I'm tired of being ignored and left alone my whole life. it's been 28 years of loneliness

i'm tired of being ignored and left alone my whole life. it's been 28 years of loneliness.

any girl who messages me on kik will get money. i'm giving away all of my money before i kill myself at the end of the thread.

kik: tericks

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-25 at 5.32.35 PM.png (549x726, 685K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/Search=Really Nice Rope

Here's a idea. Take your money. Go buy some drugs you always wanted . Go buy a gf to fuck, anyone can with money dumbass . Get out of the house. Forcing yourself to be out and go places will eventually get you somewhere. And don't be a fucking buster dude. Go get in a fight. Not give a fuck about what everyone thinks like. Dude there's ways to be happy if your not a idiot about it trust me I know I was depressed my whole life

Dude atleast go get a hooker to suck your dick

P.s. nobody wants to post on ur shite thread cause people don't care your depressed and no one ever will it's up to you to change your life and as soon as you do people will like you. And that advice is free my nigga

I could use some money my man

i'm mentally and emotionally exhausted. i don't have it in me to organize anything like that. i have about enough left to start a stream and blow my brains out but that's about it

Girls love car's. Put a payment on a nice fast car and roast the goddam tires off of it downtown. And pussy will flock. Gen z girls love fuccbois dude turn your hat backwards hop in the new cobra and hit your vape while doing a burnout and you'll make friends

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I've smashed more ass than most and I'm here to tell you it's not all it's chocked up to be dude.
Go rub one out and see if you're still looking for a bitch to love.
You have to be comfortable with yourself and confident with yourself. After that pussy ain't shit man.
Take that dough and take your parents on a trip or pay for a few courses in something that you're interested in. Time is short man and it never slows down. Make the most out of what you have.
If you're on the ps network post your I'd and I'll add you and chop it up with you.

>this thread again

I feel you op, just go get wasted man. things will get better

...I just came to watch you kill yourself

hey nigger how can I be sure you're gonna give actual money, eh? also I'm a trap fagboy, can I give you all the attention you could ever ask for U////w////U~~

would totally do if if I was 28 with only 6k in the bank

>mentally and emotionally exhausted.

Take a nap dude. Wake up, eat some good healthy food and see how you feel then. Every jumper whose ever survived always says the same thing - about halfway down they realised just how insignificant and solvable all their problems were.

Fix your shit user, God can't help you but you can.

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Well then there ya go. You gave up dude. And that's pathetic. I'm 25 with a 7 yo daughter I've never had shit I got ran over by a car and I'm disabled I've been shot,stabbed, killed a man , homeless, and shit on everyday and I'm still here and I finally got out of my slouch I work for a friend making fourty bucks a day if that and my car just broke down and your gonna tell me your giving up in your life cause your exhausted? Dude what. Try being me you really probably don't have it that bad. If your alive and healthy you have it good my man


Before you kill yourself OP, please type "I Want To Kill Myself (What To Do If You're Suicidal) - Teal Swan" in youtube and spend your last 24 minutes watching that video. I don't care about your money, I just want you to live. There is hope for everyone. She herself tried to commit suicide multiple times before committing completely to life, and she didn't do it from an "inspired" POV, she just realized she'll never have the kind of life she wants if she wouldn't commit. Please OP watch this video before you do anything.

i don't agree with you user. I was depressed my whole life and I DO care if another fellow human gives up and kills himself because of it. It's no fun to be in it. It is possible to find people that genuinely want to be in your company just because they want to.

How much will you give me OP?

Sheit mon

Congrats user for shaming someone who's actually in a bad place, I bet you're really proud of yourself. Everyone's different and everyone has a different sensitivity, it doesn't make you less of a person. Having external problems actually makes it more easy to face, because you can see your problem, you can face it and you can change it. Depression is a bitch, it hides inside, you may have everything a normal person would call a "perfect" life and still feel like shit. Don't judge another one only because you think you had it worse. You may had a tougher life, but that doesn't mean you're entitled at ordering people around and saying how they should be.

^ This. Sex and women are overrated.
Women are frustrating and will complicate your life. They'll suck away your time, your money, and any youth you might have left. It's not worth it.
Eventually you just get bored and start looking for other shit to amuse yourself with.

Take your time and arrange a meeting with a hooker. When you're done cumming on her you'll see the world very differently.

