Share your secrets

Share your secrets

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Other urls found in this thread:

i like taking pics of passd out girls..

I had sex with my brother. multiple times.

I get forgotten about so often that im not even surprised anymore

I look at naked women on the internet and play with my penis.

My 13 year old cousin has NO business looking like this.

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I'd hit it

oh my, i agree - i would have cums all over the bathroom and invite her over...

let my gf's gay bestfriend give me head regularly. im straight but he sucks dick so good, and lets me fuck his face unlike my gf

I like fucking passed out girls

we should be friends

I exposed my hard cock to my girlfriend’s loli cousin. While the gf was just in the next room.

I’ll tell you, that’s the biggest rush I’ve had in a long time

I meet up with my cousin behind her boyfriends back and fuck her in the backseat of my car.

She only let's me Cum inside her. I've probably busted 20-25 nuts in her since March.

how did she react?

I'm being lazy about working on my porn. Not stash, actually editing recorded porn. I just really don't feel like doing editing today.

I wanna od on fentanyl because my life lacks purpose.

Got morepics?

She noticed, then she ran away. Then she slowly came back into the doorway and just watched. First I had my boxers with a full hard on then I slowly pulled them off

Pretended I didn’t see her at all so she kept watching. Must have been like 30 seconds but it felt like an hour

It was so fucking hot honestly. Not the first thing I did like that to her

Damn thats so hot

Saying your life lacks purpose tells me that you THINK you need a purpose in life. You don’t need shit. Tell your god damn ego to shut the fuck up. Through meditation or therapy. You don’t need anything. Your collections of bad thoughts that loop in your brain all day is a result of low emotional stability. Get your shit together. You’re alive. It’s all in the mindset.

I’ll tell you more if you want

You fucking sicko lol

not the first? more then

Please do haha, my kik: majorinfidel (if u have it)


You’re fucked up

Well let’s see. There’s the time where I was spending the night, girlfriend and I just showered together and I was the first one downstairs (you know how long women can take after a shower)

And loli was down in the room. Almost like she was waiting for me. Honestly this little slut had a crush on me so I just enjoyed it

I was just in my t shirt and boxers but as soon as I saw her I started to get so hard. She was teasing me about my shower with my girlfriend “so you were two were naked huuuh???

I say, that’s right. Laughed with her then just walked around the room, looking right at her with my erection tenting my boxers

I sat right beside her. Neither of us made a move. I mean, I don’t want to go to prison haha. But she looked right at it the entire time. When my ex finally came in the room and chased her out I had to cover myself up with a pillow

>When my ex finally came in the room and chased her out I had to cover myself up with a pillow
Lol.... like it wasn't obvious.

My uncle abused me and my sister for almost a decade. When I was 16 he got caught and put in jail but the investigation also revealed my secret. I had been abusing my cousin, my uncles only child and son, for the last four years. Not in a sexual way, I would knee and kick him in the balls as hard as I could. I would grab and twist them and worse I would tie string or fishing line around his dick until it turned colors. He didn’t lose anything but he has permanent ed. He’s not even 18 and has just been really discovering what he lost. I feel terrible for what I did to him but at the time it was the only way I could retaliate against my uncle since I was terrified my uncle. No one deserves what I did to him but a big part of me doesn’t regret it. My uncle will rot in prison knowing when he and his son die that’s it for his blood. No one will carry on his family name.

Different user, but I needed to read that today.

I have a sex addiction but I don't know if I really want help. I probably need it though, this shit is fucking me up.

