Objectively, how long would it take for the USA to take over Canada ?

Objectively, how long would it take for the USA to take over Canada ?

I say 48 hours.

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Okayyyyy, I'll bite.

Obviously OP is an Amerifag who has a jumped up sense of his failed state military.

No way jose is it gonna take 2 days, explain your reasoning.

Ok 12 hours then.

I was being king to out neighbors to the north...


Depends on how balls to the wall we go. If it was just a slow process America would probably get oofed by the collective of Europe and the Uk. But if America just blitzed all of Europe then Canada is getting oofed no question

Inb4 im retarded

Central Europe and Asia would like to say otherwise

Amerifags can't successfully invade jungle people and sand niggers.

What makes you think they can invade the Moosefuckers


You would just occupy straight away, news does not travel.
Next Morning: Canada taken over by USA.
Canadians: "Huh. Ok, whatever eh? I can still go to work right:?"

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Diversity is our greatest strength, therefore an invading army will somehow make us stronger.

Not a slow process. We'd simply take over in a day.

Nothing you could do about it.

The US likes it in the Great Lakes..

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Canada is our bitch. Period.

>take over

Clearly you are talking about a military invasion. Ok, superior firepower would enable an occupation. But as Vietnam demonstrated, the U.S. is total shit at a prolonged guerilla war. Your morale would collapse, and ours would remain strong. Your civilians would protest, your economy would buckle, your trading partners would side with Canada (except Israel and Saudi Arabia - big whoop).

You would end up broken, and your country would be divided up like a Christmas turkey.

And why? All you'd get is a lot of mosquito-infested land.

define "take over"

Pretty easy, flash mob with helicopters the Parlimentary and Legislative grounds, congratulate the Canadian people in becoming Americans with all the rights of the American Constitution and allowing our provinces to continue to use whatever socialized medicare we want. 90% of Canada would just fold and go about their day.
The mistake would be if there was civilian deaths. That would get everyones tuque in a knot.

Lol leafs wouldn't be able to do shit, you pussies would probably just roll over and take it like your wife when her black bf comes over

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Will weed be legal still? If not, will they throw all the former citizens of cananda in jail? LIke the whole population?

Many american states have legal weed, they would just let the "new" states decide on their own

This, too many places to hide. We'd just head up into the mountains and conduct guerrilla warfare until the occupation tanks the economy, let the American public eat themselves while we eat French toast and poutine in fortified log cabins.

slightly related: my buddy who is posted in New Brunswick said the legit plan of what to do if the base is ever invaded is to be able to hold out for 72 h until the Yanks get there.

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America hasn't won a war since WW2, where does this meme about USA being a somewhat of a successful military coming from?

>'Won' WWII

good one
ever heard that time the germans suicided like half of their forces into russia and failed?

good times

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Really? Read up on the the Iraqi war. Kill ratio was like 1 to 1000. Anyways not taking the bait. I like Canada.

The entirety of europe combined with russia has the same economic power as the US. We have a navy that is larger than the next 10 naval powers combined and can only be invaded by sea. The world is incredibly lucky that we stick mostly to our own business. Nobody could invade us.

have a nother
[spoiler]i know i will[soiler]


90% of Canadians live within 90 miles of the border. And they seem to be susceptible to forest fires. I don't see more than a week.

>hasn't won a war since WW2
>"please don't leave the UN"

Okay first of all the logistics alone to even think about having control of canada would be fucking immense. Basically germany invading russia but worse. To take over all of canada would probably take weeks if not months.

The US won the pacific theater but even then japan also had china and south east asian countries to deal with. The European theater was really won by russia. Russia would have gone all the way through france if the rest of the allies didnt invade in normandy. The invasion of normandy just made things easier for russia.

You guys are also both dumb. Killing people that basically just have guns when they have some of the best equipped men in the world is obviously going to be lopsided. And the fact that the us failed to succeed in wars in the middle east is because noone can. When there are countries that are heavily armed its nearly impossible to control them when you sre taking there land by force. The us is fucking dumb for getting involved in wars like that but their army is arguably the strongest to ever exist.