Use some of that money for a flight to Colombia (Cartagena or bigger) and get yourself a few hot chicks...they dig foreigners

Dont suicide. You deserve to live. Devote your life to helping others. Taking on such responsibilities will give you ample purpose and motivation to keep going. Wish you the best

Hold on, I've got a really good way for you to spend your last few days on this earth. Classic WoW is coming out tomorrow, go play it. You are going to kill yourself anyways so why not try it out? I'm telling you go play it until you waste all of your money.

are you still alive bro


Here is some ass

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why kill yourself when you can commit a mass shooting? I've got a few suggestions: Niggers, Jews, Wall Street, US Gov building

How do we know you're OP?
Post dicpics.


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I was in your same place a couple months ago. The best advice I can give you is, first of all, if you can afford it, get a therapist. Therapy really does help, at least because you can have someone to see and talk. You can also try to say to yourself "I can always kill myself in 5 minutes", but then proceed to put all of your energy in those 5 minutes in doing whatever you're doing. Really commit to those 5 minutes. But right now, I think you really need to get at least some sleep. You can always kill yourself tomorrow.

Bro what kind of downer gay shit is that, get you ass up and go get a hooker or something get a hoobie, that >I'm MeNtAllY AnD EmoTIoNalLy ExHausTEd
is some piss poor excuse just to do nothing.

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don't listen to these faggots, they lost hope long ago but were able to numb themselves enough to not feel it anymore. The fact that you care enough to make a post means you're still feeling. Feeling is what keeps you alive, feeling is what we live for, really, there's nothing more than it. You're way more ahead than you would like to think.

Or get some pizza which basically the same.

Get some rest. You need it. If you're exhausted, let yourself be soothed a little bit. Make yourself a tea and get under a blanket. You're not less valuable if you cry and let your emotions out, crying will make you feel a little bit of relief. Search for what would make you feel a little bit relief, one thing after another. It also may mean getting your head stoned all day and just watch Rick and Morty as I did. Nothing wrong in it. You'll get better user.

I know how you feel. when I'm lying in bed, I can barely get myself to walk across the room and pack bowl

A lot of gigantic faggots ITT


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Go to Medellin or Cartagena in Colombia. Do coke and go to the strip clubs every night. You’ve got enough to do it. It’ll be a complete 180 for you

How much money do you have left?

after he's done racking up a 40 or 50 thousand dollar car payment he's going to be alive and go to work every day to pay for it. How's he gonna eat? death is a better alternative to being a hobo and if you disagree with me then you've never been in a homeless camp or stayed in a shelter

UP, don't let this thread end

Getting angry makes me energized and want to fuck. Just rolling over and dieing is dumb.

Those that hung themselves (and survived) never seem to have regrets though, it's only the jumpers


I tried to hung myself and I regret it, your argument is invalid

Tell me more, fuck. What made you want to do it? I was just shit posting

Nice. Maximum incel status. Just keep putting yourself out there OP, can’t get any worse.

14 people messaged, none proved to be girls.

Dude, you can get like twenty hookers for that. At the same time.

Just lost my boyfriend and one of my best friends. I got out of the hospital that day, got in like 3 day before that because I was afraid of killing myself. Got sexually harassed in the psychiatric ward, immediately got out, got to my house, realize that after 3 days of total boredom I didn't want to do nothing. Wasn't interested in watching anything, reading anything, doing anything. Told a friend. Got 6 calm pills down. Tried to hung myself at the door twice with a belt. My friend told my ex boyfriend who called the ER.
Basically I lost another bestfriend because I was "too much to handle" for her and my boyfriend, but totally. He doesn't reply to any of my messages and apparently wants to have nothing to do with me.
I got better thanks to Teal Swan, I managed to get to the US and see her and whenever I'm down I think of when I hugged her and now I'm doing much better.

Fail at life and at death. Just jump off a roof already you intimidated waste of oxygen

yeah man like I'm taking orders from a virgin on Yea Forums lol

Good to hear, depression comes in waves, they can be long ass waves that take months, but they are waves. Gotta ride them through to completion

ignore this scrub

I'll be your sex slave. Hope you don't have high standards

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you're totally right man. Actually it was like a year of feeling like shit and then 3 months of almost complete despair. Touching the end of the hole was the hell, I did nothing but smoke joints and watch netflix all day for like a month. Thankfully a friend of mine I didn't hear in a while got interested and invited me to go on vacation for some days, it really helped to know that there are actual people out there that don't care if you're depressed and enjoy your company anyways.