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I used to hook up with my plug in high school and suck his dick while we watched porn in his parents tool shed. it didn't really phase me, honestly I thought it was kinda hot. Got free weed out of it so what the hell

So long story short I almost have my best friend's fiance convinced that she needs to start a premium snapchat I told her we can set it up in such a way that no one will ever see her face and she can cover up her tattoos with make up she's kind of on the wall about it any ideas on how to convince or make her feel safe?

was at gfs house, me and gf 20, her sister 17, gf had to help make dinner so just me and sister in the livingroom watching tv. She had a skirt on but sat with her legs up so i could see her white panties and edge of pussy lips. I got a semi hardon, that moved down my leg and was pretty visible through my pants. I had to concentrate to make it go away and started watching the tv instead of her panties. After a minute i noticed her watching my cock, and it became harder again. She didnt notice know i could see that she was looking at it, and i just tried to keep a straight face. She changed position and took a pillow in her lap and had one hand down there, i think she was touching herself a little. Probably took me 4-5 minutes to get it down again. That started my chase of her, and trying to get her drunk enough to let me use her as a model.

Probably just needs to bite the bullet, even with makeup tats will show and it's only a matter of time before her fiance finds out.

I started seeing someone because I liked her, but I'm losing interest due to some annoying things I see in her personality. I keep her around because I like tormenting her and making her do things for me. Don't worry: she's clearly into it and fights for the right to work for me.

Like earlier today I threatened to stop being lazy. She got defensive and started rambling about how good she is at doing things for me and how she knows things I don't. lol. Sweetie: I got along fine before you, and I'll get along fine after you. It's so cute how you try to validate your usefulness for me, though.

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i lied to a 48 year old guy so i could lose my virginity at 16, we got in to bdsm and i ended up being his on call sex slave. he conditioned me to never speak or get hard during sessions and to this day i cant get hard when being fucked, its been 15 years

That's equal parts hot and sad. You need someone to train you to get hard while being fucked. I know you can do it... and it will be awesome.

My ex almost turned me into a full blown abuser. She was from an abusive home and that was her normal. She would do things on purpose to make me mad or irritate me and then encourage me to hit or choke her. It wasn’t sexual even though it extended to our sex life, it was more a security blanket type thing. The hitting let her know I was paying attention to her and what she was doing and it made her feel loved in a fucked up way. Soon it was second nature to smack her around for any reason and she liked it. She also let me fuck her whenever I wanted and as hard as I wanted. I didn’t ask I just pulled or ripped her clothes off. She often wore shorts or sweats with no panties to make it easier for me and to save her from me breaking all her panties when I tear them off. Sex was on demand as many times as I wanted. Not that I asked much but “no” was never mentioned. She burnt dinner one night and I hit her so hard a back tooth came out. Instead of curling up or running away she instead dropped down and undid my pants. She was giving me a blowjob and apologized. She sucked my dick with her mouth still bleeding. It was really starting to affect my behavior, I was over aggressive and got a quick temper and my friends and family noticed. It took years to get her completely away from me.

I may have fucked a goat when I was around 15 because i was too retarted to understand that just because im horny doesnt mean that vagina is free real estate. To this day i try to do as much good in the world as i can but i know damn well im going to hell for what I did. My biggest fear is having to look a higher power in the face as he reads that crime of specifically

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My ex-boyfriend was very abusive and manipulative. He used me a lot and ended up convincing me to let one of his "buddy" sleep with me. I really didn't like the idea of sleeping with someone else besides my partner but gave in to his ways anyways. The only thing I ever asked of him was that his "buddy" used a condom and didn't cum inside me.

he was selling you like the whore you were

We did a lot of threesomes together at first and it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. A few weeks later my ex-bf brought his "buddy" over for another threesome. Ten minutes into the sex my ex left me alone with his "buddy" and went home. He said he had an emergency to deal with and told me just to continue having sex with his "buddy". I told him I didn't want to be left alone with him but he insisted it was fine. I ended up having sex alone with him in the end anyways.

Nothing bad ever really happened while we were alone together but I still couldn't shake off that anxious feeling of being alone with someone I didn't know very well. Especially while letting them sleep with me. I was a bit peeved but I let it slide thinking it was just a one time ordeal. I was wrong. Over the next few months, my ex-boyfriend continued to randomly abandon me with his "buddy" while we were having sex together. It got to the point where some days I would just be home alone and my ex would text me that he couldn't make it and his "buddy" would be over soon. I ended up just sleeping with his "buddy" anyways hoping my ex-boyfriend would still come by.