Canada doesn't stand a chance in conventional warfare, although they could try their hand at guerrilla warfare they don't have the balls for it.

To take Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Calgary, Quebec City, and maybe Edmonton? Yeah. It isn't like we have military bases anywhere useful in the defense of those places, and the citizenry does NOT care enough about this country to risk death. It would take significantly longer to secure the rest of the country, but let's be real; after the above cities you have everything you actually want.

I have a feeling they'd just give it to us. My friends are sick of the ballet dancing pm.

Fucking kek. Can you imagine Trudy in any position of power?

I can't either.

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Why would the USA want to take all of Canada? they just need to take the far south, hold on and victory is pretty much guaranteed. Modern day Canada is not in any way comparable to 1941 USSR.

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>the above cities you have everything you actually want
Is that why the west pays equalization payments to the east? Because they're so prosperous? No one wants anything in the east.

fuck i miss the north

Im not saying that we would want to. Im just saying that extending and army that fucking far over such a large border is nearly impossible. If the canadians actually put up a fight than it is comparrible to invading russia

Just wait until after the election in October. You might have Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and southern B.C. asking for statehood.

(Manitoba offers great farmland, Saskatchewan has farmland and other resources such as oil, uranium and diamonds, Alberta has great ranch land along with shit tons of oil and B.C. has timber.)

If you take over Canada, how many states will it divide up into? Will there be new congressmans and votes for presidential elections in the electorial college? Will it tip the balance between democrats and republicans? If all of former Canada hates being invaded, would the extra votes to to the Independant? Since there are a lot of people in Canada, and the number of representitives are based on population, won't that mess up the voting system?

In terms of terrain and spaces of areas, yeah it's probably like Russia. In any other comparison? No it's not like Russia.

This is why splitting up states always fails, they bicker over who gets the districts, then they try to redraw the divides to benefit themselves. Fucking cancer.

look all the extra space means more resources and something about bringing people up north because the world is baking and those resources open up and allowing those areas to bringing in more people and bringing up their vote value so yea the vote system would be messed up

A war on Canada would mean a war against the commonwealth. It would mean fighting against an allied force of Canada, UK, Australia, etc. It would take several years to take over unless you just nuke everything which would make the takeover pointless (not to mention that the UK has nukes too)

I remember when Trudy got voted in, a large number of people in alberta were joking about wanting the states to buy it

>the world is baking
wtf are you talking about?
The rest of your shit makes no sense either.

Burgers can't even make it to work when there's an inch of snow on the ground. They can't even win a trade war against Canada fucking kek

Well, they would take it in 5 minutes, probably without firing a shot. The real question is, could they keep it? Canada is a lot like Afghanistan and Russia. It's a lot of empty territory to chase Guerillas in. There aren't a lot of roads or infrastructure options but they are well spread out and easy targets. The US would have a hell of a time with the logistics and eventually have to fold like they did in Nam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. The only difference would be, this time the death tole would be MUCH MUCH heavier for American Armed Forces. Tens of thousands of US servicemen would die over the five year occupation. The war would end with US civil unrest/civil war. Canada would be in a position to effectively conquer both sea boards and most of the Northern US.

>believing the news again.

Probably about 1 month realistically, that is, if Canada had no outside help.

I mean, maybe securing the mouth of the St. Lawrence seaway, but do you think any of the acutal cities in the maritimes matter?

Well, first Americans would have to be motivated. Currently the only Americans that stupid are Trump Chumps. It would take years (if ever) for them to convince the US military to turn on an ally.

If they tried to conquer Canada by themselves they'd be defeated easily - mostly due to bone spurs.

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I don't think any of any of the developments in Canada matter. Same with the US. Canada is known for it's oil, mining, and lumber. That's all that's needed. No one ever said, "Hey, let's capture that SF-like city with even more junkies and homeless.".

I'm not talking about natural resources. If we had resources, Detroit wouldn't be a hell hole and Flint Michigan wouldn't have radioactive water.
I'm talking about gaining new territory would tip the political views from just being democrats and republicans, it brings Independant party into the light and is a viable presidental canidate against the 2 party system.

