) and have access to a mic and cam if you’re interested!! If you’re interested message me on discord @ StupidDumbassFuckingFaggot#9184
The worst part is i had it all...a Good fucking job that would give me around 3600 a month i was fit, confident, handsome, the strongest person mentally i heard from others then just one day it all started when i was very stressed over work and some personal stuff then something inside me just...broke one day
>I cannot agree though
>I wasn't bad looking, I think
>Woman always seemed to like me
You've proved my point a hundredfold user. No reason to disagree.
My brother was cute as a kid, girls naturally liked him.
He doesn't exercise or eat well, girls are still drawn to him. Cute is cute no matter how you cut it. You were cute, you've merely proved my point, whether you disagree or not.
"Woman always seemed to like me"
I guess you'll never know what it's like to drive women away, to literally repel them. A smile, a quick, shy glance, a lucky chance to sit next to or be near them and potentially strike up a conversation....never once has an opportunity come my way.
Never too late to start.
Didn't know what passive income was until about a year ago. I'm 29.
I'm way behind the 8 ball, god how I wished I had started when I was 18, I'd be fucking retired living in Malibu in a mansion by now. But I'll be damned if I'm gonna work another two decades when I can be retired sooner.
Real Estate, Mobile home parks, perhaps owning a business....I'm learning it all. Gold/Silver, taxes, I gotta lot to learn
>Was actually pointing out that this random user on an internet forum in the current year said the same shit as a philosopher that long ag
yeah, because he was basically quoting him and not giving credit to the source. notice his use of "dissimulation" and oddly specific and archaic word. It makes sense for the philosopher to use this word, since it was a common part of educated linguistics at the time. However, the poster on nintendo 64 has only ever heard the word dissimulation from this exact quote. He's copy pasting.
Can I ask if you have any female friends/acquaintances?
>don't chase money. there's money everywhere. chase happiness
>family means shit. don't sacrifice your emotional and psychological well-being for toxic people just because you share some ancestor
Great thread.
Never hack for the sake of hacking, hack your way to your goal.
>pick up and learn a skill, be it carpentry, pottery, etc it’s better to have a skill instead of just getting a degree and fucking off into a pointless 9-5
>sex isn’t the end all be all, yeah getting your dick sucked is nice but finding joy in little things is better than maybe 10 minutes of fun.
>save up your money and don’t splurge on everything you see
How to post in this thread
>type some bullshit that you think will get you (You)s
>wait 2 minutes
>reply to your own post in the hope your reply will draw attention to your bullshit
>keep samefagging until you get your (You)
>don't chase money. there's money everywhere. chase happiness
Ignore this idiot
You may, and no I do not.
Growing up I had no girl friends that lived near by, no girl cousins to talk to, no girl interaction whatsoever. We lived out in the country with almost zero kids to play with, my neighbors had 3 boys, my other neighbors across the street each had an only son, and I had few friends in a small high school with a class of about 90.
It's not like I meant to grow up with zero contact with any female whatsoever, it just sort of happened that way and yes it fucked me for life, if that's what you're going for?
or just be another wageslave, doing a job you hate and having to talk yourself out of an heroing every day
It isn't easy. You have to push yourself. It's not good to always take the path of least resistance. People aren't water. People are like dull knives that need some abrasion to stay sharp.
What does it mean to "lose it completely"? I'm guessing you want people to take you seriously as a grown man. I had this problem at 21. I think most people do.
The answer is to gain people's respect by doing hard things, not drama. That's why guys who workout, are great at their jobs, and generally kick ass are respected. It's hard.
Start slow and improve yourself. Go very slowly. Start helping out more at home. (I'm assuming you are living with relatives.) Get good at little tasks your relatives don't like to do (i.e. cleaning toilets, dusting, mowing the lawn). Just get something done every day. It will stun the people around you and ways going postal never can.
Stop the weed for a while and sock the money away. Weed should enhance your life, not make it. You won't get anything done staying high all day. Pot's great, but don't fool yourself into using it as an excuse for not getting on with your life.
Start on a very easy, simple workout (like 5BX). The reason so many guys workout is the feeling of self-confidence and achievement it gives them. It's only important that a workout be challenging for you. Take it easy, but make it consistent. Do not take free workout advice. Do your own research and make your own decisions.
Eat less.
There's your start. You will be surprised at how much your immediate family will start respecting you by taking over responsibilities at home and showing yourself enough self-respect to work out.
I had portfolio income through a small engine business, but never passive income. I've been an off and on landlord and that was enough work to as not be passive.
Today I generate passive income by setting up small businesses in a tourist area and "renting" the whole business. I just check my bank balance to see if I'm paid.
I didn't understand genuine passive income until I was 50. I'm 60. I wish I'd learned this in high school.