About five months ago, I was home alone and I recieved another text from my ex-bf that his "buddy" would be dropping by. I was tired from work and wasn't in the mood at all. I told him I didn't want to sleep with his buddy tonight and that I would just send him home. At around 11PM he came by and I told him to go home. He was clearly upset that I had told him off. I was about to close the door on him but suddenly he barged in. He pushed me to the floor and the next thing I knew he had me pinned to the ground and was ripping my clothes off. I remember crying and begging him to let go of me. He pulled out a knife in front of my face and told me we were going to have sex like usual. I don't know what got over me but I just nodded my head and told him he could fuck me. I didn't wanted to die. I ended up letting him tie me up and fuck me on the cold hardwood floor. He didn't use a condom this time. Just as he was about to cum he told me he was going to blow his load inside me.

I was in tears realizing that he could get me pregnant. I begged for him to do it anywhere but inside of me. As a twisted joke he pulled out of me and told me he wouldn't get me pregnant. A part of me was relieved but that relief suddenly disappeared once I felt his cock pressed against my anus. He shoved it right in without hesitation. I cried the hardest I had ever cried and begged him to take it out of me. He told me he was either cumming inside my ass or my pussy. I wanted to scream but I finally shut up and let him ravaged my ass against my will. Every thrust only hurted more and more until I wanted to die. An eternity later I felt him cumming inside me. I whimpered a soft cry of relief as he finally pulled out. I mentally shut down after that. My mind went into a haze and all I remember was him leaving me like that on the floor with cum seeping out of my ass. My ex-boyfriend arrived home about an hour later only to question me "what the fuck happened to you?" while walking right pass by me to go use the washroom.

Don't worry, you're fine. If there's a God out there, trust me, that's the least of his concerns. I was ordained in the church, and am here to tell you that you are forgiven.

My dad got serious with a woman he met in aa. Soon after she and her daughter moved in, her and my dad fell off the wagon. She drank everyday and didn’t cook or clean or do anything but watch tv. Her daughter was a handful to she was always saying sexual things and flashing me her nipples and panties. She also would try to put her hand down my pants or try to put mine on hers. It’s not that I wasn’t interested I was 13 but I was super paranoid about being caught and getting in trouble. So I decided to hedge my bets and tell her mom what as goin on and ask for help. My step mom (Debra) didn’t look away from the tv or take the cigarette out of her mouth when I told her. She just said “so what”? When I pressed a bit more she snapped that it was my problem and I should deal with it cuz I don’t want her to make it hers. It was then I realized she didn’t really care about her daughter or anyone I guess. So the next time mindy (her daughter) flashed me her nipples I touched her chest. She smiled and let me continue so I rubbed her pussy over her panties. I took my dick out and she jerked me off as I rubbed her. I came all over her hands and my bedroom carpet. She giggled when I came. From then on we would fool around when we were alone or when Debra was the only parent home. That little girl took all my virginities, but I’m fairly certain I got none of hers.

A few days later my ex-bf finally confessed everything to me. His "buddy" wasn't actually his buddy. It was his dealer and he used me sexually as payment for his drug addiction. I had never been so disgusted in my entire life. I finally broke up with him and moved to a different city.

True, plus is was a female goat, so it wasn't homosex. He will be fine


What’s life like these days! And how old are you?

See, massive dysfunction has its upside...

Even if im not getting eternal damnation, theres still one major problem. If there really isa higher power that knows all, ill still have to look them in the eyes and acknowledge that yes i did indeed nut in a goat. I'll have to stand before my creator and just feel the disappointment from all these years wash over me

Better than what they were before. I have a bit if trust issues now but I've been seeing a therapist about it and I'm starting to feel less anxious around people close to me.

Overall I feel so much better with my life now.

Well that’s good I’m glad! Happy for you!

Didn't occur to you earlier during all these occasions that the bf might not be a keeper??

Well, you're forgiven already. You wont have to unless he just wants to get a laugh in heaven hearing you tell the bros that you nutted in a goat.

