Why do liberals get all the sex when I’m still a virgin

Why do liberals get all the sex when I’m still a virgin

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they fuck blue haired freaks

become liberal
get fucked in the ass

It's better to keep your integrity than to sell out for a shallow victory. Stand up for your beliefs. Women who can't respect that aren't worth having around anyway.

>Implying promiscuity is a good thing
KYS heretic

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Would have been better bait if it wasn’t from vice OP lmaoooo try harder next time bro.

>vice news

They don't.
If you are ugly you don't get laid unelss you have a really good personality.
Or else you actually aren't ugly.
Every time one of these ugly guys who claims to get loads of puss posts their face, they aren't actually ugly at all.

Someone already pointed out this is faked as fuck nice try faggot

Maybe because they’re not looking to fuck whores and prefer to look for women who respect themselves. Conservatives have more kids than liberal families, and imo have better lives in the long run.

they wait for marriage.

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virgin cope

How does the quality of the women you're fucking have anything to do with when you lose your virginity?

It's fake. Pretty much anything that supports left leaning bullshit, is fake.

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i wonder if it takes about 7 years to get brain damage from fucking an easy bitch in high school and getting herpes.

Less quality women available. When I was in middle school maybe like 5 women in the whole school had sex
Now it's like almost a third

Because liberals are willing to fuck degenerate faggots and trannies.

Literally and on economic policy.

Intelligent people have less sex and lose their virginity later in life.

Look it up.

i dont really believe this considering how many redneck trailer trash live near me with prego teenagers

cos you're an unfuckable loser

and THAT'S the difference between right and alt-right

The wife is on amphetamines.
The daughter is getting molested by her dad.
The son is getting molested by his pastor.
The dad will never be more than a middle manager.

That kind of thinking is the poison that creates leftists. Literally the thought semen of the jew.

Because they fuck anything with a hole in it.

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Because they take it up the ass from pedophiles.

Cus you're a fucking dumbass for believing this shit