Think what you will. Been coming here since before all you millenial fucking cry baby's. Since 2004 and I still consider myself a newfag. It's you center of the earth thinking losers that have ruined this website. Nobody wants to hear about your attempted suicide because we all wish you would have succeeded

Would you send money to a Brazilian guy? I don't have much to offer, I just want out of this place

Man who cares about the website really. There's not a rule out there stating that we have to be mean to each other just because we're here. At the end of the day, there's always another human being behind every comment, even if you can't see or feel it. Thankfully I've been bullied enough in school to be completely unaffected by what you're saying, but other people may not be and I'm not standing here doing nothing while a fellow human is in a desperate state planning on killing himself. I don't care what website I'm on, it could be Yea Forums, it could be facebook, it could be reddit, I don't care. We're all humans in here.

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Christ sakes go back to fucking tumblr you thigh cutter

It's easy to live a life not feeling anything. Really, it IS easy. You just numb yourself and go on. Don't think you're better than anyone else here just because you're so experienced or what. The system has to change based on the people that are in it, not the other way around. Read that again. And again. And again. And again. And realize it doesn't even apply to this website alone, but to society entirely.

How much money?



PayPal magscorch
Do it no balls

is2.Yea Forums.org/b/1566775971965.png

I could buy a new truck with that money, mines shitting out.

it's kik girl. probably gonna be on this thread daily.

Buy some drugs and prostitutes fag. Why are you being a cuck right before you die. If you're really suicidal go take some amphetamines and do some crazy shit




I want to buy rainbow six sige please I have no friend I don't leave my room give me 40 dollar please


Guys please don't let this thread end, I talked to OP on kik and he's serious on wanting to die after the thread ends, this is the only thing keeping him alive. Don't let this thread end

How could you tell he isn't lying?

We gonna need proof of that one chief


He doesn't reply that much. He says he's tired of anything. If he wasn't serious, he would probably reply more often.

man what kind of proof can I give you. Conversations? As if a thread like this wouldn't be enough

Maybe he isn't replying because he is chatting with more people like u

Maybe. I don't know. Do you want to risk a man's life because you don't want to keep a stupid thread alive?

You know that the threads cant go forever right?

I mean the dude just had his fun and got some laughs and left and u r still concerned about his life

>this is the only thing keeping him alive.
hmmm... did somebody say spidey thread?

He's still replying to me though, he didn't left. Honestly I trust myself to feel if somebody's lying or not.

OK ask him to give me 40 dollars cuz I want to play rainbow six sige

Define care.
Like I would be a little disturbed if user suicides but I wouldn't lose sleep over it.
I think the same could be said for you as well.

All in all no one really gives a shite

I am literally losing sleep because of it but okay man think what you want. I'm just very touched by it because I was in the same place less than two months ago

Listen, he won't do it just go to sleep

People do give a shit. Not everybody does because they managed to numb themselves to cope with this world, but I can assure you that people do care.



You only have 1 life bro...make the best of it please

Gg I guess


Bump for ops life, stay strong look at all the anons caring. It's beautiful

>All in all no one really gives a shite
everyone in this thread could kill themselves in front of me and I'd stil fall asleep tonight. I genuinely do not care about anyone

Whoa, we got a badass out here

Where's op?

it's "over here" and I care the least about you

anyone know how much money op has left? Is he going to kill himself or not?

Ask him

Since OP knows there are people like me, he could have been manipulating his conversations to appease people like me. Alternitavely he could just be doing this for shits and giggles

I would bet less people survive the hanging, and as scary as hanging is, jumping is probably a lot more terrifying.

Still alive, OP?

yes. i'm done now. i gave as much as i could, not that many girls hmu or wanted to prove they were real.

goodbye world. didn't think the thread would last this long. don't bump this, i'm done.

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Fuck you OP.

My girl reached out to you and you’re so delusional that you think she somehow photoshopped her obviously real proof pic.

You don’t want help.

Fuck off and die.


Don't go op

Same bro fuck OP hes the big nig of 2019

post here, I can tell by the pixels

you're not even going to share with us? kys you faggot

Pics on her phone.

and you can't get her to send it to you? cuck

She’s asleep.

have her post it then you fucking cuck

Is there an archive website for the /fa/ board on Yea Forums? If so, what is it?

>I am literally losing sleep because of it

Why? This faggot posts a thread like this every week or two. He hasn't done it yet, and never will.