My dad wasn’t much of a bargain. He never really showed me much attention or love and I’m pretty sure he only married my step mom so someone would clean his house, watch his kid (me), and cook for him. My step mom was no better. No time for anything except chain smoking and day drinking. I spent most of my time shadowing my step sister which she hated. When I was about 9 I walked in on her sucking a boy she snuck in. He covered up but she uncovered him and invited me in the room. She showed me all his junk and taught me about boys and sex. She had me touch his penis and balls and put them in my mouth. She then showed me step by step how to give a blowjob. I could deep throat before I was 12. I guess I should feel abused but honestly I don’t. If anything I feel like she prepared me for life as a girl early. My oral skills still allow me to get the upper hand on every male I’ve met including my husband

I blew my load in an 8 year olds mouth multiple times over a couple years until she was around 11. She loved it as much as I did and I like sharing the story in threads like this once or twice a week to get off on the memory

Muslim detected

There's a part of me that really wants to have another guy buy me girly clothes, dress me up in them, and feel me up after I'm all cute. I have no idea where to even find someone near me for that or anything of that sort. I'm kind of ashamed of wanting it.

Thank you. It means a lot to me that people care about my well being! :)

He was sweet and very kind when I first met him. As time went on in our relationship things just got worse. A part of me hoped he would change back to the person I first fell in love with. I clung onto that delusion belief for so long that I really didn't know what to with myself if I ever left him.

That incident though finally opened my eyes even if it ended up hurting me in the process.

He knows I have been trying to convince her ... she wants to make extra money she just doesnt want locals to find out!

I have to admit your story is exciting

Last week I was at my girlfriends' parents house and I was being shown all these cute family photos until I cam across one of her when she was about 11 and it was almost a full blown ass shot. She was wearing these cute little PJ bottoms and they were so figure hugging I could almost make out every curve of her booty.

I immediately had a wank when I got home, felt guilty, but then it gets me so hard imagining what her booty would of tasted like back then!

My gf's sister caught me jerking off into her panties. Instead of getting upset she put on this whole porno persona and dry humped my dick. She was wearing pajamas so it was as good as if she were wearing nothing. She finished me off with a blowjob then acted like nothing happened. Even now she won't mention it.

Wasn't really meant to be exciting.

I want to try and convince my cousins daughter to sneak out of their hotel room to have some fun with me but I don’t know how to approach the subject with her.

Older or younger?


i used my wifes drunk friend as a model, been fapping to her ever since


How old are we talking about here?

My gf gives heads at work to at least 2 coworkers.
Noone at work knows of our relationship and I never told her that I know.
The guys keep boasting about it in front of me. Shit is lasting for some months already and I am too shamefull now to take any action.


Hahahahahaha what does she do

That might be the fakest comment I've ever seen on Yea Forums in the past 30 years.

This might be the gayest comment I've seen on Yea Forums in the past day

It doesn't negate your fakeness.

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Well they are only boasting about her giving them BJs at work.

I'm a terrible husband. I post my wife's nudes on here all the time. I even gave out her name and got her doxed. Anons contacted her and harassed her after that. I should have stopped after that, but I still post them. I want to see her turned into famous web slut and be debased and do depraved things.

not bad, did you also undress her or is that only me :P

What's unrealistic about a guy jerking off to eleven year old ass

Due to some renovation at my house, i am often in one of my stepdaughter's room (she's not at home).
But there's a door between her room and her sister's (20 yo), i take every chance i get to spy at her through the keyhole.

So far i haven't seen much more than bra and panties, but i'm still hoping. I want so see her big ass, i only have vids or her tits and pussy (another setting).

Pic very related.

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If it still seems like she loves you I would say "so what".

Or failing that, cheat on her as well.

Semi related, but one of my co workers is a closet lesbian, and she has told me she fancies another girl. Who I happen to know is a (mostly) closeted bisexual. I'm not going to out them to each other, not yet anyway, but it's kind of fun knowing this.

No like what's her job? She a boss in an office or some lowly bitch working in a grocery store? How bad does it look on her?