Then things should be easier because you know you've done it before.You just didn't suddenly turn ugly. People break down and need repair. Get fixin'.
Interesting life you've had. You ever use a property manager?
I'm willing to try being a landlord in order to work for myself. I'm sure with time I'll get good until it's no work at all. And if I can get a few houses paid off the money will snowball and should not really be much of an issue anymore.
I never had more than 2 homes to rent, so the profits weren't there to hire a manage. With the kiosk/shop rentals I do have a "super"-type guy who does repairs and such. The area is great,so I have zero sales costs. It's easy to get renters. Great schtick, too. I set up the whole business,not just re-let the space. Little retail places.
Landlording is great because I never had to worry about personal homelessness and could always borrow against or sell a house.
I had tenants make offers on homes, make the sell, and buy another house. So, being a landlord has "flipping" opportunities galore. While renting a place, you aren't rushed for time like a straight sale.
When you pee in the shower hold your foreskin shut so it inflates like a balloon. It's fun
Don't do so many drugs that you fail your uni degree and lose yourself in a desire to crossdress that leaves you working in dead end jobs
This. I am fairly good looking, granted i've not taken care of myself how I should have and I look worse now than a few years ago and im only 22 but point being I was a shy insecure fuckface who if a girl literally threw herself at me I wouldn't knwo what to do and would reject myself by omission.
There is a reason there are some guys out there who are 5 foot 5 and 130lbs who can slay a 5 foot 9 model tier woman, because they actively pursue how to be a man. Period.
One thing I have learned over the years is this: Being attractive is great, being wanted is great, being loved is great, i've had like 4 girls over in 4 different nights in a row (that was my best lol) and I can tell you one thing for certain, there is literally nothing else on this planet that feels better than being a real fucking man about things. I'm still learning and have a long way to go but I guarantee you no matter how "hot" of a guy you are, if there is a man in that social circle, then it's game over before he even opens his mouth.
Be dominant, be masculine, quit giving a fuck about attention, love, or any of that shit, and own yourself and your actions.
Never fuck anyone you love, Never love anyone you fuck.
checked. dubs confirms.
all this projection
Best advice I can give
>around blacks never relax
>with jews you lose
>spics are pricks
>yellow man fellow man
There's being honest and openly disclosing everything about yourself.
If you do honesty right then it makes your life easier in general.
This is actually pretty decent advice.
>save 10% of your earnings
Boomer advice
> Buying a house is for suckers. It gives stability if you have kids, but other than that, it is the worst "investment" you can make.
> Start saving for retirement as soon as you get a job. Don't wait until you are in your 40s to try to figure shit out.
Not strictly true, but in general you're right.
If you're average-looking then personality is somewhat important, but being in the right place at the right time is more likely to get you a girl than anything else.
If you're honest-to-god ugly, there isn't much hope.
Regardless, you can still get laid via hookers. Money is only useful for the average person insofar in how they can use it to get what they need. If you need sex and have money, get a fucking hooker.
Depends on the property. Do not underestimate land value.
It's entirely dependent on location and how valuable that is. Like most investments, timing is important.
don't be a fag and vape, it is much worse for you than primitive smoking
FMF threesomes are cool but I wouldn't recommend it if you're in a relationship. 9 times out of 10 the other person has insecurities that will grow once it's done and they'll reflect them through the way they treat you. It's even worse when you do it with someone you're both close to. I'm the M and I'm still getting over falling for the other F without letting my F know.
If you're under 18 and aren't Liberal, you don't have a heart.
If you're over 18 and aren't Conservative, you don't have a brain.
Love is a scam made by your brain neccesry for character development so dont fall for that shit
Never. Get. Married.
>>Nothing you do in high school matters at all. You'll never see these people again for most of your life.
1. Which makes it a great training ground for learning to interact with the opposite sex. Don't be shy, be shameless, the gaffes you make will be wiped clean on graduation day.
2. Try to figure out what you want to do after you graduate. If you're not sure, at least try to get good grades and learn stuff. Don't waste these 3 years watching TV/porn.
The fastest way to make money is to stream things on twitch or to program using java
>if theres anything that bothers your about yourself, get it fucking fixed you lazy piece of shit, you will feel so much better after that
Never stick your dick in crazy no matter how good looking she is.
God's wisdom confirmed!
If you're worth anything, remember that somebody will be jealous of you and may try to take a piece of your wealth by any means necessary. This could be anyone from an acquaintance to a close family member.
I'm not saying to never trust anyone, but I am saying be very vigilant if you ever come across what you would call a decent amount of wealth. Or if you have a successful business as well.