Dude, you mean to tell me that you aren't going to leave enough money to pay for the funeral with cremation? That's fucked up!

Hey OP are you still here? Can I talk to you via something? I have depression anxiety and DID I've been as bad as you let me just talk to a suicidal to another

what kind of degree do you have, faggot?

Spend your money on something nice user, there has to be something you enjoy, something you wanna do before you go

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OP probably just cried and fell asleep

we've all been depressed an anxious. Nobody fucking cared then and nobody cares now. stfu kill yourself you piece of shit i hate your guts and other people like you because you fake being nice and then you are actuially meany bo-beanies and i can't stand it because you are a terrible people that doesnt like when others do that to you but you do it to them back anyway because you are evil and want their money so you try to trick them and take it all away and leave them with nothing and then tell them to kill themselves and they get close to the edge but then you feel bad because you spent all their money and you call up their dad in the middle of the night but he was fucking a prostitute and you itnerrupted his fucky so you get mean dad at you but you explain to him that his son going to kill slef but he not care because bad dad with hooker is just a bad dad and doesn't love his son anymore because he abandoned him when he was born or before because he was drug addiction then the vatican bombed israel and we were saved.

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>then the vatican bombed israel and we were saved

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See, THIS is how men are supposed to act.
Be useful to women, and then remove yourself from the board.


more spideys

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The funny thing about this is most incels aren’t this ugly. Anons complain about being alone and never finding anyone to care about them but would rather die than fuck that girl. They just have standards and honestly I don’t blame them, you can’t get joy from someone you find repulsive.

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thank god spidey is here to nuke the thread

>Realistic VR Fucking
>Hormone release-control systems

Once the trifecta is obtained, women will literally be obsolete, worthless, burdensome trash.

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ily spiderman

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srry bb i got over a thousand spideys but i need to get up in 5 hrs :( maybe i'll derail a massive faggot's thread for you tomorrow

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Biggest asshole ive ever came in contact with. Hes just trying to make people feel bad for not doing exactly as he says

Use the money and disappear find a new life

Inspect element is cool

google.com/Search=Really Nice Rope

I’m the last link. No reason to call me out, I’d rather be alone than sleep with a pig.


let it die. nobody is messaging me on kik anyways. this thread is useless. let it die. no more bumps.




op doesn't even respond on kik, why bump

Alright i can stream it on youtube, facebook, twitch. i have a shotgun and bleach first to send me tits with a timestamp on kik picks where i stream first to send feet+asshole timestamped picks which i use. i'm tired please hurry up or i'll just exit car myself.

Do you have anything other than kik? It refuses to download on my phone.

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This better not be a ruse.

post the penis next

Nice shop br0

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sharpie in pooper
tradition demands it

Nice fucking ratio thanks for making me forget about her for a bit

Attached: CYMERA_20190826_022325.jpg (768x1024, 494K)

I will skip your advice lady.

fuck the loser..

this chick is nice.

thots everywhere, who knew eh

so you're genetically a male? can't see any other reason why you would be hiding your "vagina"

You would be too if you were a hot grill.


Attached: CYMERA_20190820_011237.jpg (768x1024, 335K)

Nope i know the long-game, and would know it as a girl too.

put the same sharpie in there if you wan't to really prove us

this guy knows how to pull up from a nose-dive depression

Retard what is a UTI?

Are you not entertained? Op just transferred his shit to checking, and we got a sharpie in pooper. This bread is toasty.

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Again, nice shop br0

Don't worry, I used a different shade of green because of that. Poop in the cooch is no bueno.


I believe you


How many fingers can you fit in there

should've posted this on Reddit attention whore

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here for u user.

It's alright op, stay a bit longer
You'll look back and see things differently eventually

back to being ghosted by everyone. everyone ignoring me. nobody pretending they care.

i will die alone, with nobody caring, just as i lived.

same, so what?

i forgot to add, am waiting for my 15y old dog to die so i get a parrot, and that bird will live longer than me. A goal of sorts.

Whats about the stream?

Full body pic?


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Op didn't delivar, obviously.

>Op didn't delivar, obviously.
we have had this same thread on friday, it's obv a seeking attention larper

OP is kill abandon thread dont forget to pickup you trash while leaving the area thanks to all who participated. OP couldn't get saved, see you all in the next thread.

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Yea Forums is not your personal army

>it's obv a seeking attention larper
maybe he isn't
might be just a guy who is walking on a ledge
one thread he might actually go through with it
wouldn't be first time for Yea Forums that OP actually delivers

And literally nothing of value would be lost.