Post them

>You'll never know, because you lack the intelligence.

I've impregnated 3 girls and so far none of them know it was me

I am in another thread

I met a Ex-Communist sympathizer and shared me a word of advice, that NOT To trust a word of a snake, those who are willing to kill are impulsive.

Which thread

We work in a call center with night shifts. Just taking calls, opening tickets, basic troubleshooting.

Link it maybe? Or just post one here not asking a set

What good could come from that?


Think she blew them while they were on call? That'd be tight

Yeah outside of this "secret" we just live a nice relationship. Absolutly nothing would have let me guess about this if the guys didnt boast about it.

He said he wanted to make her famous web slut.... Spread it more he gets what he wants

Honestly it was so hot. Not sure if the guy is being thick as shit as it obviously wasn't an "ass shot" like a porn spread. But her booty was real visible in the pic and the thought of it drives me crazy!

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Sounds like she just likes having different cocks in her mouth occasionally.

I dont think so because both of them aren't in the same team. They just do night and weekend shifts too but in another team.

Sucks to fucking suck.... No pun intended

used to fap to traps, other than that no secrets & no vices.

I do too. Also wanna be a trap. A curse, really.

Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

I don't think I want to link my confession to the pics

This one time, years ago, I farted and I blamed it on the doggo
My parents made the doggo go outside, and it was raining. I feel so guilty

Yeah I guess. Story of my life.

Fine what thread, pic you shouldn't share? Cuck? I'll just take a guess at which is your wife

Killed 2 guys in a hit and run
Didn't know they died until I saw it on the news next day
Been 11 years
Car has been scraped

Take your service weapon, and put it in your mouth.

Be sure to point it kind of straight/downward, so you can hit the back of your brain.

Then, squeeze the trigger. (don't pull it)

Until then i wouldn't have thought that it would be a thing. It's not like this is a stimulating zone.

You're a piece of shit, step up from the pedos here but not by alot

And nothing of value was lost, get over it pussy

Jokes on you, he killed Mexicans

Why Mexicans? Not Jews or dinks. Hell even nigs

Too risky

I think that whenever you work with quite a lot of other people there's always going to be an amount of sexual tension.

Because, it's always Mexicans that are walking in the middle of the road after midnight

Trips of truth

Definitely true, I do this all the time.

I did the same with my gf

"Shit" fact is that I actually tried to talk her into doing stuff together when we have same shifts, she always refused. But here she didn't.

So my would be girlfriend (working on it) is an art major. Really tempted to convince her to do some nude modeling for the cause. She's gorgeous. Getting to see others just eye her up and see every inch, knowing full well every guy in the room would give their left nut to hit that. That would be hot as fuck

post her

This always ends in disappointment, he'll post some 4/10 fat ass roastie that broke right through the wall

You should share some.

hmm not here, post your kik or wickr if you want

I always has this fantasy of cuming on my gf lips or in her mouth while she's asleep, but i'm afraid of how she would react.

I also want to do it with her daughters (16 and 20 yo) but it will forever stay a fantasy.

i have a secret desire to eat out and consume a 13 yr old girls first period blood

Damn, Japanese people are weird


The thread shes in will 404 soon anyway

Fucking coward POS.

ive always wanted to serve as a toilet for all the soroity girls at a party. id drink all their pee. since craiglist shut down that part of their ads ive found it difficult to serve as a females toilet

I have posted some time ago some stolen nude pics of my then underage stepdaughter.
I'm kinda hopine somebody saved them, and will repost them in creep/voyeur thread, claiming for them to be it's own.

I like the idea of strangers fapping to her.


Don’t listen to this lonely, incel faggot trying to pressure you into posting pics of passed out females online instead of leaving his basement, getting over his crippling autism and talking to conscious women.


the purple haired girl?

Stop spamming this . You’re not clever or witty.

Please, end yourself.

We'd be better off.


Mostly worried she’d tell her parents too

Yes, glad somebody remembers. Funny thing is, back then hair color was a glitch due to some crappy cam, but a few months ago she actually died her hair purple blue

Please, die.