>have to be motivated
Yeah, I don't see it when CA says, "Hey guise, we have too much oil. You wanna buy it from us for cheap?" And then Bracko says, "Nah, we'll kill people in the middle east for a while and take theirs." First, the US would have to stop producing. Then CA would have to stop selling. Then maybe a problem.

Canadians are cucked and they have no military.
Would take 30 minutes to bring it under American control.

This. Exactly.

Canada's political parties are:

Conservatives - center/right
Liberals - Socialist left
NDP - Communists (like, actual Communists)
Green - Eco-Communists
Bloc - French separatists who want their own distinct country but for you to pay for everything.

Objectively the US could annex Canada at any time without a single shot fired. However, if relations between the two allies got that bad, it means some international powers would also have their eyes on the same thing. Odds are good someone (China) would have something to say about such a move.
Canada is very rich in natural resources, including water, so it will be a prime target for annexation in the next few hundred years or so.
Canadian people have little appetite for fighting and enjoy their visa-free access to the United States to blow money in Vegas and buy weird flavored sodas across the border in Wal-Mart. Annexation would be probably met with fanfare.

That's a good point. They could take their anti-Trump stance to a general anti-American stance and get pissy with the economy. It would take quite some time, but it could lead to an invasion.

Another scenario I thought of was if there was a horrendous disaster, like Yellowstone exploding. Heavily armed Americans would be displaced and invading Canada and Latin America.

>and buy weird flavored sodas across the border in Wal-Mart.

Torani brand coffee syrup + Coke my friend.

You're forgetting that we are in NATO, sworn to protect every nation in it from attack, if anyone attacks a nation everybody kicks their ass.
We like to blow our own dicks about our military but the truth is that it would take weeks even if no-one trys to stop us.
I don't think most people realize how we can't be cut off from the rest of the world, I know people like to say it would be no problem but our economy would collapse overnight and the dollar would be worthless and we'd run out of natural resources etc in a week.

tl;dr It's a fucking stupid idea.

Not if you invade and over throw their government. Then they have to get a new election going for representitives based on United States political parties. Like how they did in Iraq.

>Annexation would be probably met with fanfare.

That's what Hitler thought would happen in the nations he annexed.


Wow! Who would have thought that the voice of reason would be found on fucking Yea Forums.

Well, Austria did welcome him. It was a ~nervous~ welcome but they did roll in to fanfare and parades.

Other than that, the Ukrainians welcomed the Germans but only because they saw the Nazis as the better choice over Stalin who had recently starved 7 million of them to death in retaliation for them rejecting his agricultural collectivization reforms.

It wouldn't. Half the US would join the Canadians against the conservative trumptard fuckwads.

>how we can't be cut off from the rest of the world
Who's "we"? US or CA?
>our economy would collapse overnight
Again, who is "our"? And why would it collapse?
>we'd run out of natural resources
How's that? The US has more than enough to subsist on their own and so does CA. Whoever took over who would just be gaining that many more resources.


pick one, mongoloid.

get ur countries straight fuckwad

So you want me to believe that Trump is a conservative?

we could "take over" canada in five minutes, but you'd only be controlling the government and military. they'd probably "surrender" but at the same time, you'd have the british armed forces to deal with.

canadians DO support the UK. an article i found says that the average canadian actually pays more to the UK than their own citizens do. they wouldn't want that messed with.

About the same time as afghanistan, irak or vietnam.

>controlling the government and military
But they're semi-socialized, so you'd also take over all the utilities and industry. Just look at how much CN operates.

The US's goal wasn't to take over any of those countries.

yeah you're right, the CN police are armed much more heavily than the canadian forces
shit, you have the CN bulls team up with the forest rangers and the united states is fucked

>the UK
Those blokes that put their entire nest egg into wind power and now can't keep the lights on? Yeah, I think we'll be fine.

We would have to have enough power to take over the world, do you think everyone's going to feel safe after some dude fucking devours another dude in front of them.