I really hope you're right, I've been talking to OP for a couple hours and he seems set on doing it.

threads over, i watched op shoot himself. he asked if i wanted to watch, i thought it was a joke.

please tell me this is a sick fucking joke. he just asked me the same thing but I begged him to stop.

Link or didn’t happen

for you

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it had to be real, there's no way it was fake.
it was on kik, i didn't get a chance to screencap it since it was over so fast

i can't fucking believe this. he wanted me to send him nudes to proved I cared but I didn't. Kinda wishing I did now.

if you are the chick up there who said she couldn't download kik you could have saved him prob
not your fault tho. op took his decision all by himself

link livestream faggot

im op shot cock

its me, op. im dead but now ghostposting.

im a huge faggot, nothing of value was lost

Shut up retard. Make yourself useful and get a job. If you really were gonna kill yourself you wouldn't even pay anyway.
>I'm giving away all of my money
may as well donate it to something worthy of it incel.

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nah that chick wasn't me but he was saying how he didn't like that she posted in the thread for everyone to see. if kik would've downloaded she probably would have been able to talk him out of it. (this is me shifting the blame away from myself, I doubt any of us could have stopped it)

did he videochat you?

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nvm he dead

>i dont even know how u look
>but i care bout u intimately

so much feelings for numbers moving.

nono, gore is not my kind of thing but hey, you tried. maybe on another life, if i get to be born female and cute, i would use my body to try deter people from killing themselves too

that's hard, user. Sorry you had to experience that.

>implying looks have anything to do with someone caring about u

u still care about ur mom and shes an ugly bitch right?

he and I talked for a while and it's sad that he ended up taking his own life. rip user.

if OP was the incel type it would have worked

>dont even
if i threaten u with suicide, will u be my belle delphine too?

hey, man. I'll message you

By far the best larp in recent memories. Great job you, get a rare pepe.
put me in the screen cap.

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He's already gone

I'm a girl gief money

Aslan massage parlor
Even better go to thailand


No you don't
You wouldn't lift a finger
You're just virtue signaling

Is op still here

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Suicide blackmail
>i will kms unless anonettes suck my dick

You'll never leave
The few who do are parasitic whores anyway
My ex is br-hue
A good worker... of dicks
So close to becoming an actual whore out of sheer manhating
She would kneel down and worship your dick like none other
but she hated herself and her dad too much to ever commit to or trust a guy
Whores will be whores
Other brazilians you meet in the west are leeches, profiteers, conpeople, the whole lot of them
Even she says so, in between sucking dicks

>fellow human
You're not fooling anyone, Juden rat

Do a flip faggot


I'd be happy if OP the faggot an heroed
One less faggot in the world, hurrah!
Lol get a skin op
This is b
Only vaginas who dont belong here will support you
Also males are disposable
Adapt or die, nobody gives a shit

People do care
But many 'people' arent real people
They didnt numb themselves
They never felt compassion nor empathy their whole lives
There are two races of people and this is the dividing line
OP is a flying faggot and nobody should care but his family and friends

Yeah no you cant really die as a soul
Question is what kind of a soul do you have

It's fake

Suck his dick and find out
Do you have a feminine vagina?
Do you know your way around a dick?
Now is your chance to make 5000 bucks

out of spite, she got "standards" now and ran away

You can always kill yourself tomorrow.

>be a hole
>browse b
>get given free dough by a suicidal faggot just for having an extra hole
>such is life in a sexually reproduced species

>my girl
Do you wanted the money hmm
Glad op saw through your pathetic male scheme

You are so lucky to be leaving this shit world

ITT: niggers

You're very pretty, please don't waste your time with a bunch of degenerates :)

Also RIP OP.

trying to an hero

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you come over a suicide thread to ask about that shit?

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goody fuck here
can confirm
we dont actually give a shit, we just pretend in order to feel good about ourselves

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op is a faggot
instead of getting educated on /pol/ about the glorious missions of the white race...
oh wait he's probably a nigger

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Op is dead?

Well there’s a surprise

Yep, killed himself a few hours ago


Some user saw it but didn't screencap it

how he did it? story?


Shot himself



Don't know, I'm not the user who saw it, but op was talking about blowing his brains out

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ok, that sounds reliable death.

Fuck off faggot

it was on a video chat on kik i think