A diaper girl blocks your path!

A diaper girl blocks your path!
What do?

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

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Around the World in 80 Diapers
Twenty Thousand Diapers Under the Sea
The Fall of the Diaper of Usher
The Diary of a Superfluous Diaper

>Around the World in 80 Diapers
This is the greatest porn that will never be made

Your fortune: Bad Luck

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I have a friend who is obsessed with this stupid board and she convinced me to try browsing it.
I've been lurking Yea Forums for two days now. This will be my first and last post.

Yea Forums is the most cancerous board in all of Yea Forums. Yea Forums is even worse than Yea Forums or Yea Forums. I mean those boards are cancerous, but there is a shred of actual content here or there. I've probed Yea Forums all the way through and its pure cancer. You maggots pride yourself on OC and quality, and there is none. It's nothing but spam, dubschecking, and some fucked up namefag roleplay. I know you're going to say 'its ironic', but it's not. Maybe a couple of people are posting this shit ironically, but the majority of the posts are sincere. You can tell by how buttmad they get at the slightest criticism.

How can anyone be amused by dubs? It's a fucking number! It's like an infant amused by shaking a rattle. Grow the fuck up.

I'm not going to bother with the fucking weebs. You know how disgusting you are.

The only OC I've seen in the past 2 days is horribly drawn, horribly thought out ms paint crap. The rest are pictures taken off tumblr and given a stupid name. 'lol it says walruse, but it's a seal' Thats lame shit, and it stopped being funny when I was 10.

I'm done now. You can start spamming your ascii 'art', and disregard everything I've said. Don't worry, I know exactly where is. I'm not going there though, I'm going to a board with actual content, something you simpletons wouldn't understand

Your fortune: Average Luck

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Your fortune: Godly Luck

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Your fortune: Godly Luck

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what fresh hell is this

Your fortune: Outlook good

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Phasing in XP

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Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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The filter hides my self harm scars uwu

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m o l e s t

so do people with a diaper fetish hope that there's shit and piss in there or not?

it varies widely
some people really enjoy the using of the diapers, others just like the look and feel of them

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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kidnap sell organs to alleyway mexico city surgeon bet rest on rooster fights

wait is diaper fetish about wanting to see someone else wearing a diaper or is it about wearing one yourself

Pee and Poop.* XD

There's layers to diaper fetish. (hurr hurr I maed a BIG pun in my posty~) Uy haev to ask 'em. Half the excitement is finding out what they want ti find is in there. The other half is finding it. XP It's sorta' meta.

But yah bretty muche thise. They are, for realsies *super* comfy to wear, liek jus to bed, or whateber. That's not eben sexual, it's jus tru~

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Your fortune: Bad Luck

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oh my
well thanks for the clarification

Fugg, soz, I typo'd, beleted it, but uy linked it, so embarrass omg my zomg !!


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brb fapping

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

perfect palindrome

did u really find someone in irl who engaged in this fetish so u could change him?

look! it's the pacifier girl!

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Excellent palindrome~

Naisu dubs, toosies~!

I'll never tell~ >u>

What I do with my little (

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Your fortune: Godly Luck

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more from her, please? her DA account is gone ;_;

Ooh, cute dubs~!

Soz, jus a random tumblr grab

Spoiler warning: pic related shows a messy D.Va under a deep dream filter, lole.

It's kinda' funny~

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Bro, that's a fucking diaper. I wouldn't trust what sorta shit she's storing inside it. This is hella cringe.

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Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

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Nice dubs.

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