FFS, would you niggers stop acting tough.
You fucking suck at war, always have and always will.
It would probably end up like the Winter War 2.0 with half the army thinking they're invading greenland and starving due to lack of supplies and the other half getting lost and captured because they can't tell if the soldiers they meet are americans or canadians.

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If CA's gov't was toppled, you think the CN police would revolt against the US (or whatever invaders)? I really have no idea.

Ok dog of Israel

>Except... a bunch of Mexicans
>And you got your ass handed to you by a bunch a rice farmers in vietnam
>and the last time you tried to invade Canada they whooped you
>and they have more global allies than the US, good luck keeping your machine going with no external support in terms of imports

Not all trumptards are conservatives but all trumptards are retards. Glad I could clear that up about you.

-tons- of natural resources. Oil, water, trees, arable land, minerals, uranium...

So... conservatives are not trumptards. Glad you could clear that up for me. As a conservative, I definitely don't want to be classified as a trumptard.

Obviously reading is not fundamental for you. Let's make it clearer. You are a trumptard, you are a retard.

Most of that is farm land, not forest. You'd be burning your beef, dairy, and wheat supply.

Because they are civilized. They won't take to the streets because that would mean losing their comforts which they don't have the heart to do unlike the Vietnamese who had a 20/30 year experience with war by the time we squared up. To save hardship the Canadians would surrender conditionally in 24 hours after air raids and missile strikes and unconditionally after we started a ground war.

>lets invade a land!
>but before we do, lets destroy any resources worth taking it over for!
typical trumptard logic

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>You are a trumptard
I most definitely am not. I see your prejudice is not allowing you to think clearly and see that the right =/= conservative.

>making assumptions
>typical libtard behavior

Canada is the Denmark of the Americas 6 hours

>tried to invade Canada
We tried to invade the British Empire

They have to get past the syrup slurpers first and theys crazy

Minutes as Canada would rejoice being free again. Small pockets of crazy libs would hold out for those few minutes but no guns its game over.

To cripple their military and government would be within 48 hours through strikes, but to fully control key objectives you're looking at more than a week. Then depending on the level of insurgency would dictate the rest.

>America hasn't won a war since WWII
>america also hasn't been in a war since WWII

>NATO and key UN members attacking the US, the only body protecting them

>last time you tried to invade Canada whooping you
Which was british rule, attacking the US, and last I checked, the US won the war of 1812.

Canada was a -subject- of the british empire, not -the- british empire. You fought Canadians and lost, get over it.

uhhh, no. "The Americans launched invasions in 1775 and 1812. On both occasions, the Americans were rebuffed by Canadian forces"


Implying any N. America lumber has value.
China and Russia undersell us, the only people who by American limber is China. Who processes it and sells it back to the US at markup. Hippies gutted any true economic value from lumber in the US and Canada.

I don’t think it would take that long. In today’s day and age I really think if he got on the phone and said we’ll either invade violently and a lot of people are going to die, or we can invade peacefully and spare the bloodshed. These aren’t a stupid people, I’m pretty sure Canada would roll over for the United States.

kek, all the young faggots still butthurt over war of 1812 in this thread

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>canada was britbongland in 1812
>britbongs attack US
>US wins the war
So your just lying, or bad at facts huh?

>US gets attacked
>us kicks britt ass
Unless you're speaking directly to the canacuck revisionist.

If America won the war... Canada would have become a territory of America. Which it didnt, falsifying you claim. Or would you like to provide some citations?

>british war of aggression
>Brits invade
>US repels invasion
The US isn't britbingistan, or Russia, we didn't just take territory after a defensive war.

>this level of retardation

Not many wars were about taking territory.

It was pretty much a draw. Brits tried to grab New Orleans and Andy Jackson turned the Duke of Wellington's brother-in-law into pink mist, but the Brits did set fire to the white house. We kept our territorial integrity, they kept theirs. Straight up draw. (There was no such thing as a fucking Canadian back then)

US education stipulates that America has NEVER lost a war.
Fuck your facts, facts are made by communists who hate Freedom!