We don't need you, and we don't want you.

i remember, they also found the cam and you blamed an unclosed door. how old is she in the underage parts?


Thank you.

Usual trap story, but, I fucking hate being a guy, it's the worst shit ever. I just keep thinking to myself why did I have to be born a guy? I wish I could fucking travel 200 years into the future and just change my biological sex so I wouldn't have to deal with this shit anymore. I wish I could get reborn and leave behind my shitty male counterpart

She was 14-15 then.

my brother almost shot up a school
my sister got a tumor removed and im the only one to know
my friend killed multiple people in a gang
i did something bad

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Fuck yeah tell me more too plz. My kik xxMidnight74xx

>ok now I wait for someone to ask me for details

>Damn, no one is biting. Guess I have to larp...fuck I hate larping

>Ok now that should draw more attention to my post

^The larpening

got wickr?

I assume the tumor was a black fetus?...


>>Damn, no one is biting. Guess I have to larp...fuck I hate larping
wrong biatch...

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I bought my first cock cage today, a cb6000. Feels awesome. Should've bought one a couple years ago.

both of my parents have had cancer in the past so she didnt want to have them worry about it

Oh, no. This is where you delete yourself.

Dangle much?

Lol anyone can do this if they have access to a cellphone. I’ve done it to troll people. Make a post from a tablet(or laptop) then reply to said post from your cellphone. Yea Forums won’t recognize “YOU” from the other post.

Trips of truth.

but why would anyone do this prior to being accused of it ?

my mom is a huge milf and i am a kik is juliius99

PIC RELATED - Looking for guys who would be genuinely interested... I am a 24 yo, 6’2, 170lbs, white, red headed gay male. My thing is, I like to be humiliated by STRAIGHT, sadistic, HETEROsexual men who would get a kick out of this and no sexual gratification. By that I mean, I’ll go on cam butt ass naked, write whatever you tell me to write on myself with sharpie. Stick random things up my ass (flashlight, end of a light bulb, sharpie... whatever I can find near) give over personal information about myself, passwords to personal accounts and you can expose me. Feel free to screenshot me, laugh at me, grab a buddy to join you in laughing at me. I’m not trolling, just looking for any straight men who would at least want a conversation about this.... please be of age (18+) and have access to a mic and cam if you’re interested!! If you’re interested message me on discord @ StupidDumbassFuckingFaggot#9184

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I fucked with my brother

No, you didn't.

Bifag here, I'd love to fuck my gf's super cute nephew


you m or f?

You're the same.

Please die.

I jack off thinking of my 67 years old widow mom used as a cum and piss slut by friends, strangers and trannies.

I'm drunk as fuck and still drinking and even though I have to be at work in an hour or so

I despise my wife bored with sex and i really want to fuck a random woman.

I frequently lie on Yea Forums

So do it. Sometimes I fantasize about going downtown, finding a dirty homeless girl, offer her some drugs for sex, and just do all the dirty and terrible things to her that is like to do.

I almost choked in my coffee reading this. It's rare that I laugh out loud while in Yea Forums.

I'm 28/female.

My parents died in a car accident when I was 10 and I had to move in with my uncle and his 19-year-old son Rick. Rick started to molest me and said my friends would die if I ever told anyone. He would usually spend dozens of hours a week with me, and it quickly escalated in intensity. He would obsess with how my body was developing. In time we would even do drugs; molly, LSD, coke, and mushrooms = I didn't know at the time what they were.

In one particular instance my uncle was gone for the weekend and Rick was to watch me. I was 14 at the time. Rick drugged me up and anal didn't go so well. I had a nightmarish bad trip that caused me to give up in life. I fell into immense depression; I dumped my best friend, started getting Fs in school, etc. I started hanging with the wrong crowd and fucking guys and partying, even going to college parties, etc.

