Black people are good at sports, asians are good at math. what are white people good at?

black people are good at sports, asians are good at math. what are white people good at?

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governing , innovating and trade

being wealthy and successful. and as it seems lately, giving their females to the blacks

Everything in between. But mostly civilization.

You call this "successful". Interesting.

Literally everything else. You know there is much more in life than sports and math.


I don't, but it's a occurrence which I can't ignore. first though of it as just another meme, but after talking with my friends I found out the majority wants to share their girlfriends with black guys

Building civilizations and improving the quality of human life.
You're welcome, by the way.

Causing environmental catastrophe, war, brainwashing the poor and the stupid

whites have lvl 30 in trolling online when spawn.
and gain 5% extra xp with trading.
however white males have -10% penis size and women have -2% fertility rate at spawn.
asians have lvl15 in math at spawn and black have -20% in math at spawn however blacks have +25% xp gains in stamina and asians have ´an petite for rice.

t. person who didn't contribute to any of that


jumping and running qualifies as all sports now? well shieeet

Those are some strange digits...

ITT white people pat themselves on the back because of their inferiority complex

white - easy
asian - normal
black - hard
arab - insane


Let me explain something to you about this "Black People are better at sports/Black People are taller/stronger/faster/more athletic" meme.

Black Men are over represented in sports because of their culture.
Black Men are not more physical, stronger, or even taller on average.
Tallest country in the world? Denmark.

Imagine you are a Black Kid in the inner city.
You likely only have a mom at home. You are poor. Your city is full of crime. You have a low IQ and aren't good at school. Your dad is in jail or just left for a pack of cigarettes and never came back.
Your mom is working 2 jobs and can't watch you very much so you don't do your homework, you can't learn a musical instrument because your school doesn't have it, you go around either doing hood rat shit or playing ball.

You have no options.
You aren't good at school.
You don't have the resources to learn something else (musical instrument, drama class, art class, film, computer programming, STEM classes)
You don't have any job opportunities because your neighborhood is shit.

Black "Culture" is one of crime and degeneracy, and the only way for a Black Kid to find success in such a terrible culture is in only 1 area: Sports.

Black Kids don't have their time split among different things.
They aren't studying for SATs, or studying Music, or Art, or anything. They aren't even hanging out with their mom or dad because they are never at home.

This culture fosters out more professional sports athletes because it can't produce anything else.

>be 6'3 white 18 year old
>could be comedian, actor, musician, engineer, lawyer, banker, doctor, carpenter, or football player

>be 6'3 black 18 year old
>low iq so can't be engineer, lawyer, banker or doctor
>no job opportunities to learn to be a carpenter
>school doesn't have drama or music classes plus even if it did other blacks would make fun of me and I wouldn't pursue it
>only option is football player

we make a pretty mean meatloaf

Power, world domination and cultural influence


Enslaving people and conquering lands

Whites are the baseline against which all other races are judged.


ruling the known world, enslaving the lesser races, and being fucking cool as shit.

Inventing the sports and discovering the math

You can't have it both ways, user. Are we white people or individuals?

letting their women get bred by black men

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Convincing shitskins to move into their lands

and breed their women

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Historically eastern Europeans were the gods of mathematics. Euler, Cantor, Von Neumann.


Your friends with some cuck ass faggots then bro.


No he's right. I'm white and would love to see my girl get pounded by some big black cocks.

This, hahaha

This is a good well made point.

Beautiful trips

How come black penises are far more effective at genociding the white race then?

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sure, (((white)))

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White people represent the standard that Asians wish to look like. Blacks wish they could command the respect white people have and in general have the aptitude to become whatever they want without restriction. Not trying to sound racist this is just the fact that others well traveled could attest to as being true. When black history month comes out the media tries really hard to find good examples in science and history of overcomers. I wish history could have been different but it will take countless generations for the echo patterns to disaper and become muted. Germany and Nazi stigma is just as hard to live down. People make mistakes and it takes time to live it down.

Are you implying all white men must be racist anti-black Nazis like you? I find that highly offensive as a white man.

Blacks command an infinitely higher respect than weak pathetic white boys who have to shoot up schools to get respect. You don't know what you're talking about

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Killing asians and blacks. Whites are a warrior race. (or were until WW2)

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Fashion faux pas.

absolute disgrace

your gf should leave you for a 4ft chink

I hope you'll slowly die of cancer, nigger. When the day of the rope comes you will be right after jews in line.

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Imagine falling this low

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Get your head out of your ass, look around. White race is getting genocided by these niggers. Wake up white man, don't let your people die.

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Human progress


engineering, science, technology, art, music, medicine, exploration, trade

Breeding blacks to be good at sports.

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Waging war. Conquering inferiors. Ruling the world.

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creating the modern world

yeah why is that? being a cuck is the new trend or some shit?

underated pots

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