Your 16 year old son comes out as a faggot

>Your 16 year old son comes out as a faggot
How do you react?

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i don't have a 16 year old son

Fuck dude, i was going to say that

disown him

>How big is it?

That will never happen to me since I'll force my wife to abort if we have a boy

tell him its fine so long as he doesn't act camp and mince about everywhere

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id laugh

You like dicks!?

Here smoke a when carton of dicks!!

>You come out as gay to your 16 year old son
How does he react?

Who cares? I have moar problems like paying the heat and light bills.

This 100%. I don't care what people do, but I fucking hate when people have to wear that shit on their sleeves.

Simple OP, observe:

"White man better than black woman"


lowkey insane

I don't mind as long as he's a top. Having a bear for a son would be ok. I just don't want a little bitch of a kid whether he's gay or straight.

Step 1: reexamine my world view and address the possibility that I'm in the wrong for choosing to be a bigot even when it directly affects my relationship with my loved ones.

I shrug and tell him to bring his boyfriend by for the shovel speech, same as I do with my girls

Fuck him.

Don’t be a fag doesn’t mean don’t be gay.

What about a power bottom, i.e. generating the power from the bottom by doing most of the work?

Hug him and thank him for being brave enough to come out

"hello gay, i'm dad"

Shut up self righteous faggot.

Tell him he’s mistaken. I don’t have a son.

Don't forget to say no homo.

fuck him in the boipussy


Barbed wire wrapped baseball bat to the shins.

Luckily I don’t have kids, and never will. I don’t need disrespectful little fucks anywhere near me.

> suggest that it's worth reassessing your personal beliefs if they affect your relationships
> get called self righteous
You know that specifically hating a subset of people is bigotry right? Whether or not you think it's the right thing to do, it's still bigotry.

Tell him not to make his everything about who he wants to fuck. There are more important things to focus on. But cool, bring some extra twink home for me.

You assume that whoever is reading this is going to have a problem with it. You know, or at least claim you do, that you wouldn’t care about your child’s orientation yet you feel the need to pretend so that you can write your little message of love and tolerance. Feel good about your self? You seem to be the one judging people here.

my son´s sexual orientation none of my business really.

i just want him to be happy.
i´ve met a few homos so far and ALL of them were decent, cool people.
i guess having to deal with being "different" has some kind of positive effect on the devellopment of character.
i bet most of you guys here, who use faggot or gay as some kind of expletive have probably never had any contact with homosexuals.

You should suck your sons dick and traumatise him so that he suppresses his faggot feelings

Alright someone start posting gay porn already

Nigger, I hung out with gays, trannies, everyone. Loved with some real degenerates. It had nothing to do with their sexuality. And I’ll say faggot if I want. You youngfags are too sensitive.

I meant to say lived, but we loved as well.

phew i dont have to worry that you impregnate some hillbilly bitch

Internally be fucking disappointed and hope he doesn't start acting and sounding like a faggot but externally pretend to not care much since "it's your life son, do what you want with it"

Gay as fuck

A friend of mine growing up finally came out to his dad after his first year in college.
“Dad, I’m gay.”
“Oh my god, no way. Yea, obviously. You’re my son, and I’ll always love you and also the gay jokes will only increase in frequency from here on out.”

“Whatever you do, be careful. And don’t completely rule out vashoosh. Is nice.”

Didn’t say it wasn’t.

Chuck his ass down the family well.

Fist to his left eye

You have a family well? My family had a cliffside, but we’re mountain people. But not the good looking ones.


>a subset of people
Like those with different political beliefs than you?

I don't have a 16 year old son.

I guess it’s better than your daughter bringing home a nigger

Love is love. If he loves another boy, fine. I can't say I'll understand or be perfect, I will make mistakes, but I'll do my best to support him through the good and the bad, and sincerely hope that his first boyfriend will work out and be the one he settles down with.

fuck him till he passes out from cumming so much

Illusion of power.

He either gets out of my fucking house, or gets beat to death. Nah, just kidding, but I would be extremely pissed. Also, what son?

its better than a daughter who dates a nigger

End yourself my man

Time flies when you're a faggot.

You first

Fuck his ass until he screams "I'M NOT GAY ANYMORE!"

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>Fuck dude, i was going to say that
Fuck dude, i was going to say that

come out as gay to him

Tell him I am proud of his decision and that I will always support him because he is my son.

> there's a slur in the op but you can't prove hatred was the intent

Yeah, like that. You seem to be using this as a "gotcha" but if being asked to reassess your beliefs is intolerance to you, maaaybe you have bigger problems.

tell him that being gay is a mental disease
and also tell him there is a 50% chance of
him being a pedophile

>celebrate, as having a son means I finally lost my virginity and got to cum raw on a woman

Explain that I am not his Father and he has accidentally entered the wrong house.

Then after tying him up I begin a hot 69 session.

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>Cum on a woman
Uh, virgin much

Rourke Vietfan

At least you can be sure he's NOT going to come home with some chick he knocked up and ruined his life.

go get that dick son.
just wear a condom