Iraq proved the same point. It took America literally 3 weeks to topple Saddam's army. But 18 years later, we still cant clear out the guerilla fighters. It's why the 2nd amendment isnt just a meme. Citizens vs government is an obvious win scenario.

HEY. We have been murdering thousands of muslims to prove we don't lose wars!
>And still never really liberated a single middle eastern country

>There were several causes for the U.S. declaration of war: First, a series of trade restrictions introduced by Britain to impede American trade with France, a country with which Britain was at war; second, the impressment of seamen on U.S. vessels into the Royal Navy (the British claimed they were British deserters); third, the British military support for American Indians who were offering armed resistance to the expansion of the American frontier to the Northwest; fourth, a possible desire on the part of the United States to annex Canada. An implicit but powerful motivation for the Americans was the desire to uphold national honor in the face of what they considered to be British insults

>Today historians generally agree that an invasion and temporary seizure of Canada was the Central American military strategy once the war began.

I wasn't taught that and my education was bullshit.

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We took a little bacon and we took a little beans
And we caught the bloody british in the town of new Orleans

There was no such thing as a Canadian until the end of the 20th century, they were just british serfs.
Longer then the fucking Indians, kek.
Buddhist pacifists revolted before the canacucks.

Canucks. Has to do with the general populace's will to fight.
Arabs have a lot, canadians have none.

A seal team could seize your national Maple Syrup stockpiles in 15 mins. Surrender follow shortly after.

>pasta from wiki
>second paragraph literally made up by you
Good one

>After the passing of the Quebec Act in 1774, giving the -Canadians- their first charter of rights under the new regime, the northern colonies chose not to join the American Revolution and remained loyal to the British crown. The Americans launched invasions in 1775 and 1812. On both occasions, the Americans were rebuffed by Canadian forces; however, this threat would remain well into the 19th century and partially facilitated Canadian Confederation in 1867.

The first Canadians were the "Canadiens", the french, who were recognized as early as 1774. Not to mentioned Canadian indians were (wrongfully) identified as canadians as early as 1535.

Just allow heroin shipments that go to Canada free passage, they'll all be dead or the walking dead in 6 months.

Canadians were just French so cowardly they perma- surrendered their rights to the Brits, who were at war with the french.
And then Canada was under british rule until the 90s, k

Inform the horde of Moslem filth that traitor Trudeau forced upon that country that if they overthrow the government and enslave the infidels that that USA will allow them to keep their first caliphate in the Western hemisphere. Do that and Canada is doomed and defeated.

If it genuinely went down the US would just invade Toronto, that would fall in a day, then normal government would handle the rest over the course of time.


Please, show me again a war Canada has lost

The War of Independence

The American Revolution. . .sort of. It's all just semantics.

>america also hasn't been in a war since WWII

Take a hike you lowest lifeform.

Well the UN sort of falls apart if the biggest players go home, you don't have to be competent to be heavy.

I think if we're to the point that we're annexing Canada, federal law might take precedence.

>list starts in 1866
>thread has discussed at length Canada's involvement in the war of 1812, and its failure in the eevolution
So what is it, did they lose those wars? Or did they not become a country until the 1860s? Smashing the other Canadian claims ITT that canada has been free since 1774

Apparently you dont know what a war is.

We'd probably woundnt even mind

Only until they outsource

Canad was given to the USA after WW@ as war payment Same as the rest of the British empire . . This is why Canada has Jews now.


LOL Canada has a first world military. Amerifat has been fighting cave-dwelling goatherds in Afghanistan for 20 years and you STILL haven't beat them! :D

still waiting for you with a opportunity with this legit gun my man.

prove it

Jew Canada, my man, you went retard over that statement.

>first 4 are civil wars with less than 100 casualties combined (some have 0)
>second boer, they sent 1000, over a quarter died
>boxer rebellion, wasn't actually involved
>first world war, actually a player, did worst of the allies
>WWII see above
>Korean war, they sent over 5000 after the US beat Korea, 20% casualty rate when the Chinese zero rushed the US lines
>next 2, no involvment.
>gulf war, no involvement
>Somali civil war, had 5 advisors, one still died
>Bosnian war, lost 20 of the 30 advisors sent
>next 3, no involvement
>Afghanistan war, sent 5000, suffered some of the highest allied casualties at 30ish%
>last 2, no involvment.