My lifestyle stopped 2 years later during my junior year of high school. 3 police officers came to my classroom to escort me to the office. When I got there my uncle was there and the cops asked me questions about Rick. I was initially playing the "I don't know card" but they told me about the evidence, about how Rick had documented absolutely every encounter with hidden cameras. They also mentioned that I'd never, ever see him again, and it's ok because it's over, and he hurt others.

That was on March 10th, 2008. I'm ok now for the most part, but part of me definitely died and never recovered. My uncle and I are as close as ever and Rick is serving a maximum sentence for too many charges to list (way more than regarding me).

Rick got caught because he made the mistake of loaning his laptop to a friend who discovered the files.

i suck dick every thursday even tho all my friends and family think i'm innocent as heck

Jesus Christ. I really wish you can find some sort of peace in your life. At least, that bastard got what he deserved.

I'm just wondering..why haven't you killed yourself?

Fuck that guy, like, wow. Also, stay strong user. Not going to tell you that it gets easier, it might not for you... But know that some people care.

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Not much of a friend

Thats a sad story. Not every little girl has a nice friendly child molester to gently introduce them to sex with care and love. If its any consolation I would have treated you right and only took you when you were ready

And your name is Morty.

I purposely let my friend/housemate see me naked because he is jealous my dick is bigger than his

you should do it with his girlfriend too

Did things to passed out sis

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He doesn't have one atm

I'm a christian from an orthodox family. My girlfriend is too, she's 17 and i'm 21. Every time I visit her (Overseas), I eat her pussy and ass like no tomorrow but still haven't had sex with her (genuine faith reasons). I just love the feeling of her pulling my head in with the back of her feet while i'm eating her ass. She sticks her tongue out and goes all out. Panting and moaning on all fours. Sometimes i like to lay her on her back and open her legs while holding her up a bit. She cums so hard.

Started off as "Just one taste user", to, "Can I sit on your face?" She's so bad. Still won't put my dick in her though.

I've really want to hook up with a girl with braces but I'm 34 and it's way too late.

She looks hot. What kind of things? Got other pics?

She is my older sis and I jerked off next to her for a little bit looking at her pussy outline trough her panties. Then I build up enough courage to move them to the side. After that I lost it

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wtf is that?

All I can think about is fucking my little sister. I fap to her every day. I want her so much. She makes me so fucking hard and I have the best orgasms to her.

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So hot... I would have emptied my nuts. Ever spied on her?

I did emptied when I went inside of her
Pulled out as soon as I started to cum
And yes watched her do many things

Looks like sissy has a nice pair of fat tits on her

i can't help but get hard whenever i see my sexy little sister. constantly wearing slutty outfits and shit it drives me mad

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I didn't read the post but it's erectile dysfunction

There's a ruined house near where I live, and a giant pile of rubble and old furniture next to it. Sometimes I tell my family I'm going out shopping or to visit a friend, or I'll tell my work I have a medical appointment, but really I go there and get into the big wooden cabinet in the middle of the pile and just zone out. It's so peaceful.

>3 girls and so far none of them know it was me
how so?


>Rick had documented absolutely every encounter with hidden cameras.

They're pretty nice yeah

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Nice trips. That's great, user. Wish I could find such a place.

Please, delete yourself.

My wife is a sex addict and I pathetically use thatto live a cuckolding lifestyle.

She needs help, I know I do but it's only a problem if we don't enjoy it, right?>

Would love to see more and chat about it 997random

Sounds like a hentai to me brah.

What the fuck do you want?

Can you give me sanctuary
I must find a place to hide
A place for me to hide

Can you find me soft asylum
I can't make it anymore

Retarded parents, should not have a dog.

Pro tip, just ask any escort, they all do it. Or you can't find escorts?

No one who would even read your whole post is gonna be straight.

I slip my wife benzos while she's drunk and fuck her ass wide open when she passes out. she thinks alcohol gives her the shits the next morning but it's really cum and lube leaking out.

I never told a lie on here, sounds boring.
I like it more when I post something unlikely but true, makes me feel special if people doesn't even believe it.

I was gonna post the same

>genuine faith reasons
Do you believe in Santa too?

same here