Don't text and cycle
Or just cycling using one hand in general, I got fucked over by a corner at a decent speed
Thank You this i needed
im almost 30 these days so this is what i got.
life is like paper thin delicate please try not to take it for granted.
try hard actually put in an effort and be the best you can be.
but be happy and enjoy it because you are all you have for the most part.
dont ever give 100% to someone other than yourself because trust me you Will be surprised by people even your family kids even especially your girl Will let you down.
fight for what you believe in and dont be afraid of people and their bullshit.
fucking laugh at funny shit
im not rich but dont be reckless with your gold
more to come
You're speaking as if you were 150 years old dude. Chill out, I know people say after 30 it goes down but it's mostly all in the head. I personally give it till 35, after that you are nearing 40 and that's another story...
Good health is the most important thing to strive for. If you have it, you have the energy and the drive to get whatever else you need.
Start going to the gym now. Wish someone had told me that when I was younger. It's not about vanity, it's about energy, discipline, happiness, stress relief and confidence.
Clean your room, focus on your life and career, push for the betterment of your own life.
If your support structure parents friends family etc are not also committed to these goals for themselves in some way, get the fuck as far away from them as you can and never look back.
based trips of the devil. nice
image looks like the girl that sucked my buddy off while he was driving then hurt his feelings.
>nice wholesome beginning part of thread
>this load of shit smacked on my screen
>around blacks never relax
that hit me harder than the mexicans i grew up with
>Yea Forums
smells like sumer
Don’t depend on anybody for your happiness, make sure you can make yourself happy and you won’t ever need anybody as much as they’ll need you. Also knowledge is wealth.
no one will care about you more than you ever can
those who come from money will always have an advantage over you
all those women/girl you see on social media who show off their bodies with no shame? they don’t care that about you or your struggle. they will consider someone as a significant other if said person matches or can provide the girl an extravagant lifestyle
people will ALWAYS judge you by the way you look
This user is full of fucking shit and clearly is projecting his mediocre failures in life on everyone else.
If you ever want to meet an Honest women you need to visit a legal Brothel
It's pretty retarded when this is what constitutes "good advice"
Why do i seriously even come here it's like you guys are all 13
Probably he meant muslims. Because of their religion-culture
(I'm not the one you've replied)
If anything you're the one here who has never been around women.
True Love exists.
It's good you found a way to be happy but that's not that "simple". People do care about charisma and personality, but of course you have to match a minimum physical requierements.
Sincerely, a guy in a wheelchair that has had girlfriends and different women interested in me before and after the accident. I'm not rich or excesivelly handsome.
houses are a lot of work to maintain but you might luck out too, my house is a mile and a half from the next big Apple non-HQ campus, so I am gonna be renting or selling it to some CA Apple person and takin their monies in the next two years
True love does not exist. It is a farce. Soul mates do not exist. It is Hollywood bs. There is no such thing as best friends. Also made up crap. Women complain that there aren’t any nice guy. Yet they are attracted to jerks who will treat them like crap. Nuff said
aye dawg aight look foreal u cant trust these hoes ya feel me. these bitches is dastardly as fuck out here okay. number one get your money dawg thats you shit dont even look at that at ass less you stackin okay thats real. number 2 dont ever let no bitch and thats dudes too fuck your shit up. you aint no bitch
Poor user, your vision of the world is so sad.
I'm not talking about a belief of True Love, but about a knowledge of it, that's why I just said "True Love exists". So for those who want it, never stop looking for it.
You fucking nigger.
I was drinking water and that shit spelt through my nose loling at this shit!
I once believed, only to find that my “best friends” screwed me over. True love are just words people say with little meaning behind them. Nuff said
True for those who still not found it. And, indeed, "True" and "Love" are words, like all you write with your keyboard, but we use those two together to qualify a reality. The belief in True Love is when you still not found it, because when you find it, you will never have to believe in it anymore, you just know.
And, tell me, when you want something, if you don't have it at your first try, you just give up and stop believing in your chance to get what you want? If yes, ok, that's your right, but you cannot say it doesn't exists, you just give up to find it. And if no, why do you stop believing in it after just one time?
oof hows it feel to be old and angry at everything now
never trust women especially below 30 and when you (assuming you're at least average looking) you'll get a wife that's fucked half the country and you'll be thankful for it
Arabs are loyal fighters, they're the ones you want the most. Blacks and jew will stab you in the back at the first opportunity.
>The world isn't going to end nor significantly change in your lifetime
If you're an oldfag the world has already changed significantly in your lifetime, retard, and it's accelerating.
Always remind yourself to never take advice from Yea Forums
if a woman lies to her parents, she will lie to you at some point
>don't buy houses/car instead consider renting
>renting is toppest tier, buying expensive things in life only add bills
>more bills will keep you poor
>save your money and invest in anything/trait/skill that can make you cash
>let your money make more money
>retire young, live mas