>bar fighting.. mah war

Canada in every war - while under equipped is one of the more efficient militaries able to do more with less than most militaries especially the US. Beyond that there are also more guns per household in Canada for all those people talking about 2nd amendment shit.

Canadians didn't revolt. They were given autonomy after WW2 for helping the British Empire.

Not to mention a fraction of mass-shootings compared to America

Basically we’re saying shit or get off the pot. You can’t be the best at war and the best at peace

What about the fact that Canadians have the best number of people trying to join wars and combat without ever having a formal conscription. Canadians have always had a strong fighting spirit - even if our politicians don’t.

>How long would it take the US to claim a territory that is bigger than the US itself

I mean he’s gone in a few months anyways

He’s gone in a couple months

That's not how heroin works shit head

There are not more guns per household in Canada....not even close....

The fuck? Not only would this never happen, our confederation makes it so they couldn’t if they tried. Also the Atlantic provinces would be more likely to try due to poor economies

>highest casualty rate in every war they were in (except Russia in a few)
>"most efficient "
That french pompousness coming through, regardless of facts

I know.
Pacifist Buddhists revolted, but the canadians wouldn't, they were to much of cucks.

The junkies will kill the non junkies.

amount of guns has nothing to with mass shootings. how many people in canada wear camouflage? two of our last mass shooters in a row wore camouflage. what kind of nation creates retards with no style that want to dress like and act like military and kill tons of people?

this stupid fucking nation. endless war in a post 9-11 era + race-baiting media that triggers frustrated retards in a wealthy nation--that happens to make people worship wealth and not be happy with a comfortable existence and it's been well studied--is what's causing it. you could deliver 100 guns to every adult and mass shootings wouldn't go up.

there was a story today about st. louis and THEIR recent "gun violence" and it's all random kids getting shot by stray gang bullets. little kids have a better chance of being shot randomly in their yard, living room or street, anywhere in black cities than anyone has a chance to die in a mass shooting by white males.

Canadians don't want to be U.S. citizens. It would be like someone from New York deciding to move to Missouri.

why would we want it.. far too cold


Oddly enough, the maritimes are fantastic ignore we have another economic crisis due to the current set up, hence why those provinces are paid by the west as repayment from the Great Depression

he and his father are cancer of Canada.

Your definitions doesn’t quite work as they are based off of there intentions. They are all similar really. NDP used to be communist, but have since given up and are just more about social services, and Green Party doesn’t try to win the election, just to have enough seats to try to represent environmental concerns.

And Russia has been wanting the fish and oil from our Northern Territories

The military capacity of the USA is downright ridiculous and thier Navy alone could take apart the rest of the world. The thing is the US would never fully utilize its power like that since it would require fundamentally changing into a self defeating police state that runs the world at gunpoint

As an actual Canadian I would have to say it would be easy to take most of the south but a living hell to hold due to the natives there are enough patriotic Canadians who would snipe you from the woods who would destroy infrastructure and raid supply lines not all of us are urban cucks a lot of us in Alberta and the rural lands would never tolerate the US then there are the boys over in Quebec who would likely turn to terrorism since Quebec wants to be its own country just a heads up for our American friends though just cause we do not have hand guns does not mean we do not have long arms and a lot of them as well as the BEST snipers in the world

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>48 hours
Every time the US thought it was going to get a nice little quick victory like that, we got fucked OP.

China can't even organize war games due to the poor state of its military let alone fight across the planet

>enough patriotic Canadians who would snipe you from the woods
wait I thought guns were b& there??

hahahahahahaha.... no

No there are TONS of guns in Canada hunting rifles and sports rifles shotguns and the like as well as handguns for police and security just stricter licences

Shit. You guys put us to shame. You should be invading US.

We'll take Washington, Oregon, and California.
Give the rest to the fucking confederates.

