Do you think she's fat/chubby or is she healthy?
Do you think she's fat/chubby or is she healthy?
she looks starved
Chubby going on fat
Christ she needs to cut the size of her meals and drop sugar and carbs
Chubby. That's what I consider the ideal body type right there. Maybe 20 or 25 pounds over weight. Bet she has a nice rack.
if she farted id probablpy walk over for a sniff
She's young, after ten years and a couple of kids she will have back tits and saddle bags if she doesn't change her lifestyle.
Oh she’s fat, but I like it.
Chubby but would still fuck her
Fat, but I'd fuck her once.
Hey OP! I'm from the last "Do you think she's skinny, healthy, curvy, pudgy, chubby, fat, or obese?" Thread you posted with this chick.
I need to see that face for a verdict, you faggot!
Post more of her
Why so?
i think shes good there, a bit of exercise to have a banging body shes got the ass.
Eat less and/or workout more. Not fuckin' rocket science.
More pls
Your such a shitposting homo, op
why do you sjws continue to post this shit on here the reply to each other to try and make the internet think Yea Forums even cares. Does she make nice coffee? That's the question here. For the majority on here it does not matter as you would have to leave your basements to find out.
Which you won't
She needs to be blacked
You faggots fat chicks are awesome to fuck
Thay nasty
Cauae shes a fat disgusting pig
Come on guys, she isn't that fat. Where do you see most of her extra pounds?
neither healthy nor unhealthy. just lazy
Looks healthy to me.
I love when my wife gets this size, full tight tits, comfy fucking, bit of self consciousness. I hate when she's in a health kick like right now, deflated tits, flat ass, etc
she looks technically obese.
What kind of fucking Wall-E world are we living in when people are actually attracted to this
any idiot can make coffee, learn to take care of yourself and maybe you could be less desperate for female contact that you settle for a whale
I thinj it is kinda hot.