I want to go back

I want to go back...

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>Cars blankly
Is 16 too hard for you?

Not even the strongest, or smartest can do anything about time, you will never be able to go back to what once it was, and all you have left is a fragile existance, your life as it is will be forgotten in a few years unless you leave a significant mark in history

Time will never stop running, and as you get older, you start to forget what was important to the younger you, you cant do nothing to go back

It’s still there OP.... hidden somewhere inside your mind

Insert another coin.

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You cant.
And it will only get worse

This fucked me up. I wanna go back so bad. I hate my fucking life

Time is just how we experience universe.

Everything that happend still exists, learn the physic, information cant be destroyed.

There are those silly believes of second chances that are mere theories, you could try to hit the reset button, and start your time again with a new avatar, or then find out that reset button its noting more than just a off switch, there is only one way to find out, think about your life being so bad as it is now to make you want to go back, then ether reset or off switchare the best option for you, perhaps on the other side you will be able to do all the things you obltly dreamed of, where pain and sadness are none existance, perhaps your dead pet will be there and your fantasy of becoming that one person you never was will be a reality for ever

Take the chance and end the suffering and nostalgic insomniatic nights for good

What the fuck are you even talking about

I'm 18 :(

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What happened is there for sure, information of the past humanity deeds are present, but as mentioned, we only woll remeber those who made a significant chance, like that great movie you saw one day, where you remember the roll that your favorite actor had in that movie, but you have no idea who the sound director was, they bot participated on that movie, yet one had a bigger impact in it than the other, and thats how you will remeber that movie, same as our existence in this universe, accomplished nothing and you will be forgotten

Why do you want to go back to being carried through youth by your mommy? Jesus this is the most bitch boy thing you could wish for. You're a fucking adult, look forward to not being a retarded kid anymore and thank god it's finally over. Go do drugs, fuck skanks, buy a car, buy your own space and thank god that you finally crawled out of your mommy's house, or are you just a pathetic little bitch that can't take it??

Lmao you're literally still a child shut up

Who cares?
Why is so important to be remebered?
There is point in the future, where humans are gone. Nothing we ever did would matter. Universe dont care.

Stop being pathetic, enjoy life, cos thats it.

Hey op. I’ve gone back several times. This is the last time. I’m done so I’ll share the secret. I’m a Christian now. Here’s the rundown. First the warnings.
1) this cannot be undone, it’s permanent.
2) you must do it alone which makes this extra dangerous
3) there is a toll that must be paid. Nothing is free.
4) you will know a lot of what you know now but not everything due to it’s nature. This will leave you confused.
5) nothing will play out the same. Might be way worse than what you’re facing. Usually is. Like my mom went schizophrenic this time which did not happen before.
6) there’s no way back you can’t just relive everything
7) there’s no alternate reality, just this one. Hence why everything changes as it does, you’ll see.
8) last but most importantly, you’ll stick out like a sore thumb. The Shadow People will chase you if you if you fuck up.

Your ambitions shows that you just want to enjoy the time you have on this planet while you can, yet each head is a different world, and each world have different ambitions to fulfill

Why? Being a kid sucks. It's boring and you can't do anything.

this person seems to be scared of the real world and the responsibilities that he as a kid didnt carried at all

Fear of politics and to fail to get a real job to make his own living

I'm ready for the instructions.

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But we all finite. And either you can fill time you have with worries in your head or with enjoying reality.

Here’s the steps.
1 you need to make a special medallion. The ingredients are as follows.
Piezoelectric crystal
Silver or gold but it has to be pure
Crush the crystal into dust but be careful the tend to explode. Just use a mallet softly over time
Make a mold using basic clay of a dagger
Melt the metal and mix in the crystal powder
Pour it into the mold.
2) you need to find a virgin white rabbit
Slit its throat under a full moon and drink it’s blood.
3) plunge the dagger into the soil, this step in important or you’ll be thrown wherever. Skip this and you’ll die.
4) think very hard about when you want to go. Close your eyes because things start to spin. Hold onto the dagger in the dirt and you’ll be fine.

A part of your life is taken for killing the innocent creature. Something truly horrible will happen to you. When you open your eyes you’ll be laying in your bed covered in blood. You’ll be a kid or a baby.

1) you’ll have a high fever and convulse, you may not live through it if you go back to far. You’ll end up in the hospital guaranteed.
2) your limitation is your birth, you cannot exist before you’re suppose to.
3) everything is still the same but different. You’ll have constant dejavous and you won’t remember doing this until you’re off the age it happened.

Oh and you’ll be judged very harshly by God on judgement day.

Dagger and medallion. You need both.

Oh and it will only be a half life. You’ll find yourself making the same mistakes unable to change them without considerable effort and some things don’t change and you’re stuck watching yourself make the same mistake twice.

You only get 1 go at this at a time. The only way out of the curse is through Jesus Christ.

I got raped by the baby sitter. My mother went schizophrenic. I’m a dude. So was the sitter. Horrible things will happen to you.

CHILLLL king Solomon damn

I do not recommend this at all. Be warned. I’m providing the information. That’s all. Maybe you can go stop 9/11 or something.

Have you done meth at any point in your life?

you cant.