You realize Canada has more guns per household right? We just have them regulated more, and don’t kill our students.
And Canadians don’t roll over to force, only our politicians do.
And even our conservatives make fun of the US, sorry

We’ll burn down your White House all over it again. Hence why you painted it white in the first place.

In 1812 Canada gained land, which in a defensive war is considered more than a victory, as a complete victory for the defender is to maintain borders.

Canada gained land in 1812 how is that ya losing?

That war was, as they wanted the ports to attack the British isles, and attacked Canada after we refused to help.

are you high america doesn't claim to be peaceful we've been in war one way or another for almost 195 years.

Canadians always had tons, read stories of all major combats we’ve been in - Canadians even without the best equipment have been able to do more with less.

My was that Americans say they are best at war while saying that they are best at peace. Both are not possible together

> take a second watching your country
Ok Mr. Under control. Looks like you're all fine taking over the world.

There would be no point. They already play by the economic rules that the US has put into place, and that's all that matters to the US.

We'd hold out for a few weeks, until the rest of the world saw it's chance to unite and attack The Great Satan and divvy it all up. It's be The Islamic States of Mohamed inside three months.

Yeah all the camels and catapults would take a long time to load onto all thier rowboats

If we needed to take it over we would just tell them and then they would accept. Literally 30 seconds.

Stay mad, amerimutt, stay mad.

Suure cuck boi

I gotta ask what are you supporting? The mudslimes that would be trying to throw rocks across the Atlantic if nobody gave them modern tech for oil? The Eurocucks begging for those same folks to erase them? Russia or China?

You stay reliant on our military bitch

Yes I am sure the Canadian military the peace keepers who have seen the most action in the entire world are going to be alarmed by what ever fresh female soldiers you had to drag your bar down to recruit where as our military forces have been in ALL of the war zones in every terrain and know how to work with out all that fancy tech your boys need to wipe there own ass with

Casualty rate was high due to having low numbers compared to everyone else

LOL, Texas could take over Canada.

try it redneck

You're pretty easily triggered

Canada happily sucks China's dick and veritably cum giggles at the thought of the Royal Family giving everyone one of their children AIDS before they have their heads cut off for being protestant or some shh

The States of Kansas, Tennessee and North Carolina could single handedly make a grave of every Canadian.
Canadians are punks. Coward weak pathetic punks. Name one funny Canadian comedian. Theyre all fag jihadis.

I am sure the logistics of that would be interesting what with no federal soldiers no federal weapons and no federal money and a lower number of personal firearms per house hold Texas is big but it aint no Quebec that is fur sure what with being more then half the size and all

While it's quite possible that the US may be able to take the major population centres within 24 hours using blitzkreig-like tactics, the real problem will be the build up before the invasion. The inability of people to keep their damn mouths shut will ensure the Canadians are well aware of the build up.

Well timed strikes on telecommunication sites may be able to stymie some of the information leak, but this action will also have to take place on US soil, which may alarm the locals and cause a faster spread of information.

Once the major cities have be taken, the government will probably surrender. But what does the US do with the 37 million Canadian citizens. An invasion by a former ally will inevitably cause widespread resentment, and terrorist and guerilla action will be a new reality.

Also, the vast majority of Canadas mineral wealth lies to the north, in sparsely populated areas. Impossible to patrol well with anything but a massive police force. And an insurgent looks just like a citizen until your Humvee explodes.

Reaction at home will almost certainly be limited. Power in the US in concentrated in Washington and NY. While a significant portion of the population live in the south and west, protests there are easily overlooked. The population spread also creates indifference, as those in the south are more likely to feel the US 'took what was rightfully hers'. Advantages of launching the invasion from the north, specifically the Dakota area include the low population, which will significantly reduce opposition.

So yes, South Canada could be made to surrender in 24 hours, but resistance from North Canada may well cause another Vietnam style situation

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com.png (894x767, 414K)

try it fags

"i dont want to be a state"
"people shouldnt have rights"
fucking boot licker!

too much a cuck fag country to even try. too afraid that you'd get wrecked

>The War of Independence
americans, far too educated